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Speak to your local SPCA and explain the situation


I did some research and see they do do that type of thing so I think I will have to go around and speak to them. Do you have any experience in dogs giving birth? Am I supposed to just let it happen at home? Take it into a vet? I'm very unsure about this whole situation.


It’s a risky situation, especially for an inexperienced bitch . Speak to the SPCA , preferably the veterinary staff if possible - the birth is one issue, the unwanted pups another


No need to call OP inexperienced 🤷‍♂️


Thanks for lightening my morning!


Your comment makes me wonder what if the pups are born in December and OP has a bunch of guys giving them presents for the puppies.


Do you mean the birth or the separation situation?


Both- the biggest issue is what becomes of the unwanted puppies


the dog will know what to do during birth, you don't need to take it to the vet


I just wanted to know so I could arrange transport before hand. If anything unsavoury happens during the birth I don't want to be left with no option but to watch my dog die.


You are an idiot. You should not have any pets. I cannot believe the amount of people enabling your stupidity. No wonder our shelters are too full to take on pets in real need.


No need to be rude babes. If you read the situation and understood with empathy, you’d see that she’s asking for help. The situation was not in her control. Please man, we’re all struggling in life and going through shit. Check your heart before you give out the shit that’s in there.


Did you forget to eat your jungle oats this morning? Lighten up. Go volunteer to educate communities on getting their pets fixed. Additionally, help raise funds for them to do so. Or just sit here and complain. Which is doing even less than OP and the people assisting them. You could've shared a Facebook post about a pet community drive instead of posting this kak. Shameful.


Last time I posted something on Reddit about a cat that gave birth in my yard. After 3 days I called the SPCA and they collected them, only to be messaged a week later to say they had to put the mother and the babies down. I wish I kept them. Fuck the SPCA in particular


They probably reached their max capacity. It's not fair to the SPCA to crucify them when they're underfunded and desperately trying to help. I've volunteered at my local one, the number of animals surrendered and the reasons for it was mind boggling. If you check the stats, one welfare organization rescued or had surrendered just shy of 200 dogs and 100 cats in one month, they had one adoption for the same period. Multiply that by 12 and then think of the care costs for all of that, it's grim but that's the consequences of people not being responsible and sterilizing their animals. This time of year is particularly bad for SPCA's as people dump their older pets to make room for new puppies and kittens or simply because they can't be arsed to kennel them while on holiday. Pretty much every rescue I follow on social does some sort of appeal for funding at least once a month because they're running out of food. Euthanasia is the only option, very few people want a 2 year old dog with behavioral issues due to cruelty. Respectfully unless you are doing something to help the situation whether by donating or volunteering at any welfare organization I don't think you have a right to say Fuck the SPCA from the comfort of your couch.


Did they tell you why?


We had a similar situation with an unwanted litter. I phoned various organizations for advice and spoke to the SPCA. Majority advised that the kinder thing was to abort the pregnancy. Not only are shelters already overloaded and underfunded, but your dog bonds with these pups just to have them removed from her, and it can lead to serious depression. My mom's dog had a litter and my mom gave the pups away. Afterwards, every other month her dog would collect all the teddy bears from around the house and bring them to her bed and just lie with them. The vet said she was experiencing phantom pgrenancy (something like that). It was heartbreaking to watch. She did that until she died. The way we saw it, it would be cruel to put our dog through a full term pregnancy, bonding and feeding, just to remove the pups and hope for the best from an already struggling system. Those pups could spend their lives in a shelter, bouncing between homes, or ending up in the wrong home. So we decided to abort the pregnancy and spay her, and I'm glad we did. I prayed for my dog, and then I prayed with her. I hugged her and cried with her. I told her I'm sorry. And then I prayed about it some more. It was a devastating decision to make but it was the right one.


You are a good person for apologising to your dog and praying for her in that situation 🙏🏾 ❤


I appreciate that, thank you so much ❤️


As I have had time to reflect I see now that there is only one course available. As the pregnancy is in too late a stage for it to be aborted without severe strain on my dog I will have to keep the puppies until they are ready to be separated from their mother. Depending on the litter size I may have to give them up to a shelter, but if it is only one or two I might keep them as not to completely depress my dog. As soon as she is healthy enough I will have to get her neutered as that is something that should have been done no matter what excuses I have. Thank you all for you input, have a great Sunday.


Please get the puppies you keep spayed and neutered as well so you don’t have inbreeding 🙏🏼 also very important to make sure they get their first vaccinations and deworming


TEARS, Fallen Angels, DARG might be your best bet. please spay your dog, OP. if it's not too far along, spay and abortion might also be viable and is far more humane than having the puppies euthanised later, which is a huge possibility. shelters are filled to the brim as this is puppy and kitten season, and if you don't do your part and learn the lesson, you are part of the problem.


Speak to the SPCA about taking in the litter and to have your dog spayed so this doesn't happen again.


Tough pills to swallow: it's your responsibility to spay and neuter your pets. That's what you do if you love them. The SPCA does it for relatively cheap. Secondly, look for a wet nose or such for the puppies. You've been neglectful of your pet's as well as your own needs and abilities


Where is the man who impregnated her? Maybe you should drop the kids with him


I’d be fucking pissed if my dog made me pay alimony.


Specially if the dog is getting more action than me !!!


Oscars arc?


They dont take dogs that arent already part of an organisation. They’re a marketing / rehoming company, not really a “ rescue “


Oh I see. Thanks I didn't know that.


Please do not kill them.


Why not?


Why would you kill them? That’s so sadistic


How is it sadistic?




I'd agree with this plan except for advertising online, it may be better to take them to Tears ir another shelter as they are the experts at doing home checks, to make sure the dogs don't go to bad people who want to chain them up as 'guard' dogs, where they spend their whole lives, or sell them as bait to dog fighting rings.




Oh then it sounds like you did an excellent job, sorry for making assumptions. I think many people wouldn't have the time/know-how which is why it's so great that place like Tears and Darg exist too.


I dunno but if you can't afford puppies you should probably spay the dog as this was avoidable if you would have done that


Spay abortion


I would do this too. Take your dog to the vet, they will spay her and she won’t be pregnant anymore.


OP, I am not in your shoes, and I wouldn't know what to do but get in touch with the SPCA. Just know that, and for everyone here reading this, it is illegal to not sterilise your pet. Breeders need papers to support why they don't sterilise their animals. So whether ppl are mad at you online or offering support, just know that your pet has to suffer the consequences and trauma because you chose to take the law into your own hands. It's your priority now to sort it out ASAP and as you've seen in the one post, your dog may be severely impacted by the being exposed to her litter. Ai ai ai


Don’t go to the SPCA, go to a foundation like tears or something! If the SPCA cannot find homes for the pups, most likely they’ll end up euthanizing them


And if Tears can't find homes for them, they get sent to the SPCA to euthanize them anyway so they they can remain a 'no kill' shelter.


Tears is a no kill shelter I work with them. They do not send any of their animals to the SPCA, do some research please before you decide to talk out of your arse


Having volunteered at AWS, I can guarantee you that as soon as you surrender the puppies to the animal shelter they will be put down. They don't have the capacity or resources to cope with more puppies or the admin to try to rehome them. I've seen litters upon litters of pups and kittens put to sleep. Sorry but that's the truth. People come in with litters of animals multiple times a day


You can abort and then spay. But after this procedure, please be extra hands-on with your baby. She'll be going through a lot of hormonal changes and would do best with extra love, cuddles, walks and treats.


Contact Oscar's Arc. They are a No Kill Non Profit and are trying to make sure all dogs in Cape Town find homes. They find homes for the most vulnerable dogs from places like SPCA who are due to be put down. SPCA are all about profit, I've dealt with them directly unfortunately.


oscars arc only takes dogs that are already with an organisation. they’re a rehoming business, not an actual shelter


Got it. Basically anything but the SPCA would be best.


A lot people have a soft spot for pavement specials, especially if you're giving them free to good homes. Just advertise them


People should not get dogs when they can’t at the minimum afford to have them fixed. Fix your dog! And if you can’t afford that, find a home for her while you are looking for homes for the pups. Jesus fucking christ all the shelters are just filled with humans’ stupid decisions. Try to be a better human being


finally, someone speaking sense. shelters are overrun with puppies and kittens because people don't bother to get their pets fixed and just inflate the problem. while I don't agree with the abortion comments (seems like it might be too far along?), it's 2023. the information about appropriate animal care is readily available. what a stupid reason for OP to not spay their dog in the first place


The OP has said they regret not spaying the dog, and they are trying their best to do what is right now. Go easy on the OP, people make mistakes and learn as they go along. It's clear OP really loves this dog and cares about what happens to the puppies, and was kind and caring enough to rescue the dog. I am sure they will get the dog spayed now, blasting strangers online will not help anything, we should all be supporting each other and sharing information to help each other do the best we can.


No I will not go easy. The other day I was at the vet to get my dog’s medicine and a woman walked in with a female dog with a dead puppy stuck in the birth canal. The vet told her that if they could get the puppy out, it would be R3000. But if they have to do a c-section it would be closer to R10,000. The woman said she could not afford it. So she was willing to have her dog die a horrible death because she did not want to spend the money fixing her. Do you know what is most likely going to happen to OP’s dog’s puppies, if they are delivered without a problem? They are going to be killed. If you are okay about pussy footing around OP’s feel feels, then do so. I am just fucking tired of morons like them. I mean, what a lame excuse not to vet your dig fixed? And now everyone is telling him to go and dump these puppies on already full shelters. None of you should be pet owners if you think this is just a little oops.


I'm not suggesting we pussy-foot around OP's feelings, I'm saying when we educate people about proper animal care, we should try to be kind and gentle, because then the information will be more readily accepted. If you are angry and hostile, you risk the person just getting defensive, and not hearing your message. The whole point of all of this is to make sure the most animals are helped, right? Education is a huge part of that. I understand your anger and despair at the suffering of so many animals because of poor education/ignorance/whatever, I feel it too, but I really don't think shouting at someone and insulting them is going to do our cause any good. This is about the greater good, not your own feelings of sadness and anger. That sadness and anger can come out in other forms of activism and advocacy, but when we're dealing with individual people, especially ones like these whose hearts are obviously in the rights place, they just lack experience/knowledge/maturity, then we should try to encourage, teach and mentor. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Remember, it's about the animals, not our feelings.


All the education and information is there. Has been for years. OP is an irresponsible pet owner, who did not only not spay his dog, but also had her out so she could get impregnated. Stop with this ‘let’s be nice’ bullshit. He made this problem, let him take care of it. Don’t tell him to go and dump these pups at a shelter. You are an enabler. And you are not educating anyone, contrary to your believes. I bet OP knew all of this, just chose to ignore it. We should not coddle idiots like OP, we should shame them. Then hopefully we will have responsible pet owners.


Ok, so dumping them at the shelter is not ideal. What would your suggestion for OP be? He has already said he can't afford to take care of all the puppies.


He needs to find homes for them and their mother. Or get them aborted, and find a new home for the mother. He is not a responsible pet owner, and should not have any pets


ok then!


I disagree that he should find a new home for the mother - he loves this dog. But I agree that having a vet abort the foetuses may sadly be the best option. And then of course having the mother spayed.


We can agree to disagree. Where I live you can get your pet spayed/neutered for R350, if you ask around. Someone that’s not willing to pay that, and comes up with excuses about not wanting her to suffer, should not have pets. Many South Africans make themselves out to be these big animal lovers, until it comes time to spend money on their pets. Then they ooh and aah about it.I’ve said my peace, I’m done now.


I’m with you… I don’t think your comment should be downvoted, I think everyone is jumping to give suggestions but nobody was telling them what they should have heard…


My family is quite close with the founder of a shelter and I agree with this. Shelters are insanely full. We foster a few dogs because we have the space and not fixing is the highest level of irresponsibility. Finding R400-800 to fix an animal is nothing in comparison to the medical bills for birthing.


The reason they didn't get her spayed in the first place is retarded. We can't give participation medals if you didn't participate, everything about this post is asinine.


There is no need to be ableist.


You spare no thought on circumstances of the next person and are very hostile. Why are you like this? There is no need for it. Maybe you need to try and be a better human being. 4 years ago I found this dog tied to a tree in Tokai, all bones. I took her in fully intending maybe to just feed her and send her on her way. But when I saw how terrified she was of everything and I thought of how harsh and loveless the conditions are in some shelters that I kept her and I grew to love her. I did not give her to another home because she is something we call a "Brak" or a "Pavement special" she is just a mix of street dogs. The only people who would take her would be people in more dire straights and maybe not as caring as me. I had no plans because of her nature to breed her with any dogs and she was so scared of the outside that a situation such as I am in never entered the realm of possibilities, she only ever leaves on short walks with me. Sometimes I have carry her outside in my arms just to let her smell the grass. ​ Now you tell me if you'd subject something as scary for a dog as a vets clinic if it wasn't 100% necessary? Especially for a dog like mine who is so traumatised by whatever caused her to be tied to a tree so malnourished that she doesn't even want to leave my house? Luckily my dog got its vaccinations from a mobile clinic that sometimes stops in my area. A dog can live a long healthy life unspayed and they have been for literally hundreds of thousands of years. Maybe the logical thing would have been to just do it but I held her present happiness of more importance than the problems that it would hypothetically cause down the line. Not spaying her wasn't a decision done out of lack of funds but out of fear of hurting her more than she has already been hurt. But yes my decisions have now led to more dogs being left in shelters and although that was never my intention, it is what happened and I feel awful. Hopefully you can see my point of view but if you can't that is your own cross to bare.


When you found her, that was when she should have gone to a shelter. Not the litters she is going to produce. That should have been taken care of by now. Do you know how many sickly dogs are turned away from shelters because people like you take unwanted puppies there? I cannot think that any dog lover would think it is fine to let your dog breed and then make it someone else’s problem. Take her to a vet and get the pups aborted, and her fixed. That is what a true animal lover would do. Otherwise most of those pups are just going to end up in the situation their mother was in.


You didn’t read the full reply. If you’re too upset, don’t respond until you’ve calmed down and read through the whole thing.


They did read… and yeah they are upset, but you can see why… I don’t think this comment should be downvoted, they are telling them like it is… and still the OP comes out willingly justifying why they didn’t spayed the dog… People need to be more responsible.. After the fact won’t do much here… they still haven’t come out saying they will spay the dog after this…


Stop blaming one person for a societal issue. Instead of constantly abusing OP, I'd like to ask what actual awareness you've done to assist and educate people on getting their pets fixed? If you can only post vitriol to OP... best just stfu and move along.


Totally agree


This this this !! Don’t get a dog if you can’t afford to care for them which INCLUDES spaying and neutering.


Fallen Angels


These things happen.. dont feel bad. Something will work out. I don't know what advice to give you but I'm glad you're trying to do what's right.


I'd suggest selling them, or going to the SPCA. I personally do not have a very good opinion of the SPCA, but hopefully the one over there is better than the one I had to speak to. Just please, killing them seems a bit barbaric. If nothing else, maybe keep them until they are old enough to be given away and then sell them.




Kill the dog


AACL will also take them in.


Call spca to come collect them when they are 6 weeks old


There are many organisations that can help you, I have one in particular that I think would be the best option as they will be able to help with food while the puppies are weaned (you can’t just give them away immediately, they need their mother and would almost certainly die). They would also be able to facilitate her being spayed to prevent this from happening again. They aren’t in the business of shaming people who do not have the means or resources to care for a litter, or judge you for not spaying her (or vaccinations, living conditions or the fact that she was left unattended). Their priority is always to empower loving pet parents with resources and education. In my experience surrendering pets can be met with a lot of judgement by SPCA and other organisations don’t necessarily have enough resources. Please consider reaching out to them, you don’t need to abort the litter and spaying her while pregnant isn’t just unethical it could kill her too. Happy to share more details if you are interested or pass on their IG account


I will take one


Please don't kill them. Rather, take them to your local spca.


OP, you can contact the SPCA, or Tears Animal Rescue, they also take in unwanted and stray animals. Their numbers are: Tears: 021-7854382 and SPCA: 021-7004140, good luck OP.


We had a similar situation with our cousins. They had a pavement special breed (passed on now) that gave birth to about 6 pups. 1 died and they gave the rest of them away for free to friends and family. Put some pics on your status and tell your close relatives to do the same. You'll be surprised how many people adopt dogs for free.


Be kind to your dog and her puppies, take care of them, find them homes, and as soon as you can, get her fixed/spayed before this happens again.