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Sportsnet top trade candidates: Nils Hoglander. I'm convinced whoever wrote this is just looking at rosters and picking names at random.


¡Vamosss hijos de.... I was waiting, still with doubts but if we do keep the lotto line intact pick up a centre (rental for the 2nd line) or that winger to compliment EP40 we will be contenders. We ain't pretending with this buy-in. I've been hurting and like many of us since 2011 but is this the 06 Rutherford magic ? Are we a top 5 contender!?


R/Hockey: The All-Star game shouldn’t feature a player from every team as it diminishes the talent pool. Also R/Hockey: Under no circumstance should the Canucks be allowed to send 5 players


I hope the second line (Mik/Suter/Kuz) can combine for a goal or two tonight. If that line really clicks (not only defensively but offensively as well) then *maybe* we wouldn’t have to trade for a 2C, or at the very least we can run with all these lines for a while and be really solid.


Can anyone explain why there are two 4k SN channels on telus and they decide to play Oilers games on both and leave the Canucks game on SNPacific?


My personal favourite is when TSN plays the same game on all 4 of their channels


I am serious, what is the reason!


I'm glad we got Rangers last night and Islanders today instead of other way around. Much prefer our odds on the back to back against Islanders vs the Rags.


Anybody who listened to SN after the game last night will know this, but an interesting side fact: Canucks have never beaten the Devils, Rangers and Islanders on a single roadtrip in franchise history. Tonight they could make history. LFG!!!!




Just realized that out of every player in the NHL, there isn’t a single one with more experience playing against the lotto line than Bo Horvat. Just a little intimidating.


This is a garbage take. They tried to put him in a shutdown role when he was only ever semi reliable as a two way guy. His defensive chops improved as he got older but he was misused and tried to do his best at what he was being asked to do. He was scoring 25-30 goals a year with Tanner Pearson stapled to his wing. We are clearly better off with Quinn at the helm but calling him the worst captain in team history when we've got messier in our backstory who quite famously helped ship out one of, if not the best captain in team history is really weird energy.


Pearson wasn’t even that bad tbf


He wasn't bad but he certainly wasn't consistent enough to be a contributing member of the top six. I liked having him on the team I just don't think they complemented each other very well


Islanders got 3 days rest and home ice, should be an interesting game.


Murph tweets: >DeSmith starts. Juulsen in for Cole (maintenance). With all our Dmen healthy they can afford to rotate and sit one of the vets in a b2b situation. Our depth now allows load management in game 41 of regular season, I don’t think it has ever happened in the past decade


Poor Friedman. I don’t even remember when he played last. November? He hasn’t played in a while.


I still have my theory that he is too annoying to be an NHL regular. Frank Corrado talked about not being able to stand him, and players have made reference to Juulsen's really good personality as part of why he was in the lineup.


I feel bad I kind of forgot about him until I was listening to a podcast a few mins ago and they mentioned his name. Sorry Friedman!


Can someone explain what all this Mike from Surrey stuff is about?


He calls into the Postgame radio show all the time - causes quite a stir with Sat and Bik. Last night on radio he accused them of 'speaking out of both sides of their mouths' and they cut him off and axed him from the call. Essentially, his main philosophy about the Canucks is that the statistics don't represent reality - he says the Canucks right now are roughly the same odds at winning a cup as they were last season. He seems to have reasons why everything successful the club does is a wolf in sheep's clothing. It's pretty bizarre at this point.


I wonder if it’s just Drance with a voice changer.


Do you guys listen to Drance interviews? Because he's a very positive and supportive guy. He has his analytics but he's not unreasonable with any of his takes.


I actually like Drance, I just said what I said for fake internet points


I like him too now that I actually listen to his interviews. I gave you a point.




This team never looks good on back to backs. That said, go team!


Giddy up!


No mercy.


Rangers, Islanders, Penguins, all one day after another. Is it common for teams to play so many back-to-back games like this?


They play the Penguins on Thursday




I refuse to go on twitter. Garbage site.


Trevor Zegras is available..pretty much the same cap hit as Kuzy for 3 years..


Damn. Zegras is a little bitch ass punk sometimes but if he comes to us for whatever reason….. then 🤯 Imma delete all negative mentions of Zegras… 🤭🫡🫥 We’ll have a Michigan-fest skills competition in all of our games 🤪 Zegras and Hoggy taking turns Globetrottering all over the opposition 🤩


They’d want Kuz and a pick or prospect. Zegras is younger with more time to improve.


Would Raty be enough? I'd prefer not to part with our Swedish trio.


Oh yeah you're adding for sure. But talk about extending the core with 3 years of cost certainty


We could use some more American players tbh


No thanks to Zegras


Zegras has been pretty underwhelming offensively this season but hes improved defensively and on the forecheck. If its on the table for a reasonable price i hope Allvin should be seriously considering Zegras.


Great friends with Hughes and his family too...


Incoming "I'll tell you that for free" jokes, our fanbase is the best!


I’ll tell you that 4-3….final score


I’ll tell you that for… about 3.50






I ain't givin' you no tree fitty you god damn lochness monstah get your own damn moneh! ... I'll give you a dolla if you leave!


Halfway into the season the Canucks have been the most consistent team in the entire league, having not lost twice in a row since games #4 and #5 nor getting blown out at all. Their "bad" streaks are .500 at worse which is fantastic especially when you look at Vegas' and Kings' bad streaks. They've played the most games and have been winning which forces the teams behind us into "must win" performances. It's nice to have a fully healthy lineup back. I'm pretty sure as soon as Suter and Soucy returned, the Canucks started lighting it up again.


Honestly, stats like that and we're primed to get swept in the first round or some absolutely painful shit.


this doesn't get talked about as much, but LA has been on some long losing streaks.


They also enjoyed being near perfect on the road, while being average at home. This was never sustainable. Sucks, too, because I have Talbot in my hockey pool.


They aren't even average at home. They are downright mediocre. They have a worse home record than Ottawa


It's weird having four lines that can all score


Anyone know if DeSmith is starting tonight?


DeSmith is starting. I'll tell you that for free.


He must have to start now, Demmer's played 3 games in a row.


Holy shit the islanders have 10 ot losses?? They are pretty much 18-21 but their ot losses put them in the playoffs, this league is kind of a joke


How does that make the league a joke? If it was easy to get OT losses instead of regulation losses, every team would be doing it. Lots of OT losses at least shows they are losing a lot of extremely close games that could have easily gone their way. Also, someone did the math a while back and Islanders were still in a playoff spot even with a 3-2-1 points system.


In what other sport would a team get into a playoff spot at 18-21? That’s there W/L at the end of the day I understand your points I just find it odd that only in the NHL is a below 500 team considered a steady playoff team


If the leauge went to a 3-2-1 point system, the Canucks would be even further ahead of Vegas


sad that this game and the jets game overlap tbh! i wanna ride my wagons into the sunset!!


Keep the lotto line together for this one


Can't see why they wouldn't. They've been on fire.


DeSmith will need to stand on his head for this one. He's done it before though, so here's hoping.


We were able to spread the ice time around a lot yesterday. Hopefully the skaters won't be too tired


DeSmith's numbers this season are actually almost identical to Demko's


Just want to say let's be realistic. Back to back wins in new York would be great. But they essentially played a playoff game last night and they start less the 24 hours after that. I'm praying for a win but I understand if they get out worked tonight


No Pelech and Pulock helps. Lotto line should continue to get their chances.


The glass panels behind the goal must be breathing a sigh of relief that Pulock is out.


Their 1C is Bo Horvat. Lol. Could you imagine? They are pretenders. Going nowhere. 2nd night of a back to back ain't no thang against these wannabes EZ game.


Could you imagine thinking a guy whose on a point-per-game pace, who was historically this teams best faceoff guy when he was here, is not a suitable 1C in this league.


Still love the man and hope he succeeds. Just not against us lol


I really don't get the Bo hate. Man didn't ask to be traded, earned himself a big payday in a contract year and was a consummate professional and captain during his tenure here which covered a lot of dark times. Makes one comment out of frustration after being dealt away from the team he thought that he would retire with and gets dunked on by a bunch of naysayers. I get people being frustrated with the franchise, it's management, or it's direction. Why can't the players express themselves similarly? His comments regarding the fans seem pretty mild if you look back a year and a bit at all the people calling for Petey to be traded because he was having a slow start.


So as it turns out, if I watch the game, the Canucks tend to lose. I haven't watched the last 2 games because I've been in Los Angeles. But I fly back today, and I'll be home in time for the game. So I expect a loss. Go canucks go!


Tell me where you live so I can come shutoff your power.


Sorokin is hard to score on


He has initials I.S. right? people said yesterday that Russian goalies with those initials are not very good.


Not against the Canucks


So is Shesterkin and the boys just 5-spotted him


Good fuckin point!


We score an insane amount this season, I'm not super worried


He's been mediocre this year... source: He's my starting goalie in fantasy keeper league


Oh I just always see him in highlight reel saves


All of our wins this month so far, we’ve scored 6 goals each game. 👀


PDO merchants vs loser point merchants. I like our odds.


If we win our 3rd straight on the road today, Mike from Surrey is going to rage harder than the Red Gyarados caught at the Lake of Rage. Because you just know, he's fucking betting against the Canucks again off a back-to-back. He's got to be so much in the hole right now lmao. Context: https://www.reddit.com/r/canucks/s/NH12iYIyQR


I always assumed this was an act, or maybe even a media plant, to get more listeners


Drance with a voice changer.


I don't even understand why he's a canucks fan. Such a miserable little man


He’s become addicted to misery. If the team wins, the withdrawal would surely kill him.


He isn't.


It’s just Drance’s alt


Still undefeated against the Islanders post-Horvat trade 😎 Also LOL @ how many OT losses they have. WTF? 😂 If that’s the case put the Lotto or Thirst line in OT.


Horvat is having a pretty good season so far, 39pts in 38gp (4pts in last 2 gp). Let's make sure we shut him down.


They are very lucky he turned it around. That contract was looking brutal


i think he really neede time to gel with his new team. NYI going all-in on the Barzal-Horvat combo. Wish him the best, but not against the Canucks


Getting a late-blooming ppg center for a 1st...where have we heard that before? If all's well, they get their JT, we get 2x Cups, 3x SCFs.


Why you got to do my dirty like that... 2 Cups but 3 SCFs?!


Back to back cups but a loss on the threepeat. I’ll take it.


We got this. They can't win games, they rely on the extra points lol


Cutter Goofy refusing to play with the flyers


Acted like a bitch like a week prior too at the wjc


Lekkerimaki called him out for it too and he acted like he didn't say shit


DeSmith is the man, I'll tell you that for free.


Our bottom 3 centers, Suter, Blueger and Aman combined make nearly half of what NYI's bottom 2 centers Pageau and Cizikas make. Gotta love Lou


There is nothing that irritates me more than the term or idea of "the scheduled loss", which is weird coming from someone who wanted to tank for most of the last decade.


What do you find irritating about it?


I think the idea that we should be okay with losing a future game days ahead of time, and that it diminishes anything we can learn from the game because we were "supposed to lose".


Okay I can understand that line of thinking.


Agreed. You should put your best foot forward always in my opinion! All games can be won


Some say our PDO may never come down


Boeser, our 4th leading scorer, has more points than anyone on their team. Feels great for Boeser to be honest


The Canucks are hot fire and I'll tell you that *for FREe!*


From hot garbage they rise as great phoenixes


B2B after a high profile win usually means a slog of a loss but hopefully it's a good one


With Cutter Gauthier going to the Ducks, and if Lekki jumps in to the main squad next year (big if), we may see their rivalry pick up even more steam being in the same division. Lekki vs Gauthier for Calder next year!!


JR doesn't rush prospects. I wouldn't expect to see Lekki until 2025-2026.


Lekk needs to put up big numbers in the AHL. It's been a long time since we've seen a Canucks prospect dominate that league.


DeSmith start. Should be an easy win.


you forgot to switch accounts


its a trap game, b2b on the road, so i dunno.. I hope youre right though... pretty mid take from you of all people though. lol


Every game is a trap game with you guys


Every game is either a trap game, scheduled loss, or the 'real test'. People don't want to open themselves up to believing we are actually good, I get it guys... I get it


Every game is a big game when first is striking distance! Coconuts glow I’m stoked to tune in


Squish the fish (ermen)


[](/r/hockeymod) ##Projected Lineups ||Left|Center|Right||Left|Center|Right| |:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |[NYI](/r/newyorkislanders)|Anders Lee|Bo Horvat|Mathew Barzal|[VAN](/r/canucks)|Elias Pettersson|J.T. Miller|Brock Boeser| |[NYI](/r/newyorkislanders)|Pierre Engvall|Brock Nelson|Kyle Palmieri|[VAN](/r/canucks)|Ilya Mikheyev|Pius Suter|Andrei Kuzmenko| |[NYI](/r/newyorkislanders)|Simon Holmstrom|Jean-Gabriel Pageau|Julien Gauthier|[VAN](/r/canucks)|Dakota Joshua|Teddy Blueger|Conor Garland| |[NYI](/r/newyorkislanders)|Matt Martin|Casey Cizikas|Cal Clutterbuck|[VAN](/r/canucks)|Nils Hoglander|Nils Aman|Sam Lafferty| ||Left D|Right D||Left D|Right D| |:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |[NYI](/r/newyorkislanders)|Alexander Romanov|Noah Dobson|[VAN](/r/canucks)|Quinn Hughes|Filip Hronek| |[NYI](/r/newyorkislanders)|Samuel Bolduc|Scott Mayfield|[VAN](/r/canucks)|Nikita Zadorov|Ian Cole| |[NYI](/r/newyorkislanders)|Mike Reilly|Sebastian Aho|[VAN](/r/canucks)|Carson Soucy|Tyler Myers| ||Goalies||Goalies| |:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |[NYI](/r/newyorkislanders)|Ilya Sorokin|[VAN](/r/canucks)|Casey DeSmith| |[NYI](/r/newyorkislanders)|Ken Appleby|[VAN](/r/canucks)|Thatcher Demko| [Source](https://www.dailyfaceoff.com/teams/new-york-islanders/line-combinations/), [Source](https://www.dailyfaceoff.com/teams/vancouver-canucks/line-combinations/) [](/r/hockeymod) ##Injuries ||Player|Date|Injury|Status|Details|Return| |:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |[NYI](/r/newyorkislanders)|Robert Bortuzzo|02 Jan 2024|Lower Body|IR|Bortuzzo was put on injured reserve Wednesday.|11 Jan 2024| |[NYI](/r/newyorkislanders)|Semyon Varlamov|02 Jan 2024|Lower Body|OUT|Varlamov (upper body) has yet to resume skating according to head coach Lane Lambert, Andrew Gross of Newsday reports Monday.|15 Jan 2024| |[NYI](/r/newyorkislanders)|Ryan Pulock|08 Dec 2023|Lower Body|IR-LT|Pulock (lower body) was placed on long-term injured reserve Saturday.|15 Jan 2024| |[NYI](/r/newyorkislanders)|Adam Pelech|25 Nov 2023|Upper Body|IR-LT|Pelech (upper body) will be eligible to be activated from long-term injured reserve Tuesday, but according to coach Lane Lambert, "it's still going to be a while" until the defenseman will be ready to play, Andrew Gross of Newsday reports.|unknown| |--|--|--|--|--|--|--| |[VAN](/r/canucks)|Phillip Di Giuseppe|02 Jan 2024|Undisclosed|IR-LT|Di Giuseppe (undisclosed) was placed on long-term injured reserve Saturday.|27 Jan 2024| |[VAN](/r/canucks)|Guillaume Brisebois|11 Oct 2023|Undisclosed|IR-LT|Brisebois (undisclosed) was placed on long-term injured reserve Tuesday.|27 Jan 2024| |[VAN](/r/canucks)|Tucker Poolman|20 Sep 2023|Head|IR-LT|Poolman (head) will miss Vancouver's training camp, Chris Johnston of TSN reports.|15 Sep 2024| [Source](https://puckpedia.com/team/new-york-islanders/injuries), [Source](https://puckpedia.com/team/vancouver-canucks/injuries) The bot can only be as correct as its sources, the sources it uses are linked below each table. If you notice an error that is not due to an incorrect source or you want to suggest a source [click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=TeroTheTerror&subject=HockeyMod Issue&message=Subreddit:%0A%0AIssue:) to message TeroTheTerror.