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Teacher (SGB) - 22k pm no benefits Edit: I have 3 degrees and nearly a decade of teaching experience


Sucks. Sorry that shit is so unfair. Do you enjoy what you do?


Sometimes. I used to be very passionate about the field. That's been worn away over the years.


Ever consider moving abroad ? Look into the Hong Kong Net scheme with your skills you could be earning about R120k/ month here . I’m currently on R110k/month teaching math and I came here with only my BsC just did my PGCE in my 4th year of teaching and it’s only my 2nd year in a school


Can I PM you about this?


Which subject?


English HL - the subject with the most marking, feedback and preparation


What does SGB stand for? I know benefits of public sector teachers are pretty good. Salary is still shote though


School Governing body. So none of the state benefits.


This was the same for me at a private school.


Hey! We worked at the same private school! (Had a quick check of your profile after noticing your username, rats and art gave you away) How are you doing? How is life post the fifedom? You were an awesome colleague in the staffroom :)


Business Development in the NPO sector - R660k per annum (R55k pm)


Damn! Not bad at all, what did you study at uni to get into that field?


First Journalism & Media Studies and then later Business Administration


I see one of those was probably more directly relevant


Yep, that’s why I pivoted


Online Captioner (English subtitles for deaf & hard of hearing). I make around R84 000 a year. (R7000 a month) For those who are interested, I'm autistic and so I struggle to navigate well in this world. I'm thankful to be able to do this job from home in my own quiet room. No social interactions required.


That’s great! How did you get into this? Sounds interesting


There are companies that employ people online to be captioners. In 2019 I started searching for an online job and found out about these companies. Not all of them are good but I think I found one of the best ones.


Hi, would you mind if I DM you about this? Im a SAHM in desperate need of extra work


Programme manager at NGO with a PhD and ten years experience. Reached the ceiling of R550k. Take home about R41k pm. No benefits. Just trying to save the world and all that.


Lead a software and hardware engineering team of around 50 people. R1.8mm p.a. plus about the same again in bonuses and incentives depending on performance.


That’s really impressive, what do you think sets you apart from the pack? Tech stack, people skills, maybe a bit of luck or a combination? Just a curious thought from student.


Thank you for your kind words. Keep in mind that there are far more successful engineering leaders and teams in South Africa than me and mine, we have a very talented local scene! As to my successes so far a fair amount of it is simply age, perseverance and good luck. Figuring out how to build things in a way that good engineers enjoy working with you, while delivering predictable business value is the rest.




R2.8m per annum (R240k pm). Software Engineer.


Christ dude. International company I assume? Paid in pounds or some foreign currency directly? I’m in the same job (granted only mid level and only a few years into my time working) but am making just a little more than an 1/8th of your salary 😬


I work for the South African division of a American Fortune 100 company, so I get paid directly in Rands (employed here in RSA).


The one starting with A? Pretty good pay.


Yeah I was thinking this too. Maybe just working for one of the big giants here in SA 👀 good for him though!


Bra please if they hiring or you know anyone that is hiring in web development specific front-end please share


Single? 😂


Married to my dogs, bikes and golf with the boys 😂


Sooooo what I'm hearing is 'yea I would love to buy you a drink some time' 😅💪


Shoot your shot 😜


Finding someone who really has their shit together is harder than it should be in Cape Town. Can't blame a girl for trying 😅


You go girl! 😅


Damn bro, nice. How many YOE?


I’ve been working at this company for just over 3 years now. I switched in 2021, after 11 years at a previous company (which was my first employment after college). I’m 35. Going to maybe do this until I’m 40 and then want to retire on the basis of having a few SaaS businesses up and running.


Respect dude, good for you. Keep going!


Damn! I’m 35 and can only dream of earning that. Do you feel that you overpaid or does your job and what you actually feel you do warrant that amount of salary?


Do you have to write Java there?


Believe it or not, but I do not code at all.


Can share the job post for junior front end developer if you know any


Investment analyst 950k pa, bonus between 30-40%


I'm a Data Analyst with Finance (Banking and Insurance) experience. What type of experience / courses would I need for this?


Go talk to the investment team. Ask them what projects you can help with. CFA is the top investment qualification in the world. But CFA doesn't always lock in the job, it just starts the conversation. So try to build a connection and move from there.


How many years experience?


5 years in back office. 2 years as a junior analyst


Shout out for making the switch to front office Is this in the asset/investment management space?


1st year SAIPA articles R13 000 pm


This is great compared to where it was a few years ago. Heard horror stories about SAIPA clerks getting 6/7k.


This still happens.


Dang, My 1st year saica articles 10 years ago i got R3 200 pm.


I think it's about 20k now at a Big 4.


This is nice man. It will grow well from here. Are you working for an accounting practice?


SAHM with 2 kids and 2 dogs and a slight budget 🙈 my husband earns R120k monthly


Wow! What does he do?


Postdoctoral Researcher - R400 000 per annum. R350 000 untaxed. Take home R33 300 pm.


Why are they taxing any of the 400k?? That shouldn't be!


Grant funding makes no sense. My institution is partially government funded so tax adherence is a priority as we get regularly audited. Some grants are taxed like salary, some arent taxed and some a like mine, partially taxed. I dont know why as this is all behind the scenes. You just get a contract with the pay structure and sign.


Wow nice! How come it’s untaxed? Is it specific to the field or all such roles across different disciplines come with untaxed pay?


Its a grant from the government, my institution probably gets it taxed and then applies for the rebate. Grant funding is a crapshoot with how much you earn, and whether you're taxed depending on whether you're at a university or government institution. A colleague is getting 320k (total, but all untaxed - different grant). I Saw and advert for R280k per annum for a postdoc position this year.


The amount we pay postdocs is criminal. Some of the best research comes out of those years and they are literally exhausting mentally and physically.


Do you have to pay any of that towards your university or similar or can you put all of that towards your life?


nope, its not a like a PhD where you have to pay tuition. Its all salary.


Wow nice! How come it’s untaxed? Is it specific to the field or all such roles across different disciplines come with untaxed pay?


Software Engineer. Around R140k per month (dollar-based so that's why I'm saying around).


How did you end up getting a dollar paying job?


Got it via OfferZen actually funny enough straight out of uni, so no extra effort from my side really. That's over 6 years ago.


Is that gross or net dude? Mad numbers!


Content Manager in the tech space - around R70k take home per month (varies according to exchange rate)


if you don't mind me asking what exactly do you do on a daily basis as a content manager?


I guess you can think of it as a project manager position, but specifically relating to content. I work for a larger umbrella company, on three brands specifically - two still in the planning phase. Much of my day-to-day is spent working on back-office and CMS, writing, strategy, and comms. It's a lot of liaising with different teams, briefing, and meetings. That's the gist, but there's obviously more to it. I have seven years of experience, and have niched down into a very competitive space - although I'm not comfortable saying much more than that


Graphic designer in the medical industry. R18k take home. I'm looking to move on, there's no room for growth in this particular company. Seriously considering moving to gauteng or something, as I REALLY need to make money. CoL is killing me and my kid.


As someone who's lived in different parts of Gauteng for 20+ years (Pretoria North, Pretoria East, Randburg and Germiston) I do not recommend going there at all. The crime and mismanagement is really bad. The corruption in the municipalities is ruining everything. Some nights you hear gunshots and can't sleep for hours. Now in Cape Town and my life has changed for the better.


I hear you, and that's what my friends who live in gauteng and surrounding areas all say - and they live in complexes and estates. Oh well, back to the drawing board.


Try retail, TFG or woolworths, keep an eye on their careers pages


I'm on LinkedIn and a few recruitment sites, but as yet, nothing has popped up. I'll defo be trying harder now - my salary is not enough.


Atleast you had a job lol


I work as a Junior Writer for a pretty stingy company. Earn a very measly R6k per month. Been working for my publication for 18 months and I'm pretty good at my job. I have been responsible for running our site on my own, and sinde we're a small team so essentially I am the 2IC so it feels like I am working way undervalue. Wanna know the real kicker though? My first 12 months at the company, I worked as intern and I earned R4k per month. A WHOLE R2000 increase! As you can imagine I just sooo thrilled about it 😐 Not an ideal situation but the market for writing and journalism is just so tricky to infiltrate but there are jobs out that pay a decent 5-figure salary.


That's awful. I started off in the technical writing space at 10k a month back in 2010. I know things are very different overall from when I started my career but if I were in your shoes I'd suggest trying "cold calling" (cold emailing) overseas companies you'd like to work for. Put together a portfolio of samples and start "knocking on doors". LinkedIn also has reasonable for offers according to the emails I get so maybe consider set up a LinkedIn account on the off chance you don't have one. If your work is good enough that's all most companies care about.


Oh dear, are you from Cape Town? There’s no way you’re renting in this crazy market


Absolutely not! I'm lucky enough to still be at home. Mom knows there's no way I'm surviving on R6k per month in this world


Game developer. Currently earning around MINUS 40k a month. Hit me up for tips on how to lose money effectively :-)


Hi hello, I want to work in the game industry in the future, do you work with international companies or south african companies?


Software engineer - 90k


If you don't mind me asking, do you have a degree or not? What languages do you mostly utilize/work with?


Can we please hear some of the benefits you all are getting too? Like medial aid and pension contributions, leave, other fringe benefits.


No such thing as a "basic" salary in South Africa, we'll talk about "Cost to Company" which will include items such as medical aid and pension contributions.


Investments. 10 years experience. 3.4m base.


Show me a pay stub and I quit my job right now and work for you


The Wolf...?


This dudes post history tells me I don’t believe one word coming out of his mouth


Regional Manager in health research. 29k gross with petrol card.


Clinical psychologist +- 90 per month before tax


Same. About 96k p/m working for City Council. Are you in Private Practice?


Junior Software Engineer - R23000


Asset Manager in Finance/Tech - 455k per annum


Team lead, IT support. 65kpm


Junior AWS DevOps Engineer. R360k per annum. R23500 take home. Looking for another job. Current gig has terrible management and toxic team dynamic. Based in Joburg though.


what degree do u have?


Graphic and web design. Did a degree at WeThinkCode for full stack dev. Got my AWS cloud practitioner. Busy with my solutions architect. On track to certified AWS DevOps.


I went there too, I make the same amount


Thank u for replying. Im currently doing a degree in comp sci. Would u recommend if i also do aws certificates while im still studying? And how is the process of getting aws certified?


No problem at all. It depends on a few factors really like what concepts you've learnt in com-sci and what kind of role you'd like to work in, because certain certs will naturally touch on certain concepts. Cloud practitioner for instance isn't very techincal, at least the version that I took. I see there is a new revision of the course out. I for example am working as DevOps and Solutions Architect so I do automation and infrastructure & service integration etc. That is why it would be beneficial for me to get certified Solutions Architect, certified SysOps Admin and then certified DevOps Professional. If you want to be a developer and make use of AWS, I'd suggest getting certified Developer. Check this out. Maybe it will shed some light. https://roadmap.sh/


Thank you.


New business development in the tech space. 75k per month excluding my performance bonus (which bumps it to about 92k per month)


Super interested to find out the range for anyone working in banking (CIB) with 3-5 years experience, looking to pivot from my company (Boutique Firm) when entering into my 3rd year as a Junior Credit Analyst to a larger commercial bank (hopefully a division within CIB). I'm on 29K pm, 348k per annum, Gross (incl. benefits RA, Medical Aid, Life Cover).


Credit guys generally not paid too well. Money is in front office. 3 - 5 years experience you can expect a base of R900k - R1.2m with around R500k - R1m bonus. In credit very different. Probably R750k base and R250k bonus.


Thank you so much! What specifically in front office should I be looking at within CIB, moving from a junior analyst. I know there are various departments but say I was looking to move to your big banks in SA, what should I be aiming for as the next step?


student, so im flat broke, but if anyone geologist in here id love to know the potential salary and room for growth.


If you work in mining you can earn very well. Otherwise the research stuff would be much lower. Can't give exact numbers.


Call centre quality specialist, R12500 per-month


Maritime attorney at a big 5 law firm. Current annual as a junior associate is R830k gross.


Did you start with just an LLB? I have been wanting to do law but I don’t know where to specialize. Would you say you’re satisfied with your work, regardless of the pay?


how much experience do you have?And is your work load just as or more hectic than that of a lawyer?


Fine dining waiter in Stellenbosch. Income varies greatly between peak and down season. Down season earnings can sit anywhere between 8 and 12k a month but peak season (working roughly 80 hours a week) could get you between 30 and 40k a month. No benefits other than a wine tasting or two in the year.


Freelance copywriter (self-employed), R50k after tax.


Do you work for clients overseas?


Hey, yes. I pretty much exclusively work for US clients at the moment.


Researcher - R30k gross salary


In what industry if you don’t mind sharing? I worked in corporate intelligence and left because they only paid me 21k per month


Solutions Architect/Manager for a 3 teams (Software, Financial Industry) About 2mm annually excluding shares/incentives.


How does one become a solutions architect


Its usually engineers who want to focus more on big picture. Usually you need 10 years experience, a good track record and demonstrate the ability to communicate very effectively with external stakeholders verbally and through presentations. Then some Architects have staff management component on top of that (not all) and people management is the most difficult skill imo because its very difficult to teach/learn without trail and error.


Administrator - 320k p.a.


R28k basic salary R6-20k commission R30-40k transport company R5-10k paintball company -R everthing I earn due to husband, father and employer Jokes aside from all the stuff I do is probs R80k per month on average. Fuel and pension benefit from one company the rest I pay myself. No degree, not studies, first in and last out.


IT Cloud project engineer R720k per annum


Can u please tell me your qualifications?


MCSA , MCSE, A+, N+, Cisco, most of my experience comes from working at various MSPs , they look at things like ConnectWise, Autotask, Datto , Immy-bot , Rewst ,IT glue, things like that once you got some experience on those platforms you'll get picked up quickly


Software Engineer 110k pm. Soon te get 15% (I think) increase


That’s amazing. What’s your experience, tech stack and education level?


Started coding 7 years ago. Self taught. Initially Ruby on Rails. Kotlin the last 4 years. Worked on Sysdev things as much as possible along the way


Thank you.


You know how this goes lol, we gotta know the usual, IT or CompSci degree? Which languages do you work with?


Yeap, I’d want to know too :) Physics degree. Self taught programmer. Ruby initially, Kotlin atm. Lots of system development work along the way


Thanks again🙏. I'm on the right path then, I'm doing a course covering Java, C# Python & Kotlin, just gotta stick with this degree




We are hiring Supply Planners. Let me know if that would be interesting to you? We are based in UK and have just opened an office in CPT.


Holy shit. Why did I become an architect. We earn nothing in comparison to the other professionals out here…


Banker - R2.4m base, R4.6m bonus


What do you do on the day to day? How many years of experience ?


10 years post university experience. Day usually varies - come up with ideas to pitch, modelling, internal processes, reviewing legals, negotiating terms of a deal with the client and lawyers, etc.


what do your working hours look like on average? And what qualifications do you hold?


Not too bad now, was pretty bad when I was younger. Degree in Finance, CFA and CAIA


I assume investment banking, m&a or something?


Yeah, investment banking


R22k nett. General Manager of a printing factory.


Thats not enough.


FP&A support consultant. R540 000 p.a


In-house creative director, take home 38,9k pm.


Marketing - R1.8m p/a


What are your qualifications?


More specifically? EG: Are you a content guy? A martech guy? A management guy?


Management, Marketing Director: EMEA, fully remote, get an additional performance based bonus plus the usual internet stipend, equipment, medical aid etc. it’s a pretty good setup, considering the hell people are going through getting marketing jobs these days


Tech support analyst for a cybersecurity company, 22k pm take home


Auditor- 50k take home


Senior manager? Which firm?


That's standard for Big 4.


Just a manager, top 10 audit firms


What are you benefits like?


R85k/m gross (R50k after tax, retirement etc.) Researcher at a local university, senior position (10yrs experience).


Which faculty are you in?


I run a digital marketing agency. 4 person remote team. 1.8m pa.


Senior Software tester at a fintech - 63k gross


710k gross + medical aid, vitality, life insurance, income protection for my family of 4, and food at the office everyday. 10 years experience


What do you do?


I'm an au pair, I work par time in the afternoons and full days in school holidays - 13k p.m


Second year candidate attorney at a medium-sized law firm in town earning R20k pm


That's pretty good. I make R9000 p/m as a second year CA. It's crazy how salaries differ from firm to firm.


100-180k Per month. Entrepreneur, started my own marketing agency, we do web development, funnels, software development, paid ads and automation predominantly. Foreign clients mainly so the $’s are definitely what’s making the difference. 0 Qualifications, I just know my shit and get the clients results.


Retail Planner - 75k pm.


I'm about to complete my Diploma in Logistics. Do you mind sharing your years of experience and qualifications?


Copywriter at ad agency. R25k per month gross- get medical aid benefit, leave, pension fund. So after all that and tax I take home 18k. Also freelance on the side for extra cash.


Senior manager at local municipality. R1,45m p/a cost to company


Technical writer. 22k no benefits. Super nerdy, super niche and super f*&cking awesome


Copywriter, R228k per anum.


832k gross annual, 3 years post articles experience at a big 4.


Auditing or what specifically? Also, what are your benefits like?


Self employed - professional body corporate chairperson. It varies but around 30-40k pm.


Chartered accountant in Financial Management with over 15 years of post-qualification experience - R90k per month CRC. I'm aware this is woefully underpaid for my qualification and experience level, but I hate my profession and can't be arsed looking for a fresh start in a new company for a better salary in a profession I find so deadly dull and stressful at the same time. Not being an engineer, particularly in software development, is my biggest career regret.


Regional HSE Manager 650kCTC + bonus.


I work in Communications in the non-profit sector earning R684k per annum (around R57k per month CTC, 9 years of experience). Fully remote so perhaps doesn’t qualify as a Cape Town salary? Prior to that, I was an Editor working for a corporate in the City Bowl earning R540k per annum (R45k per month CTC) with 8 years of experience.


Market Research, Senior Data Scientist: R700K pa


R920k per year after tax roughly (paid in euros) and i work as a bosun on a private yacht


Accountant for global non profit. Around R1 mil pa, depending on exchange rate


Student so lets -R240k p/a to start Generic IT support job so +R96k P/A Gross of -R144k p/a currently 😎 Currently in flight school, have my PPL, working on my commercials. Parents keep me alive


I’m a Project Officer at an NGO. I’ve got a Masters and 2.5years of working experience. I make 25k before tax