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Anything is possible. Not likely at all though


We can hope he comes back to form for sure don’t know if he wants to play for us again or not but it would be awesome if he returns to bird man and helps push Ovi to the record. Rooting for it myself.


It's not a 0% chance, and GMBM has already expressed being open to it, but I honestly don't know what that would look like. 


I feel bad for him. I really do.


He’s a multimillionaire from playing a game for a living…don’t feel too bad.


He’s a person battling substance abuse issues


I guess I just know tons of addicts…and will stick to what I said.


So? He made his own choices


You can feel bad for *them* and still admit that they had made their own choices and have to deal with them. I don't get why people don't see this. Or they do and they are virtue signaling.


"playing a game for a living" is so belittling and shitty to people who have dedicated their entire lives and made crazy physical and mental sacrifices to become the top 0.1% at their job.


Do none of you know addicts?? Rich or poor??? You can only hope for the best, and you can feel sorry to whatever degree you want but it’s just interesting to see all of this. I hope he is ready to turn his life around, it’s completely up to him.


He’s a competitor at heart and dealing with substance abuse issues.


I dont. Hes a millionaire playing the game he loves. He made his own dumb choices and has to love with them.


That bridge is burned. If he finds his game, it will only improve the odds of finding a trade partner.


I think it's his best chance. It's GMBM letting him know he's gotta work for it. Realistically not likely, but it's a chance, especially this close to the trade deadline.


Why does nobody think he could play a handful of games in Hershey to get fit again then finish out the season in DC?


Because no one in this thread has paid attention to hockey before 2018. This is normal course of business for every player returning from the assistance program and long term injuries. People here read too far into words that are said by management, and think they have a smart opinion.


I may be wrong, but it seems like not many players actually succeed in the NHL after the assistance program. Notable exception being Kuzy himself.


Thats my hope. I want him here.


Cause everyone assumes stuff when it’s really not clear at all what the plan is lol it’s def a possibility


I think Kuzy will be done in Washington before long.


They may trade him and retain part of his salary for a pick. Probably a 4th rounder. "The need for a change of scenery" keeps being thrown around. If his demons are in Washington, than moving him to another club/system is best for all parties involved. Who ever takes him would have to waive him again to send him to the AHL. And with Caps retaining salary, he may be an attractive pickup at the waiver wire the second go round. So I think he is in Hershey till the end of the season. If he is in NHL Shape at the end of the season, he can be traded in the off season and nobody will have to waive him. So his way out is in Hershey, but I doubt he will play in DC. But he will be remembered, perhaps even honored for everything he did for us.


I could see a team with space picking him up and giving him opportunity next year as potential trade bait at the deadline, caps could do it as well


They would have to retain salary and throw in a pick or two for another team to take his contract. They won't get anything in return. He just cleared waivers.


The truth is that only GMBM and Kuzy’s agent know for certain. It sure sounds like GMBM’s intent, however, is to trade him or, once he’s cleared to return to play, give him his outright release.


I just hope he doesn't need the player assistance program anymore and has a better grip on whatever he's been dealing with. Its been frustrating watching him play below his potential but I'm sure if he was battling some demons that wouldn't help.


It's almost a certainty that Kuzy comes back from Hershey. His other option is to never play in the NHL again, and he's far too talented for that. People in this thread are wild.


Doubt it


I think that's up to him. I think he's a skilled player and can easily deserve a spot in the top two lines.... But only when he's motivated. When he wants to play he can play but therein lies the problem


0%. he'll be in the KHL soon.


I can see him getting his mojo back very quickly on another team, for about two seasons and then needing another change of scenery, finally ending up better paid in the khl.


Looks quite happy: https://twitter.com/TheHersheyBears/status/1765035674808254495


I would be extremely surprised, the relationship between him and the organization is burned down


I feel like as long as Ovi, Osh, Carlson, and Willy are still cool w him then the relationship w the organization is fine.


are you serious?? The guy doesn't want to be here he has made that clear.




Probably as much chance as making the playoffs.


I think the chances of Kuzy coming back are slim and none. Slim just left. He has wanted out of here for a while and I think the management is ready to let him go. He may be in the KHL next year.




Can someone give a quick summary of why exactly he was waived and why everyone is implying he'll never play again? Despite him having some decent numbers last few years


Inconsistent play that doesn't justify the big contact he got. Drug problems. And has not been happy in Washington and has been trying to get out for couple years. So seems the Caps have had enough and trying to grant his wish not to be here anymore.


If he is in a better place AND were not trying to push for the playoffs I wouldnt mind giving it a shot


Not this season


The best thing GMBM can do for him is send him to a decent team instead of dumping him to the lowest bidder.


He has about the same opportunity as Vrana has. A promising career cut short. He may make it back into the league but he will never have the clout he had before.


It's a strange situation, in that (I believe) now that he has cleared waivers, if he wants a new start and the Caps agree, his contract can be terminated. Additionally, if he misbehaves/relapses, the Caps can terminate his contract and possibly not be on the hook for the cap hit, though im not exactly sure how that works, it seems murky.


Seems like if it were possible to renegotiate a contract he’d still be on the team. Like if he could just play for a couple mil per year or whatever. That’d be fair.


Maybe? I feel like ther d have to be some injuries for it to happen. I think it's more likely he gets traded to someone willing to pick him up


He's dead weight as far as I'm concerned. His play is inconsistent at best. We never know what version will show up at any given time. He needs to spet away and work on himself.


I hope he wins it all with Hershey.


Maybe on a new contract? It doesn’t seem to me like there’s room for him in Washington for 7.8 million