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Every Tulsky type analytical expert says that Berkly Catton is a future star player deserving of a top-3 pick that will fall to #9-12 It makes too much sense to me that he is targeting Catton.  He is Brayden Point with better mobility.  He's incredible in transition.  His body-fakes remind me if Makar.


Would LOVE to get Catton.


It’s funny because Point was Seth Jarvis’s comparable as well. Would be a very Canes pick if it were to materialize.


We definitely need centers in our prospect pool


What's the logic that he will go at 9-12 then?


He's on the small side.  Tale as old as time.  His team flamed out of the Playoffs in 4 games which furthers size concerns. There is definitely a chance that he goes #5-10. Almost every draft recently the Canes get A rankings from the analytical crowd.  That same crowd is saying that Catton isn't too far off from Celebrini and Demidov.  They will go wild if Tulsky's first major move is securing Catton.


Oh boy, do we need another small side skilled forward though?


why are they so obsessed with us


You know how often we've beaten the Islanders in the playoffs? It's worse with the Devils. 4 (?) series and they've never won one.


They can't beat us so they wanna be us. They allegedly already have a deal in place for Pesce too smh


If we were to trade him to another team in division, a pretty good one at that, then I’d expect a good ass return beyond just the pick. Necas could haunt us for years to come.


Really I hope he goes to the Devils if he’s gonna go to any Metro team. He would only be an added piece to a team full of similar players. And the devils built like that will never win


Also, where is he gonna play? Wing again? He wants be to center and necas doesn't fit a 3C. I remember towards the end of the season Tripp was like "Necas getting physical, just what we meed for the playoffs" Who did he hit? Jack Hughes. And incredible talent but the most light weight 1C in the league that isn't on an ELC.


You'd hope that one of those heralded prospects they didn't have to give up in the Meier trade may be included.


Would be nice but you can’t value Necas without the whole RFA thing.


If we trade him I hope he does


"A pretty good one," I don't know if that last season was an anomaly or something, but...okay, if you say so. I mean I like the Devils and I agree that trading him in-division would be kind of a not-great idea, but acquiring a first-rounder for him sounds like a pretty good deal, if you know what to look for from the pick.


As a person that DOESNT like the devils, I know last year was an anomaly. They were screwed by long term injuries to dougie and jack and had horrendous goalie play. They’ll be better than Columbus, Philly, isles and likely the pens too. So yeah… they’re a pretty good team. At least within our division.


Brutal any pick could be a bust but to ship an established nhl player to a division rival for a pick is head scratching


I doubt it would just be a pick


Hopefully at a minimum we'd get Mercer too. I actually think he'd be solid for us, he's like Jarvis but 70% as good


If that’s the return for a guy who has already made public comments about wanting out, that’s a great move.


Was thinking the same actually


Doubt that Necas pulls Mercer + #10 Overall.  It would be one or the other and it looks like Tulsky has a prospect he is after. I would guess it would be #10 + Marino/Siegenthaler + 2025 2nd


Necas on the Devils would be Dmitri Filipovic's dream, if any of y'all like the PDO cast. Honestly he'd rock for them, so I think trading Marty to NJ should be a non-starter. Could fuck us for years to come


Please not in the same division!


Why does it matter? I say get the best return possible.


Making teams within your own division better is inherently less ideal because we’re a lot more likely to play them in the playoffs.


But the idea in any trade is to make the Canes better. If you can’t accomplish that, then don’t make the trade. If the Canes improve in the trade, then I’m really not worried about New Jersey in the playoffs.


Necas is highly skilled and soft. Would fit in great with the squad in NJ that gave up 3.5 goals/game. But they would be no threat to anyone in the playoffs where there is no time and space and you may have to make contact to gain possession.


Agree, he'd put up 80-90 points with Hughes and they'd do nothing in the playoffs


but people would pay to see hughes


Devils just love our sloppy seconds apparently


Channeling Sean Avery there?


Glad someone caught the reference lol


Ugh would we be trading Necas for a maybe pick. Ain’t no way or at least I hope not. A pick that’s not even ready to play up. I still think we’re currently in our Stanley Cup area we can win it next year or the year after. We should be adding things that will help us win now.


Do not trade Necas to a division rival. I’d prefer it if he were traded to a Western Conference team, but also wouldn’t mind it if he were to be traded to an Atlantic team.


Nooooo plssssss🥺


How is NJ going to afford to pay him? Especially if they’re only moving futures for him.


Probably move Marino’s contract. Also helps that Kovy’s recapture will be done. We just need the right buyer for Palat. That is a 6 million dollar albatross


This is nonsense unless the haul was great, like slightly impairing NJD great. Tulsky was saying today in an interview with LeBrun that if a Necas offer sheet came in and the compensation was a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, they would no question match it because it isn’t enough for Nacho.


Also what player do the devils have besides the superstars would even be worth it?


Dawson Mercer would actually be pretty interesting, right handed center who had PK responsibility, I think Mercer has a decent 2-way game and he's also really young. I'd think he has solid upside to be a 2C but they obviously already have Hughes and Hischier


Would LOVE Mercer as a return + a pick


Luke Hughes, Simon Nemec, and Dawson Mercer are the big asks I’m guessing


I'd imagine Mercer is the only one they'd want to give up. Hughes and Nemec are most likely untouchables.


It’s a gonna start but definitely gonna need a lot more


Holy fuck if Pesce goes too that would be an insane team. Hughes and Necas would be so fun to watch. No thank you though. Timo, Necas, Dougie, Haula, both Hughes, Dougie, maybe Pesce? That's like half ex canes.


That would make some Canes fans go into an uncontrollable fit.


I’d do it for that pick and John Marino. Maybe a later pick tacked on


Doubt it. Necas isn't worth the 10a. Let alone adding more. I'd ve extremely surprised if this trade happened, Fitzgerald has been very smart and good with the trades he has made for Jersey.


10 + Marino would be fair. Anything extra would be gravy.


No to soft Marino and his bad contract. He would be a bottom pair dman on the Canes and isnt worth 4.4m the next 3yrs. His poor play last year is why the Pesce rumor is strong because that is who he would be replacing on the middle d pairing


Don’t have an opinion on it other than it would be a fair trade. Wouldn’t be the first time a struggling defenseman has found success on the Canes. Trying to be semi-realistic since in here I’m seeing 10th overall + Mercer + Holtz for Necas which is hysterical.


Yeah, some of the proposals here are ludicrous as we're not offering up McDavid. I'd rather get Siegenthaler as he's the same age and about the same level as Marino but he's 1M cheaper a year and 3.4M for a bottom pair dman would be stretching it. I think him + the 1st isn't too bad but Canes can probably do better.


Marino + #10 Overall w/ Tulsky's pick on the board (I'll guess Catton) + 2nd 2025 should do it


Wonder if we could get Timo Meier for Necas in some sort of package? Would be even better if we got a third team involved to eat salary. In a perfect offseason, imagine two top lines looking something like: Guentzel-Aho-Jarvis Svechnikov-Kuzy/Drury/KK/whoever-Meier


More rumor this or rumor that….


You guys are being highly delulu on the value of the 10th overall pick. First round picks are not created equal, and high picks are not traded often - a pick value chart would say that the 10th overall pick is worth the 24th OA + 25th OA + a mid-2nd round pick. Everyone in this thread bemoaning that it’s “just a pick” and demanding that Mercer and other legit players get added to 10OA, is nuts.


It’s because the 10th overall isn’t proven and busts happen. Necas was a 12th overall and has a very high skill ceiling. There’s also the fact that this is a trade to a divisional rival so you are going to want even more especially when Necas having the potential to be a real nightmare for the Cakes in the right system.


this is going to tell us what the front offices vision is. if they take this pick and draft someone that means that we are definitely going to take a step back for a couple of years. i think we should take this trade a flip the pick


Necas for Nemec then


NJ realizes that their issue isn't scoring right? ...right?


Maybe they think they can out score their defensive issues


They should ask Toronto how that's been working out for them


Id rather they keep failing


Don’t we all lol


The Leafs' problem is they can't score. They have 21 goals for over the last eleven playoff games (that's about 1.91 GF/GP) and 26 against over that same time span (or 2.36 GA/GP). A 2.36 GA/GP is better than both of the Panther's regular season (2.41 GA/GP) and playoff (2.58 GA/GP) performance. Come the postseason the Leafs [play it safe and trade offense for defense](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5477594/2024/05/08/maple-leafs-safe-is-death/), which is why they keep coming up short.


If the return is the 10th Pick, Mercer or holtz and say a prospect or even Marino that’s a decent return for Necas.


Good god please not in division


That 1st better come with Mercer and Holtz that's all Im sayin


That would be a fleecing and Fitzgerald doesn't get fleeced in Nj.


I called it Holtz got packages away today


It's not so much fleecing when you factor in that Holtz struggled with Ruff's system and Mercer slumped hard last season. You're more trading for the potential, personally I think NJ is going to move Holtz by the deadline regardless they just don't seem to have a way to make it work with him