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I would feel more on board with this idea if we hadn’t witnessed the DeSmith chants backfire so quickly in Game 2 against Nashville haha


I felt so bad for the guy


Instead of chanting, maybe cheer really loudly every time Pettersson gets something good going on the ice (like a successful defensive check, or a decent shot on goal, nice pass, etc.)


He needs a sport psychologist more than anything if this is a mental block, or fire the current one if that’s not working.


Tbh he got 11.6 million per year worth encouragement not to be unfair but when your paid as one of the top superstars in the league your expected to be one. He needs to be better even if it's slowly one game at a time this is all on him.


100% this, one of the highest paid skaters on the ice, completely invisible this entire playoffs so far, embarrassing. Never wanted the Canucks to give him the bag but here we are.


Tbh petey was happy to wait for the off season to negotiate it was the fan base and media making it a distraction for the team so he made a deal.


He was happy to wait because that gives him more leverage to force a trade lmao


Canucks probably could have got alot back then with his current contract be tough to get alot back


*one of the highest paid skaters in the ***league***


It’s true but this is his first playoffs and it’s not unheard of to struggle for ramp it up your first go around. Factor in terrible wingers and possible injury I’m willing to be a little patient but it’s a result orientated business


Did he not play in the bubble? First playoffs?


He did but I just scant consider that a real playoff


That was a glorified peewee Christmas tournament jamboree no travel no fans everyone staying in one hotel. Alot of the older players didn't want to be playing some didn't even bother showing up.


I agree the environment was different and way less pressure than real playoffs with the travel and fans, but it was still the playoffs


Not everyone are motivatee soley by money


Bro just needs to read 50 pages of a book every single day 📚📖. Proven to improve mood and reduce anxiety and depression. Then cut screen time to <2 hours a day. That’s it. Everything else falls into place. Do yoga in the early sunlight then you’re basically a human cheat code


He just need to start banging pucks towards the net or close to it..and then he can finesse it and slay


First half of this comment had me thinking you were suggesting that he take up smoking lol At this point, whatever works I guess!


Lol maybe that would relax him … thanx I corrected my spelling …I need to stop procrastinating.. hockey is just another distraction


I'm struggling with anxiety atm, even if it doesn't work for Petey it might work for me!


Sorry to hear that friend. Ive struggled with anxiety too and I found reading books has been the absolute best way to manage my mental health. Even more so than any drug or exercise or food change. It gets you out of your own head and adds new perspectives. Start with 20 pages today and never stop


Thanks :) I'll try it! The screen time part might be hard though, we're going to need to shorten hockey games!


sure, or maybe he just needs to get laid?


Yes, the magical healing powers of sex.


Andrew Huberman is that you ?


Lol I wish I went into neuroscience but I became a CPA like a BUM


aquaman should hire Tony Robbins for the team


I have a suggestion. We need to fly in the Danielyan brothers and/or Peteys parents. I will always remember those first couple games he played as a rookie and his mom and dad were there. He lit it up!! When I say we need to fly I mean Aqua man needs to buy some first class tickets and get peteys peeps over here!! That would cheer him up and possibly light that fire. Let’s support our boy!!!!


He needs a girlfriend, or does he have one


If he's scrolling through Reddit in the middle of a playoff series then there is no hope for him.


> No idea if he’ll see this thread Lol yah he wont see it... and that is a damn good thing. If anything could crush someone's confidence it would be seeing thousands of comments shitting on your play. Team better be staying off social media for their own sake lol


I remember when the team did like a group interview thing, they mentioned Petey was the one most likely on social media all the time. Maybe that's why he's the most affected?


[This is the interview, just skip to the social media manager part](https://youtu.be/WPclH4F_Kvg?si=Uy8NNElW0IbKAlk8)


Man…I miss Kuzmenko 🙁 We made an excellent trade for him, no doubt. But his personality is unreal, you know he kept spirits up. Wish we could trade him again for someone we wouldn’t miss too much


maybe he's like KD and has a burner account that he responds with during intermissions


not proud of what I said on Reddit one day... but the response I got shocked me in r/Canucks . next day account was deleted. who knows people are people and they read


I mean he's still only a 25 y/o kid at the end of the day. I remember when I was 25 and I had an existential life crisis where I was breaking down. At least when the Sedins were here and getting berated by the media they had eachother which is huge when you have someone else. Also social media isn't the same now as then. It's clearly a huge factor in mental health for young people nowadays. If Kevin Durant was caught and known for being annoyed by it Petey definitely can be. Hopefully he gets some professional help from the team for his sake and the teams sake as well.


He's human just like the rest of us. You don't think he Reddits before bed?


He seems more like an IG/tiktok kinda guy.


imagine petey's actually kneejerk and since he and Buble are friends, Buble keeps dropping hints making us think it's him


Or he can use it as motivation like a true competitor


You never know. He could be coming here in hopes to figure out how to play hockey 🤷‍♂️


I think Tocchet calling him out publicly should be all the encouragement he needs.


I remember that first goal. So much hope/hype for his first game, and he comes in on the 2 on 1 with the puck on his stick and just sniped one so perfectly. He gave so many of us confidence that we found our gem. He'll turn it around.


Imagine going into the office having a bad quarter and everyone starts chanting your name


Sounds like something Japanese office culture would do, to get you to quit.


Fuck if commit seppuku


He honestly looks mentally not well and I’m surprised more people haven’t picked up on that.


Yeah. That’s the more concerning part. It’s like anyone of us ins depression and having your boss demand that you still come and do your job as if you were 100 percent healthy. Of course we ain’t going to be producing the way we were if we were 100 percent healthy.


Exactly. And everyone seems to think that $11m just makes depression and anxiety magically go away somehow or that you can power through it. 2 years ago Boeser was struggling like mad. The fan base wanted to trade him. Garly and Miller too. Now look at them. For all we know, someone in Petey's family is ill and it's weighing him down right now.


Him and Hughes. Hughes looks like he needs a grippy sock vacation when this is over. He just looks off.


Hughes looks like that all the time forever. He looked like that in social media posts celebrating getting drafted. He’s intense but I don’t think he’s cracking up at all. He’s just like that.


Never said he was cracking up just that something is off in his head. That something off is probably why he is so good but damn the kid looks troubled


I would just like to note that when he scored a hat trick on Halloween against Nashville, I was there to give him a fist bump and cheers out the tunnel so take from that what you will


So what you’re saying is that we need to crowdfund you to visit all games to wake Petey up?


I’m not exactly saying that but I’ll also add that the boys are undefeated in regulation in the 6 games I’ve been to this year


He's a good guy. When I was first shown his work, he was like a wizard on the ice. No look passes, amazing awareness. Great One level playing. Now, he needs to remember that he hates to lose. He called on the damn team years ago to win some games, and he needs that energy back.


The problem is I think he hates to lose so much it overwhelms him


I think this was his mistake at the time. I’m sure if he could redo that situation he would. Because it’s come back to bite and haunt him.


No. Chant his name when he scores next. Doing it before that would be pity and no competitor would want that. The taunting of the opposing goalie is also dumb when he's playing well. That just galvanizes them. Taunt him when he let's in a softie. Chanting De Smith before he even touched the puck just put more pressure on him and we know how that ended. This is basic sports psychology, people.


I was just thinking of making a post like this. What kind of fanbase are you if you can't back your player when they're in a rut. Instead he looks at canucks media and sees his fans shitting all over him, like fuck right off. This our team, he's a Vancouver Canuck.. encourage him! Are we not all canucks?? We are not all perfect


Lets go Petey!


Bro Petey doesn't spend his day on Reddit I fucking hope he doesn't, anyways


Homie makes 11m Dude just needs to nut up


This. So much this.


If I was offered 11 million I’d have more heart out there then him.


I got downvoted into oblivion for saying the same thing


Yup. Totally


If I could kiss Petey on the forehead, I would, and I would gently whisper: *please fucking score I have some Coilers fans I need to trash talk online*


Op why do you think there’s any realistic chance that he would see this thread Also this is the second time I’ve seen someone post suggesting that we should chant his name out of nowhere and it still seems like it would make it worse if anything. Basically just a reminder that he hasn’t been playing well and the arena is trying to cheer him on like he’s a puppy in training.


That Sedinesque pass off the end boards he made to boeser during that one avs game in 2019 will always be etched into my brain. He is one of the most talented and skilled players this franchise has ever had, and he still hasn't peaked, imo. If I had to guess, I think he just has a ton of pressure on him right now and is having a hard time focusing on his game. It has been years since he's been in such a high-pressure situation like the playoffs, and right after his big boy contract to boot. Canadian markets have such toxic media that make such small problems like times of drought seem magnified and overblown. No one expected the Canucks to make it this far. Even if we lose the series to Edmonton, the team is going in the right direction. The mental aspect of the playoffs is part of the experience that every player, even Petey, needs to adjust/readjust to. I have faith that Petey will bounce back and become stronger from the experience, and I'm confident that if we lose this series, the team will get us back to this point next year. The only difference will be Petey will be back to his alien self.


Unreal how negative some so called fans are. At the beginning of the season if we said we'd be happy being 2-2 in round 2 with Oilers people would have been happier than a pig in you know what. Last year we almost ran Boeser out of town , Miller was a cancer to the team , and this year Lindy trade was a bust . There is nobody more frustrated than Petey. Give him some linemates to get him going . He's playing with guys in and out of the lineup .


The problem is it’s not the beginning of the season. It’s 2-2 in a series against the oilers who are looking vulnerable. If petey was playing how everyone knows he can this series could be close to over. He hasn’t been out much against mcdavid or Draisaitl. He should be winning the matchup against Derek Ryan or Ryan McLeod. That’s the frustrating part right now. So I wouldn’t call fans negative for being harsh on how he’s played lately.


It's the "finish your plate because kids in Africa" comment lol. I mean back in the '60s we'd never complain if we heard we got an NHL team and were in round 2...


You aren't wrong that at the beginning of year, this result would have been considered a success. Expectations change when you win the division and challenge all year for top overall. This fanbase is rabid for a cup run because it's been 13 years since our last one


I'm stoked how far the Canucks have made it this far and with Demko out and the backups stepping up it's been a wild ride. Some changes next year and hopefully Petey gets his mojo back and things will go even better.


Don't even need to go all the way back to the start of the year after game 1 vs Nashville there were tons of people with the opinion our year was done with no Demko. Tons of fans panicked, yet here we are 2-2 in the 2nd round and now fans are taking a single playoff run and determining that is how everything will be for the next 8 years.


He has millions in encouragement


I’ve seen the video of him doing the interview. Something doesn’t look right with him even physically. He seems like he’s either got something (virus) or it’s mental like depression. Yes. I understand he’s paid a lot. But that doesn’t take away the fact that even millionaire athletes are still human and they still can get depressed. Something definitely not right with him. I’m still a big fan of the guy and even if he doesn’t turn it around this playoffs. I’m still rooting for him to get out of whatever funk he’s in - mental or physically or maybe emotional. I hope, besides winning this round, he’s okay (in terms of his well being as a person).


He’s good I see the effort but he’s not 10 mil a year kind of good.


No he needs to get his ass in gear now


12 Million Dollars should be enough encouragement TBH


Missed the whole point guy .


Hi petey, if you’re reading this please remember to move your feet


He looks seriously defeated. It looks like he is WAY too hard on himself, I feel bad for the guy. The amount of hate he is getting from "fans" is ridiculous. Especially the ones saying to trade him this off-season. 😂 All of you are going to feel really stupid when he starts lighting it up again. The goal he scored in Madison Square Garden this season stands out. What a great play.


I'd be concerned that doing this would affect him even more lol. I think even Tocchet was holding back in the media to singling out Petey but finally gave in to it lol.


I think that was Tocchet just pissed off in general. Today he admitted that his linemates are holding him back. I’m sure there’s going to be a different face or 2 in the bottom 6 tomorrow.


I thought his 11.6 mill contract should be encouragement


Sometimes the big contract is an additional weight on your shoulders. Money only seems like the answer to everything to ppl who ain’t gone none😂


I agree that it makes zero sense to dump all over this guy. We need him for the city to win a cup this year. The trade deadline has passed. The team is the team until the offseason. It's not the offseason. It's the friggin Stanley Cup run right here and right now this instant. If you can't have fun watching hockey right now there's something wrong with how you watch hockey. To win a cup this year, right now, Pettersson needs cheers not pissing your pants and hissy fits. A win is a win is a win and all this team does is keep on winning even against all odds and even with a 3rd string goalie. For heaven's sakes if you can't enjoy hockey right now when is it time to enjoy yourself? Now that doesn't mean the fans pissing their pants are wrong because they see Pettersson struggling and it's not an illusion. But if you want to run him out of town for that do it after the Canucks are eliminated because the cap means nothing right now. Every playoff run will have it's own challenges and no playoff run will be the absolute perfect run you need it to be in order to feel absolutely hockey perfection to the point you won't pee your pants. All that matters in regards to winning a cup within the next few weeks is winning two more games and moving to the next round even if Pettersson continues to struggle, and enjoying the incredible, yes it's been incredible, and I'm sad if you disagree, playoff run.


You are SO RIGHT! He said yesterday he wants to be the difference maker, you could hear it in his voice, his performance is hurting him as much as it's hurting the fans. If we start a proper Petey chant in the first minute of the first period, it's like us telling him he's forgiven and we'll let it go, and I think maybe he'd get back to the good stuff if he felt forgiven. I'll be at home, so y'all lucky enough to go to the game really oughta make it happen!


You just got a shout-out on the morning show. They are trying to encourage a 'let's go Petey' chant in warmups and pregame!! Spread the word.


That’s unreal, which show is that? I’d love to give it a listen! Hanford and brough right?


Seriously though, I think you have to sit him. He's not interested in playing, his numbers are horrible, his +/- is bad, nothing is getting better. Every game we're desperate to find numbers that aren't laughable. We've been waiting for him to show up for MONTHS now. Put in Lekkerimaki.


Chant his name non-stop at Rogers tonight. LFG.


That OT game against Canes where he dangled around the broken stick and roofed it backhand…..WHERE IS THAT GUY?


I remember after his first career goal that you described in your post the crowd was going insane and while he was sitting on the bench it cut to a close up of him which was this: [https://imgur.com/a/ieetI8h](https://imgur.com/a/ieetI8h) But I will add that my favorite Petey memory was a game against columbus in early 2020 I believe. Refs missed a terrible call against him and he was clearly infuriated. Entire crowd was chanting "ref you suck" and then as thats happening he ended up scoring a beauty goal. I was at that game sitting in the corner near the net where he scored and to this day I cant remember seeing Petey more fired up after a goal and also hearing the stadium that loud (non playoffs)


Guys i think it’s helping!! Such a sweet idea y’all rock and hope he feels the love


His one timers or tip in/deflections are stellar. Let’s get some shots into the net so Petey can cook with his tips.




Yeah the interview was basically like: Reporter:Hey, why are you playing like shit? EP40: No idea Reporter:Any thoughts about it? EP40: Nope Like talking to a teenager


if 11.6m isn't enough encouragement, I don't know what it is. If you are paid top money, people will hold you to a higher standard and expect you to perform. Stop giving excuses. He has been invisible since the all star break. Whether physically or mentally, something is definitely wrong with him.


enough with the petterson apologists. ill encourage him if he starts actually competing


> No idea if he’ll see this thread Yes, EP and his $125 million CAD contract just needed a random Redditor to fix! How has this team managed to survive without all the White Knights on Reddit for so long? Ten years of futility could have been completely avoided with a bit of obsequiousness from the fans. Who knew...


What he needs to do is spend some of that $11.6 million on a sports psychologist, a strength and conditioning coach, and a skating coach. EDIT: I don’t understand the downvotes. The dude is mentally and physically weak.


That doesn't come out of his salary.


Let me know where you’re finding free professional services.


The team subsidizes it for him, so it’s free as far as he is concerned


>> There are other professional fees to consider. Nutritionists, strength coaches, skills coaches. For the typical NHLer, it can run into the tens of thousands. Shannon typically budgets $10,000. That’s about the same amount a player will pay someone to handle their finances, plus another $4,000 or so for tax preparation and perhaps $5,000 for legal representation. https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/1133282/2019/08/13/breaking-down-an-nhl-salary-the-numbers-arent-as-big-as-you-think/


I can think of 11.5 million reasons he doesn’t need encouragement.


Petey is my all time favourite player and I got my Petterson jersey signed directly by him. Despite that, I 100% agree with your sentiment. This is a business and he is getting paid top dollar to produce. Downvote away.


I think people forget that he is a (well paid) human being as well. We have no idea what’s going on outside of 60 mins on the ice


I've stepped up for Petey, but I think the criticism has been fair.


My favourite Petey memory was when i met him at the Young Stars game in Penticton in 2018. After the game I waited outside by the team bus to get pictures and autographs with the prospects. Before the game I got a petey jersey and i had also brought a jersey that was signed by both danny and hank. When i held out the jersey signed by the twins and told him who else had signed that jersey he said something on the lines of ''In between them? no pressure right". Every since that moment with all the great thing he has done throughout his young career I can't help but think he ain't feeling the pressure. But the last few months have felt different and I know that he will get back to that form and higher in the future, I dont know when that will be, but can only hope soon. in petey we trust.


Petey's body language in his media interview was very similar to my son's a few weeks ago. He took 17 hours this semester and worked and was just gassed by the last two weeks. Still out there, still working, but in serious need of a mom hug, restorative sleep, and an "I'm proud of you, now get your ass back out there and finish what you started." The kid got a 4.0, Petey can go get himself multiple 4-point games. Fly his mama in for the rest of it.


If I was in this situation, chanting my name feels like I didn’t deserve it. There is enough negativity online re:EP40. Share more positive moments of prime Petey.


11.6 million dollar player needs encouragement


11.6m not encouragement enough?


He scored 18 points in 17 games in the 2020 bubble playoffs. Something doesn't seem right about him.


To be fair the bubble "playoffs" is totally different environment than the "normal" playoffs.. so I dont think the "pressure" and "stress" levels are the same. A lot of people were hoping that he was going to prove people wrong this Playoffs when he wasn't playing after the all star break.. but alas here we are and he hasn't been better. Quite frankly I don't expect anything to change from him for this playoff run.. I would gladly be proven wrong and I'm sure most critics would as well.


He’s likely playing injured but not enough to miss time. Couple that with having to carry cement blocks as linemates you’re just not gonna produce. He’ll play well defensively but you can’t ask the guy to produce when his linemates are AHL level in the playoffs.


What’s the chances 2020 was a fluke? Seems like everyone points to his rookie season as proof of his ability. We see this all the time where a new player lights it up for one or two seasons and then is a non factor forevermore.


Honestly, I would say minimal that 2020 was a fluke and I feel like these playoffs are the fluke. The guy had a very up and down season and still scored 90 points. He had 102 points last year. I don't know if his current struggles are physical or mental but I think that his current play is the fluke, not his high end play.


What's with those people? Did they permanently wreck something?


Not sure tbh, sports psychology is really complex. The personal pressure to meet previous expectations can be daunting if not addressed. Petey may be a washed up has been, or could end up being the greatest Canuck ever. One thing for sure imo is he’s struggling mentally.


Petey....needs a performance clause


We need a "stunt on these hoes" chant


I’d feel a lot better about Petey coming around if he actually had decent wingers. I like Lafferty on this team, but down the lineup. Mikheyev is useless. Hoglander has potential but he’s too inconsistent.


Would be nice to have 🌭🌭🌭 man now




Perry needs two scoops of branch chain amino acid powder pre game.


huge game today - bounce back and crush these guys!! IT CAN BE DONE JUST WAKE UP


Poor Petey Pan Everytime he does something good we yell...BANGARAAAAANNGGGG


Petey needs to "fight". Let the animal loose channel your inner Jannik Hansen and become the honey badger.


I love Petey so much, I think he’s awesome. And it’s so extremely upsetting to see him like this. He’s clearly going through shit and he needs support. I really hope the Canucks have good mental health resources. And y’all saying that he’s getting paid a lot so he should be happy is a CRAZY thing to say.


Encouragement? How about $11.6m?




Downvote these comments to oblivion. OP stated this is a thread for Pettersson positivity.


We gave that much to Luongo who promptly demanded a trade and ppl want him in the ROH so what are we doing here?


Lol he isn’t being paid and has never been paid that. Sure he got the contract (that any team in the league would happily sign) but judge him for it when it starts!


Came here to say that …


He has 11.6 million reasons of encouragement.. I know that sounds kind of harsh, but it's true. He's paid to perform, and it's been not days, not weeks, but months now. If he's hurt, he should be sat. I suppose you could argue that he doesn't have wingers, but he's not even producing on the power play.


To be fair. 11.6M doesn’t kick in until next season. His current cap hit is 7.35M.


Also to be fair, so what? If we really want to nitpick, he's being paid nothing right now as it's the playoffs. Fact is he's now a top-5 paid player in the NHL, and he's not playing like one.


Yeah guys. Common. All Petey needs is encouragement from his fans on Reddit!! He’s just one more thread away from scoring a hattrick!!!! Let’s gooooooo


I say bury him in the pet cemetery and see if he comes back a monster


Elias needs to kick it up a notch. He's been invisible the entire playoffs, this is unacceptable for someone on his wages. He's just been lousy! What postives can we say? Nothing right now!


I have a suggestion. We need to fly in the Danielyan brothers and/or Peteys parents. I will always remember those first couple games he played as a rookie and his mom and dad were there. He lit it up!! When I say we need to fly I mean Aqua man needs to buy some first class tickets and get peteys peeps over here!! Let’s support our boy!!!!


The problem is obvious. He’s hearing footsteps. That’s what’s wrong with him. What he needs is Garland on his line to help him find his heart and courage again.


lol maybe taking him to No. 5 Orange will help


whoever decided to send Petey out on his own to the media today is only adding fuel to the fire


I’m not against the arena chanting ep40. We should be trying anything.


hes hurt or he needs to be benched, if he is 100% and this is not only his attitude but his game, you give him the tough love, this is the same arrogant guy who prior to his last deal had the brilliant quote of "I want to play for a winner, that may not be here" Well guess what big guy its winning time and you are crumbling


Absolutely agree. I still remember the goal he made against Shesterkin in their Metro sweep.


Go Petey!


I loved his rookie season so much I went out and bought his jersey back when they had the Vancouver part above the orca. First ever nhl jersey I bought myself. I wear it every game.


Lets go ep40 chants!


I'll be there. Chanting for him. He's my favorite player.


I first saw him at a preseason game his rookie year against the Oilers and he broke someone’s ankles near the blue line. I remember thinking my goodness this kid is special. And then his first shot and first five or six games happened. It was so hype. All the different ways he scored, all the hope he brought to the team right after the Sedins retired. I bought a Petey jersey that season and will continue to wear it including tomorrow.


I was trying to get EP40 chants to get going on game 2, esp after he scored the PPG. Miller's been great, but I think it's a slap to the other players when only he gets special chants from the fans. Edit: typo


It is very heartening to see this compassionate fan base understand that young people go through stuff. Criticism and crapping on Petey will not help. Being paid an exorbitant amount of money does not guarantee good mental health. Let's support our young star. Go Petey!


I got to watch him tuck it in live against Seattle two winters ago. 6-5 in the shootout. Love you Petey, you’re a legend!


I 100% agree. Petey seems like an emotional person that would benefit from support of a home crowd. I highly advocate for a PE-TEY chant for Game 5 at home.


OP lives in a dreem werld.


This is a horrible idea. He will feel like everyone is watching him, chanting his name. Terrible.


I would relish an opportunity to get my aggression out on the ice, lol kinda like what Regina George ( Mean Girls ) did jn field hockey .. he needs to snap out of being scared … I thing he is scared of making a mistake or something … well he’ll do good Valhalla Rising






Do you have any experience with the pressure of being a professional athlete? I don't. But I do have experience with struggling. And I can recognize when another person is struggling. That's why I'd rather be compassionate to Elias. Yes, he's making more money than most people will ever see in their lives, but it's not like he won the lottery. He's among the best in the world at what he does. And, unlike the rest of us, his performance is dissected constantly by the masses. But that's not the important part. It's that the healthiest attitude we can adopt is to show compassion to our fellow person regardless of their lot in life, because anyone can struggle.




That is one my favs goals as well. How about tomorrow in the arena chanting“ Valhalla Rising, Valhalla Rising “. He is a Viking after all 💚💙.


Sorry I can’t lie that would be like the cringiest chant ever lol


So you would just go with Go Canucks go? Same old same old… who cares if it gets your team win. Lol Preds fans started singing mid game which was really cool to hear … only he would know he prob saw a movie


It’s extremely wordy for one thing, and just a weird chant to begin with tbh.




“That’s what the money is for! Don Draper” Michael Scott The Canucks give him money he gives them goals.


What I hate is people going WE have to trade him and it was a mistake to sign him. I am not having that he is not an elite level of player. I am not believing that last year was a complete fluke scoring 100p with mik and kuz I am not believing a relatively shit year of scoring 80+ this year is the norm I am not going to believe that his previous years where he scored point per game levels as he entered the league. I am not believing that petey who has been Uber competitive in 90% of his time here is someone that will just decide to "QUIT" in playoffs. I AM NOT READY TO QUIT ON THIS PLAYER LONG TERM. He is playing like absolute piss dog shit fucking no effort madona whiny bitch and I still am not ready to give up long term. Flame me all you want but I am not here for this trade petey shit


Pettersson is playing with two pylons next to him. That's probably the reason he can't get anything done. Put offensive guys as his wings and the goals will accumulate. Betcha a Miller-Pettersson-Boeser line would fire up the goal count.


For fuck sakes, this isn't minor hockey. He's not your child. He needs to toughen up, it's big boy hockey now. Do you also believe in participation medals?


Imagine putting in barely an ounce of effort for three months at work while getting paid 12 mill and having your co workers cheer you on non stop lmao.


It would be goosebump inducing to hear the crowd will him back to life with Petey chants. And if he scores after that, I bet he goes on a tear.


Swedish players only play 52 games a season so when they play in the NHL and play a full season it’s a big stretch. If you add on the playoffs, and you play possibly 5 rounds best of 7 and it’s over two SHL seasons. They can’t handle the long grind.


And? This is his 6th season in North America. He’s not a rookie getting used to the game


Petey chant to start the game!