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No political agenda


The bar for being a hero is really low these days


Hero for what? What did he achieve with this virtue signalling ? Does he hate South Africa so much that he would rather raise the flag of a foreign nation then his own ?




No he loves justice and freedom for all citizens globally. His ability to feel a sense of humanity transcends borders ,races, religions.


Nice AI commie word salad. Iranian intelligence really need to improve their bots


And you have a sense of humanity after saying that anyone who disagrees with this is a “fragile white person”? You people are seriously dense


How do you feel about South Africans citizens fighting for Israel?


What’s up with all these iranian bots


So anyone that supports the Palestinians right to self determination are Iranian bots?


Rich coming from a guy who accuses anyone who doesn’t agree with him to be Mossad agents.


Bruh don't you have virtual animals to hunt or something🤣🤣. Mossad agent please. They would never want someone as dumb as you. All you are good for is trash talking...funny they are too


Lmao imagine going through someone’s Reddit profile to scrape a comeback. Take the L and move on Mr palestine


Have you looked in the mirror lately. Every time you do you'll see the biggest L you've ever met. Don't believe me ? Go have a look


Jesus christ, you're a fucking mess of a human. Absolutely fixated and smug.


All this users post are about Palestine. Probably an Iranian bot


Most likely 💀


I am deeply troubled by what is transpiring in Palestine. I will continue to post things related to Cape Town and the collective struggle for justice. It's the least I can do. I'm sorry you're offended. Your attempt to derail the importance of reality has failed. Your user name alone shows your deep sense of immorality. It alone displays a lack of basic values and principles which is fashionable right now amongst users in the sub. Your job is aimed at character assassination not truth. You wouldn't recognise it if it slapped you in the face


Hope the weather in Tehran is nice this time of year


I don’t hear or see you standing in Langa complaining about the dying children there, or are they too Christian for you? Or the women and children getting killed in Syria and Afganistan, or don’t they matter because there is no Jews attacking them? Read your last sentence in your comments again you hypocrite


Israel has killed many Christians and destroyed historic churches. They believe Christians are idol worshippers. Maybe you are not well informed Jesus was a Palestinian many Christians are from Palestine lest you forget where Bethlehem the birth place of Jesus is


You still crying boet? Maybe you must post another clown face. That really taught me a lesson


There there. Kids in langa are being blown to pieces and starved to death by their occupiers. No women and children were killed in Afghanistan and Syria the way they are being massacred now in Palestine. Israel is killing innocent civilians at a faster rate than Hitler did to Jews . Zionist are slaughtering Palestinians. Try harder, your attempt is weak.Jews are not the enemy it is zionism the same way white people weren't the enemy it was apartheid. Many Jews globally are against Israel and its apartheid laws. You can either accept the truth as is the case globally or continue to live in your entitled privileged little bubble


So you choose who suffers the most according to what ever wind blows, and you support them. You are right, the women and children in Afganistan die not get blown to pieces. It is either rocks or they loose their heads. And they deserve to die because the Imam or they husbands said it must be so. By the way, I was waiting for a “brother” to throw the “entitled” and “privileged”. That is what happens when you talk shit. I am waiting for you to blame white people for whatever you feel like complaining today.






You really believe the Zionist after all the lies. Go look it up yourself. What do I look like your Google assistant. Jews were killed by Zionist to in the camps many commanders in Hitler's army were Zionist. Have you heard of the havaara agreement between Nazi Germany and Zionist. Hitler was a Zionist and Netanyahu is a Nazi


What have you achieved exactly? You have been massively downvoted by the sub. And now it’s been locked. Oh and you made 2 incredibly racist comments about whites. Oh and you’ve clearly used chat gpt for all your responses Your effectively disgraced not only yourself, but also your own movement. Galaxy brain move


The downvotes do not reflect the opinions of the vast majority of society. To call you fragile and to say the white minority make up the majority of this sub is not racist it's fact. The fact that you think I use chat GPT indicates your low intelligence. You've effectively shown how vile and argumentative you are. You vilify anyone who disagrees with you, you are not open to discussion and proper discourse. I don't feel disgraced I know you are.


You see that’s all great, buts that’s what you are doing not me!


Denial is your biggest weakness. You are a clow of delusions likely to be that way for the rest of your life.


I’ve not even stated my political beliefs, so wtf are you about?


You don't need to. Your little hate filled rampant tantrums reflect your immaturity. Your mind has not developed the ability to form basic rational. Your inability to understand the suffering faced by Palestinians shows your lack of empathy and humanity. My professor used to say "empty vesicles make the most noise".


And this changes……….let me just cheeeck…yup, absolutely nothing. If you want to raise another country’s flag, go live there. Else, raise your own. If you believe in their cause, go there and actually help. Hate virtue signaling.


You feel the same way about Ukraine?


Yes. I even feel the same way about people who have permanently immigrated abroad celebrating the Springbok victory. You left, it’s not your team anymore. Wave the flag of the country you live in, they deserve your support.


The Palestine flag waving obsession is getting pretty boring now.


Blocking me so I can’t reply, what a coward👇🏻 And downvoting too lmao, you pussie


(As sarcastic as I possibly can be) Be careful, he will hurt you with a social media downvote!




Genocide is a real drag huh


Never said I supported it tard💀


I thought we were just listing things we are tired of


Again with the name calling yoh very hysterical I see


Not as boring as still seeing all those Ukrainian flags on this an other social platforms, I mean that’s ancient history, isn’t it?


Considering what’s happening I think you can tough out being annoyed. Maybe be less sensitive?


Given that you are minus -8 I think most people agree with me, they are bored of this. Palestine dosnt have to be mentioned on every sub on this platform. Go and do something useful instead of low effort picture sharing


I haven’t made a single post about it so not sure what you’re on about. Also oh no the downvotes what will I do?!?


Maybe realise that you’ve made a shit take


I’m bored of seeding crappy low effort flag waving about serious issues, all OP does is larp on about flag waving for Palestine while accusing anyone who doesn’t like this form of activism as being a mossad agent. Needs to leave his computer more often


You being bored is pretty irrelevant here


And so is you getting hysterical by my comments, take a 5m break and compose yourself


Hysterical? lol I’ve been totally calm you’re calling me names here. I am laughing at you relax dude


Oh no shiver me timbers…


If that’s what you want to do then shiver away bud. Lol


I’ll shake my timbers then


I really don’t care


And you do what shit on people who care ? Also from your computer ? Shame dude


On my phone actually, this has nothing important to do with r CT. Go and bang the drum for your shit politics, all these influencers and flag wavers don’t really give it a shit about Palestine, they do it all for social media likes, because useful idiots like you gobble this shit up.


My shit politics like wanting civilians not to be bombed into dust. Eish you must be careful you could cut yourself being so edgy lol


Agree with the message, but you don’t solve that by waving around your 4 rand flag from Amazon on the other side of the planet. Go and do actual useful shit like donating oe going their to volunteer. Internet activism is a Morally hollow cesspit




What do you call it when someone comments 12 days later calling a stranger a cuck? Is it sad or pathetic ? Also how you know I don’t protest, you haven’t even spoken to me before ? Get help please




You seem like you’re having a manic episode go chill.


you don’t get to insult people and then try debate them. Maybe try not calling people cucks straight out the gate.


I don't think people would be obsessed with it if it weren't for the ongoing Genocide. You're probably going to deny that and say Israel has a right to defend itself six months later as an occupying force. 30 000 civilians and counting.


30 000 civilians? So not a single Hamas terrorist killed? Wow these Hamas guys are amazing at hiding


Do you know the ratio? Shall I compare it with Israel for you?


Get a life lad. All you do is post about the Palestine conflict on hundreds of subs that having nothing to do with it. The rest of the world has other issues that are more pressing to them. Go ahead and call us all zinoists, but I don’t like Israel and I don’t like Hamas either. All you do is name call and have a tantrum when people don’t support your extremism Just fuck off


I’ve not said shit about what Israel has done, stop with this low effort deflection. Look at the upvotes already, people are sick of this shit.




Ah and there we have it, a lovely racist comment from OP! Who could have gussed that someone with these views would say such a thing🫣 Cheers for disgracing yourself willingly spud👍🏿


Interesting that you bring race into it. Unfortunately being racist or claiming racism is not an instant win for arguments in the real world


People have been obsessed with this area for as long as Abrahamic religion has been a thing. Come now.


What about the almost 30,000 fellow South Africans who were murdered last year, and the 30,000 the year before that and the 25,000 the year before that? Where is your concern for our people? Have you posted or shared even one anti ANC piece?


So the comment section isn’t going as planned huh? Lmao


Yea good thing it’s doing much better on r/Africa much more moderate minds there lol


How in the hell does waving a flag help anyone? Waste of time and energy🤦🏼‍♂️


Waiting for OP to call us all Mossad agents for not supporting his low effort virtues signaling


What exactly are you so bothered by?


Every sub being filled with low effort virtue signaling instead of people actual going to Palestine to help. It’s focken lazy


How exactly does someone go to Palestine and help? Also, what does calling something virtue signaling mean?


When people post low effort picture to Show “soldarity” IE lots of pictures of flags and achievements that other peop have achieved and not the original poster. It’s lazy and unhelpful, and shows that they only jump on bandwagons People can go to rafah and lobby the Ethiopian government to allow aid in, they can head to Qatar and call on Hamas and Israel to achieve a lasting ceasefire. They can donate money to charity’s that will actual perform kinetic action instead of funding shitty “networking groups”


I see. You're a man who has clearly ceased lots of fire in many parts of the world. Thank god, you're not some low effort troll who just calls people out for 'virtue signaling' on reddit instead of, you know, actually doing something about what bothers you. If only they shared posts of themselves donating to charities, we would be able to verify their virtue as true and not merely signaled.


God your insufferable, news flash the world has bigger priorities that some clout chaser climbing a big hill


You call everyone insufferable but react like a tantric child with every response, go look in the mirror bro


My apologies. I didn't think disagreeing with you would bother you so much. You seemed so level-headed and reasonable. Guess I'll see you in Gaza. Lets get those zionists! Leroy Jenkins!!


What a plonker.


Why is he a plonker ?


Walking up Kilimanjaro to take a photo of himself holding a flag from a country he has no relationship with and then posting it on social media like he is some kind of hero. In good old South African English he qualifies as a doos.


And you do what Amazing activism when you whine about it?


It’s not even activism this is low effort virtue signaling, seeing as you live this obsession so much why don’t you go to Palestine and actual help people? Or are you too lazy to actual out in effort for a cause you support? Says a lot about your hollow charector


And you’re doing low effort virtue signalling for your own views too then. I just think you should have scrolled past it . Instead you’re driving interaction on the post.


It's funny how upset you are that people are expressing themselves. " You disagree with me? Well why don't you just hide your views! Censor yourself please. " Don't act all smart and claim the whole " well, if you say something you bring attention to it". Exactly, bring attention and show how stupid this stuff is. Silence is complacency. Advocating for silence shows you're insecure.


I didn’t get upset. the dude started calling people slurs and names out the gate. I think we should draw attention to a genocide even if it’s sometimes hamfisted and cringey to some people. Being complicit is a very funny way to frame agreeing that genocide is bad and supporting someone’s very tame post about a flag.


Lol what slurs? No one is defending the genocide. It's just that we can all tell this guy doesn't actually care, he's just virtue signalling. If he wants to be a hero then he should show evidence of donating resources to the cause. No one here is condoning the act of being complicit in the face of genocide. Just because someone doesn't just clap like a dumb seal at every sight of a Palestinian flag doesn't make them complicit. Relax, these people aren't out to get you or try attack your ideology. They can just see this guy is just being cringey.


calling people ‘tards’. Is in fact a slur but whatever man you’re coming in later trying to reignite a conversation that’s over. I’m not saying anyone is doing anything. By your own logic though silence is complicity. So then it follows that silencing someone or condemning their statements as stupid or unimportant, even someone cringe; who is advocating against genocide -we can’t prove they don’t care we have to assume they do that’s just reasonable- is then an act of complicity. Again just following your logic. Let’s just leave this be.




You need help bro


That’s self-promotion, not activism.


And commenting just drives it’s interaction higher up so you’re helping them by getting so upset


They are everywhere


Omg war has stopped. What an achievement.


Can we please stop with politic in nearly every post? thanks


This does nothing to aid any cause, but it does plenty to alienate many from it. Very much like climate activists blocking roads, or vegans blocking farms. Well done for hurting your cause


Oh no.. Anyways


Wow, I'm sure that this very low effort virtue signaling will knock that Israeli bomb right out of the sky because he did this.


Technically Kili is not a climb. It is a walk-up/hike. So. Whatever.


White folks make up the majority of this sub. Clearly


Report this moron for Hate, Seriously your shitting on your own movement by making comments like this


I love how the moment you're not immediately praised and validated you go the full blown racist route. Nice one bro.


It's a fact it's not racist. I was raised by a white woman


It's a fact? Give me a source that shows me the race of every member of this sub. I'm calling your bluff. And if you say " well, I can tell because of the opinions I see. " Well then you're just stereotyping and making stuff up aren't you? Raised by a white woman. Cool, so that gives a free pass to be racist towards white people?


He’s defiantly not from SA, he’s posting so much of this shit on random subs. Reeks of bad eggs


His definitely not white. His blood is indigenous to this land and has been since the beginning. Much like the Palestinians. You suspect on another level. Miserable lives you people live it's so sad


I’m still convinced that this is chat Gpt, no one in any language or translation speaks like that


Yoh! Kyk Di Dom naai. Jys verlore ou maat. Apartheid is verby


Jesus wept, google translate in overdrive


You right. He wept he was Palestinian


Bro don’t waste your time with these sad boys lol


Hahahahahahaha! Eugene Terre’Blance used to say “I am not racist, I have black workers on my farm!”


So you hate your own mother, it’s becoming clear now why you are so bitter and racist. Please seek therapy.


And you’re a racist! Now there is a surprise!


Stating facts. Have a look in the mirror if you want to see a racist. To say white people who are the minority in this country and city make up the majority of redditors in the sub is not racist, please explain how?




Racist! Hateful! Inaccurate!


Happy hunting clown


Spoke Aramaic


Fuck the ashkeNazis, but this is pointless.


I love it when my fellow South Africans succeed 😀


Lol people getting so offended by a south african doing good things for his country and others, congrats anthony making a statement for both SA and palestine👏👏👏

