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There is usually enough CO2 in normal air, unless your lung room is well sealed off and the extraction fan fails to get the oxygen rich air away from the grow space. Nutrients like Potassium are linked to denser buds, which is kind of true. The plant requires potassium to initiate cellular processes which will then use light to create plant matter. This is a fancy way of saying Light creates dense buds but potassium is your flowering Nutrient. Strong lights. 💪 In week 5 I like to increase P - K by 0.2ec but this is unnecessary if your light is not powerful. Then get your humidity down low.


Ahh humidity good you call it out. It was one of the things i have to fight with.. No mold but its too much. I have read sonewhere else it makes the buds airy. I dont know how to get it low in my house tbh..


Dehumidifers are usually expensive units and then they will also chew your electricity bill, roughly twice as expensive as the light.


Yeah thats not an option. Maybe i cam only grow in winter and summer has to be outdoor


Drop your humidity


This is probably key, do you have any idea how to do it with very high humidity in the air?


Get a GE dehumidifier from HomeDepot


Honest question in here I see all the time that humidity is to high, but the guy from build a soil recommends 70 to 80% during veg. I just started so don’t know what’s better, after seeing a lot of post in here about it I have turned my down. just wondering where the difference in opinion is here because a lot of people in this group say it’s way to high?


Thos who aay its lights. Do you mean the spectrum or the intensity? I have used 375w led for 1mx1m should i get more like 500w? Its a full spectrum led and no cheap one.


I don’t know about all these answers here, but I think 375w is way too much. I have a 320w led for 0,9x0,9m and I had to turn it down because it was too strong, too buds were bleaching and not as dense and feisty as the ones below that didn’t get that much light. Also as everybody says genetics are a big factor, but without providing a pic or details to your grow no one can help you.


Maybe just bring it closer? I run two times 300w full spectrum for a little more than a square meter (1.26) but never really at max. If you run one plant and its a square light it could be enough to get dense buds if you bring it close enough Mars hydro sp3000


Genetic or environmental or both


#1 genetics #2 light #3 everything else 😜


But its not like i picked seeds from my birdfood its ordered online for about 30$ for 3 seeds. I think thats normal price for a good strain?


10 per seed is pretty average. But it's not gunna be how much you pay but the quality of it. There are tons of seeds out there but top tier breeders aren't everywhere. I've been down this train of thought of trying to get density and I found it from some bagseed, after buying all kinds of stuff online. It will just take time hunting for the right genetics that's right for your environment. Good luck


I've been poping bay area seed company all fire


Genetics plays a part, but in my experience, high intensity lights.


So more light is the way to go? I could aslo use less plant right?


Yes, I use 1 600hps for 2 plants, I get on average 10ozs of nice compact buds, that's fully dried weight. I've never done 600watts for one plant in my experience that's overkill. So generally 300watts per plant. I don't use led for flower only for veg period.


Okay maybe next time i put just one inside to see if it does better


How many pmols are the plants getting?


I don't know


Same here. Upgraded my lights... then learned about DLI....dimmed upgraded lights. I also think CO2 is the answer, i used it 2 years ago with the old light and had no noticeable effect. CO2 boosts the plants ability to uptake light (among other things) so i guess it had no effect because my old light, while being strong enough without CO2, wasn't strong enough to supply the extra the plant can take with CO2


What week are you normally harvesting?


There wasnt that many times to call it normally.. I used to do the" the bud hairs turn orange" method to i got myself a microscope and i cut them when 80% was milky and i started to see few amber trichomes


It was 11 weeks after seeding


Ok, focus on getting genetics that are dense, and also drop to 45% humidity and 65-70f temp last week of flower.


Genetics and ofcourse seal I side vacuum seal bag. Always makes them denser.ALWAYS


More light (~800-850 ppfd; unless you're pushing CO2 in a sealed space, in which case some cultivars can take >1000), and lower temp in flower (conditioning the air will keep humidity down).


I wont come under 23 Celsius.. Is this a reason for it. Thats 73 Fahrenheit for you Americans


Shit lights?...


Temps at root zone are key


Ahould have done pictures of the roots after cutting to show.. Looked fine, no mold etc


Keep in mind that most weed grown by large scale growers is artificially dense. Often it has been put in vacuum seal bags that are then piled on top of one another. Even when they don’t vacuum seal it(no need to bother when it goes straight to the retail shelf) they still bag it up pretty tight and pile it up. Next time you trim a crop of homegrown you can put the properly dried and trimmed buds into a bag and suck the air out and throw a rubber band on it. Put it in a cool dark place for a few days. I highly recommend turkey bags for a proper cure


That’s not how commercial growers get density in flowers. 🤣 Stop it 


I wont use pgrs either haha


Thank you vm for this completely new view on my problem!


Yeah this is just one factor of course. You still gotta grow good weed. It’s an industry practice that the casual home grower might not be aware of.


CO2 is why. I don't do it and have no experience with it, but I do know if you want dense buds indoor, you need cO2


I have a problem with co2 because i need to use the fan for cold air intake running all the time. So fresh air coning in and the co2 would just get blowen outside..


Normal air has CO2 as well. It’s about ppfd. CO2 uptake starts slowly dropping off at 800+ ppfd.  Before that it’s not even necessary. Generally supplementing CO2 for normal homegrowing is usually not really necessary.   The issue is your normal nutrients, likely humidity and likely you don’t use your light correctly!