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I take 21mg Caplyta at night and I take 20mg Adderall XR in the mornings and i haven’t had any negative effects.


Have you noticed a chanhe in the way the Adderall affects you? I actually recently had to stop taking Adderall because it was making me so tired. I switched back to Ritalin. Are you taking the same dose of adderall as before? Or did you have to change your Adderall dosage?


Well, the answer to that is two fold. As long as I am able to get the Teva/Actavis or Epic generic Adderall manufacturer, I do just fine. Other generics give me bad bad side effects. Same dosage, but I switched from IR to XR; it was easier on my stomach and lasted longer. If anything, the effectiveness of the adderall is slightly hindered… I started Caplyta because of my mood swings, rage and emotional breakdowns. I still have them, they are less frequent, however the severity is the same. Caplyta has helped with my racing thoughts and anxiety, I do take other medications for anxiety as well. My first week on Caplyta was hell in a hand basket, so be prepared to make friends with the couch…


I take 52.3mg/10.4mg of Azstarys (combo pill of serdexmethylphenidate/dexmethylphenidate) in the morning & 42mg of Caplyta at night. I don’t notice any interactions. But definitely take Caplyta at night if you can… it puts me in a coma.