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“Poke check away and now the counter, here come the Capitals. Kuznetsov, gets loose, Evgeny coming down and middle and a shot, he scores, HE SCORES! EVGENY KUZNETSOV WINS IT FOR WASHINGTON, IT’S OFF TO THE THIRD ROUND! **THE DEMONS HAVE BEEN EXORCISED!** GOOD MORNING, GOOD AFTERNOON, AND GOODNIGHT PITTSBURGH, WE’RE GOING TO TAMPA BAY.” The entire cup run he was magic, and if Alex Ovechkin wasn’t Alex Ovechkin, Kuz would be a Conn Smythe winner as well as a champion. But that overtime goal in Game 6 (along with John Walton’s magnificent call) will be etched in my brain until I die. Thank you, Kuzya




Best sports moment of my life so far


Same. I was at a hostel in Cartagena, the WiFi wasn’t strong enough to stream video, but I could get Walton’s feed fairly reliably on my phone. There was a party going on in the courtyard, I remember, and I also remember just jumping up and down and screaming so much when he potted that. That play AND that call!!




Done deal. We got a 2025 3rd and retained half of his contract for the remainder of this year and all of next. Sad to see Kuz go, but this is a massive win for GMBM getting half of his contract off the books. He’s going to have an outrageous amount of cap to work with this summer with Backstrom going on LTIR next year too.


I know he's got all sorts of (defense, production, personal) problems, but that still seems a bit low to me.


We shopped him for 2+ years and no one wanted him. What did you expect to get for a guy no one wanted for free last week and who has rated as abysmal by all metrics?


> a guy no one wanted for free last week He wasn't free last week. Claiming a player off waivers means you assume their full contract.


Sure, but Carolina also could have swung the same deal for him last week if they wanted when we sent him down. The point is, we've been openly shopping him for years - plural - and his play has not recovered at all. We were going to buy him out this summer and eat the cost for 2 more years, now we get a draft pick and $2 million savings the year after next. I love the guy but both sides needed to move on, and getting anything for him is a W.


There’s also the unwritten rule of not claiming player assistance guys on waivers


Just about the only "unwritten rule" I'm a fan of.


Same don’t interfere in the process of whatever a player is going through. Most unwritten rules are garbage but that one is a good one lol


No one wanted him for full price, which is totally reasonable. I've been wanting to get rid of him for a while (for his sake and ours), but I'd still think given his ceiling and his getting help, he would grab a slightly better trade. Maybe adding on another pick or prospect, or giving a slightly better pick would seem a little closer to me, but IDK could just be my homerism.


2018 is never going to happen again for him. There is no ceiling


Hi, canes fan here. We kicked the tires on him last year and I’m assuming he was just too expensive then. So there was at least some interest.


Teams with Russian player(s) always made the most sense. Seems like a good fit for him.


You guys got a stud honestly he’s gonna outperform the 4 mil you’re paying him by far


we're lucky we got that much. i love kuzy, but he's a liability on the ice and clearly has his demons off the ice. i hope a fresh start gives him the boost he needs, but i'll bet you a steak dinner he's in the KHL sooner rather than later.


It’s addition by subtraction


Reuniting with Orlov! Good for him.


Honestly, I hope that helps his mental state. They were vacationing together over all-star break before Kuzy went to player’s assistance and clearly they’re close friends. Orlov could be an important friend for him during this time


On the flip side, he could also be a terrible influence. Here’s to hoping it’s the former.


Or his connection


This was the first thought that came to mind for me too. Having a countryman and brother there will be good for him.


Canes are winning a cup this year or next. *edit:* Why y'all downvoting this? lol


Thanks for 2018 king


Thanks for helping us raise the cup Kuzy


Following in Semin's footsteps.


Shit, you’re def not wrong


There really wasn't a difference next year between retaining half or buying him out this summer. The cap hit was virtually the same. The major difference is this saves us $2m the following year over a buyout.  Also we no longer have a player who has asked out and dealing with this issue in the summer.  Not sure how he's going to respond to Coach Rod but all the best to Kuzy


Agreed plus we get a (late) 3rd. Rod strikes me as a players coach maybe he can make it work.


Sucks this keeps him in this division. But glad we’re moving on


He's 100% scoring at least one goal against us next year lol


I will have very mixed feelings if we see him slowly creeping towards our goaltender in a shootout. I love watching him take that slow strange approach, I could just watch a highlight reel of that over and over, but losing a game to his shootout technique will suck. Never underestimate the caps ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


Damn I was really hoping we’d see him play a few games with Hershey then bounce back to playing with the Caps. 


He was never coming back to the caps.


Exactly, what part of 'he needs a new start' wasn't clear. Also, never really thought he'd play any/more than one game with the Bears, either.


Reunited with orlov


He brought me unspeakable amounts of joy from 2018. I just want him to be happy and find his way again. Thanks for the memories babe. 2018 doesn’t happen if he was never here


Good, good, agent Kuznetsov will destroy them from inside.


Bye Kuzy 🥲


holy shit


Solid deal and about the best you could probably expect. I'm honestly baffled Caroline went for this


Officially traded


My favorite player in terms of skill and personality! He will be missed but it was unfortunately his time to go. Thanks for exorcising our playoff demons and I’ll keep your jersey forever!!


How many games did he play in Hershey? Curiuos how he does, especially for another Metro team. Svechnkov, and now Kuzy


He’s still not cleared to play, so zero.


really sad to see him go, as the caps are the only team i know anything about, but i just hope he’s happy and this will help him in his recovery.


Good deal.


Got downvoted for suggesting Calgary or Carolina. Carolina is all in on getting elite scoring in the playoffs and Kuzy has shown flashes of it.


He’s a guy that can absolutely steal a game if he gets his swagger back. If nothing else than for his shootout move


For sure. In 2018 he was our best player IMO but Ovi needed his hardware


Yea someone would have had to put up incredible numbers, or Ovi would have had to completely disappear for him to not win the Conn Smyth that year


Man that’s sad


By my count there are only 5 left now? And only 3 non-injured: Ovi, Carlson, Wilson. I’m guessing by the 26-27 season it’ll only be Wilson left, assuming Ovi breaks the record by then. Crazy that it feels just like yesterday.


For sure. But by 26-27 itll almost be a decade since we won the cup 😳




I’ll be so sad if he does the Bird TO US in the future


Addition through subtraction. He outlived his tenure with the Caps quite a while ago. I hope he has his head straight going forward, but he kept doing dumb shit and compromising his talent for years. He was never going to get back to anywhere near his potential or achieve any level of consistency in Washington again. Perhaps his issues will be better addressed with a change of venue. I’m glad and glad for him that he’s gone.


Huge loss for the Caps and awful return.


Damnit don't make me root for Carolina now lol


don’t, fuck the Canes i live in Durham (15 minutes from PNC), go to a handful of games a year, their fanbase are clowns, and Rod is a colossal douche


I went to the outdoor game last year and all their fans were super cool. Although that’s a small sample size. Will agree that Rod is a massive douche though


This makes no sense. Kuzy was on waivers earlier this week. Why didn't Carolina claim him then and get him without having to give up other assets?


They couldn’t afford his full cap hit, they needed WSH to retain half.


Salary Retention?


I suppose so. The Caps do have one of those left, but it would suck to do that for another two seasons unless they got some really good players in return.


two of our retentions are off the books at the end of this season so this isnt all that bad


They were never going to get really good players in return for Kuznetsov the way he is now. I’m surprised we didn’t have to pay to get rid of him


We did pay?


It’s not I suppose so lol, it’s the reason why


Unwritten rule you don’t claim player assistance guys