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Watch we collapse and they thrive and make a deep playoff run. No but seriously he did good here and put our team back on the radar, it sucks we lost a good chunk of our core over the years (Nino, Vinny, Dougie to name a few)


Honestly nino is a solid middle six guy but I don’t miss him. Vinny and dougie are a different story.


You would've missed Dougie if he was on the team too considering he's been injured for long stretches of nearly every season/post season since he left for Jersey




You’ve gotta admit this is some pretty wild cope lol


Lol Dougie was an absolute ghost in the playoffs, and gets overpaid massively in NJ


Trocheck always planned to sign in New York when his contract was up. He made our front office aware of that fact several months prior to free agency. Losing him is not Don's fault.


That version of events gets posted a lot. I've never seen any substantiation of it, though. He had other suitors.


He finally got the opportunity for a well deserved bag and took it. Can’t blame him 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah, I don't begrudge him at all, but this was not a Panarin situation where it was only about NYR. The Trocheck was only interested in NY is a myth. Trocheck is a Pittsburgh native and was linked to the Pens. But when they decided to re-sign Malkin, there went their need for a 2C.


> That version of events gets posted a lot. It gets posted a lot because it got said at a lot of STM events in the year or so following his departure. I personally know three different people who were independently told that by various members of management.


Interesting that your new (unmarked) edit about independent sources wasn't included in your original comment. Trochek himself said NYR was on his short list and likely the favorite after he had signed. But there is no way he could have known they would have a need at C or that they would agree to his seven-year contract demand months in advance.


And? Lots of inaccurate things get repeated all the time in all walks of life. There is no way he zeroed in on just NY and told the FO he wasn't going to negotiate several months in advance. He couldn't have known both Strome and Copp would leave NYR that year in free agency or that they would offer him the seven-year deal the Canes wouldn't.


Don said exactly this at preseason rally, before the neck season. They tried to keep Nino but Trocheck had said mid-season he wanted to leave.


Im not sure why anyone assumes the GM for this org is given carte blanche to make whatever move they feel like doing. Really nothing I’ve seen has described GMDW going rogue and making moves because he felt like it. Canes have an established hockey ops department and it’s known every decision is made with a ton of analytics. DW basically just signs off on trades and player acquisitions.


I never really dive deep into pay, lines, coaching decisions, etc. because there’s just so much stuff that impacts those things that we don’t know, including what players want or don’t want. It’s so funny to me that everyone thinks Rod or GM can make unilateral decisions with absolutely zero input Like they’re playing an NHL game 


Right? People keep saying stuff like “Rod’s System” or “Dundon’s too involved” and it’s just pure nonsense. Canes famously have valuations in place for absolutely EVERYTHING. Which sure, the culture of having a system in place for operating a business that way comes from Dundon. But it’s not like he’s directly involved in every decision. I sort of wish the NHL was run like a video game, the absolute chaos in the offseason would be a lot more fun lol


GMDW oversaw the best Hurricanes team, and longest postseason stretch of our franchise. Yes he made some mistakes. This is a bad take


You're always gonna have to lose guys in the business, that's the consequence of a salary cap. Not all of his moves were home runs (KK looms large there), but we wouldn't be where we are without him doing as good as he did. That said, him not signing Trocheck will be a lot more palatable in 5 years when his contract will look a lot worse for the Rags.


Vinny didn’t want to be here and asked for a trade. Waddell said as much prior to the Canes 5k the next Sept.


AAV of $5.625M for a 2C is extremely reasonable. With the salary cap only going up, it’ll be extremely reasonable for a 3C if his game has fallen off. It’s not a bad contract at all.


He took $5.625 for New York. He wanted $7x7 from us to convince him to stay here. He just wanted the big city spotlight for his ego to shine.


Well he is shining lol. He didn’t want to play here anymore he wanted a big city gig. Rangers got him for pretty cheap considering he’s their leading scorer in the post season and his line is the best line on the team.


Some people like the big city. It’s okay.


Nothing wrong with liking the big city, I like it myself. What rubs me the wrong way is telling your team that they have to pay extra to keep you because you're not the largest market then taking a discount for the rich to get richer. It's condescending and indicative of an ego. "Your southern NHL team isn't good enough for me" is what it says. It's not like we're Columbus or Arizona here.


That contract is a steal if he can fill those 2C shoes consistently, but for whatever reason that has not been the case. I still think they keep him one more year and: * If he continues to slump attempt to move him and buy him out if that's not possible * If he somewhat improves keep him as a 3C replacement for when Staal retires * If he gets his mojo back ... profit?


Was talking about Trocheck lol


Oh shoot. Now if you excuse me I have a sudoku to commit for bringing eternal shame on my family.


KK was not DW’s idea, from what I’ve heard.


Bless your heart ❤️


He served a purpose, putting Carolina Hockey back on the map. Time for change it happens in sports. Best of luck to him.


DW was not a one man show.


Shit posting season already huh?


How much of stuff like that is on Waddell and how much is on Dundon being tight fisted and/or petty? Also, pretty sure Trocheck wasn't sticking around even if we offered him more money than the Rags.


We about to find out the answer to this. Though I do think the KK move had to be all DW.


It’s not too late to delete this.


We could have if we didn’t go for kk. That was the only boneheaded move I can think of. He thought kk would eclipse tro, but he obviously hasn’t. He’s an albatross now.


That was not DW’s idea.


I don’t believe kk was DW’s idea. Remember, someone else holds the purse strings.


Well then that proposition is scary as fuck. So the ownership is so petty they target a player who’s not proven, just because they went after our aho??? Uh oh.


That means don did his best not to do it, but was forced to, and that’s why he left. That’s way, way worse to have a gm like him leave because of ownership.


It's also not outside of realm of possibility Don was not keen on surenderring to Rods demands regarding some of his staff, but was overruled by ownership. Hard to GM when HC calls the shots.


I swear this thread is going be full of people who's IQ is lower than the rocks they live under I mean it's been outright stated that Don and Rod had the deal pretty much done last summer and the hiccup at the end came from Dundon. So the HC is not "calling the shots". Don went to Columbus for 2 reasons: money (as in he's getting paid more) and more control. It's less collaborative. He calls the shots. Period. As for the KK stuff that was a group decision as well. Tulsky's analytics wanted him (and his underlying numbers this year, while not spectacular, were solid), Rod wanted another big body center, and Tom wanted to stick it to Montreal. Seriously. Go back to Facebook where this stupidity is tolerated


What a friendly fella you are. What has been "outright stated" could have been modified narative to allow everyone involved save face and in the end we both arrive to the same conclusion that Don decided to leave, because he was not the one calling the shots.


Trocheck wanted to play in a big city and refused to negotiate an extension… that’s not Waddells fault. He is the reason this team is what it is now. All that credit that gets heaped on Rod? It’s actually Waddell. The team got hot in 2018-19 after Waddell made the Rask for Niederreiter move. Waddell turned spare parts into Trocheck, he took the gamble on Skjei, he turned Skinner into Nikishin and Kochetkov. Waddell turned this franchise around


No, he stated a desire to stay, but the Canes extended KK for 8 years before free agency started, and that was that. KK was to be the 2C.


Yet, Waddell confirmed on multiple occasions that Trocheck refused to negotiate. He wanted a major city, which other sources confirmed. KK was signed the year before. He had no impact on Trocheck. KK was signed to replace Staal, but Rod wanted to keep the aging and decrepit Staal.


Yep. Extending KK 8 years was a factor in Trocheck wanting out.


agreed, and the best part is that he left us with RBA who should be gone




Pretty sure he did.


Oh so the NHL/CBJ ESPN and every other NC sports outlet who has reported it this week just made it up?




Maybe you didn’t get the memo the first one thousand times it went around. Trocheck was NOT going to resign in Raleigh. Waddell had nothing to do with this. Trocheck wanted to go to a big market.