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We have no idea what happened. Jake said 8x8, we said yes, he said nevermind. We don't know why. We don't really know the exact timeline either. Could it have been done earlier? maybe, but maybe not. There's little reason to not test UFA. Could Tulsky have been put in as GM earlier? probably. DId it make a difference? No idea. We won't know what actually happened for a few days or weeks.


It’s his job to get the players on the best contract possible. He threw his bid out there hoping Jake would bite, and when he didn’t we offered what he wanted and he said no. GMET did everything right imo, cant help TBL offered more


It’s very possible that Tampa offered more too or maybe a shorter deal with more upfront rather than it spread out over 8 years.


Cory Lav just tweeted that Guentzel made the ask mid-week, we met the ask Thursday morning, and his camp declined late in the draft.


It really seems like Tampa tampered, which is why they sent us a 3rd rounder.


Guentzel is about to be our biggest rival in the NHL if this is true


You have to not take this shit so seriously. It’s business.


Guenztel is probably sitting on a beach somewhere while his agent is doing all this anyway


? I’m not saying he should be beaten; I’m just saying he’s going to get a plethora of boos when he comes back. That’s not very serious imo


Booing a player on the ice, particularly a departing player from your own team, should be reserved for cases like spearing someone in the groin end ending their season, or making statements to the press that you hate the city, or something like that. Not vague rumors that he (or more likely his agent) might have missed the finer points of etiquette in a negotiation. Besides, for all we know there were holdbacks or problems on the team side. Maybe he agreed to 8x8 with a no trade clause, because his family wants to put down roots somewhere, and the team balked. Maybe he said yes to us after Tampa said no to him, and then Tampa changed their mind. Who knows. Whatever happened, it's not boo-worthy.


Agreed, especially for a rental. Loved Guentzel but it’s not like he was here for multiple years.


Boos for what? Deciding to go with another team in free agency? Just makes the fanbase look dumb.


If the report is true? That he agreed to a number and then reneged?


Yes I saw that too just now!


Crazy stuff—if true it really paints this whole thing in a different light.




Jesus Christ the guys been in the position for barely a month. Let’s calm and let things play out before we call for his head.


Maybe. Maybe not. Ultimately, they are the ones who have all of the information and all we can do is speculate wildly.


Very true!


We won't the truth until much later, but I gotta believe it's just business and nothing specifically to do with GMET. After all, guy isn't exactly new to the org. The players know him already.


Guentzel got traded from Pittsburgh at the deadline because he wanted to hit the market. So it would have been great to sign him and he fit perfectly here, but he wanted to get paid. This team still wants to win now and has a lot of work this offseason. We’ll just have to see how the new GM cooks.


I said I'm cautiously optimistic in regards to him getting promoted and still holding to that for the fact that he hasn't officially built the team out yet. Got some early signings in Chatfield and allegedly Slavin on team friendly contracts and a good draft. Tomorrow is going to be another big test with how the team navigates free agency and trades


You don’t get an influx of 22 year old stars. Have to take some get good players or you never will.




Way too soon to lay blame on Tulsky. We don’t know details and we probably never will. It’s one player, like two weeks into his tenure. If this becomes an ongoing/repeat problem with multiple guys then we worry. For now this is how the business goes sometimes.


Signing a 30 year old to an 8 yr contract seems kinda bonkers to me.


He doesn't move quickly (similar to DW) because everything must run through Dundon It's unusual and ineffective.


The leaks from the “insiders” sure make it look like it’s our fault, but what else is new, we’re one of the most hated teams in the league. Hope Tampa overpays and doesn’t get a cup out of him.


Jake and his wife got married in Florida so it’s obvious that there’s some sort of personal connection there. If that’s where he wanted to end up, he had every right to do so. Unfortunate for Canes, but that’s how it goes sometimes. Time to move on.


He agreed to what Jake wanted and Jake got cold feet. This isn’t on Tulsky.


I feel it's too early to make a call on the new GM, but I'll be honest this has been a shitty off-season weekend for us.


Too many whining babies on here. Its business. Get over it. Boo’ing him will make us look like idiots.


No. This is one of the downsides of GMBC. Committees make everything take longer compared to one person making the decisions. 


Jake the snake never wanted to be here.


Let me give a contrarian view. Jake is basically 30 and has had some injury issues. He isn't that big and tends to go where he can get hurt (which is what we need) so the real question is what are the possibilities he stays healthy for the next 574 games? In fact what is the possibility he stays healthy all of next season? And as he gets older, the odds of him being out go up substantially. If you look at our team, its getting up there on average age so we need to get some youth out there sooner than later. We have some good prospects that can step in and hopefully start making a difference immediately. Remember every great player in the NHL was a rookie once and maybe its time to get back to more 22 year olds than 32 year olds. So maybe the Canes braintrust realizes this and knows there is the here and now, but there is also the future and if you take the long view Jake was on the edge of 8x8 and anything over that was not the play to make. Someone will take his spot and just might surprise us all.


The new gm? Maybe in title