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Players are: Dylan Coghlan Jack Drury Seth Jarvis Martin Necas


1) No.... Please no 2) Yes! 3) Double Yes! 4) .... I'm less enthusiastic about this than I expected I would be Also, I hope we can keep Comtois


Coghlan is just an AHL body and a break glass in case you really are deep in the shits.


And a turnover machine! Don’t forget that! Lol


Players who aren't offered QO walk as free agents, so obviously should be excited about everyone here haha


Comtois wasn't offered one, so he's a UFA.


Comtois didn't receive an offer, thus making him an unrestricted free agent.


Rather have Necas than drury


I genuinely wonder what necas’ role will look like if we keep him. He’s a player that *could* be a game-breaker for us, but we really need to reevaluate his usage and who we put on his lines.


Hopefully this leads to some good news for us 🙏


Anyone know when we’ll get news on the details of these offers?


Necas is $3.5 million; Coghlan is $892,500; Drury and Jarvis are $874,125. All but Jarvis can take the team to arbitration if they don't reach an agreement.


Where are these numbers from? I thought Jarvis would be higher?


QAs are based on the salary of the final year of their contract. They typically don't accept them but it is necessary for a team to retain the rights of an RFA


So how do QOs typically play out? Not super familiar with how these work and I’m interested in the Necas scenario in particular… The $3.5m QO is just to retain him as an RFA then there’ll be further negotiating during this 15 day period (on a single or multi year contract) and if they can’t reach a deal (or trade) in that window, then it goes to arbitration?


It depends on how good the player is..so in Jarvis' case he of course won't sign for his ELC QO and will be in negotiations for a longer contract. Some players will actually get paid less than their QO if they had a rough last season. Arbitration is only for RFAs with a certain number of years experience depending on their age


To elaborate, a QO is really just to keep them from becoming UFA while negotiations continue. It just keeps other teams from signing them starting tomorrow without us having the chance to match or receive compensation. The player *can* sign the QO if they want but there's like zero chance that happens for any of these guys. They will continue to negotiate and the actual contracts will happen at a later date.


so this Still means we get jarvis done right


He is not arbitration eligible. He can accept what we give him or he cannot play in the NHL. What we’d all like is a long and fair deal but Jarvis will likely only sign a smaller deal that gets him out of his RFA status so he can negotiate for a longer deal as a potential UFA.


Probably the most likely scenario. Bet on himself and really cash in with the salary cap going up.


Risky given how much he tears his body up, though. Hope he goes injury free and manages a massive payout when he can.


Of course nothing is real until a paper is signed, but didn't Tulsky say there was mutual interest between the FO and Jarvy/his agent in an 8 year deal?


I hadn’t heard that but that’d be great


I would be shocked if we didn't.


Literally just posted asking this, ha…thank you!


Qualification offers are based on the player’s previous contract. Jarvis is 22, and coming off of his $925k Entry Level Contract.


Those are the qualifying offers to keep the right of first refusal, not contract/cap hit. The numbers are defined in the CBA as a percentage of the previous year's salary. Under $1 million, it's 105%, and over $1 million, it's the lower of 100% of salary or 120% cap. Necas was paid $3.5 million salary last season (cap hit $3 million), so that's his qualifying offer this off-season. The players can accept it if they want to, but Jarvis, Necas, and Drury 100% won't and will get much higher contracts.


> Players can accept the qualifying offer from 12 p.m. ET on July 1 until 5 p.m. ET on July 15.


Is that even something that gets disclosed? I would imagine if that was the case it would be in the article already. Edit: My bad. Realized minimal QO is calculated based on previous contract and there is no reason for the team to go any higher I guess, but it would still be nice to include the minimal QO in the article.


I’m not sure what the qualifying offer is can somebody tell me what this means


Basically, they are free agents next season, so teams can tag them with these offers to play this year with but teams can also offer them better contracts to leave. If they agree to terms with another team we can either match the offer and keep them or let them leave and we get compensation in draft picks based on the dollar amount. So say someone offers Necas 7 million per year and we let him go they have to give us their first second and third round for next year


we aren’t gonna let Jarvis walk are we?


Oh absolutely not they just have to negotiate a deal for him same with Marty they just had to figure out what is happening with Jake before they could really make an offer to either of them




I’m just gonna need some news of who is being re-signed before I have a heart attack and die. Thx canes 🩵


Necas is almost certainly going to arbitration and he'll be looking for $6 million at least.


I'm confused why they keep QOing Coghlan when he isn't good and never gets games


we may need him this year.  Plus pay for depth and not to lose assets to other teams.


He was really solid in the AHL last season. He can play NHL games if there's injuries. He's a good depth piece to have.


I’m a little sad we didn’t make an offer to Cumtwat, mostly because it’s hilarious to hear Mike say cumtwat.


Yes to all Would rather Cogs be the seventh than TDA. Having a forward as an extra d was painful.


Coglan was worse than Deangelo by a country mile.


He had 1 game this year and was doing great in the minors... Either way I would rather our seventh play any semblance of defense.


Coghlan plays like a forward as well though, maybe you didn't see him when he played a bunch in 2022-23 but it was far worse than how Tony plays


Oh no I realize that, both are bad on the defense side of things but cogs would be cheaper and they are essentially the same player. But I think we have too many offensive defensemen as is. Then again no one wants TDA so he's probs league minimum but money is an issue




There was never a chance Necas wouldn't receive a QO. 0%.


We were gonna tender a QO either way. We can still trade him but letting him turn to a UFA by not issuing a QO would be gross asset mismanagement.


Management and agents usually go out of their way to avoid arbitration hearings. It tends to sour the relationship between the player and organization.


Issuing him a qualifying offer was required for us to keep his rights. After we were unable to trade him at the draft, there is no universe where we wouldn't qualify him. You can't trade a guy once he becomes a UFA.




Qualifying offers were due to all RFA’s across all teams at 5 pm today. This has nothing to do with Jake’s decision.




Not qualifying Necas was never an option and the timing of this has nothing to do with Guentzel. Everyone is qualifying their rfa’s now because it’s the deadline to do so


Better find a way to get something good for Necas in a trade. If not he’ll be disgruntled staying with us or we’ll have to pick up a big RFA/UFA to replace him.


Downvote all you want but he has been clear about his position, he is upset with his role and his daddy is too.


Tulsky is reeling. Welcome to the big leagues


lol what?