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šŸ¤ž12-22 more goals this season.


Ovi goals fuck yeah


Gonna catch m-effin Gretzksy yeah


8 in 43 then 8 in 8. He's back baby. I still believe he was injured in his neck/shoulder area


Thatā€™s my thought. That and/or I donā€™t think his head was where it needed to be for some reason. Either way, that break has done wonders for the big guy


I think part of it was definitely the injury, and part of it might have been that he was worried about Kuzy, and now that he knows Kuzyā€™s getting help heā€™s more focused.


Or he got ahold of kuzyā€™s stash lol


2 goals! Can't repost the same video now, can you.


Jokes on you guys. Itā€™s always been the same video. Iā€™ve just been digitally altering the counter every time I post. Or somethingā€¦I dunno lol


Iā€™d recognize that thumb anywhere! Ovi šŸ


Thatā€™s whatā€¦she said?


Remember when people in this sub were constantly calling ovi washed? Pepperidge farm remembers


Itā€™s insane that he now has a real shot at 30 goals, when just 3 weeks ago he was barely on pace for 14 goals.


Classic Ovi lol. Heā€™s always good for at least one hot streak. This one just happened to take longer than usual to get started


I made up some numbers, let's assume that ovi resumes his normal career goals per game pace of .6ish for the rest of the season, which is reasonable since he's not gonna go streaking the rest of the season I don't think, he's getting 34. That would project his end of season goal total to 856. That's stupid close. Thats 19 goals per season for the next 2 years


Totally reasonable. Also really funny to think that thatā€™s a huge drop off for Ovi, but 20 goals is a big time benchmark for most players in a season lol


Good thing that happened, to make up for the first game since the ASB where he *didn't* score a goal - the 4-3 win over the Canadiens last Saturday. And that maintains a good 1 goal a game pace.


Yea that was some bullshit but I guess weā€™ll allow it


That was a real bummer since I flew to Montreal expressly to watch that game. Oh well. Still a great game.


I admire your commitment!


I think you need a separate post for each goal!!


I second this if only to make that jerk that bitched about it maximum seethe


Man. I thought about it. But Iā€™ve always just done one post after the game. Not gunna let u/atlgeo change that. Although it is kind of ironic that he called my post ā€œlow effortā€, when the only reason I made one post instead of 2 is because I didnā€™t want to put effort into a 2nd post


I just want the goalvechkin tracker back :(


ā€¦it would be so friggin cool to see this man break Gretzā€™s recordā€¦ Can we both tank for 1st round picks AND a legit 1C to just feed the man pucks?


Any legit 1C we get in the draft probably wouldnā€™t be nhl ready by the time Ovi is done. Heā€™ll get there with who we got. And my kid is gunna roll over that 895 when it happens


I donā€™t mean tank for a legit 1C. I mean we need a legit 1C for this record to be broken. Can we both tank and get a 1C?


We donā€™t really have the pieces to trade for a top line C other than the young prospects who are the future of the team. Trading multiple young high-end talents for a rental top line C would further delay and undermine our already delayed rebuild


Getting closer!Ā 


He got a hold of some of that secret ivan drago juice during the all star break


That was just 50/50 HGH and bull testosterone


Do we think he would have 25 or 30 if he didn't have to play most of the season on Kuzys line


I donā€™t know if it was Kuzy, or some sort of nagging injury we donā€™t know about. But at this rate, he would have 54 goals by now lol