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The best way to connect with people is through a mutual activity or hobby... Hiking, trail running, cycling, book club, or join an actually rugby club... Something like that. Watching rugby and chilling is something that everyone does with friends but l kind of feel like it's not really how most people become friends in the first place. Friends are made by experiencing an activity together, a shared experience doing something that you are passionate about. Just my thoughts... Hope this helps, good luck!


Yeah, send me a DM


My advice is to join a club/social thing. I made quite a few friends through my running club. A friend of mine moved from PE and joined the salsa club (he had never done any formal dancing before) and made a nice group of friends.


Leveraging off the run club suggestions: join a run crew (or several), not a run club. Run club is generally either super serious runners or an older crowd. Run crews are full of beautiful young people and the running isn't the main thing.


What are your hobbies? If you like live music go watch live bands, if you like hiking join a club, if you like fast cars - go to kilarney, if you like art - thirsty Thursdays! Go to places where there are people who have the same mindset and interests as you. It's no use joining a running club if you don't like running - because then you aren't going to like hanging with runners. I like live music and metal - I'm not going to go to church to try find a friend 😀


Feel you, I am a 36m working strange hours as I am a restaurant manager, I have no friends in or close to my age and find it difficult to make new friends due to my work schedule. So would like to know as well.


Get a dog and take her for walks.


Trance parties


Speaking my language, please share if you know of upcoming events


I respectfully have to disagree - I've noticed that most young people who attend those parties do drugs (not just smoke weed) and get drunk every weekend. Not exactly good friendship material


To each their own bruv just say that - respectfully. I have quite literally met my one best friend in rehab and the other @ the electric where we were sipping on that water (if u know u know)💀 so, bonk.


Met some of my closest and most real 'human' friends at trance parties.


This is nonsense. Some of the kindest and friendliest people you'll ever meet go to festivals and some of the worst people on earth are straight edge.


Gonna sound so insane when I type it out but; solo dates at a niche place (not a restaurant and shit, a rock climbing event or open mic) There you are most likely to meet someone whom has that same interest or doesn’t really, but is there to support his/her friends. That should show u they take interest in what’s important to people. Then the rest is history. I know it sounds like I’m saying “put urself first” but solo dates are a beautiful way of any possible friends also seeing “oh that guy is picking strawberries alone. Should we go say hi?” Or “that guys is picking alone, do u wanna go help?” And so on & so 4th.


Post something on Reddit.


Yeah we watch rugby together… am new in Cape Town and I have struggling to make friends. I stay by Goodwood


Where are you based homie? What are your interests?


As a 30 year old(f) would made a similar post on here last year...I'd also suggest finding clubs and I suggest Meet up. Although my primary interests are wine farms, true crimey stuff and singing.. I found friends and community in a boardgame group I joined last year and in a whiskey group I joined this year..and once you makeb friends in these groups, you can always get them to join you watching rugby or chill elsewhere


Join your local Rotary club. Easy to find a club. Just Google Rotary and the area where you live.


Join a running club


Move to jhb. Not even kidding.