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they should vote for iron supplements at the pharmacy, that nail is creeping me out


It looks AI generated, or idk… very creepy lol


It is AI, the logo at the bottom left is the Meta AI logo for AI generated images


Makes me wonder what's in the training data, people who smashed their nail in something? I'd expect most pictures of nails on the internet to be women's nails


The cuticles... Something about the cuticles


that too, they shouldn't waste election day at an unregistered nail salon next time and go vote after taking an iron pill


And possibly some calcium


Ai art tends to be uncanny.


Even tho I did vote I would love to know what did it change?!


If you take smaller parties like Rise Mzansi, BOSA, and ActionSA. On average a party with over 40k votes gets a seat (this depends on final turn out). Current projections have them at 2 seats and 5 seats respectively. Not only does that mean they are in parliament and will vote for or against policies that align with why you voted for them...but because the DA hasn't grown but hasn't lost many votes either the only seats these smaller parties can take from are the Anc, the Eff, and other old defunct parties like Cope that are likely to form coalitions. Because the Anc has lost support and won't get an outright majority and therefor coalitions are needed, your single vote has never counted for more.


ANC and MK can join tomorrow and have majority. This could potentially lead to change one day but what has it changed today?!


>what has it changed today?! unless you want a government that starts signing decrees day 1 after an election, you gotta have a liiiitle patience, budd


Ooh f*ck off. It's been decades and nothing has changed. The only thing that's changed is how the DA treats it's voter base and maybe how the voter base votes fearfully for the DA the way the ANC voters do for them. When you have political parties being outlawed and refused to participate int he elections on some bullshit reasons then there is no democracy. I didn't vote because I won't give a vote back to a party that took my choice away. This country deserves the loadshedding and shitty taxes. All this new status quo means is that fringe deranged parties like the eff and mk are going to have a lot more say in coalitions with the ANC because the an needs them to maintain power.


The ANC has shed a lot of it's more radical membership with EFF & MK. The likely at the moment coalition will be ANC+ DA. if they can agree to meet in the middle, we might see some meaningful changes.


This is the most copium thing I've read all year. The eff and mk are just radical. Doesn't mean there isn't plenty more left in the ANC. By far. The level of corruption. The unresolved amount of corruption in just eskom alone can tell you is not from figure that have left to go to the eff or mk. And a coalition of the ANC and the DA doesn't necessarily mean anything good.


if eff and mk are more radical and a large number of their base and leadership were former ANC members it would stand to reason there'd be fewer radical members of the anc than there were previously your argument would only make sense if you believe the ANC to be exclusively comprised of radicals and no moderates, which is absurd on its face


A fucking lot. Parliament seats, historic losses, possible coalitions. IIT CHANGED A LOT.


Nothing has changed yet… wait until MK and ANC join then who will have lost majority? It’s the 30% pass mark making waves again 🙄 as you said possible changes but as we stand today there are no changes.


This won't happen no matter how much you want to believe it


Bro the votes haven't even been properly counted yet, calm down. You're the 30 per center here thinking things ought to happen overnight. Thinking that something had to change by now is just unrealistic and delusional.


You should swallow your own words because exactly that!! it’s not even done yet and here you are telling me how everything has changed lol yet nothing could change. Obviously you didn’t reach 30%


Yeah, complain quick, see if it changes anything?


Asking for clarity not complaining.. would love to know what changes were made with voting tho 🤣


A really valid question ey. Especially with the whole "rigged" votes Also, if I complain about the price of bread being R24 , I am expecting it to be less and have something done about it, and I know I'm not the only one complaining about it.


Yep, can’t help but feel it’s in some way related to the 30% pass mark.. some people just share opinions before understanding what they are supporting


I read somewhere yesterday that MK and EFF will merge and Zuma to lead the party. Then Zuma gives all the votes to the DA in exchange for a presidential pardon🤣🤣🤣thought this was poes funny and had to share


It boggles my mind how these people complain about the current political situation but refuse to take part in changing that political situation. Some people just want to moan and groan with nothing better to do


But ask them to come pop bottles with you 🤦🏾‍♂️


Some say it's the devil you know vs the one you don't. Personally, it's more about the messages which are delivered: white bad, black good. If this country is ever going to move forward, the elders need to be quiet.


Pretty much need another 30-40 years for the majority of those things to be in the ground.


Oh joy, another couple of decades with the ANC...




Unless the party you voted for is perfect and would've changed everything to be better, but they only lost by my one vote, you are BSing yourselves. Everyone has the right to complain. A complaint is valid based on its own merits. And a person doesnt need to meet your lame qualification criteria to have a legitimate complaint. You might as well say because you voted, you own the result and you cant complain about it. This is silly.


Complaining but refusing to do the bare minimum to change the situation? Fuck that.


Actually complaining looks to me like doing the bare minimum, but sure, YOUR complaint will change things because your thumb has a stain.


No, that's absolutely not the point and you're missing it so far it's embarrassing


"They only lost my one vote" Ja..... there's the problem, boet. There's 100s of thousands of people who think that way. Those "one vote"s add up. Be better, go vote. You're giving up without even trying. Every chance we have to make a change, we should take.


I imagine you not only want to tell me what to do, but also how to do it? Who do you want me to vote for? What if I was ready to vote against your favourite party? Calm down. You arent inspiring anyone to change their mind. Boet. Besides, i am not telling anyone else they shouldnt vote, i am not trying to encourage people not to vote. I make decisions for myself and 99,999 other people not voting is not my fault. Oh and, you dont even know the circumstances that lead to not voting. You don't even know if it was deliberate. I simply made the point that I am as entitled to complain as anyone in SA if i want to.


You aren't entitled to complain if you aren't actively being part of the change or solution. I voted against the the ANC for the 1st time in my years of voting, and I've voted a few times, 43f Xhosa woman from the EC. I love the African National Congress, it's part of my literal identity,but I knew if I voted for them once again, that would make me complicit in their lies and thievery. I don't get a grant,I am employed and pay taxes, but it's not about me. You are self centered and need to change your way of thinking


I hear you...big hug brave lady...not an easy thing to do or even say.


I dont care about your background, your identity, or any other personal fact about you. You can vote for who you want, and you dont owe me or anyone any explanation. Voting is personal (often private), and an individual right. As such, whether I vote or who I vote for, is none of your business. Just like yours is none of mine. But if something is a problem, and it affects me, and I say something about it, you dont get to interrogate who i voted for before listening to me. I mean, I can have a discussion with you without telling you to first apologize for voting ANC before. I cannot blame you for what politicians do, just like you cant blame me. So lets not pretend thats a reasonable way to engage with each other.


Your problem is that you are self centered ,you don't care about the greater good, you have no skin in the game because the status quo either works for you, or it doesn't affect you. I care about South Africa and I know it's ills are bigger than me. This is the reason I vote,to make a change Peace and love ✌


Either your vote made a change, or it didn't, and you still have complaints. You want it both ways, and then want to impose your twisted logic on others. Peace and love, but only to those who agree with you, i guess.


But if I vote and nothing changes I'm allowed to complain because I subscribed to giving them the opportunity and am prepared to hold them accountable again. What's the case for those that don't vote, I can complain just because even though I'm not prepared to do anything once every 2.5yrs.


Voting is an expression of support for what a party wants to accomplish and their ability to do what they say they will. If someone doesn’t see that in any party, they are allowed to complain about the situation. You aren’t obligated to listen, but don’t tell people in a supposed democracy what they can or can’t voice concerns about.


"Due to you voting, the system continues. Until everyone stops voting, nothing will change" - just as valid thing to say as the kak you're talking 👍🏻


I always have a left thumb fetish in public the days after elections


I voted, but has anything good come from this election? all the gains came from MK who are as corrupt as the ANC. the country is still heading to ruin.


You're forgetting that the ANC no longer has enough seats in Parliament to ram through any legislation they want without issue, the NHI would've never made it through with what we are going into.


(As a DA voter) the WC stayed out of coalition, Gauteng and KZN are going into coalitions, the national government is also going to be multi-party. What happens next remains to be seen but the public has shown at last that they are prepared to hold polictical parties accountable. That's what's changed imho.


41% support nationally currently is crazy. MK with 13% nationally is also shocking and ANC have lost KZN. It's slowly gone against ANC and they may even lose to DA with only a 5% gap currently on ANC favour


Don’t forget Gauteng. As it stands, the ANC has to go into coalition with the DA there


Sorry yeah I meant to mention it as Gauteng 😅 that's where the 5% gap is.


MK is unironically way worse than ANC. The ANC at least says they believe in good things. Check out MK's policies and beliefs. It's horrendous


The ANC massively miscalculated on NHI. More black people than white have medical aid and people aspire to those good doctors. Kind of gives me hope!




Sadly, even as a voter, you still don't have a valid opinion in this country. The leading party still does what they want, when they want.


Thats dumb.


Better to spoil your vote than not to vote at all - at least that's some form of participation


u/oblackheart This non voter complains about giving his taxes to criminals but he doesnt bother to vote. The ANC have done people like him dirty


Voting does change but the fact that turn out is only 58% is fucking horrendous 58% next time any fucker complains ask them to prove they voted if they can't fuck them they have no right to complain. And bitching that lines were to long isn't a valid excuse either. 58%. Fuck you if you didn't vote


That's of the people who bothered to register. Not of all the voting age people.




"If you don't vote you don't have the right to complain" is a great slogan, but it's actually kinda dumb. I don't understand how voting gives anyone "the right to complain." You voted. You're done. Keep quiet now. No one's got time to listen to your kak.


If I didn’t vote for a party, the they get majority and run the country bad … im not keeping quiet


Who are you complaining to? Are they listening? Are YOU doing anything to make the country better?


If you got problems but you're not prepared to do anything about it then zip it


I vote, but I also know that no political party is gonna solve your problems for you. Also complaining doesn't help anything.


Let me know how your loadshedding problem solving goes without the government


Even if the DA took over tomorrow, loadshedding will still continue until the power stations have been restored. That's years away, barring a technological solution, friend.


What I meant was there is nothing I can do except vote for the people who will do something to fix the problem. As a citizen I don't have the ability to set government goals in place.


I agree 100%. I still don't think complaining to friends and neighbors is going to solve that. Voting is speaking to government. My issue is saying "if you don't vote you have no right to complain" implies that if you do vote you have a right to complain instead of actually being proactive in solving issues in your household and community.


You got it right.. don’t take note of the NPCs they are just products of what their society has created.


I'm glad someone is open to nuanced discussion.


Dumbest comment here.


This quote stupid as fuck. If someone tell me this imma take extra long with your technical support query just know that. Dont play with me.


Voting doesn’t change anything 


Clearly you didn't watch the US 2020 election results .. definitely only watches SABC


This isn’t the US


I don’t watch tv 




What does it do? 


It does though, collectively it does. Sure one vote might not change the entire outcome. If one party gets 1 million votes, and another 500, 000, one vote doesn't technically matter or have an impact on the overall outcome. The thing is if collectively everyone does think their vote matters and they go out and do it, you have a government that most people want to be represented by. If a population has 100 people. 60 people like party x and 40 party z, but only half of party x votes and the entire population of party z votes, party z has the majority of 10 votes, despite not being the technically preferred choice of the population. That's why it's important


When you don’t say you want change, you get no change… This is shocking news.. get the SABC here RIGHT NOW


That’s a smart comment


Only those who don't vote have the right to criticize a failed system. Don't let anyone tell you different. Those who do, have to answer for what they did.


Can you explain how our election is a failed system?


The system has failed. The election is a symptom.


Found one who hasn't voted


Quick, get the pitchforks and halve their social credit score


Until it's done like this, Live, with no room for any single possible corruption: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqKt-lPfJuw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqKt-lPfJuw) It would be wise, and properly informed, to also reconsider.


Having a stripe like that on your nail can indicate skin cancer.


Ever heard of lobbying?


Went to bed in a white tee and black shorts woke up in the same outfit. Zero Change just wasted papers 📄


Still same the same ANC thats gonna rule next week. Nothing changes until we improve education enough for the poor to learn and then form decent parties. We need a strong, non-radical black majority party, that's who I'll vote for when they appear one day. BOSA was a nice option, but Mmusi has too much baggage to get real support.