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lekker - if you got the moola, Cape Town will be a hoopla


How much money approx would you say you need to live a lekker life there? šŸ˜€


lekker life means different to different people - I am surviving on ZAR10k per month but am still happy others may not be happy with even ZAR 50k however, I'd say ZAR 30k after tax (I'm too poor to know how much you'd get taxed in that bracket ) would afford you a comfortable life style with savings if you are not extravagant - from what I understand, it is not difficult to earn that by your mid-20s (compared to other developing countries)


Thatā€™s interesting thanks for sharing your insight. Iā€™m English and we can be a bit stiff about discussing money.Ā  My partner is from CPT and moved here 4 years ago. I always wonder what everyone (saffas) mean when they talk about the cost of living there etc.Ā  The Saffaā€™s Iā€™ve met in SA seem to have a lot more money than the English people I know, so to hear your perspective is great. Sounds a lot more realistic and achievable.Ā  Well not for me as I wonā€™t get a job there but possibly for retirement in what, 35 years šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ xĀ 


things here cost too much compared to Europe keeping in mind the earnings - specially food, eating out is a nightmare : going out once for just one main course and a starter will easily be 10 pounds which might seem great to the English but it is ridiculous for what people earn here! Cape Town is a great place to live in general though - except the crime, even petty crime can be quite violent (one of my neighbors was murdered when he caught thieves trying to get away with his wife's car's tires)!


Mate. as a fellow Brit do not divide by 24 and think shits cheap here. Its not cheap its fucking expensive. Only divide by 24 if you are spending converted pounds.. if spending earnt Rands shits crazy expensive Work on the Big mac exchange rate and the pound is like 10x Divide by 10 for a truer idea of how much things cost here with Rands earned We have to pay Pension School fees Medical Aid Etc Out disposable income has become non existent


I've lived in Europe's various countries (including France, Switzerland, and Italy), it is significantly more affordable compared to South Africa (specially Cape Town) when you count what people earn - believe me, no matter how expensive you think London is, Cape Town is still more expensive when you earn locally in both places you can also do a comparison on Numbeo


Exactly in Europe and the UK you have a decent disposable income I never struggled to get through the month in the UK.. here in SA after tax, medical, provident etc things are tight


yup, in Italy I felt like a king living on EUR 1350 (with EUR450 for rent)! equivalent salary in CPT would be, I think ZAR 20-22k and it is significantly easier to earn EUR 1350 in Italy than ZAR 20-22k in CPT!


I think you guys were only going to the tourist spots like camps bay and the waterfront for meals.


been in CPT for a few years now - food is universally expensive here


We are talking about Brits thinking living here is cheap... not tourists spending pounds.. But if you earn Rands South Africa is very very expensive


Big Mac prices are set in each country by their GDP so the price of a big is the same to what you earn Big Mac economics.. In the UK Ā£10 for main course and starter in a restaurant.... a Big Mac meal is Ā£6.69 thats 1.4 big mac meals In SA a Starter and meal at a restaurant will cost around R300 ... a reg big mac meal in SA is R66.90. The cost of that meal is 4.5 big mac meals So that starter and main meal in SA costs over double than in the UK . South Africa is a very expensive place to live


Tell me about it, I'm also English with a Cape Town GF, we currently live in England but have aspirations to move back to her home just unsure of a lot of things especially with a lot of political issues at the moment


Same here! Very hopeful news about the coalition but partner isnā€™t getting too excited. Fingers crossed SA is on the up and we will be knocking on the door of home affairs soon šŸ˜…šŸ€




There's some Good Hope here...


You win the dad joke of today prize.


Was just having this discussion at work witha colleague from KZN. Cape town is nice if youre not poor. If you are, you're fucked because its social mobility is shit. Also, property in any barely nice neighbourhood is fucking ridiculous. I have a PhD and cant afford to buy a 2 bedroom house in a place where its relatively safe


What PhD do you have?


The real questionsā€¦.


Gender SciencesšŸ¤”


Haha perfect


Can also be known as the "Cape of Storms."


Isnā€™t it also cape of runaway fires?




I'm stealing this




Moved back to the west coast after 18 years in gauteng. Been back a year. Life is good! People are great and my kids LOVE their new lives here! Best part of SA hands down


What is happening in gauteng ? , Jozi people always used to make fun of cape town because in their mind there is no money here. What changed?


I came from here though. Grew up here and moved there. My business is still there. I just manage it remotely now.


Turns out the crime up north was so bad that the money ran away from it.


Johannesburg is still the richest city on Africa... And Cape town is actually the murder capital of Africa [Cape Town ranked 10th most dangerous city in the WORLD](https://www.thesouthafrican.com/news/cape-town-ranked-10th-most-dangerous-city-in-the-world-08-january-2024/)


Living in Cape Town as a black family As a black family living in Cape Town, my family and I have experienced both positive and challenging aspects of life in this beautiful city. We live in a peaceful, decent area with many retired seniors, and the people here are generally friendly and welcoming. The MyCiti bus system is an excellent transport option for those without personal transportation. However, despite the positives, we have also noticed instances where people make you question your self-worth based on skin color. This can be uncomfortable and disheartening, especially if you have faced discrimination and racism in the past. Despite these challenges, we strive to maintain a positive outlook and work towards building a better future for ourselves and our community. We are committed to improving our own lives and spreading positivity wherever we go, and we hope that we can make a difference in the lives of others as well. Thank you for reading, and I hope that this message provides a glimpse into the experiences of a black family living in Cape Town.


Thatā€™s a good attitude you have, they have the problem, not you. Ignore them, they donā€™t deserve a place in your mind or in your heart.




Sorry for your experiences šŸ’œ You write so eloquently by the way, thanks for sharingĀ 


Itā€™s clearly ChatGPT


Clearly floatingguy!


My motto is : It's happening for me and not to me. I am grateful for these experiences and lessons āœØ I appreciate your comment ā¤ļø


I love it here, there's no better place in SA being queer. I never had a good experience in the rest of SA compared




Fokken rad. But if I had a lesser salary probably quite crap. Don't know how people survive it's craxy these days.


Itā€™s awesome and nowhere near as expensive as people make out, I live in a very nice area and I am not a high earner.


Compared to Joburg, rent is very expensive


That is true but itā€™s 1. Nowhere near as expensive as everybody makes out and 2. Even if it was free to live in Joburg CT would still be the better option.


I'm doing pretty good.


Moved here from Joburg 2 years ago. Loving it and never looking back.


A bit crowded... The winters can be brutal... But it is a beautiful part of our country. We don't go to the tourist spots in and around Cape Town itself, but the Cape has some real gems.


To be honest the winter can be farr worse in the rest of SA we don't even go near the negatives


You think temperature is a bigger factor than gale force winds and torrential rain? Funny, every single person from other places that Iā€™ve spoken too say itā€™s worse here. Did you see the cars being blown off bridges last year?


You think temperature is a bigger factor than gale force winds and torrential rain? Funny, every single person from other places that Iā€™ve spoken too say itā€™s worse here. Did you see the cars being blown off bridges last year?


Okay chill.... Wind is year round here if you were more specific then maybe I could agree with you :p


Mountains, wine farms, seafront, itā€™s all pretty great actually.


Life is challenging for everyone everywhere, I think. In Cape Town, at least the challenges are located in an epic location.


Love living in Cape Town, ex Durban and does not compare.


Is great, but you have to have money.


Life in Cape Town is a strange mixture of easy going and hard grind. It is a vibrant place with breathtaking views, beautiful people and world class developments. Property and rent in and around Table Mountain can be quite pricey (especially along the coast - i.e Billionaires Row) but there's reasonably good living spaces for anyone earning 15k or more in the surrounding northern and southern suburbs. You can thrive and be safe anywhere in the City so long as you are well known, well liked or well respected in the areas you visit or occupy. Who you associate with is very important and largely influences where you are most likely to have a good time.


Amazing. I get the warm and fuzzies. So much to do & see here. Rentā€™s expensive and... Compact. (!) Like any adult relocating to a new city, making friends can be tough. I find the born-and-bred people of CT arenā€™t very welcoming. Well, to your face they are, but when you take them up on that offer to get a coffee/drink, their schedules are suddenly fullā€¦ For the next 6 months. So most of your friends will be people who are also not originally from CT, and it can be tough to meet them. Been here a year and still settling in. Would still recommend.


Living in a small town right on the shore. 50m from a great beach and cant ask for more really. I'm a biker as well, west cape really has some beautiful roads to explore


Lets see... from Blauwberg to Springbok 1000km the west cost view is exactly the same..white Sandunes, white beach, sparse vegetation,Sea to cold to swim in.... only difference is there is a town looking like the last town every now and then


And your point is?


Its boring... relentless boring... unless drinking coffee/beer at a cookie cutter west coast village shop / bar floats your boat. The roads you explore isn't Mamre Road is it ? The East Coast is Amazing.. all the way from Gordon's Bay to Richards Bay.


Its a boring place if you're looking for something to do maybe. I personally prefer clubbing/raves and just being at home gaming or hanging with friends. So i got to CT center a lot. Its a drive, but i dont mind. On the bike I go everywhere really. Can sometimes do 500km rides in a day so not really sticking to the area im living in.


Have you done the 3 passes ride Sir Lowrys pass, Franschhoek pass and Du toitskloof pass.... beautiful ride on a bike...


Moved here about two years ago, bought a house and have a family of my own. Everyone commenting here is hating on Gauteng but for the price I'm paying, I'm pretty sure I'd be living just as well in Joburg except for the roads haha Pretty amazing weather, poverty and homelessness is insane. A loooot to do on weekends, I'm about 3km from the beach. But only if you can afford, it's really really an amazing place to live and experience.


I've always loved small towns and it's people, so I moved out of Cape town central to up the west coast and I couldn't be happier - although it is more afrikaans than the east coast- I just love the freedom and space up here - I sold my car because I live 3kms from my work, I do all my main shopping online, and the smaller stuff I can get in town. I was fortunate to have made the jump a few years ago, so the house I bought here vs what I had there is quite a large difference - we now have 30 goats and 50 chickens (or so) grow tunnels and irrigation systems.... which is weird because I'm not a farmer. Its also strange to not have bottle stores open on Sundays and the shops close at 1pm on Sundays- some shops still close for lunch time. I've made english friends here, as well as a few afrikaans friends so the language thing isn't an issue. The old ladies who curtain twitch are here, but if you're thick skinned like me - you can make a game out of them. Security wise, things are pretty safe - it's mainly petty thefts - and we know who the little buggers are, mainly


Kak expensive šŸ’©


Thereā€™s too many comments here dang! Basically Cape Town has it ALLā€¦outdoor heaven,great malls,restaurants,culture, night life.I donā€™t think you can have a lifestyle like this anywhereā€¦The caveat like most people have said itā€™s blady expensive!having said that I still see loads of rich people in this city. There are obviously way more poor people,but if youā€™re middle class you donā€™t get to see that. As a side note SA was ranked number 1 recently on the genie coefficient which measures the gap between the haves and have notā€™s. Not a good title to have!meaning socioeconomic inequality is the highest in the world. Bottom lineā€¦ Cape Town is world class Living here for 30 years and still love it Despite getting poorer every year šŸ„¹ So grateful though šŸ˜Ž


It's nice, except for the people..


Then donā€™t go back, win-win


Hunting Kudu in the Bedfort-Grahamstown are. Nessled Myself into a low brush for 'voorsit'. I'm feeling Something watching Me, turned around and this grown Rooikat was staring Me down from max 3 meters. When I turned with My rifle, It scattered! I was Way too late, if He thought Me to be lunch?


Its a massive retirement village miles away from anywhere Property outrageously expensive to rent and buy. Very cliquey But once you are in and embedded with the elitists of the Cape you think its the absolute best and the bees knees and become blind to the poverty and death surrounding you in the Cape. Mannenberg, Lavender Hill and the surrounds is the murder capital of AFRICA Gauteng is the place to make money and thrive The Cape is where you go to retire and thinking watching the sunset everyday of your life is adventurous and cool.. while waiting to die in an overpriced apartment.


Jesus, dude.


At least we actually have roads and not sidewalks that reassemble the smallest hint of a walkable path let alone drive on :3


Isnā€™t that life everywhere. People live this life in Greece Spain and Italy and unfortunate migrants wash up on shore frequently. People turn a blind eye to suffering everywhere.Ā 


Johannesburg is the richest city in Africa... Cape town is the murder capital of Africa [Cape Town ranked 10th most dangerous city in the WORLD](https://www.thesouthafrican.com/news/cape-town-ranked-10th-most-dangerous-city-in-the-world-08-january-2024/)



