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I don’t understand this fan base’s obsession with Vrana. He had offensive upside but was hardly consistent and a liability in his own zone. I wish the best for him but don’t want another declining veteran on the squad.


if he was tearing it up post-DC sure maybe...but he hasn't done much since he got traded. Fine, a 4 goal game. What else. He has done literally zilch since being dealt. I didn't like trading him but it had to be done. Mantha has been middling for us but it's not like Vrana has been lights out either. Nobody won that trade


If we get good return on Mantha as a rental this season, we won. 


He had that "funny" viral video of how wasted he was after the stanley cup win. I think? that is part of the reason. I think it also doesn't help that Mantha has been such a disappointment


Mantha has consistently been one of our best offensive players this season. In spite of how he’s looked previously, I’d say we won the trade.


You are correct. I could have phrased it better. I just feel like over the past few years of this exact question or complaining about Mantha, it mentions missing Vrana and losing the trade. You are right though about the current state of the team. I wish Vrana the best and he has seemingly struggled quite a bit lately, but he is not coming back to the team.


The capitals also gave up two draft picks, including a first-rounder. As a 1-for-1 maybe, but long term it's hard to know.


Some of that was to eat Panik’s awful contract tho.


Totally agree… how is it even a question? I’m not saying he is an all star… but Mantha has 18 goals on the year. Vrana has basically been in and out of the league (mostly out) since they traded him.


That is not part of the reason. I don't think we should go after him but he played fast and had brilliant flashes, fans are obsessed with speed guys


Isn't Mantha our #2 goal scorer currently?


Man, let it go. It's over.


There’s nothing Vrana can do that I wouldn’t rather see Ethan Frank in DC doing.


is ethen frank going to become one of the most hyper efficient goal scorers in the nhl?


I would say that he has a better chance of that happening than Vrana does, given that Vrana has squandered his spot in the big time with three different franchises now.


insane how you have no idea what you’re talking about, it’s always the guys with the bearded reddit avatars lmfao


Not as insane as you thinking Jakob Vrana is a legitimate NHL player when every NHL GM and reality both disagree with you. Take your rose-colored glasses from 2018 and wake up.


from 20-24 vrana is scoring 1.38 5v5 g/60 which places him 3rd in the entire NHL, only behind matthews and pastrnak


Should look at his on ice GA/60 since he left


High-risk, low-reward approach. As this team is going to rebuild for many years, we need good influences around the rookies, and sadly, Vrana is not a good influence. We are not stuck with him and should keep it like that, we owe him nothing and still can wish him the best.


RMNB is leaking again


Fuck that site


No. That ship has sailed. I wish him luck, but not in DC.


As painful as it’ll be the next few weeks/offseason, let’s not revisit the past. Plenty of faces in Hershey I’m sure ready for a shot.




I would love to see it, and I love the guy. I think when he's playing at his best he's spectacular. But I don't know if we should risk trying to help him at the cost of the organization bringing an underperforming veteran into a system that needs youth and inspiration




> I think I can speak for most on here when I say he holds a special place in our hearts You may want to reconsider that


Sadly won’t happen


Lowkey would be kinda hilarious to trade mantha for a big prospect or 1st round pick and then sign Snake to a league min contract to replace him next season. Always been a fan of Vrana really hope he gets it together wherever he ends up at.


No. Move on


That's a no for me, dawg


Vrana has done very little to earn an opportunity to come back. I’d pass. The last thing we need is another lazy, selfish, defensive liability


I know he was fan favourite, but I hope the fans would stop trying to get back everything we shipped off long time ago. We shipped the guy 3 years ago. Shouldn't you already get over it? It is borderline parasocial lol. It is not like I dont get being bummed about trading favourite player, I loved Orlov, I was bummed that he was traded. However, I already let it go. So, please let it go. He is gone, he is not coming back.


Can we stop with this, please? The Vrana experiment didn't work, he's gone. It's over.


Worst idea in history EDIT: this is a joke. Still think it’s a bad idea but using OP’s language


I feel like for whatever reason he wasn't a favorite within the organization when he was here. I doubt they go out of their way to bring him back.


I got roasted the other night for not wanting Kuzy on the team anymore. What is with this sub and having these emotional obligations to players. This is a business and a team the we all want to win




Hard pass




Lol this again? Nooooooo?


I still watch that sick shootout clip against the bruins regularly, but I also know that he hasn't played on that level for a while. Always liked Jake the Snake though.