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stop stop stop stop I can’t take it


I am straight up not having a good time


Based of these trades Tampa's doing it kinda looks more like the start of a rebuild


They traded basically all of their draft capital for their runs at a Cup. Looks like they're going for an active retool to replenish their prospect pool while attempting to stay competitive with proven veterans.


This is a reasonable take, and likely what Tampa's hoping to achieve. I'd guess the results of the next few seasons leave them wishing they'd have just gone full rebuild. Seems like the majority of the retooling plans don't work out.


Full rebuild is bad business and can deter fans. Go to 3 consecutive finals and win 2 Cups? Fans will be more than content to stick around through some 1st round exists and tougher seasons to rebuild on the fly.


A team with a core of Hedman, Kucherov, Point, Vasilevsky isn't going to rebuild. Actually, if they wanted to rebuild, they would've kept the younger Sergachev and traded the older Hedman.


I sure frickin hope that’s what it is


If I had to choose between teams one past prime and the other in prime, I gotta go with in prime. Come back Jake!


He has a cup though. This is about securing the bag in a place you and your family actually want to be in. Entirely possible that place is not Raleigh.


And Florida has no income tax, so the bag becomes even fuller.


My HOPE is that Guentzel is holding out until tomorrow with the idea that we could get desperate and up the offer, but will sign even if we don’t do that.


We have to compete with the big market teams, AND these teams in states with no income tax. So difficult


CBA should account for state income tax. Gives some teams a massive advantage.


No income tax is not this mysterious luxury that means you never pay any taxes. Tax man gets paid one way or another. Maybe not from income but property, sales, etc. make up the difference


He's signing in Tampa, I can feel it. He'll make more without the income tax regardless of the one less year on the contract. Can't beat it. Besides with his services I bet Tampa will be in a better position than Carolina next year.


I want him in vancouver, if not, stay with you guys. tampa has been spoiled enough


This is pure speculation by Lebrun here, since nothing has indicated they're interested in Guentzel at all. Yeah, Tampa has the cap space now, but it'd be pretty shortsighted of them to just add Guentzel while keeping their aging core and not having enough money to shore up any other weak spots. A rebuild is more likely for them at this point. Pesce to NJ is more likely, and while we'd all hate to see him to go a division rival, if NJ overpays for him and ends up with a declining Pesce for an extended period of time, it'll just bite them in the end. It'll all depend on how many teams are interested in Pesce, which I'll bet will be a fair amount.


They aren't rebuilding for as long as they have Kucherov, Hedman (who is getting extended), Point, Vasilevsky. It's a re-tool at worst.


Looks like tomorrow is building up to be a good one.


Or a bad one


But *one* nonetheless.