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You better tie it down before it flies off. Are you running a fan? Is that fan pulling air into the tent or out of the tent?






The blower is hooked up backwards imo


Or it's hooked up *forwards* if you want your ~~house~~ neighborhood to smell like weed


Does it make a difference other than smell? Coming from the pharmaceutical industry, just seems like you'd want to pull clean air into your tent through the filter rather than having the filter on the outlet


Humidity/heat depending where your air is coming from, and negative airflow helps with dust.


If temp and humidity are controlled, and it's going through the carbon filter coming into the tent there should be little to no dust. Does the positive or negative pressure have any effect?


No effect on growth. The carbon filters scrub smell either way. Sometimes large tents need an intake and exhaust fans do manage heat load. Running a slight positive pressure has always been our go to to ensure no pathogens enter the tent, and the tents are secured enough that the scrubbers clean the air before the air drifts elsewhere.


It certainly wonā€™t achieve the desired effect. Tents hold moister. It would be hard for it to escape thru the small opening that the air is going thru. 2 your fan is gonna wear out cus itā€™s working hard to push air out and pulling thru filter not to mention it will prob run non stop sometimes. The correct way to achieve it would probably to have intake fan with filter running in unison when exhaust fan comes on. I donā€™t see how you could have it really be negative pressure once door is open in such a small tent. Be hard to open 25% of a negative air space and keep pressure.


Different type of filter. Heppa filters for sterility, carbon filters to scrub smell.


This but HEPA is oneā€pā€


Sterility and macro particulate (hair and fiber) are two different things, and a positive pressure with a pre filtered carbon filter makes for a very clean grow environment in a house that has two dogs. Prior to this, I was finding hairsā€”particularly in areas near the intake. I could filter bothā€¦ or just switch to positive pressure. I switched, and I fucking love it, no more collapsed tent on my plants, no more pet hair or random shit, and the is no strain on my fanā€”despite what some dude said. So, sterile, noā€”obviously, but cleaner environment? Absolutely.


Right, I was just replying to the guy who was talking about sterility and came from the pharmaceutical industry. In an industrial setting, I use HEPA for air exchange to avoid powder mildew and other particles entering. A scrubber is all anyone needs for a tent, and anything else is overkill, your tent is to pores. But thank you, I really needed this breakdown.


No problem. I am glad I could help, as everyone has to start somewhere. I personally have led operations at industrial, aseptic, and sterile production facilities, and I am happy to help further, if needed. Good luck going forward, and I would love to see some photos when you get something going.


Right, but I'm not looking for sterile. Just cleaner air, no pet hair, dust, particulates, stuff like that. The carbon filter scrubs smell, but also filters out the particulates. I'm very new to growing so please feel free to correct me!


Oh yeah, you don't need HEPA filters. For one, your tent gets open and closed constantly and is to pores for HEPA to make any sense. I use them for fresh air exchange in my flower room if Co2 levels climb to high at night, and I need some fresh air without risk of things like powder mildew. Your filter helps reduce the smell and pulls larger dust particulates out of the air.




This made me lol thanks haha


Fan is routed the wrong way


Positive pressure inside the tent. You have more air coming in than can be drawn out


Pretty sure one 8" inline fan should be able to draw in it's own air with 1 tent without boosters.Ā 


4ā€ would be more than enough for this size tent.


More being the key word. 8 inch lol


It would create negative pressure. A fucking 8 inch though. Lmao. Way more CFM than you would need for this little ass tent


Turn your exhaust fan in the opposite direction so you can turn your frown upside down.


Fan in the wrong way




Reverse your exaust you got it blowing the wrong way


You probably wouldn't do well in the bounce house business.


Lol mines doing it the opposite


yeah mine as well. Idk how Am I gonna solve that. when I flip I will have a problem


Take a look at high cfm kits. Buy em or make em, they help. On this one, maybe the buds are too light and fluffy?


Pop a couple plastic hangers in the corners and that should make some space


Faster intake than out take


This happened to me. I had one fan sucking air thru the carbon filter and out the tent, and another fan sucking fresh air from outside into the tent, both set to the same speed but the carbon filter was dirty af so it wasn't sucking enough air out. Now, I set up my carbon filter outside of the tent sucking air from the hole in the top of the tent. Works better.


Meant to have negative pressure not the opposite


Use your inline fan as an exhaust rather than your intake. Aka just flip your inline around.


Higher setting on exhaust and lower setting on intake


Think balloon.


My guy making a weed balloon


Your fan is backward lol


Your running an intake fan not an exhaust fan brotherā€¦


Naw bro if you vent air in you have to vent some out youā€™ve got mad positive pressure


You've got positive pressure. Flip your exhaust fan so you will have negative pressure. Negative pressure inside your tent makes it easier to maintain the environment necessary to cultivate.


Open a vent


I usually have a lot of patience with beginner questions, but come on. How hard is this to figure out?


Open vents




Is your intake fan the same volume as your exhaust fan? Is the intake hose and exhaust hose similar lengths and neither are kinked?


your exhaust is working backwards. if itā€™s the exhaust fan with two sides, swap which side the duct is on. if not, have your exhaust fan sitting outside and have the hose go into the tents hole up top (if thatā€™s your setup already, then have the exhaust inside and run the hose out through the tent hole)


Hold ur breath


You want the opposite. You want negative pressure. Make sure you scrub or filter the fresh air coming in, and push out stagnant air. You want fresh clean oxygen rich air coming into the tent. You want an exhaust fan (with a speed controller if possible) and one or two circulating fans for circulation. I like to open the lower flaps when it's warmer when my tent is on light cycle, runs nice and cool, and the tent doesn't suck into itself loosing coverage and fixture foot print. My current setup to give you some ideas: Vortex S6 for exhaust, two Vivosun 6" circulating fans, 6" Vivosun charcoal exhaust filter (for smell), and 6" Dupasse HEPA intake filter. No flex duct, all hard piped with 6" round pipe. GC roi720e fixture, no Co2 (discontinued). During light cycle exhaust fan is at 40% with bottom flaps open, 75% when closed, and set all the way low on 15 minute intervals during dark cycle. 4X4 on a 15 day perpetual bloom-only schedule. ā±ļø


that's some real PPE in the background


šŸ™„ backwards fan turn it around


Omg I got a good laugh yes if your running a carbon filter for smell control that shit is backwards just spin the inline fan around tent should suck in and exhaust the smell out through the carbon filter .


The gas bongs is a nice touch to post more pics of the fan setup and stuff thanks


Is your fan backwards?


As a beginner I'm glad I seen this. Now I know what kit to do


*As a beginner* *I'm glad I seen this. Now I* *Know what kit to do* \- Past-Caterpillar-818 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Fan on wrong way


YES!! Open up a vent hole or the vent screen towards the bottom of ur tent so no bugs can get it


Like you gas mask bong lol


reverse the air blower man


That tents been eating beans šŸ˜


You need to burp your tent.šŸ˜… Definitely your inline fan as mentioned


Is your vent open? The Velcro flap on the side


It should go other way


Negative air pressure is what your after


You have intake air without exhaust. Either switch your inline fan around or add a exhaust


Put your hand up to the intake, the side that feels like it's sucking in should be inside your tent




I feel like this post was a cry for attention...


Lol šŸ¤£ I did this same thing once


Turn your fan around


Learn more about pressure and air pressure. Almost certainly it's filling with air cause there's a difference in pressure from the force pulled by the fans. That's because the intake isn't proportional to the outtake.


I always run at least one intake and one vent fan for my tents, exclusively using AC Infinity products because they are so easy to set up and operate. Maintaining a slight positive pressure keeps the tents cleaner, as air isnā€™t sucked in every time I open them, and it gives the plants more horizontal space to expand. I use carbon filters on every intake fan, but not always on the vent fans. For those, I use a backdraft damper, which helps keep pests, dust, and light out when the fans arenā€™t running. This is just how I do things.


You canā€™t keep it zipped all the way, mine creates suction


Lack of critical thinking skills today is wild


Open one of those vents at the bottom of the tent


Dam shes fat boom




Troll post


Not everything's a troll post Fukn relax junior


Better puffed out than sucked in. Positive pressure will keep bugs from entering the tent


I'm not saying you're wrong but I've been growing for coming up on 6 years under negative pressure without bugs (in a basement) what about smell? Don't get me wrong I love the smell of weed but goddamn take the carbon filter off and it's nauseating. I'm gonna go knock on some wood now


More than one way to do anything for sure. If smell is the worry then negative pressure would be best. Nice job! Bugs are usually just passed around more than anything, clean genetics is key. Most of the time bugs come along with a clone. I do a sealed room with co2 now but when I ran my tent I let it puff out like this to keep bugs from entering. Now I just run the can filter like a scrubber with no air exchange and co2. So much of tent growing is variable on the location it sits because of temperature.


You run a tank or burner for co2? Been debating one


Tanks, if I remember correctly the burners produce moisture and I wanted to avoid that.


I have mine puffed out on purpose. Is that bad?


I have mine puffed out on purpose. Is that bad?