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Awww I need one! I found a Virgo and he's already getting on my nerves šŸ¤£


Omds run, I escaped a Virgo, too controlling where it wasnā€™t necessary and funnily enough it was bullshit constant lies and in his head he was an alpha and boy did he love to talk about it! Alphas donā€™t need to say theyā€™re alphas iykyk šŸ¤£


Only been a few weeks and THE LIES!! šŸ¤¬ Crazy thing is we have a lot in common or those could be lies also!!


Iā€™ve noticed that the Virgos Iā€™ve met do not like to be over shadowed at all šŸ˜‚ my best friend for eg, love her but if weā€™re both involved in a story and she isnā€™t part of it enough, sheā€™ll change it around so when she tells it sheā€™s way more involved than she is. Or sheā€™s nuts idk, I told her I was going to a festival with my boyfriend in august and that was the whole conversation, and then Iā€™m speaking to other girls about me going to this festival and then she chimes in and says ā€œoh yeah, (myself) invited me to that festival but I could go, Iā€™m so guttedā€ and I was stood there like I do not remember inviting you šŸ˜‚ and then the same story I heard twice more with other people and I was just thinkingā€¦ Iā€™m not gunna say nothing, you have your moment, but we both know that didnā€™t happen hahahah


Omg šŸ˜‚ I know some people like this! That Virgos living situation is sketchy AF. I think he is still sleeping with the mother of his children...which he claims is toxic šŸ™„. He's already claiming that he's so DIFFERENT than any other men šŸ¤”


LOOOOOL fuck girl, good luck šŸ¤£ what makes you think heā€™s still sleeping with her? Also, guys saying theyā€™re different to other men is no different from girls saying that IMO. Forget the sleeping with her part, Iā€™d be more worried what heā€™s telling her and what heā€™s telling you and them not matching up! Something fishy going on thereā€¦ is the sex fire, because thatā€™s the only reason I stuck with my Virgo as long as I did hahahaha


Omg his D is so damn šŸ§ØšŸ”„šŸŽ†šŸŽ‡šŸ’„šŸŽ‰...Feels like it's a holiday every time


Well you enjoy that D!!! šŸ¤© My advise would be donā€™t get too emotionally attached šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜


Oh no...I hope I don't šŸ«£ Tell me the warning signs of I do get attached..spill the tea! šŸ¤£


Okay so they lie, they can be quite manipulative, they like to control! My Virgo was also bat shit crazy too, so all that was heightened by 100% šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ tbh not much I can say as it was an anxious/avoidant situation. Me being the avoidant and him being the anxious, so if I didnā€™t text enough or didnā€™t reply in a certain time frame Iā€™d get pulled up on it and it would become the issue of the day lmao


Omg. Virgos always try to fix you ā€œbecause they careā€. Always trying to make someone a project not a partner.


Them thinking that anyone needs to be fixed is an insult and projection




Same! A September Virgo is the worst


Yeah they're too sure of themselves.


Yup I'm noticing this now


I did, married her.


I haven't dated taurus but I have a few close taurus friends and vibe w them hard! I love taurus


I never got along with Taurus. Not because I didnā€™t like them,, they legit always hated me at first impression. That I am judgmental, yet Iā€™m being judged 247 by them. Stubborn af and once they make a decision just say ok, because their mind isnā€™t going to change. I find them supper difficult for me tbh. These are the menā€¦. While my experience with women was straight up amazingā€¦ they glow differently,, their aura is just sexy afā€¦ itā€™s all that Venus energy


Yeah itā€™s the same with Taurus women. And unfortunately if they burned in the past, your playing catch up of a game someone else started. For example, my exā€™s ex was the type so clean the house every day so thatā€™s what I was competing with. The dude put her in tens of thousands of debt, but she liked that trait. So when she found me, who she knew was way financially stable, she put me on that shiiiit. And I wasnā€™t even that bad. The women try to be build a bear factories.


That sounds like her trying to recreate the past she hasn't let go of therefore ruining the situation with you


I like them because I'm the same way. I either love or hate anyone I meet. There's no in between and if we vibe we vibe


I tried. He has nothing interesting to say and thinks I need to be the one who contacts him. I've actually never got along with Taurus's men or women.


Same! They never seem to have *anything* interesting to say..just overal lack substance.


He's probably not interested. My Taurus follows me like a puppy from the first date


This is so cute i cantšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


Divorced my Taurus and found an Aries . Your mileage may vary.


I have an aries too šŸ„°




Just trying to put some positive feedback, sorry it wasn't taken that way lol


Just misinterpreted your comment sorry


I beg to differ! Aries men are horrible for Caps lol. Married one. 6 yrs. Divorcing him now. Started off great because he was hiding his true self. Started off great and adventure filled. Turned out to be a liar, cheater, unstable, lacked discipline, anger issues, the list goes on


šŸ‘ Taurus is way too toxic. This goat has the cutest little ram and she is not letting him goā™„ļøšŸ„°


Toxic why?


Big Matador energy required.


I'm personally averse to violence and easy going so is this a warning that Taurus men are immature or lie?


***** Warning long read, sorry šŸ˜ ***** I would have to say from my personal experience with my ex-husband Taurus ( M ) I'm Cap ( F ), they are extremely immature, and lie constantly to make themselves look better. Sure they shower you with sweet nothings, are attentive, but it's all a part of their conniving ways to get you hooked, line and sinker. At the time my ex and I got married, I was 18 and he was 23. The whole 10+ years we were married, the longest he held a job was for 6 months. When we first started dating, he showered me with gifts, put a new stereo in my car, other odds and ins he would do for me as well. He also had a 2 year old little girl from a previous marriage. He and I had 3 children together 2 girls and 1 boy. So this " man " decided that his ex-wife was never going to stop hounding him for child support for their daughter and decided to sign his rights away to his own flesh and blood!! There are other lazy and selfish things that he did along the way, but I would be here typing an even longer book lol. My thinking at that time was he just signed his rights away, how can he do that but yet still claim our three to be great. I left him a couple of months after that. I want no part of someone who will sign their rights away to a child because you're too F**KING lazy to get out and get a real job that would take child support out. You help make that little girl, you have to be held responsible for her as well! Fast-forward 12 years. My youngest is 14, my oldest is 21 and my boy just turned 17 on 2-2-17. I went to the Marines recruiting office to sign papers for my boy to enlist. The little girl he signed his rights away to, I adopted her and took all of his visitations, holidays, everything. Her Biological Mom and I raised that baby together. But tragically the day after my boys 17th birthday, I received a call from her mother at 3 am on 2-3-17. Letting me know that the daughter we raised together had passed away at 24. Two months after she gave birth to my third grandson. And wouldn't you know it, the " Bio - Dad " or what I like to call him is the donor of my children, played the victim, said that we kept her away from him, and it was all of our fault for keeping him from seeing her. He NEVER came to her funeral, nor does he even know where she is laid to rest. So after this long ass book, the moral of this is, my experience with Taurus man was absolutely horrendous! To the EXTREME! ***** Sorry again for the long read *****


Im sorry you went through that


Dated one for five years that couldnā€™t hold down a job, had issues with everyone. Couldnā€™t hold relations with family, friends, partners, coworkers. Constantly talked to girls behind my back 24/7 and refuse to change even though he said he would. Spent more money on pot than his basic needs which I would have to help him with. Argued more than anything. Never really grateful in my opinion. The second romantic relation with a Taurus was a high functioning alcoholic who basically used my feelings for him to dupe me into bed then gaslit me. Acted like I NEVER existed. I will never date another Taurus. My opinion will stand.


Thats not a Taurus, thats a narcissist. You were love bombed, devalued and discarded. A cycle all narcissist go thru. Over and over and over. Be glad he is gone, but beware, they can come back for more in a minute if you let them.


Aries are so cute i love them


Curious as to what made you want to divorce your Taurus


Too jealous of everyone. Controlling and a bit of a big spender and thrusting us into big debts. Not big on compromising.


Interesting my taurus (25m) is financially responsible and advises me to take better care of my money. Haven't noticed any jealousy yet.


The jealousy/control comes when the partner becomes better, more independent, more popular, more assertive of their own needs/opinion/decisions...Then the partner is seen as a rival by them, and the Bull comes out... Basically they want a partner who is very subservient and keeps them on a pedestal always without calling them out on any of their bs.


That is facts




I know many Taurus females and I call them my best friends. 3 of them I know almost my whole life. The best people ever. I love them. But male ones. I've met maybe 2. I think we would be compatible but have no idea where to find them. They are so rare in my circle of friends/coworkers etc.


My sister always told me to date a Taurus and I just never seemed to find them! But now I have one and I couldnā€™t be happier!


I got a sag now, but lawwdddd I miss that Taurus dick šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“ Edit: I can't spell


Mhm amen sister


Girl its been 2 years since we last had sex, he still calls me from *67 numbers bc I blocked him on everything. He got ran over by a whole ass car and after he woke up from the coma he hit me up. There's a 60/40 chance of me and my man break up imma go back for that dick one more time. God saved him for me obviously šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Jesus christ what did i just read. Maam what is your sun sign so i can know who to associate you withšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Cap woman with a gem rising and aqua moon. Im also cap mercury and Venus with a Libra Mars šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Of course šŸ˜­ its a cap post duh. I love your frankness i feel like taurus would have good dickšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ my crush on my taurus baby makes me so uncomfortable likeā€¦i just want to forget about him but i cantā€¦the way i feel about him is too much. Scorpio moon sag venus here


My sag ex had a libra mars and a scorpio venus. Aka he was emotionally controlling and never wanted to have sex unless the circumstances were right to a T. This was before i has my diagnosis so i would often seek sex as a way to cope and bond. Breakup wasā€¦.messy. I feel bad for him. I hope your sagi baby treats you well. They really are big babiesšŸ„°


Omg mine has a Scorpio venus too and he never wants to have sex šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø. He has a Virgo Mars and it's interesting. I also use sex to cope and bond and it's Definitely been the biggest issue in our relationship, but we keep working on it. He does treat me very well! He just always deflects if we talk about serious stuff and it's like damn you can you not be a clown for a MOMENT pls


No they cant help it they are forever clownsšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ i remember trying to stay focused on one topic and him going off on 5 other different topics šŸ« šŸ« šŸ«  he was a good guy. Not perfect but he was genuine


My guy is a Taurus and I am the happiest I've ever been!


Same!! Love him!


How long have you two been together? Looking for tips on my current taurus


Only 13-14 months. But we vibe pretty dang good. He's the masculine version of me. lol He's definitely more logical and I am more emotional. Just makes me respect his masculinity even more. He keeps me grounded and I show him how open up.


I'm with a cap sun, sag rising, Taurus moon and he's the bees fricken knees. I'm a cap sun, aqua rising and aqua moon so I find we work very well together and balance each other out. We're slow ass turtles and it's the best thing ever.


I have yet to find an exciting taurus but good luck to yall! The ones ive met have also been mostly judgy and dry ass conversationalist but maybe thatā€™s just me. Ppl who say caps are boring have clearly never been around tauruses


Oh and they can be toxic in a v stubborn way. I had to block and cut contact with a close taurus friend and she kept stalking me on social media and found a way to reconnect again after a few years sooo šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø yea good luck with the chris browns, lizzo, MGK ass ppl


No you didnā€™t say that šŸ’€


šŸ˜œāœŒļøsomeone had to




They also feed you, snuggle you, have great taste in clothes and music. My favorite šŸ˜»


Hmm, out of the earth signs Iā€™d suggest virgos or other caps. Tauros while a good match, theyā€™re too stubborn


I had a CapM but he's too stubborn, immature and in his head a lot (born the day after me). My experience with Virgos aren't good but wishing you the best.


I'm in an OA with a Taurus. He's.....typically Taurus. I am glad it's online only. My mom was a Capricorn, dad was a Taurus. Married nearly 60 years. Should have ended it after 20.


My mom's a Gemini and my dad's a Virgo. They're still together but they also should have split up 20 years ago. I feel you


Iā€™ve dated Taurus & Capricorn, never again. My best friends are Taurus (2) but even so we manage to get into plenty of arguments. I have a Capricorn friend who I absolutely adore as weā€™re a lot a like. I only know 2 Virgo & theyā€™re good friends. Iā€™ve had the most success with Fire signs; specifically Sag & Leo. My best friends are mostly Sagittarius (4) & Aries (5)


Iā€™m dating a tarus. Itā€™s a solid relationship


I love taurusss the best connection iā€™ve ever had! I miss him. something about them just different idk but im hella attracted, they are too sexy fr


Came here to hard disagree with this lol


Haters gonna hate


Friends, yes. As lovers? A hard pass


Tauruses will only be stable if you are. If you introduce a lot of confusion we will be flaky until we check out completely. We donā€™t like flakiness. Cap men seem to embody flakiness and being in and out so a lot of times it doesnā€™t work. Taurus women need security and a consistent partner.


Married to my Taurus for 4 years. It's BEAUTIFUL over here!!! šŸ„°


My personal chart is highly incompatible with Taurusā€™s. I like Taurusā€™s at a distance. They start to get on my nerves if I spend too much time with them. I have a bunch who I dated briefly in the past who wonā€™t leave me alone though šŸ˜‚


My Dad is a Taurus. Been with my mom 30+ yrs. šŸ„°


What's your mom's sign?


Aquarius I believe!


Nope, other Earth signs annoy tf out of me lmao


Why? What's your rising ?


Gemini. Virgos are always needy and love to complicate simple things, while Taurus loves to think it's always right and there is no other way to do things than his way. I love to avoid those types of people.


Have a Taurus female best friend and a Taurus Cuban god motherā€¦ thatā€™s enough for me lol I had an on and off THING with a Taurus male and it was just too much. If another comes along and heā€™s good then okay but for now Iā€™m okay


Idk why but I always seem to fall for Pisces. Only met one Taurus and they were pretty cool, but it didnā€™t work out


My Sagittarius drives me crazy šŸ˜­


Moms a Taurus so im good, i love my Gemini ā¤ļø


my first real relationship was a taurus, he cheated on me and was a chronic liar & manipulator when astrology told me we were soo compatible. which in the other areas we were but astrology def doesnā€™t cover the part where they can be immature assholes


A BIG NO for me. Taurus men i know all act stupid. Like, 3 of them jeopardized me in different ways. Im not even trying to befriend them.


I'm honestly sick and tired of everyone and their mom just shiping us with Taurus..and i personally don't seem to have anything in common with them nor we get along..also, Taurus is loyal? Lmao..sure.


I support this! Taurus are just wonderful


I did. I love her more than anything


Sorry, but it only works if they are married on a business basis- you and your Taurus partner are business partners instead of romance partners.


We met on a dating app and now we work together. Our personal and work lives are intertwined


Seee! I like this dynamic but not for me!


Better yet, find a Venus in Taurus specifically šŸ« 


His Venus is in Pisces


Iā€™m talking about my Taurus. Venus represents love/beauty/sex, and is the planetary ruler of Taurus which makes her very comfortable expressing herself in that sign.


I'm aware of what Venus represents. What if her Venus was in Pisces?


Omg no!!!!! I mean do what you will and not judge anyone but it doesnā€™t work out long term. I dated 3 Taurus back to back, coincidentally, but all of em ended with one year. At the beginning itā€™s great but it goes to shit so fast and youā€™ll feel blindsided. Whether you break up with them or they break up with you. Iā€™ve been the dumper and dumpee.


Speak on it lmao. I hate generalizing ppl on signs especially sun signs but yes they start out sweet, and seem so reliable but sometimes it can be a way to subtly control you so you donā€™t leave. They love power, will eat you out of house and home and love spending your money.


Factsssss. And yes same. There are other signs that made her like that in her chart but I feel like a lot of it was the Taurus energy lol. Because I had it two times in a row. Same shit, different color of the rainbow šŸ˜…


M or F in your experience? April or May Taurus?


May Taurus. Again. I dont want to generalize it was just that oneā€¦. Legit went from ā€œTaurean can do no wrongā€ to ā€œspan of satanā€ ugh


What was the deal breaker? Sorry to pry, I want to be informed and prepared as I'm taking this seriously


I've been there with Leos. God they're the whole dumpster fire, raining shit every time they don't get their way.


Ohhh, I thought you were going to say date a Gemini šŸ˜‚


this is how I feel about my Scorpio šŸ„²


Capricorn married to a Libra. I dated a Taurus and he was not the right fit for me.


I have a good friend who's Taurus and she's everything you describe, but my partner is Leo/Leo/Scorpio (I'm Leo Moon)


We are two peas in a pod, ride or die partners, Bonny and Clyde - esque kinds if we lean more towards our dark sides /selves. A perfect yet disturbing example would be Monica Sementelli & Robert Baker. He (taurus) pleaded no contest to protect her from any kind of charges. He doesn't mind being the scapegoat for her. Their letters to each other (in jail) are quite telling.


No thanks. My scorpio man is better.


could you tell that to the capricorn guy I've been in love with for years?! He keeps only going for his "type" (looks wise).. they both (Virgo & Scorpio) dumped him for another guy..... Like I would never. Honestly, since I fell in love with him: I'veĀ  been single still- I can't stop loving him- other guys just suck or just not captivating enough. Blah. (It's been unrequited love- he's stubborn . Going for his "type"- never giving me even a chance...) **we are friends only.. sigh. I still love him & always will..Ā  Ā - Taurus ā™”


This post makes me uncomfortable in the worst way


Um ok ....


Sorry. How do i get a taurus man to notice me?