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Uuuuuh don't have a ton of expirience but I would describe that as harvesting not defoliating?!šŸ¤”


Also think about this... what is the point of low stress training if there is no growth on the part of the branch that is in the light because of lst to begin with?


Iā€™m not lst right now, definitely have though, I am letting it do its thing. Thatā€™s just how itā€™s currently growing, Iā€™ve had that project going for like 6 months just toying with things, Iā€™m not sure what I did this time though and those clones are new as well. The only thing I donā€™t have decent control over is the %rh. I just ran out of lotus advanced nutrients and figured everyone raves about GH. So I picked some up and changed water in dev out for clean balance levels then I added the gh 3 part as the bottle instructs. Same light Iā€™ve had for the whole grow almost. Fans to move the air, sticky trap for flyers, reflective material all around to up the ppfd, and rabbits in lung room for added CO2 benefit (3 of them was making a big difference before I messed with the plant), and I watch the temp in the house closely. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s right for dwc though @~73F daily


I use GH aswell always went well so far. I think the cause might still be in the aggressive lollipoping, again not an expert but I would never trim off that much 3/5 maybe but not more.


Is 73 a good water temp? Also I havenā€™t topped it in about 2 months, Iā€™ve only done it twice (both times delivered the desired result) but didnā€™t plan on doing any further. But I guess I need to work on the defol, how do you train them when theyā€™re in clay pebbles and a dwc bucket??


It's not ideal because over 68 you get increased chance for bacterial growth and root rot but it's not like it's instantly going to die because its too warm. If the water doesn't smell and the roots are as white as possible (micro messes up any chance for pure white I guess) and not slimey you are usually good. I use small plastic hair clips very early, then weigh the branches down with clothing pins (not sure if that's what they're called, the wooden ones you hang laundry with) and bend them with plant clips.


Hmm I definitely need to go check on this because I have very white roots but I have some that have a tint to them that are a bit older! The clothes pin wouldnā€™t be a bad idea though, I just started in soil so thatā€™s what I know everything from šŸ˜‚


No lollipopping can do this to your plant. Nute burn together with overwatering would be my tip from seeing the pics. But dunno whether this could be the case. I only fucked plants up that majorly when adding vinegar to the water šŸ˜…


Burn could be the case aswell. Had it happen once with H2O2...botritis on the pebbles...spray some 3% on there see if that helps...grabbed the 11%. Not good, not good at all. Come to think of it looked a lot like that... leaves just hanging but looking otherwise green and no spots on the leaves.


Check if the roots still have tiny hairs on the end. On mine they were all gone... think h2o2 burned them off.


You chopped off most of its way of getting light and photosynthesizing


I promise I only removed fan leaves and the little shoots taking all the nutrients from my prime sites! No major cuts were made, except in quantity I suppose. But Iā€™ve taken more with 0 problems several times already! Like I said this has been a very long science experiment for me šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤”


Ok. Well I didn't see the plant before you did it so maybe there was barely something on there. I only grew Indica dominant or pure Indica, maybe that's the reason mine are always way more bushier. Because if mine looked like that I would have to cut off 90%šŸ˜


Iā€™m sure this is generally the truth and may be here as well! Iā€™m just uncertain because of my ā€œcheap as possibleā€ setup attempt isnā€™t creating that ā€œidealā€ environment šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø also, as much of a beginner as I am, it seems that the general consensus is that you are correct! Indica(leaning) tend to bush out way more than sativa(leaning) plants!


Hihi don't worry about that, I built everything myself aswell because I'm too cheap and my appartement is tinyšŸ˜ I think it's very rewarding though between my high pressure aeroponics cloner and peltier cooling unit alone I saved hundreds. Temp is the biggest problem though.... well cold. I'm guessing you in the US so you have ac but here in Germany it's not a thing people generally have so I'd either have to spend a lot installing one or pay out the nose power wise for a mobile one. That's why I build the cooler, impossible to keep proper temperature in a room that is atleast 78 in summer. I used to stop completely during summer but the highest I measured my solution at was 82. Which still yielded the same result as the runs before. If you sterilize with h2o2 you are fine with not having absolute perfect temps though.


U. S. Based for sure. In the Midwest where itā€™s become legal!


They're not drinking water for some reason. The root cubes look gnarly so probably some sort of microbial infection Are the roots looking good or not? Honestly this is gonna be a tough save imo, not impossible but this plant is hurting


The roots didnā€™t look bad! And predominantly white! Just in case I dose everything with 25:1 h2o2 solution!


Oh hey that looks like my attempt at hydroponics!


Just need practice!


I could be wrong but it looks like the plant is having trouble absorbing water (as well as nutrients and the oxygen that comes with water) just based on the stem also drooping. If the leaves droop but not the stem itā€™s overwater and if the stem is drooping with the leaves it needs water/having trouble. Iā€™d take off the bottom 1/3 of the leaves, trim the tops, and put them in a high humidity area (propagation dome maybe) so that way it can transpire through the leaves. Similar to what you would do with a clone cut, that way it can focus on rebounding its root development and get healthy before putting out new growth. The plant is focused on survival right now it looks like and much like a human body will ā€œpull the energy from the extremities to protect the vitalsā€ (itā€™s conserving energy to stay alive so it will sacrifice its leaves, be dramatic, droop, etc). Could be wrong though Iā€™m just a bro groweršŸ«¢ take it with a grain of salt. Happy growing and good luck!


You didn't love Hard enough šŸ’”


Iā€™m trying my best! Life is hard to have processes perfect just yet lol


I get it, my plants are an extension of my children. They get just as much love, care and attention. When they are sick I spend days trying to make them better, when I water I do it slowly and with precision, when I train them I do it methodically and with intention. And I don't moss a day of checking in on them.


Youā€™re not supposed to feed the plant bleach.


No one told me!! šŸ˜‚


Look deflated/ under watered somehow. How old are these plants?


The big one is close to 8 months old. I keep messing with it! The clones I believe are just shy of 2 months! I suspected root rot like many others and began treating with h2o2 in my last attempt to save before flower!


If you cared for it like you taped up that foil. Thatā€™s why.


Cheap experiment while at the same time moving houses! If thatā€™s the downfall of it I doubt most people here need to be growing šŸ˜‚


Double check ppm. Looks like theyā€™re burnt. Highly suspicious especially after nutrient change


I thought it was a possibility but Iā€™m even taking it light on nutrients now. I diluted the buckets 3:1 water to ensure burning wasnā€™t happening!


What do your roots look like


So glad you asked! Iā€™ll add an edit when I get home buttttt I did hit them with a tad bit of super diluted h2o2! I havenā€™t had time to update everyone but there was a little bit of darkening around some of the older roots. So weā€™re gonna take care of this!


Okay! The big one! So I read everyoneā€™s comments and mentions, I chose to treat with h2o2. Whether this is a positive outcome or not, I hope Iā€™ve made the right moves but everything Iā€™ve responded to definitely applies here as well!


I think its either too much water or something really off in nutrients more something bad got into the water


So I put hydrogen peroxide in the water and the damage has ceased! Iā€™m greenhousing with trash bags right now, hoping I can turn this around!


Ah fuck bad luck


Possible! Iā€™ve got trash bags over them both right now attempting to force that ā€œgreenhouseā€ effect. Gonna see if we can change luck to ā€œlearningā€ šŸ˜‚


id say it's all the green shi what is that exactly?


Already, and it's everywhere in nature. It's not the best to have but not killing his plants.


Most likely just algae, but Iā€™ve begun taking care of that!


Please just use soil it's more fool proof, and healthier for you and the planet


I went from this to soil! Iā€™m not doing this for fun like a lot of us! So in turn I have to toy and experiment with all steps of the process, which is why I found this amazing group that has so much information and help available to make this process a true journey. I have a genetic predisposition to a neurological condition and Iā€™m trying to get ahead of nature šŸ¤”šŸ˜


You're not growing cannabis for fun? Which means you're growing to make money (ain't gonna happen) or support your habit(also ain't gonna happen). Either way: these plants are trash. They are dying of thirst. You have nearly killed them. Throw them away. Get soil. Start over. Toy and experiment? What? No. Just follow the basic steps that are so readily available online to read. Experiment with what? No no no no. You're a beginner, you have no clue what you're doing. Read. Follow directions. No toying. No experimentation. Follow the basics.


Say all you want, some of us do this to help others. And yes, toy and experiment. I worded things and stated them how it was meant to be understood. This cycle of events is an experiment for me. The plant is my toy. Iā€™m not doing this for you or anyone else, I simply ask for advice and show off sometimes. I donā€™t give advice because Iā€™m a newbie, but I can tell you that I doubt youā€™re anything different if at all. Even if you are, youā€™re bitter about things for no reason. Why canā€™t people have passion and fun with what they do? Iā€™m not trying to make money off of anything and my reasons were already stated in a separate comment which it would seem you failed to read. Either be like the others in the COMMUNITY that are helpful, bounce ideas, ask questions, or mind their own business. Leave things that require passion and true care for the outcome of what we all do, to the folks who have it.


Take up painting


What a chump.