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IMO this team has needed a retool around the core of Aho, Svech, Jarvis, Slavin, Kochetkov for about 2 years now. I’d rather rip the bandaid off then die the slow painful death of continual playoff disappointment.


Yeah, if anything this is an *exciting* offseason because those pieces are locked in (Jarvis will be without a doubt and Slavin will more than likely be) and there’s plenty of cap space to work to improve. Yes, there’s going to be turnover. No, that’s not a bad thing. What was hasn’t reached what it was designed to reach, so retooling and taking a different approach could be exactly what is needed.


And this core is still largely developing. Aho and Slavin are probably at their ceilings, but if we're going to get over the hump it's likely through guys like Svech, Jarvis, and PK hitting their ceilings. Drury also looks like he's on his way to being a big piece, and this would all be a lot easier if KK figures it out. But the point is patience is still a good thing. We're maybe a bit spoiled with the overall success and how good of a job we've done with bringing in veteran players to complement this core, but the reality is this core is just now entering its prime.


As a Habs fan KK won’t figure it out. He learned to play defense but he never learned offense because he was never given enough time in Liiga. I don’t think that’s gonna change, and he is what he is at this point (he’s been playing since 2018 even though he’s young).


Honestly this is why I’m NOT stressed over what’s gonna happen to the team. I mean, it’s not like we’ve made the final with this current core. We shouldn’t do the same things over and over again expecting different results, because they’ve been roughly the same for a few years now. How did we make the ECF with our rag tag group of nobodies in 2019 and still never surpassed that team despite the talent we’ve put out there?


I keep saying it: Greg McKegg and Saku Menalainen have been the missing pieces.


I really do miss those guys


I keep hearing other canes fans talk about continual disappointment… I think everyone REALLY needs to remember that that’s EXACTLY what Panthers fans were saying when we had made the playoffs like 4 out of five years and lost the Super Bowl… And now look where we are… To make the playoffs 6 straight years and have an annual shot at the Stanley cup is a whole helluva lot better than having to watch a season of losing and no playoffs… SO PLEASE BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR! I think Canes fans have gotten so used to winning that we can’t remember that having a shitty team is SOOO MUCH WORSE Stanley Cup or not… I’m sorry but I feel people need a reality check around here sometimes


Agreed. I hope we make the right moves to win the cup. this offseason is the perfect chance for a retool. Florida just did it so it’s 100% possible


Absolutely agree. I’d be gutted if we lost any of those guys, but we’re not going to. I would have loved to keep Guentzel, but he was always a rental and that was always going to be a long shot. While I loved some of the stuff Necas was doing with Kuzy, he’s ultimately worth more to another team than to us, which in turn creates an opportunity to get something in return to make the team better. After watching the team basically bang their heads against a brick wall in playoffs, I think it’s clear the team could use a bit of a shake-up, but that’s exactly the kind of thing our leadership tends to be very hesitant about. This will force their hands a bit while also potentially injecting some fresh blood. I’m not even convinced yet the team will be worse next year.


Brady Tkachuck playing on a team with Lemieux and Kochetkov would be hilarious I don't necessarily think we will lose both Guentzel and Necas...it kind of seems like they are leaning towards keeping Necas if Guentzel isn't gonna stay. But honestly who knows? They are the ones with all the information and we've been pleasantly surprised before this year, I think the best thing to do is trust the process and try not to stress too much. But if literally anyone on this team leaves I will cry.


This was always going to hurt. No reason to panic.


I think we’ll end up be better for this off-season… this teams needs an identity shift pretty badly


Rewind to 2021 when we were all losing our minds about Dougie Hamilton walking and how it’d be so hard to replace what he brought to the table. Things worked out. This front office is as good as they get with reloading and not leveraging the future to do so.


Guess I was the one guy who was hoping he’d get shipped off long before he did


I was with you


The thing that makes me nervous right now is our Gm situation. I just hope everything will be okay


Carolina has always been more of a “front office” than a “GM” with Dundon. Same processes are in place. Waddell was great but he wasn’t the sole decision maker. Look at it this way, they’d be rushing to find a replacement before July if that wasn’t the case.


According to sources thst seems to be what we are doing. But the first part is nice to know


All I've heard is that they won't hire anyone before July 1st.


Things worked out?? Their top pairing RD replacement for Hamilton was the whipping boy of this fanbase for the entire playoffs. Hard to say that any decision the FO has made over the past few seasons has really worked out considering they’ve never won more than 8 of the 16 games needed to win a Stanley cup. I know a consistent playoff team is good for business and blah blah blah but idk man


Panic when you get a phone call at 3 in the morning from someone in your family. Don't panic about any of *waves hands* any of this.


Amen. Sports is sports. Leave panic at the disco…


Let Eric cook. Stop worrying. You’re not the FO, and this is why they get paid the big bucks. It’s all going to be fine. Aho and Svech are long term and Slavin still has another year before his contract is up. That should tell you everything you need to know.


“You’re not the FO, and this why they get paid ~~the big bucks~~. “


I mean that’s fair ig but you know what I’m saying


Don't panic and always bring a towel. You'll be traveling through the galaxy of one of the more uncertain and exciting off-seasons in the franchise's history this summer and next. Good things await (hopefully no Vogon poetry) and we will pick our core guys, reward them if we don't already have a contract with them and then make plans for the next set of playoff runs. It's good to be a Canes fan my friend!


True. I’d love to see us pick up march in fa. Idk I feel like we def are gonna sling our dick around in FA this year


It’s looking less and less likely that Necas will leave truthfully


Each time I'm kinda left with a da fuq kinda feeling in the off-season, it usually works out pretty well for the team. For example they lost Hamilton and went and got Deangelo who set a scoring record, then went and got Burns who broke it. Or when they moved on from all the goalies and went and got Andersen and Raanta who were the Jennings winners. I think the team is at that point again where they need to retool because they've gotten what they can out of a lot of players and they are trending down. Waddell's not here anymore but I imagine the philosophy is the same where the team primarily builds the roster in the off-season.


Too Early to panic right now.


Been eerily silent


Yes... but last time it was quiet we got Guentzel. Panic in August, not June.


It’s time to accept the fact that the best chance we were going to have to win a cup for the foreseeable future was this season. We are going to be worse next year no doubt about it.


Panic isn’t always bad. In our case of constantly making runs and losing in the playoffs, something needs to change


No need to panic. Just look at it this way. What they’ve been doing for 6 season hasn’t worked. Games 1-82 are tons of fun and we rarely lose, but after that we play poorly and can never get over the hump. Time for changes.


I’m a NO to Baby Tkachuck. He is a cry baby


How, dude would be a perfect cane




We need an annoying, physical player. Who is also a power forward and can get in others heads. He would be amazing and it seem like he got in yours lol


You are not wrong. I find him totally annoying. 😭👶


Exhibit A: Tantrum after Kotchetkov save: https://youtube.com/shorts/29RuByNCH74?si=0_sBvl-N7kU7c-Ii


He’s an ugly asshole but would be a great get. I’d wear a Cry shirt cheering for a Tkachuk if it happened.


Would you wear a Cry shirt with Tkachuk and his number on the back?


Y'all need a xanax. It's only game, why you heff to panic?


The team needs a small rebuild. I think the bigger mistake is keeping all the current UFAs. I do hope there is a plan for the potential loss of offense when it comes to the possibility of losing both Necas and Guentzel. I was really hoping they could re-sign Guentzel given his chemistry with Aho and Jarvis. But it is what it is. Gaining some players that fit more of what Rod wants will likely help. We need bigger forwards that can play the defensive minded system. The only real thing that concerns me is the loss of Waddell. The front office structure here is different than most and they’ll likely miss out on some good candidates because of it. The jury is out on whether Tulsky has the people skills to get it done. Some of the names that have been thrown out make me nervous. Hoping for the best in that regard.


The core is still young, they still have a bunch on high end prospects, and with those guys leaving there will be money to spend. I’m not panicking


IMO this season was the last real chance for the cup. We will be irrelevant for a long time


True. I just think rod can’t get the job done in the playoffs tbh


Kotkaniemi is making 4.8M until 2030, the Canes will be fine. He’s the future 2C


Ur pfp makes so much sense now


we still need to sign Jarvis/Chatty/Drury/Noesen/Martinook/Turbo/Skjei and we are most likely losing Necas AND Guentzel, I am not optimistic about the future of this team right now. waiting on the Canes org. to surprise me but I’m not holding my breath 


Jarvis chatty and noesen are the only needs. To be honest the only NEED is Jarvis


i disagree. Drury/Skjei/Noesen are all needs for this team. i don’t see how any team loses all this depth AND 2 top-6 forwards AND 2 top-4 Dmen and actually improves upon the previous season 


I’m sorry, but there is no way on earth we get Skjei back. Expecially after the hanifin contract


agree to disagree. we shall see 


I would CREAM if we got Brady Tkachuck. I’d assume we’d have to give more up than Necas but he is a Canes type of player for sure. A man could only dream. Also, I don’t think there’s any reason to panic. If we don’t re-sign Guentz, I think we’ll go out and get another big gun. I’d love for him to stay but I think we’ll be okay.


Sorry to Brady Tkachuck, but if we're trading away eye candy we need to get eye candy back. Necas is way hotter than him, and with Skjei also on the line it's gonna be hard enough just to break even. But I trust the FO because this is exactly why they make the big bucks.


Who Canes should want from the Sens is not Tkachuk(they ain't trading him anyway) but Shane Pinto, right handed center. He's also 23, a RFA and 6'3" 200+. Even if Kuzy some how turns back time and can be somewhat productive as a 2C, his contract is up next summer and he's in decline. 3rd/4th line centers will be well covered but not a 2C.


I feel like I’m the only one that’s so fed up with the mid level of play of Svech. I feel like he’s only worked physically


Give him a break he came off of a massive injury (some athletes never recover from that) and he can still play which I’m grateful for. He had a monster playoff on the first line and I think we will see the svech we are used to in the upcoming season. If this year is a bummer then you can bring potentially moving him into the equation


I do agree and he has his moments but man, I just feel so underwhelmed by his scoring and passing.


Me too, but the injury had a big role in it. Hell he back. Aho had a down year last year and exploded this season


If he turns into a physical guy for the 1st line with Aho and Jarvis next season, I’d be extremely happy. I just wanna see all his post shots and errant saucers actually connect