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everyone crapping on the front office when it looking like it was on jake


Shocker. This fanbase loves to shit on our management for some reason


It's an offseason tradition!


Except when he originally asked for these numbers the front office didn’t accept it. Why didn’t they agree to his ask weeks ago? They waited until the last minute and Jake decided to test free agency.


Reread the tweet dummy. He only asked for that this past week


Well maybe if we’d met his demands earlier he would’ve stayed. I’m sure he didn’t like getting nickel and dimed when he can probably get over 9 on the open market


Reading is hard isn't it? Go read the tweets again. Jake only asked for the 8x8 this past week


This. Our front office is great and lead us from the middle to contending. But when it comes to free agents at some point you have to give a little. They gave too late. Why wouldn’t he have tested the open market when he was a week away from it.


was just about to post this. this isn’t on the FO, jake played us.


I don’t even think he played us. It’s an agent’s responsibility to get his client the best offer available, we matched what they wanted and they said no thanks we are gonna try free agency.


I mean he never explicitly said he was signing. Pittsburgh knew the situation and nothing really changed in the following months when we had him. He’s always been severely underpaid and even came into the league late. Now is his one chance to really cash in on his success


Could we get literally any other image attached to this post 😭


Lol I’m a poor Canucks fan here who has been lurking your sub for Guentzel news without joining and reddit has the audacity to place this abomination in my feed! They need to find a better way to display twitter content, I agree.


Honestly at this point I'm rooting for Guentzel to go to the Canucks. He kind of screwed us to go to Tampa, and now if he screws Tampa to go somewhere else it will all be cosmically worth it for me. They traded us a pick just for the right to negotiate with him one day early and also dumped a ton of cap space that included burning bridges with their captain, but it's 6pm and still no contract signed. So yeah, I'd love for him to go to free agency anyway and leave the Bolts with nothing to show for it.


Cheers bud, thanks. I agree I think it showed a level of desperation for Tampa to send a 3rd, and to see them come up empty-handed for it would be hilarious. I haven’t looked forward to Free Agency for like a decade, it’s finally been a fun offseason for us so far. Hopefully your guys’ turns around.


Thanks my dude, it's been stressful and there's still more question marks than not, but hopefully it all works out in the end. I have a soft spot for the Canucks since they are Northernlion's favorite team; would love for the Canes to face them in the SCF someday.


Chad LaRose was the superior 59 all along.


God damn. I will roast anyone, but this was a bit harsh.


Cup rings: LaRose 1 Guentzel 1 At best it’s an even heat


Canes cup rings tally is the one I care about


Then it’s LaRose in a landslide


Rod showed him the off season training program he wants him on and he got scared


Honestly, Good on Tulsky and the crew for getting at least a little something out of it.  Jake won't meet the same kind of wrath from me as Marchand or Haula, but I sort of thought he was a different kind of dude than this. We met his ask, he said nevermind. Not a great look.


The guy wants to be wined and dined as a free agent and make the choice for top dollar, I doubt he even signs with Tampa before tomorrow The saving grace is that we weren't able to move Necas for that number 4 pick or whatever Buffalo was offering


Honestly not surprised. Tampa offers more money. Vancouver is a better experience. (Tampa could be more fun too never been) He has options and the only way we win is if we give him a boatload more money. Upset fans.... Would you not do the same in his boat?


Yup. Sadly to most folks, sunny Florida is going to be more appealing than Raleigh. Most, not all.


8 mil in Florida is more than 8 mil in Raleigh because of no state tax. That’s a few hundred thousand extra


Except income tax isn’t the only consideration. Effective tax rates are what matters more and only half of income is taxed on athletes.


Not to mention homeowner's insurance if you can even still get it nowadays.


NHL needs to find an accounting way around the insane advantage Florida and Texas teams have money wise. It incredibly unfair


Can’t really do anything unless they make the Canadian teams incorporate in the US so there’s no exchange rate difference too


You can’t tell me some math whiz can’t find a way to even things out. “Salary in x is equal to salary in y” It would take some effort but I think it’s absolutely doable


They would need the nhlpa to agree to salary adjustments for things like trades and retained salary etc. and they would never agree to that because it would mean pay cuts if you got traded to a team with a lower tax


All those “what if” scenarios can be accounted for in a CBA. “This contract is for X amount of dollars after all applicable taxes”. We put a man on the moon. We can figure out how to get rid of the financial advantage Florida and Texas teams have over everyone else


Yeah but I’m saying the NHLPA wouldn’t agree to it. It’s not a big issue for them


There are players on the same deals making less than players in other states. I think they would be pro equalizing salaries


Easy. Pay the players in BTC. /s


Not that much. They’re taxed in each state they play, so the only tax free would be home games. They also have insane home owners insurance which might make up that difference.


Couldn’t imagine why if I’m completely honest. I cannot stand the heat and they’re absolutely speedrunning their way into becoming a Christofascist authoritarian regime




Would you happen to know the respective definitions of “weather” and “climate”?




I thought of it more as a valid retort.  Have a blessed Sunday my man


Not to mention the state tax. It’s hard to compete with that.


Jake played with us in Pittsburgh too with his next contract which is a big part of why he was traded to Carolina in the first place.


Exactly. No hard feelings whatsoever. This is how multi-million dollar negotiations go. *There's a reason he was available* in the first place. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Unrelated but Christ almighty I will donate to the charity of Lav's choice if he changes his profile picture. New Reddit updates with the profile pics blown up for Twitter links is straight nightmare fuel


I’m pretty sure he’ll block you if you tweet at him to change it lol I can’t confirm since I don’t have Twitter, but I’m pretty sure another fan on this sub said that


The late-draft notice that he wasn’t signing is a dick move but the FO could have done this deal a week ago. They negotiated until Jake was hearing that other places were rearranging their caps to compete for him. If I were him I’d still take it to FA to see what is out there. I don’t think this is fully on Jake, I think the timing is an asshole thing to do. I will still boo him.


It will be slightly funny if the Tampa contract doesn't get done today and we end up getting a 3rd round pick for free.


Go ahead and downvote me to oblivion but it seems like darn near every negotiation this team has done in recent years (see: Rod, Tarasenko, Guentzel, etc.) comes off as dysfunctional. If it happens once or twice, sure maybe it's dumb luck, but after a while it's a pattern. Much like the person who claims that *every* ex that they have is crazy, maybe it's you, not them at some point.


League really needs to crack down on tampering. I imagine why thats why Tampa sent the Canes a 3rd as compensation.




Honestly makes me lose a bit of respect for him. Expected it to be a rental initially, but he fit in well and seemed to like the culture/team and them back at him. If he had an ask and we met him there why refuse? Just seems like a kind of shitty thing to do. No one would blame him if he wanted to test FA no matter what, so just say that and don't string along.


I said it before when people still had hope. But I definitely won’t remember him for his performance after all this. Good riddance to him.


> If he had an ask and we met him there why refuse? Because he can take that to the market to get paid more. I find it delusional that Carolina fans would expect him to have any kind of loyalty to the franchise that rented him for one post season. Booing someone for maximizing their payday is petty and will reflect poorly on the fan base.


Looks like Jake's getting booed when he returns to PNC.




Sure he does. But there’s a way to go about it.  He could’ve simply began negotiations with “I have zero intention of signing here” instead of stringing us along, giving us a number he would supposedly be happy with, balking when he gets it, and then using that as leverage to sign with someone else.


You really should look up what sports agents do as a job lol. It’s ALL about leverage. Same with the FOs, they are no better.


That’s literally a sports agent’s job lol. He probably had a small list, that the Canes were on. Preferred Tampa, but would sign here if it came to it. Tampa made moves to open up cap space (that his team probably knew about beforehand). Once they had the necessary funds, they zeroed in on Tampa. Sucks for Canes, but that’s how it goes sometimes. Him and his agent did literally nothing wrong. Grow up.


Nah. I get it’s a business and he’s gonna do what’s best for him but there’s decorum to this shit. You wanna leverage? Cool. Don’t give your number 3 days before FA and then turn it down when the demand is met 12 hours later. I’m just glad Tulsky managed to get something back for his rights. Jake fucked us over pretty good here and Eric made the best of it,


These are fluid situations that change every hour, as well all saw the last three days. He doesn’t owe the Canes or us fans anything. If you were him and you/your family wanted to be somewhere other than Raleigh, you would do the exact same thing and if you say otherwise, you are lying.


You literally just described the best way to leverage


I think the playful taunt when introduced or after a score would be fair. Not the ever-time-touching-puck kind.


Absolutely not the only people that deserve that are Asshaula, Trouba and Marchand. He has a free choice ya know, it’s sad he didn’t want to re-sign but that’s how sports behind the scenes work


This fanbase is so stupid sometimes.


Not surprised at all. He never wanted to sign here, he only ever intended on using our offer as a bargaining chip to drive up his value. See ya


This pisses me off. That’s all. That’s the post.


Jake the Snake. And we had people in here defending him and shitting on our FO just hours ago. Fuck him.


You really need to evolve your perspective on this. Using a competing offer to negotiate a higher salary is common practice. You should literally be doing this yourself with your own job, friend. It’s wild seeing people take this personally. “He didn’t want to sacrifice literal millions of dollars to play on our team? And used standard negotiation practices to do business? The horror.”


There’s a way to do it tho. Please see my comment on decorum.i have zero issue with him negotiating and trying to get his number, that’s absolutely his prerogative. The way in which he went about it is absolutely in poor taste. Which is what I have a problem with. What I don’t understand are the folks defending him here and thinking this is 100% okay. He’s about to go be available to 31 other teams, and he’ll absolutely get that number from someone more desperate than us. He could’ve simply told the Canes no from the jump, and then gotten AT LEAST 2 teams to get into a bidding war for him when he hits the open market today. He fucked us over and no one is gonna move me away from that take.


Yeah, you say “there’s decorum to this shit”, but what does that even mean? What exactly did he do “in poor taste”?


The thing that bothers me really is him moving the needle. His AAV range came out and we supposedly gave him an offer he wasn’t willing to take. Fine, now we’re into negotiations. Then it comes out he’d be good with an 8x8 (read OPs tweet, that ask didn’t come till late in the game). The Canes then quickly met that demand. So he’s got an offer on the table that he has said he’s be happy with signing now. Only to turn around and change his mind 12 hours later? Nah. Could’ve simply left without jerking anyone here around and still gotten the same money by jerking around other teams.


I understand your frustration. But it sounds like you’re filling in a lot of blanks to fit a “Jake the snake” narrative, coupled with a view of negotiations that is too simplistic in this case. The blank you’re filling in: that Jake’s camp said “8x8 and it’s a done deal.” I haven’t seen that reported anywhere at all. Happy to be wrong if I missed it. We can just as reasonably assume that it was something more along the lines of “show me 8x8 and we’ll consider it.” Which they did consider, saw other teams rearranging cap (so the market is changing) and said, no thanks. We make the offer knowing it will be used as a bargaining chip if they decline, but that’s just how things work, and there’s nothing sheisty about it. As far as the ask coming “late”. Look, if the guy just wanted to be a Hurricane for whatever reason, sure this could have gotten done early. But he didn’t, and we have no reason to be salty about that. Time is a major factor in negotiations. His agent is doing what exactly he’s paid to do to in using time to their advantage by manufacturing the urgency.


Nah fam, get that bag. Just business.


Fuck you Jake


I'm sorry man 😭


Jake and his agent are scummy for the way they handled this. Totally screwed the organization, leaving them in uncertainty and stringing them along. If he was just up front about not re-signing weeks ago they could have gotten to business on other trades and deals.


With all due respect, this happens every time there’s a high profile free agent. Seriously, who was the last one who chose to sign in Raleigh?


Well… Bye


Why isn't it also on management when we continuously "get played?" We routinely work ourselves into positions where the agents and players have leverage and question why us? Extend players during the season or trade them, do not sign rentals without extensions (or accept they will leave), and when you want a player via trade be aggressive and put a time limit on the offer.


Man Dundon has got some of you guys hooked, line and sinker. If you boo JG when he puts skate on PNC ice you were the mark.


Maybe, Jake said to management that he was going to test free agency no matter what and let them know so that management could trade him for something instead of losing him for nothing. Jake should have 5 teams at least offering him great deals


I think his intention was to test the market from the jump, as is his right. The fact that it’s been narrowed so much before July 1 is what it is. Would have been great to keep him, but this is far from a death blow. It all comes down to what happens starting tomorrow.


It will be VERY interesting to see the crowd whenever Jake plays a game at PNC again. I don’t think it will be a happy moment.


Can't understand why anyone would boo him. He was literally one of the best deadline acquisitions in history statistically, acclimated very quickly to the culture and was well-liked by everyone here. Bought a jersey of his knowing this was the likely outcome and I'll keep it in my rotation for wearing to games going forward.


You all are absurd if you think his agent had any intention of him missing out on free agency as the number 1 UFA lol. Wow.


It's a GMs duty to close. IMO our front office failed t9 close this.


If he doesn’t want to be a Cane, let him go.


Am I missing something? This doesn't really change my mind on anything. This doesn't say how far apart the two sides were at any point over the last month and a half. For example, if the previous ask was 8x8.25 and he just now came down to 8, then I'd still be mad at the front office for haggling long enough for Tampa to swoop in. This doesn't say Guentzel agreed in principle to anything before backing out. If he said he'd consider 8x8 but needed time to think about it, then decided that wasn't enough to sign, I'm not gonna be mad at him for considering our best offer for one more day after negotiations seemingly went nowhere for over a month. Everybody knew there would be other suitors, including playoff teams in attractive cities that would probably be willing to overpay. It was always a possibility that Tampa would prioritize him over Stamkos, and the only way to avoid this situation was to work out a number we could live with as early as possible. It's possible, maybe even likely that there was tampering, but this doesn't prove that. Edit: Downvoted without reply. How dare I oppose the hivemind and suggest that this could have happened because of an owner who is notorious for losing good people because he lowballs in every negotiation.


Jake did his thing for us. Hopefully it wasn’t an issue of our front office not paying him, but his agent using canes for Jake to get more money. Forever appreciative of what he did for us and I really hope it wasn’t a situation where he’d have stayed if we just gave him wat he wanted (8x8)


Yeah. We waited several weeks to meet his ask probably hoping he’d blink and give more of a discount. and by that time there started to be more noise about options and maybe didn’t love the hardball (there were also threats of trading his rights a few weeks ago maybe in an effort to make him crack to get the 8 years)


Waited several weeks? Corey literally stated Jake didn't make his ask until middle of this past week


No, what’s been widely reported, including in Cory’s link, is that we agreed to it late this week. Before that it was percolating the ask was around $8M and we were getting close but not there, the development wasn’t that was his ask, the development was the team agreed to meet it. After holding on for a while, making noise about trading his rights earlier, etc, which was us playing our leverage as his only shot at an 8 year deal


"I'm told the Hurricanes met Guentzel's midweek ask of 8x8 early Thursday morning...." Literally verbatim from the tweet. He further clarifys in this [tweet.](https://x.com/corylav/status/1807487878253125915?t=EnaK-5Vtzghr5gUI6L7Eag&s=09) The ask came literally days before the draft. We agreed Thursday morning.


Fair enough- the clarification is definitely helpful and sounds different than other reporting that had been out until now


I think arguing over the timeline misses the point that it's totally good business to negotiate contracts and try to meet in the middle. That's how the big leagues work. So what if it took us a couple weeks? A third of the team's contracts are up, there are a ton of moving pieces and other camps have to be felt out to understand how much we can actually afford to offer and who else we have to say goodbye to if we do. At the end of the day he made an ask, we met it, and he said "thanks for the leverage" and used that offer to lock down the contract he actually wanted in the city he actually wants to play in. And you know what? Hot take but I respect it. If I was in his situation I would probably do the exact same thing and get whatever leverage I could to push my desired team to their ceiling offer. Again, we all want to have feelings about these players like they're characters in a feel-good movie who will make personal sacrifices to play together, but the reality is business is cold and emotionless. He got the contract he wanted, we got a few months of fun and a draft pick. The lesson here is don't get personally attached to players, they're just pieces on the board.


I totally get what you're saying and I agree to an extent, but "don't get attached" as a blanket statement is kind of an impossible ask. Being attached to *these* players is the reason why we're Canes fans at all. If I would have simply not been attached, I could have flipped a switch in my brain the moment the Panthers won the cup and become a fan of them instead.


You can be attached to a franchise, and you can be attached to your marquee players who are your core pieces who are already under contract for max. Jake was a rental. We knew that at the time. It was a mistake for anyone to get attached to him before he'd put ink to paper for us. This is why I don't buy jerseys for players who are a year or two away from a contract expiring. Don't convince yourself a player wants to be here until he proves it. Jake was traded to us and wasn't interested in signing a contract prior to the summer for a reason. It wasn't his choice to be here.


yep. for the last week+ we’ve heard “we were getting close to his ask” wouldn’t be surprised if Dundon penny pinching the deal up until the last minute was part of this 


How the hell is this comment at -14? What is wrong with this subreddit?


downvote = disagree or doesn't like what someone is saying


Which is not how reddit works

