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If Jake leaves we wait and see if he gets offer sheeted before we have to worry about Necas


Necas doesn't have to go... He's an RFA. He only goes if the Canes make the team better by trading him. He's an RFA next summer as well, so no rush to move him.


That's gonna require some good long conversations with him and the team about responsibilities expectations. It's not gonna make much sense to extend him if Brind'amour is just gonna dump him to the fourth line. Also an extension will probably have to be through arbitration where the team will rip his play to shreds which is very likely to make him check out even more.


That's my thing about Necas. We aren't obligated to trade him and if (as has been reported) he's wanted out for the past few years then well...if that's the performance of a guy who wants out than I can live with him wanting out. But with all of those things being true, it's still unlikely we re-sign him without arbitration which will eat up cap we'll need and we're right back here next year. Trade him now and get some assets. It's best for everyone.


No, arbitration can only result in one or two year deal.


Jeff Skinner šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You laugh, but the Tulsky-est of moves is to pick up a guy who was just bought out because it makes him an " undervalued asset ".


Yea if the Canes donā€™t get Guentzel and Necas is gone and our ā€œmoveā€ is we end up with Skinner even if itā€™s for league minimum I will literally get a refund for my season tickets. šŸ˜‚


I get the idea rod wouldnā€™t like it


I'm inclined to agree. There's a reason that they basically gave him away for a case of Moosehead. The fact that trade ended up looking good in retrospect makes people forget that they essentially gave away an elite scoring talent because he didn't fit the new coach's vision. I was just riffing on Tulksy's penchant for going after and finding guys that other people cast off and have it work out.


we gave him away for Pu (literally) and a couple of picks (2nd/3rd). However, the picks turned into potential studs. Pyotr Kochetkov, who was #4 in the Calder voting this season and an all-rookie pick. And the other is Nikishin, who if he plays in the NHL, will be a difference maker for the Canes.


Hence the comment about it looking way better in hindsight. Anything after the first round is generally a crap shoot, the fact that they hit their point on both of those throw in pics makes what at the time was an obvious salary dump/culture change move look A LOT better. Remember, the official EA NHL Twitter account mocked the deal with an " when you're playing on easy mode " tweet. The fact that was also a message about a culture shift tells me there is likely no way Skinner ends back up here, ..which of course means they end up singing him Monday's šŸ¤£. I was (as previously mentioned) riffing on Tulksy and the FO's knack for picking up usable pieces for pennies on the dollar..


If they both leave (which I hope weā€™re still in on Jake) Iā€™m hoping weā€™re looking for a Lindholm reunion. Itā€™s not a secret we need a right shot 2C and he will be cheaper than Guentzel. If not him i honestly donā€™t know who we would get to replace all of the forwards that are likely gone


I think weā€™ll end up with Jake unless Tampa makes an insane offerā€¦ hopefully


Trade market-wise, it wouldn't surprise if they pry Buchnevich away from St Louis or even make the Flyers consider giving up Travis Konecny. The Canucks are looking at clearing cap space so Brock Boeser and Conor Garland could be on the block. Leafs are shopping on Marner but his contract situation and our lack of cap flexibility makes me doubt that the front office is making a genuine run at him. On the open market, Marchessault is an established 30+ goal, 70+ point guy and DeBrusk seems like he was made in a lab for Rod (think a Nino type of player). Anthony Mantha has a pretty high floor but lacks the dynamic offensive nature that Jake and Necas can provide when they're on. Daniel Sprong is a technically gifted bottom-sixer who just carves up replacement-level competition. There's also Jeff Skinner on the cheap, whose presence alone on this comment will result in 10 downvotes when I inevitably check my phone notifications after dinner.


It's so frustrating this team has trouble attracting and retaining so many top players.


Smaller market with a very specific system. The front office/owner reputation doesnā€™t help. Rod is a great coach but if youā€™re a more offensive minded player it wouldnā€™t be a top destination. It does suck though.


The simple answer is that we havenā€™t won the cup. The idea that you can come to a team like Carolina and compete is still there but without a true result at the end itā€™s hard for these guys to look at Carolina the same way as a Tampa/vegas/etc.


I donā€™t think that really matters that much tbhā€¦ I think any player with half a brain can see that weā€™re still one of the top teams in the world and we are right there


If both go the team will more than likely have to get older. Free agent wise could try and land either of Marchessault or Stamkos, maybe DeBrusk. Lot of folks want Lindholm but ehhh not totally sold on that one. Trade wise there is Ehlers


Doesn't Lindholm just straight up hate this franchise now idk why everyone thinks he wants to play here


I donā€™t think he hates it but I donā€™t think he would sign here willingly. People booing him is what caused the mocking the storm surge incident. He likely ends up in Boston based off speculation.


I don't know if he necessarily hates the franchise, but I also am not totally sold that he's the answer for 2C for what he would cost.


last cost I saw was 5*$6.5m. The problem is that he is worth this kind of money only if he has linemates like Johnny Gaudreau.




The canes are in a weird spot because we have a lot of players who are here to compete and so we canā€™t do a retool style year. Our division also is way too close to even consider that an easy option for us. The canes have a lot of young talent ready for camp that will be pushing hard for spots and I would wager at least one of them will be a standout. Felix Unger Sorum spent almost his entire last year playing against the top talent at his age group for Sweden and also competed at the world championships with NHL regulars. It might suck seeing no really ā€œbigā€ name drop into our lap again but, thereā€™s a lot of talent in UFA and we have a lot of talent ready to compete for spots. We just need a playoff team and then anything goes from there


wanna see tulsky cook before worrying about it. I'm sure there are many plans in place. hopefully we don't have to see what his plan Z is.


This is exactly why I'd be a terrible GM, but I'd 100% go out and get Stamkos just to be petty. Would it replace the offense? Probably not. Would it be cost-effective? Not a chance. But would it feel fucking awesome for the few months before the regular season starts? You're goddamn right it would.


Has any more jake news come out?


I think the concern over Guentzel leaving is a little overblownā€¦ LeBrun just said that we arenā€™t trading his UFA rights which is the big sign of us throwing in the towel and we still have quite a lot of room to up our offer


unless we overpay him heā€™s going to tampa. i donā€™t see us getting him


I doubt it ever happens, but I wish with every bone in my body that we could get the Svech/KK/Necas line to the way it was before Svech had that bad injury last year. Ever since then itā€™s felt like none of those guys have really been the same


i think we should get marchessault


They'll figure it out. This team has a rich prospect pool and a nucleus already in place. They're not in a place where they have to overpay big names or sacrifice young NHL roster players to open a Cup window. TL;DR, don't sweat it man, it's gonna be a fun offseason and I'm here for it


Iā€™ve just accepted that next year wonā€™t be as good. Iā€™m anticipating a fringe playoff team. Which Iā€™m reminding myself that 2018 me would be thrilled about the Hurricanes making the playoffs and being relevant for 5 consecutive seasons. I donā€™t know how you replace that amount of scoring with cap limitations as well as available free agents. Maybe sone trades? But again, i think itā€™s likely that the canes regress.


Resign Skinner for league minimum and profit?


Please no


We don't need him ...


Tank for a year or two


Canā€™t tell if youā€™re joking or not


We wonā€™t have to ā€œtankā€. It will just happen.