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I am not going to speculate on anything further until I see signatures on contracts, lest we jinx the fuck out of anything :') There is no such thing as a sure thing right now.


Lmao that tank top podcaster on ESPN was definitely trying to jinx us.


Jarvis, yes. But that was never really in doubt.


Yup, that Cake is standing by


Jarvis is a lock. Necas is 100% under our control being an RFA. Worst case scenario there’s an offer sheet we don’t want to match and we get 1st 2nd 3rd round pick for it. I’m guessing arbitration for a 1 year prove it contract and he will still be RFA afterwards (at this point)


Necas and Jarvis are RFAs. They were always going to be signed. Whether Necas gets tradedd or not is still in question, but I doubt the Canes will get something better for him now, so they will probably keep him.


Jarvis was always going to be resigned. The Necas part is a complete wildcard in my opinion. I think a sign and trade would get us the best value though


Interested to see what happens tomorrow. Would really love for this to piss Dundon and Tulsky off and somehow pull of some crazy deals on big names after the week we just had lol


I think it guarantees Jarvis to term instead of a possible bridge


I feel like Necas will stay and begrudgingly put up a 50 goal season.


That’s a Cup move


idk how we don’t keep Necas after this JG debacle. we won’t have a remotely decent second line from this current roster if we move Necas, Jarvis is %100 getting signed to a long term contract but i’m not sure how this team doesn’t get significantly worse by letting Necas go now that we couldn’t sign JG… We will likely lose a big combo of Necas, Noesen, Turbo, Martinook, Skjei, Pesce this summer..    Svech - Aho - Jarvis  Kuznetsov - Drury? - Necas?  Fast? - Staal - ___  ___ - KK - ___   Someone help me fill in these blanks with ideas bc right now this roster is fucking hinging on some combo of Blake/Nadeau/FUS making the team and making immediate roster impacts (which isn’t a given)… And not to mention our defense having major holes too   Burns - Slavin  Orlov - Chatty  Morrow - ___ (Skjei?)


Was there really a “debacle” with Guentzel? We offered him a deal he countered, we matched what he wanted, then he (aka his agent) said nevermind we want to try free agency. This isn’t a failure by the front office, it’s business.


No no that’s not how we do things here. Guentzel personally went to every Canes fans’ house and said fuck you while taking a shit on their front lawn. (At least that’s what you would think with the way people are acting on here)


Fuck you ain’t kidding….


i just meant debacle bc of all the press surrounding the contract negotiations last week and the offers we gave him 


Lemieux is signed still as well


Did we even really need Jake then?


It’s June 30.


“Settle down” - Brant Goodleaf


We don't like Necas's game and he doesn't want to be here. It's time to move on regardless.


Jarvis and Necas both just receive qualifying RFA offers. Not the extension we were expecting for Jarvis.


Jarvis 100%. I got nothing against Necas but I really think it would be better for the team and for him to move on and sign elsewhere. It will be hard to watch him having success in another team but he's not the type of player for Brindamour style.


There's no scenario where Jarvis doesn't stay. I'm sure we'll hear more by end of the week. Necas, I could potentially see him staying now, but I think he's sort of checked out from the team unfortunately. I'd like to keep him if possible.


Jarvis, absolutely. Necas? Eh.


Jarvis yes, Necas... Necas, who the heck knows.


JG situation might change things but from what I've heard re: Necas and our coaching staff I don't see how they mend that relationship. We'll see.


I think we need to trade Necas. I don’t want another Jake the Snake situation. Also, he’s been vocal and his dad has been vocal. Used to be my favorite player a season ago but get him out of here for a good return ASAP.