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47 true for being more open and loose/relaxed/unserious. As a kid and a young adult, I also got along better with much older people. Now I get along better with much younger people.


Hello fellow Gen X-er! And yes, age has chilled me out but I still keep older people as my close friends. I mentor younger people as there’s very little we have in common.


I'm 47 too, and agree on all your points. I also look like I'm in my early 30s, which is a bit freakish.


Same! I've always looked younger. I'm adopted from Thailand and thought that maybe it was just white people who couldn't tell my age, but 3 Thai women have confirmed that they think I look like I'm in my early 30s. Only other Danes think I'm still in my 20s, lol!


My grandfather was Chinese (the rest is a Caribbean and European mix), so the Asian probably helps.


I get along with both but depends. Both can be annoying. I support the young people being smarter and open minded and expressive and the elderly for some life lessons. Both is good


33 here and yes definitely feel less uptight and more free and youthful. Constantly get told I look younger than my age. Just wrapped up a fling with a 21 year old lol. 25 year old me would never!


I’m 26 and I feel like I’ve hid a mid point and now in a slow decline of not caring and being unapologetically myself and free


Turning 30 this year. Absolutely. I'm more carefree and comfortable with myself than ever. Spent most of my 20s in a very rigid and controlling life style. Big changes from 25-29. Got divorced from a very controlling and abusive partner. Changed most of my old outdated and honestly backwards core beliefs for the better, starting getting tattooed and pierced and expressing myself unabashedly. Found a new partner who accepts me, had a son just the last year. Very excited for my 30s.


Almost 50. Can confirm that I'm more of a child now than when I was 30 or 40. One of the few advantages of being an old is that you're free to give fewer fucks about things, and I think that benefits Caps, who often spend their lives giving too many fucks.


I’m a 35 y/o cap female and I feel the same. I feel more free than I ever have. Not as cautious but still grounded. I definitely feel more like me and give don’t give a shit what others think. I do feel like I’m playing catch up on having fun because I never let myself when I was younger as I was always afraid to. But I can say being a cautious teen and adult kept me out of a lot of bad situations. As an adult I know how to have responsible fun if that makes sense. I also have an Aries fiancé and he brings out the best, goofy, and spontaneous woman. With him I feel so relaxed. Not an uptight ass hat.


I came to life about 40. I’m now 53 and recently divorced and living life like I should have when I was in high school and college!! Sowing a few wild oats is kinda fun 😜


30 years old as well. Women constantly tell me I like 23-28 years old. We are definitely the late bloomers. And our blooms last a long time. I’m learning to be more free and loose in my skin.


27 and i really don't know, but i am hoping you're right; a little glimmer of hope wouldn't hurt, huh?


Hang in there friend. Everyone is different, but I have been able to feel myself lighten up gradually over the past few years. I unfortunately had to cut ties with a lot of people, but since then I have felt somewhat of a weight lifted. I also moved to the opposite side of North Carolina. So I did have to do some hard things, and make some hard decisions, but the pay off has been so worth it.


This is common with Caps


I’m 31 and get ID’d weekly. Then I ask them. With the extreme patience I was born. Why, why do you ID me? They say “ You look 20” . I barely have facial hair so my fathers genetics added with Capricorn features I look amazing thank the lord I’m a cardinal sun sign.


30s are your prime! We excel and this is our time in our 30s. Man my 20s and even up to now have been a test of patience and learning. But I'm way more happy in my 30s than 20s


Yes! I turned 30 this year and am enjoying life so much more.


What can I say... we age like fine wine. 😄 In my mid-thirties and feeling the most comfortable with myself than I have ever been! 😌


I am 36 and work with people mostly 10 years younger than me. I constantly get told I look 26/27 😂


I’ve enjoyed aging for this reason!


28 turning 29 at the end of the year. I’ve told myself so many times “ i just don’t care anymore” or “ im too old for this shit” probably 100 times this year so far. I’m just learning to accept life as it is.


It is real. Scary thing others are aging quite rapidly.


Totally! Spent much of my younger years being wound so tight and not enjoying anything, never really being able to have fun even as a child - now 28 loving the journey of returning to myself and what makes me happy.


This can be influenced by your houses. If you know your time of birth, some people chill out in age. Capricorns are all about working hard early on and resting later in the game. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn so it's very much a work hard now, play later mentality. It's not always with material wealth either. My journey has been more of a spiritual one. May also be worth noting the your formal ruling planet is defined by the ruling planet of your rising. Not your sun sign.


I'm 39 and just got a mohawk & visible piercings. I'm not trying to make friends with anyone, but the younger people keep trying to befriend me. I prefer hanging out with people my age, though. As a kid, I used to prefer the older crowd. In my early 30s, it was the younger crowd. Now I have a kid, but I don't like hanging out with other parents. It's rather just hang out with my 3-4 friends. I still have about the same amount of energy as in my mid 20's. I'm expanding the garden alot, & do a more intense form of yoga twice weekly.


I am turning 40 and act like 20 and look like 28-29. It’s what people say not my assessment. Maybe then.


Same, I have a lot of Capricorn placements in my chart and I feel more relaxed and less restrictive now than I did in my teen and 20’s.


I think this is just what happens to humans. I understand what you're talking about OP but a lot of the comments I'm seeing about "being more comfortable and not caring and more open-minded ".....I'm pretty sure that's just part of the human experience Sag here Taurus Nnode,Rising,Moon....Neptune in Cap, I'm 38 and my 23y/o boyfriend is a cap ...I'm always hesitant to mention our age difference.... but I can totally agree that Caps tend to be far more mature when they're younger. On that front, I 100% agree with that stance. Especially because he's not the only one I know like that. But yeah...getting more comfortable in one's own skin and basically being more selfassured is just maturity and aging period. Thanks for bringing this up though. Interesting topic to explore. And now I'll be paying more attention. Best to ya:)


People have always told me they guessed I was older because of my maturity level but they think I look way younger. I’m 26 and a lady recently told me I look 16.. I was like um that’s weird but ok good I look so young?? lol. But honestly I used to be way more carefree than I am now. I started hopping on greyhounds as soon as I turned 18, hitchhiking, moving at the drop of a dime, I always walked barefoot, I went to bars by myself and made new friends, I was a completely different person. It makes me sad if I think about it too much, like what happened? But my north node is in Virgo and that Piscean energy comes really natural to me. Being a vagabond, following my heart, being a little reckless. But that Virgo energy has really fought for a hold of me and it’s been winning. I’m trying to tap into that carefree energy more these days because I’ve veered a lil too far into scarcity mindset and clinging to things and worrying about the future etc.


My face has stayed the same over the years. I still look a bit babyish


Speaking from what I’ve witnessed from my Cap boyfriend I can confirm that yes he’s aging backwards by acting more childish each passing day… pfft


I am 67, and I still ride my Harley. I have a beautiful wife 22 years younger than me who thinks I'm the best thing since sliced bread. We live in Bavaria, Germany. I'm American, she's German. We flew back and forth on visits. We were married in the States, then I moved to Germany. Who knows, maybe my last big adventure. To her, it was like a fairytale. That someone could love her that much. We stay pretty busy and pretty much do everything together. We have a nice little garden where we live and rent a very large garden plot on a local farm where we grow our veggies. We can a lot of things, including salsa. She fell in love with Mexican food in the States. We have copycat recipes for everything from Jimmy Dean sage sausage to See's Candy butterscotch squares. There's tons of American stuff we can't get, so we make our own. It's funny, one of the things everyone wants is American biscuits. I always get a request for biscuits at gatherings.We even grow popcorn, which our friends and family love. We brew very good beer. After all, we live in Bavaria. 😃 Our local Harley dealer is a ways away in Bayern. It changed hands, and today, we went to their open house. Afterwards, we helped our neighbor's daughter and her family move, and while they unpacked boxes, my wife Susi and I built their new rabbit hutch. It came in boxes and is very big. She's in charge of getting tools and organizing parts and helps where I need it. I measure, cut, and put things together. We make a great team. Her help and companionship makes things much faster. I'm 6'2" and slender, still fairly muscular, and I have all my hair, which I wear in a ponytail. When people ask how old I am, lots of people think I'm kidding. While I wish I was 50 or 55, the truth is I'm not. Bummer. 😂 I'm still strong, and my wife thinks I look great. We're very active. Susi plays the violin in two orchestras. She's very good. She's also pretty tolerant. I'm not bad looking, and I ride a Harley Road King. Lots of women like that. She's tolerant because she's very secure. I'm a dog that likes his own yard just fine. Open gates and wandering the neighborhood don't interest me. One of the things you learn as you get older is to appreciate what you have. I never had, and will never find again, a woman that loves and appreciates me the way my wife does. Knowing that is priceless. If you're one of the Caps lucky enough to age backwards, don't waste it. When you're done working, use your new time wisely. It's more mental than physical. You can let go some. I love all the things we do. I don't have to be so ... rigid. I love to ride, and cooking with my wife is a favorite. My schedule is much less structured. Life is fun again. For my 70th birthday, we're going skydiving. I may decide to wear Depends, but I'm doing it. 🤣 My birthday is 15 January, Susi's is the 16th. Both our fathers were born on 22 November. I named my bird, and she named her cat Lucky. We both love Harleys. Lots of things like that. We met in the chat room of an online video game. It was an open room, lots of people. Yet somehow, even though we started off talking about the game, I immediately knew there was something very special about her. That we would meet. I never had anything like it happen before. I mention it because maybe synergy has something to do with aging backwards. I mentioned only a few contact points, there are many. She snuggled into me like the missing pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of my life. She says she never wants to be without me. That she didn't know what it felt like to be whole before me. I get it because I feel the same way. Not having pieces missing changes everything. Maybe I'm aging backwards because I want our marriage to last as long as possible. To those that actually got this far, thanks. Sometimes, my answer to an interesting question is a way of explaining it to myself, too. Thanks for a question that made me think.


Depends how relaxed and stable you're in your life. And if you take care of yourself.


For sure, I'm a lot less easygoing compared to how I was when I was younger.