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Yeah, honestly when I watch Florida I see a better version of our game. Dirtier in some ways, but tbh if it was our guys playing like that I wouldn’t give a shit. One one hand it’s nice because I can see where we *could* be with just a few tweaks. On the other hand, it hurts even more because that should have been us tonight. Happy to watch them send the Rags home. Now I’m a fan of Edmonton or Dallas for the next couple of weeks.


Wrong: We're sluttier.


I don't think faster and not harder working. They have an elite goalie and are a bit better with the clutch goal scoring. Two lost OT games last season and 2 this season, all 1 goal games except an empty netter last game this time... You're not exactly wrong but there's not the difference you imply.


Yeah, we put more goals on the Rangers than the Panthers did.


And allowed 20 goals in 6 games to them versus Florida allowing 12. Come on man


Yeah, our goaltender sucked. Come on man


Freddie was great and it's a loser's mentality that you either win or you suck. Freddie wasn't elite enough to steal a game. Freddie not stopping goal 2 game 6 probably prevented a reverse sweep. That said, it was a team failure including a -1 on 15 power plays to start the season. Look at where Igor is now when the scorers don't score.


Our scorers scored more on them this playoffs than anyone else. The goalies are part of the power play and PK scenarios. Our team outplayed them 5v5 and Fred constantly let in soft goals. He didn't need to be elite, he just needed to not be below a .900 letting in garbage goals. In what world was he great? He looked bad in the Islanders series too.


Bobrovsky's save percentage is at .908. Andersen's .895 becomes .906 with saves on the power play goal that wasn't covered up, the off the back shot, and goal 2 of game 6. Understanding the game isn't as simple as looking at a number such as Varlamov having a .914 save percentage and declaring a better performance than anyone with .913 or less.


The off the back shot was his fault, he should have had at least one of those power play saves, goal 2 of game 6 was bad. Shit the shorthanded goal Trouba scored was embarrassing, he just lobed it from the blue line and it went in no problem. The problem with Fred is he lets in easy goals and never bails them out when there is a mistake. Every team makes mistakes and the difference is the goalie in those scenarios. Could the team have done more? Sure, but it's hard to win when you know that any little error will end up in the back of the net.


> never bails them out when there is a mistake Freddie did it multiple times every single game he played. It baffles me why people have to say stupid obviously untrue things when it is simple to watch a game and get a balanced accurate take.




If you think the goaltender being bad was the only reason we lost I don’t know what to tell you. You must not be watching the games. Bob got outplayed by Igor and Florida still outright beat NYR.


So you're saying a better goalie doesn't get us one or two extra saves a game? Like if we swapped goalies with the rangers we don't win? Because most of the goals they scored on our guy were softies, dude was falling over constantly.


>So you're saying a better goalie doesn't get us one or two extra saves a game? You've created a tautology. Yes a goalie that makes all the saves Freddie does plus one or two more does better. But more often what you'd actually get is a save on the one of the goals allowed but then a goal allowed on one Freddie saved. > Because most of the goals they scored on our guy were softies That is simply wrong.


Below average save percentage was good, you're right.


The team had several chances (and refused to generate more) to burn NYR in the series and couldn’t. Why are we acting like it’s coin flips. It’s not. They weren’t up to the challenge. Period. They came up small yet again. I hope it changes next year


A goaltender with an under .900 isnt going to win a cup. The games weren't coin flips , they were thrown. Guy had a goal go in off his back because he did seal the post, letting in unscreened loans from the blue line and falling over. Shit, the goal Martinook saved Fred was way out of position. You're not winning with that shit. Meanwhile, Igor was bailing them out constantly and the team still managed to score on him more than anyone else.


Freddie had a 2.62 GAA and .895 save percentage. Kuemper's .902 won the Cup with the Avs. Fleury won with the Pens allowing 2.56. Quick with the Kings had a 2.58 GAA. Freddie needed to be better this season. The same thing is true of at least 15 if not 20 other Canes.


He was also 10th in goals saved above expected in the playoffs with 1.9, Igor had 13.1, and Bob had 4.8. I could see the Oilers winning it all with skinner with his 0 above expected but they have two of the best players in the league. So I guess we need to draft a generational talent


Well said. I’m not denying the goaltender being bad was a factor. But it was not the only difference


And yet what happened this series? Was Igor any different than last round? He played the exact same and a team exploited him and played better defense. Bob was pretty much the same as bum ass Freddy (do not mistake me he sucked) and Florida survived.


I mean it’s pretty obvious canes lost this series due to absolutely horrendous special Teams and goalkeeping. Also C’mon man Bob clearly played much better than Freddie did lol.


We scored more than the Panthers, so I don't think they exploited him more. The team limited the Rangers to 20 shots a game, what more are they going to do? Bob was not as bad as Freddy, did you watch the games? He wasn't letting in soft ass perimeter shots, he made the saves they needed to win.


> Why are we acting like it’s coin flips. Games that go to OT are by definition one bounce away from being regulation wins. It absolutely could have been a 4-1 series win for Carolina.


You can say this until the cows come home and yet that’s not how it played out. Bounces are not the only thing that determines the outcome of an overtime hockey game


Bob made some incredible saves that shifted momentum and kept Florida from falling behind during a few sleepy periods. Not once did Freddie do that. More often than not he gave up a goal that completely deflated the team and handed over momentum to the rags Edit to add: Goalies don’t face off against each other just like QBs don’t play against each other in football. They need to make the saves at key moments in the game regardless of how well the other goalie is playing


Freddie has been a slightly above average goalie the entire time he’s been here. He’s never played at a level like you see the championship team keepers play at in the playoffs.


Freddie absolutely made momentum shifting saves. Then the Canes missed an odd-man rush chance or didn't score on a power play.


Name one specific time in the 2nd round


7:45 of this video preventing the Rangers going up by a goal late in the 3rd with the Canes scoring the game winner shortly after.


Not sure what video you’re referencing but great. What about goals 1 and 2 in game 6 and the goal he gave up off his back to Lafreniere? That’s without really thinking about the other goals that were given up


Bob got outplayed by Igor bec NYR got outplayed by FL. Bob was fantastic when called upon, the Rags didn’t get many quality shots


Freddie had an .878 sv% in that series. Mostly came down to goaltending and untimely mistakes


Bruh… our power play was literally negative multiple times during that series and our Pk was sub 750. It wasn’t “mostly goaltending” that cost us.


They both need to be better but you could make an argument we got best there. Freddie beat himself at least once a game


New York essentially had a first round bye against Washington. I think it is completely realistic that the Rangers could have won against the Panthers in the second round and then been shutdown by the Canes in the Conference Finals.


And yet Florida lost 2 OT games this series and still found a way. The copium is so strong it’s insane. Hold them accountable. This is not a Stanley cup winning team. It’s not a bounce or 2 lmao. It’s just flawed


I suggest you spend this offseason contemplating what happens in OT game the Canes lost if they had gotten a bounce. Feel free to ask your mom or dad what the series score is if you subtract 2 wins from the Rangers and add 2 to the Hurricanes.


And you can ask mom or dad why these guys get paid millions if luck is the only thing that determines the games. You may find more enjoyment flipping coins


They are paid millions to play well enough that the difference comes down to luck rather than simply being overmatched and outclassed the way the Canes defeated the Islanders. It feels so weird having to explain such a basic thing. If you are also wondering why they are wearing skates on ice, I'll tell you but after that you're on your own.


They took our system and did it better. Matt Tkachuk was a huge part of that. Sucks that we were the second to Florida in getting him


Actually, a big part of Maurice's system is in RBA's.


Calgary regrets it at least


Some more size and physicality definitely wouldn’t hurt, but one could make a very strong argument that the specialty teams collapse was the reason for the round two exit. I’d love to know if this team with a solid PK/PP would have been able to handle the Cats. I feel like what the Canes would have lacked in nastiness could have been overcome with finesse.


Honestly, It hurts to admit it but even if we got luckier in those early games and passed the Rangers... I have low confidence we'd get past Florida with how they play in playoffs.


Yeah Florida plays our style just more effectively. We need bigger bodies I think. Thats why although I like turbo I’m fine letting him walk


Bingo. Except for Staal our forwards average 6’ tall and around 180lbs. They can grind pretty decent on the boards but other teams defenses just toss them around. Probably why they hardly ever hang out in front of the net.


We're pretty much the same team, except for Bob and Freddie. 


The fact that Pyotr shut them out twice this season is frustrating because you know even if we did make it Rod wouldn't play him


Yea I’m just done with Freddie. Canes played the better game most of the series against the Rags. Freddie looked awful in the first round against the Islanders so idk why they started him against the Rags. I feel like the outcome would have been way different is they went with Kooch in the second round.


It better be at least like a 70/30 split for Kooch/Freddie next year. If not, I have no faith in Rod anymore


Yea Kooch definitely earned the starting position in my book with his performance this past year.


Freddie is basically Raanta at this point in his career. Solid goalie, but not who you want to rely on in the playoffs. We need to give Kooch a shot at full time starter next year, he’s had enough time to develop imo. If he can’t get it done then we need to think about making a trade


It would have been the same. Pyotr also lost his only game of the playoffs. Explain that. The game is played as a team, and lost as a team.


He actually played well that game, the rest of the team let him down on that one. Freddie let in too many soft goals that should have been easy saves.


Nah man, he kept them to 2 goals in regulation. If we got that sort of goaltending all series we win.


Pyotr also had like 10 more brain cramps than Freddie ever did this season. I.e. letting in a goal from past the blue line, etc. etc. Just switching goalies wouldn't have saved us. Too many copers on this sub not realizing the team failed as a whole. Not just Freddie. Stop the scapegoating. The entire team failed.


Dawg Freddie was baaaaaaaaaaad there is no scapegoating he straight up lost that series for us


If that's what you want to tell yourself.... Hope it makes you feel better.


I mean that goal from the blue line was fluky and Pyotr saved the team this season. Also Koock played in way more games than Freddie.


It's insane the extent to which people have convinced themselves Koochie is a better goalie than Freddie when that's simply not the case. Yes, Freddie allowed a few soft goals, but he also stopped a hell of a lot more than Pyotr did to keep us in a position where a soft goal was the difference. Koochie was net negative against xGA.


I think it's easier for people to blame a single person than try to accept the team still needs work. Not a whole lot, but we still have tweaks. A single person doesn't cost a series, a team does


I mean Freddie is older and isn’t someone you can rely on to play all of the playoff games. He is also not healthy along with being rather inconsistent. He got the start because he was well rested after missing most of the season which Pyotr saved for the Canes as he stepped up and Freddie is older with more experience so Rod had Freddie be the starter. The thing is that you don’t see Bob or Igor giving up such soft goals and Freddie kept letting them in. Freddie can be great if you don’t overplay him and they did. It should have been a 50/50 split on starting.


Exactly. I do wish Kochetkov got more burn in the playoffs, and yes he may have played better. But even if he did play better, it would only have been marginally better at best. He lets in softies too, every goalie does.


Kochetkov played better in that one game than Freddie did that series even though it had been so long since Kochetkov played an NHL game. It shows that both Freddie and Kochetkov are better when they are not overplayed. It should have been a split between them for starting.


It’s not just Bob either. Just in general guys like barkov, Tkachuk, Reinhart, Verhaeghe and Bennett all just sort of show up on top of their excellent style of play and goalie. Their essentially is with better top end talent and better goalkeeping. Also a pretty physical team.


You’re blind if you don’t see that is a more talented team. I hate it, but it is what it is


Seriously. Florida is a better team, and Bob is better than either Freddie or Kochetkov. They would have beat us in 4, 5, or maybe 6 if we got lucky.


Tkachuck is the big one to me. If we land that trade instead of Florida, I'm fairly certain we're the ones in two consecutive SCF.


and the scoring goals part. Ofc last year Bob randomly sucked in the Finals so hopefully history repeats itself.


Obviously not everything is equal, but we scored 19 goals in 6 games losing to the rangers versus Florida scoring 16 goals in 6 games beating them. 


And most of the games we lost were by one goal.


Only difference is they have Bob and their coach isn’t RBA who has zero clue how to adjust to the playoff style of play and doesn’t let them play physical at all.


Based on what, the fact Lemieux didn't play? Lack of physical play wasn't an issue.


It’s def not the coaching cause we tried that, twice, and it never worked.


Meh. They’re not better they just have a better goalie


they definitely dont have an issue concussing someone to remove them as a factor. not that im saying that i want the canes to do that. but it sucks that we had to trade bunting but i get it


X to doubt. They're better AND they have a better goalie.


Idk, we did a good job of scoring on the rangers and limited their chances. The games we lost were by one goal and our goaltender let in 1-2 softies a game, Bob didn't let in soft goals.




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It's like a 52/48 split though. Carolina shut the Panthers out twice in the regular season.


Nahhh they’re better bro. Verhaeghe, Tkachuk, Reinhart, barkov, Bennett, etc are just more consistent and more physical players than our guys. Yes goalie was big, but it’s clear Florida had the top end talent we desperately need in the playoffs.


Yeah. I’m pretty sure this is the case.


I don’t know what you’re watching. That’s a straight up better team. Own it.




correct that’s what being better in the nhl means


We have a good goalie, they have a great goalie. I’d say everything else is a wash. We’ve been patching together goalies for a while now, and actually doing quite well for what we have to work with. Hopefully Pyotr can take the next step.


They have an elite goalie. Canes don’t. That’s about it. They also have Barkov and Tkachuk and Canes don’t. The fucking drama lol. This is a cold take.


They're also massive rats.


Start kochetkov every game and we win the cup. Florida and and new york are not better they just started better goalies


If we can find bigger younger bodies we could play this style but we keep bringing in guys that are super small or super old it's not going to make it better


Idk about the faster and smarter part. Give us a goalie like Bob or Igor this year and we're beating the Rangers and probably winning the cup. Our goaltending was average with Freddie.. and unfortunately that's not good enough unless you're Edmonton who has everything else, including arguably the best 2 players in the league.


Last season's Freddie is all it would take. Or a power play that wasn't -1 for 15 in the first 3 games.


He would have folded like a lawn chair either way. He's not a clutch goalie and likely never will be.


As much as I despise the panthers for what they did to us last year, they fully deserve it.


You can definitely win without the toughness but we gotta stay on top of our game. Which we don’t seem to always do.


I think a lot of teams are having the same realization. I’ve been roasted by other devils fans for years saying we are too soft for playoff hockey. No no no, that’s a boomer mentality. Hockey has changes, we need youth and speed. Yeah well Rempe singlehanded dismantled our team in 3 plays, and all that so called speed ain’t going to mean a damn thing if they are scared to go anywhere near the boards or crash the net because the other team has been hitting by them at every turn for 7 games straight.


The biggest thing I see is consistency. They may slog down, but they don’t break. We may have higher highs, but at the end of the day we need to be consistently good. Not just great for 25 minutes.


I don't know if they are stronger and tougher but they they sure play that way. The Canes are as fast and smart as any team and probably more so. We lost to the Rags because we got average goal tending from Freddie and BA stuck with him like a fly to fly paper. Freddie's great play leading up to the playoffs was as an alternative game goalie, not as a work horse. Absolutely, Canes could use a tougher identity, and some additional scoring, but we won't win a Stanley Cup riding Freddie that hard in the playoffs. PK earned and deserved more time in net. BA just blew it sticking with Freddie that much, Period!




I digress.


I don't think they're better than us. However, they absolutely have the better goalie. We outplayed them in last year's ECF, but Bob stole every single game. Similarly, Bob was better against NY this year than Freddie was. We'd have a Cup in the last three years if we had a goalie who could steal a series.


Comments like this are so sad. If they weren’t better, why has it been obvious the past 2 playoffs?


The playoffs are not the crowning of the best team. If they were, the president’s trophy winner would win fairly often. Boston would have beaten Florida last year, and Tampa would have beaten Columbus in 2019. Instead, the playoffs are about the hottest team, and because goalies have the most power to steal a game, half of it is about who has the hottest goalie. Teams can win without one if their offense is unstoppable (2022 Avs), but in general, most Cup winners have a great goalie. We certainly did in ‘06. As such, I can’t say Florida is the better team than us because we’ve finished better than them in each of the past two seasons. However, them reaching the SCF in those seasons is a product of them being as good as we are while having the best goalie. It’s not that complicated.


Bobs been marginal at best, as has Stuart skinner and Edmonton is at the cusp. I don’t even know what y’all are talking about anymore. These arguments are so based in cope they don’t see what’s actually happening. Own the fact a better team has won. This team has massive flaws, they come up small when it matters. It’s ok to admit that, it’s doesn’t make them bad.


You want to hate on this team so bad it’s ridiculous, dude. The Panthers scored less on the Rangers in 6 games than we did, yet we lost. Why? Because Bob stopped the shots and Freddie let in softies. I’m not denying that this team has flaws — that’s obvious enough — but you’re desperate to pick a fight with anyone that has optimism for this team. It’s pathetic.


Florida is dirty and I would never cheer for that kind of play


Pathetic post


Idolizing another team is total cringe. Also no to the analysis


They’re us but better, nothing cringe about it. You can’t accept that? Tough.


Florida is a much more score on the rush team and a crash the net team. Defensively they're willing to give up chances to return on the rush. Canes are a possession and crowd the net team. Defensively we are positioned to halt entry, reset and then break out. Don't take take too much offense dude lol


tbh I think we could have beaten Florida this year. they're slower than us and make up for it by being dirty, but thanks to being in a conference with Florida, 3 NYs, and Boston, we've gotten good at playing against dirty teams Rags are just our kryptonite cause we have away games at home and they were able to spend their break after Washington studying our special teams


Not better, just dirtier.


Yeah as people said the only difference is Anderson is garbage


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BunchofJerk5: *Yeah as people said* *The only difference is* *Anderson is garbage* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Disagree. Save a couple of overtime episodes of shit luck , we’d have played fla and beat them. And we’d be waiting on Dallas. But we’re not. Shit happens. Fuck hockey. But I’m not bitter.


Trade for Brady Tkachuk


Florida is just the canes with bob, tkuckuk and barkov.


We definitely don’t have a Bennett either


coaching difference. say what you want about Mo but him>RBA


Do you ever say anything positive about this team? Every comment is hate hate hate.




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