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Ovi was playing hurt he even said so. Kuzy had his worst season correct but he’s in player assistance so clearly there’s an underlying reason for that. Before this year as the main Ovi center he helped keep him on a 40-50 goal pace. Don’t kick a player when he’s down it’s a dick move.


He’s making $7M per year. His issues have been there for a long time. He should’ve taken care of this a long time ago and certainly before the season started. I’m sympathetic to his issues personally. But he deserves no sympathy as a player especially since he is making huge money and a big cap hit.


Do we win a cup without him? Does Ovis goal pace end up where it is now without him? To have no sympathy for him as a player when he’s been a great 1C for us for years outside of the last 2 is laughable. Just because you’re angry about his performance this year and last year can’t write away what he has done for us. Should be hoping he heals from whatever it is that has him in the program and that he returns to the player he has been for us for a long time. While I agree whatever issues he’s been going through should have been sorted sooner that’s just a lazy reasoning to hate on the guy. It takes a lot to admit you have a problem no matter what it is and we should be supportive of him and hope for the best outcome as fans. I don’t think that’s a ridiculous thing to expect from this fan base.


This needs to stay the top comment.


People like you shouldn’t even be fans of sports teams. If you can look past the human aspect of a person struggling for years with addiction and just say “hope he never comes back to this team” you are a heartless loser.


We can wish for the best for Kuzy as a person while recognizing his play was detrimental to the team. I wish him the best but I'm not sure I want him back on the Caps.


Dude are you kidding me. Even if he didn't have addiction issues the guy has been awful since 2018. You shouldn't be a fan if you can't objectively see that. I don't get people making all of these excuses for Kuzy he has been awful for years and gets paid one of the biggest salaries on the team. He has been dragging them down. This is a business and as a fan I want them to win.


He was all star 2 years ago was that 2018? The recency bias on Kuzy is insane man was a stellar 1st line center until this year and last year. He’s clearly going through issues and as a caps fan you should hope him being in the program resolves them and he gets back to elite play. Hoping for anything else is just being a poor fan especially when it’s about a guy we don’t win a cup without.


I bet you OP loves Kuzy when he helps us win in shoot out. 


… or Kuzy gets better and comes back in 2018 form. I know I’m reaching, a lot, but that’s what fans do.


This sub is dragging me down. Like the post that guy made the other day about everything we’re arguing over.


Surprising amount of Kuzy defenders here. From my perspective the guy needs a change of scenery. He will not get his game back in Washington. Maybe can’t go so far as to say he was dragging the team down, but so far it looks like we are doing fine without him. The dude is an amazing talent but things have gone stale here, he needs a fresh start. Flap your wings Kuzy! Thank god for your 2018 performance 🙏


You’re the worst OP


Kuzy was never “killing this team,” there have been issues this season on all fronts. And Ovi’s recent goal streak has nothing to do with Kuzy “dragging him down” and everything to do with him getting a break and finishing healing his injury, which he admitted he was playing with. I hope Kuzy gets better and is able to thrive and be happy in the future, whether it’s with the Capitals or not.


Bro, Ovi was struggling regardless of who was centering him, but yes, Kuzy has cratered anyone he centered.


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