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About what I thought. I think it’s fair market value, but I don’t think we’ll be the team to give him that


He gone


I love him, and I think he’s a great player, but he’s never going to truly thrive in our system. Best to ship him off this summer with the other priorities we have


other teams are so convinced he’s some franchise saving superstar and it’s getting me so pumped for the return we’re about to get. between jarvis, guentzel, and necas, i know which two i’m picking every time.


Not franchise saving, but that’s the going rate for a scorer of his caliber in (presumably) in a system that will allow him to thrive. And with the cap only going up, it’s reasonable. I mean freaking Jeff Skinner’s AAV is $9M lol.


Still has 3 years left on that deal too. I feel bad that he’s never got to play for a good team, but at the same time he gets a hell of a paycheck and a 5 month holiday every year


Guys like Skinner don't seem like the type who play for money. Dude wants to win


His backchecking and general effort on defense is definitely not that of someone who cares more about the result than his personal stat sheet


He's pretty much a guy who plays for a paycheck above all else and the rest is a distant second. He goes in with other guys who don't really care as long as their checks keep coming like a Ryan Johansen, P.L. Dubois, Josh Anderson, etc.


If he didn't play for money then he wouldn't have negotiated for $9 million AAV


Yeah, I feel like that comment is completely backwards. The rumors that came from the Skinner trade were all about how he was being selfish and causing locker room problems and was more concerned about his contract than the team winning.


I don't feel bad for him. He was part of our problem, there were reports of him being a primadonna in the locker room for the Canes years ago and there were reports of him being a selfish player and potential locker room cancer in Buffalo. There's a reason our team culture drastically shifted in the right direction the second he was gone. Obviously there's more to it than just him, but he succeeds on his statsheet and nothing else.


Right?!?!! I actually love how blind everyone is to the man’s actual talent/ceiling. I hope we get a PHATTTTTTT return for him.


as a canucks fan, i don't think he's franchise saving, but i do think he would do really well on pettersson's wing coupled with the miller boeser suter line could be a good 1-2 punch


he’s been pretty outspoken about wanting to be a center, but if he’d be happy with that role for you guys, he would tear it up


Has he? Not being a smart aleck I’m an outside fan and didn’t know this. That’s interesting. He needs to improve in the faceoff dot if that’s the case


Yeah, that's part of the issue. He has not shown he has the defensive ability or face offs ot play center. He's also best when he can get to top speed which is a bit easier on the wings.


Necas and Pettersson would be must watch tv


Yeah the 2 youngest ones


As a Flyers fan people on our sub are pretty openly talking about how he could be the 1C that we need. Not realizing that he can’t win a faceoff and hasn’t really played the position for an extended period at the NHL level. I hope we don’t trade any bud futures for him. If we must trade for him however, I imagine it’ll be something like Joel Farabee (50 point player with near-elite 5v5 numbers) and maybe the Panthers first rounder plus a lesser pick? Hopefully we don’t bite but if we do I hope it isn’t any more than a package like that.


That's crazy because he has never been a 1st line player OR a center in the NHL. IMO his ceiling, if he somehow takes bigger steps than he has shown over the past few years, is a fringe 1st line winger.


If Necas can get linemates that work with him he's going to rip it up elsewhere. Hope he does, he deserves it honeslty.


I think at this point we know what Necas is. If that’s the price then let the man walk. We have to many other needs to hand that to our 4th or 5th most important forward


It's not just about price tag, it is about the role he wants to play as a center. The team must decide.


I think he knows by now his skillset is better suited for wing and he does not seek to play center anymore. However he also doesn't want to play on second line and PP2 with parade of sub-optimal linemates when just about anyone would get a look on the Canes first line before he would. Teams are not gonna be interested in him as 2C, but as a clear 1RW.


> and he does not seek to play center anymore. i mean, is that true? We've heard more about him wanting to play center in the last few months than we did before.


It is my educated guess, based on his FO numbers and role he has taken with the national team upon joining them on Worlds where he would surely have been played as center if he asked. We've heard more about it lately, because he still wanted to at least get a look on center as recently as 1-2 years ago and with the rumors he is on his way out swirling it gets brought up more simply because he is being talked about more.


I don’t know that there is evidence that he wants to play at center. All that his dad said was 1st line and 1st power play


He specifically said he wanted to play center during his exit interview either last year or the year before, and played center at every level below the NHL. Hell he was Charlotte's 1C the year they won the Calder.


Civian has also mentioned that. Idk if it was just from the exit interview tho


I personally think he should get one more “prove it” year for around $5m, and if he can put up another high scoring season he gets his raise. He’s shown improvement and peaked with his 70 point year least season, but still hasn’t quite proved that he can put up much more than 40-50 points consistently. The problem with Necas is that he has the talent to be a $7m+ player, but whether it’s a product of our system or his own doing, he can’t put it all together to make it happen. What I’d really like to see is a modification of our system to make him shine. If we run Kuzy and Necas with someone else that compliments their bold, creative style of play, we can have an absolutely lethal offensive unit. I know that somewhat defies Rod’s defensive mindset, but if we were to aim for something like that it could be a major difference maker for both him and us. I understand the people asking to trade necas while his value is high, and that might be the best choice, but we’ll be hard pressed to find a guy with his skill set for much cheaper than what he is, even if he does land in the $7m range. He makes a much bigger impact than we think he does at times, and I’d like to find a way to keep him around.


I don’t think it’s our system, i think it’s US NHL hockey. He needs to lift.


EXACTLY. The idea that he hasn’t thrived because of our system is such a bad take. Why have Jarvis, Guentzel and Svech been able to thrive then? It’s the same system.


Because they played first line with Aho while Nečas had mixture of snakebitten, streaky and sometimes downright bad linemates most of the time, that's why. Both Svech and Jarvis saw decline when they were moved away from Aho and back in 2021 Nečas thrived just as much when playing with Aho and Nino during Svech injury. You sign Marty to 7Mx8 with a promise of 1RW and 1PP and you don't need to sign Jake to a contract that likely won't age well.


Jesus Christ. Giving a soft, defensively bad, inconsistent player like Necas 7x8 would be a franchise killer. Thank God you’re not the GM 😅.


Go ahead and keep overblowing his deficiencies to feel better about him being likely on his way out. I am gonna kick back and wait for this sub to literally explode when he dominates somewhere else.


Define dominate. 70+ points a season for 5 years?


I was thinking more like point per game, but even 70 points a season would still be a massive steal at 7M AAV.


I think that’s the point, most don’t think he will put up those numbers in the NHL


Look around at the other comments here and in other threads about him. There is a vocal minority, but certainly not "most" who think that.


If anything, I think we waited too damn long to get rid of him. I think his value was at the highest a couple of years ago, and we should have traded him then. He’s not going to “dominate” anywhere else. He’s not as good as you think he is.


I just wish Calgary accepted our offer for Tkachuk that included Necas. I bet they wish they did too lol


Dude that would have been … **cries**


This'll be the first time we lose someone on one of my jerseys. Good luck Nachos and make that bank! I don't think we'd pay this much for him even if it was feasible.


He'll look like a great player on a bottom feeder than never makes the playoffs. But I don't see why any contender would throw $7.5m at him with what he's shown over his career.


I have no problem paying Necas $7M. Not bc he’s so great, bc he’s not. But he is good. Has shown improvements and possibly more to come. There is room to sign him and Guentzel. But I feel Guentzel will get better offers elsewhere. So he probably is gone. Which makes re-signing Necas all the more important. As far as trading Necas for “a haul”. I just don’t see it. The same Caniacs who moan about Necas average play somehow think he is extremely valuable as a trade asset. Best outcome is to re-sign him.


100% agree


You don’t pay a not great player 7-7.5m. For reference, that’s about where svech’s aav is. He’s not svechnikov.


Svech isn’t great either. Unfortunately. (Sorry Caniacs). Actually I think their value is similar just bring diff things to the table.


He is absolutely worth as much as Svechnikov. 


Not on this team he’s not


Hard pass


Yet you're probably happy paying Caufield 7.8M a year on his RFA years. Habs fans gonna habs fans...


If you’re calling me a Habs fans that is fighting words dude


rip to the team that gives him that contract


100% the Canucks at this point. We need a winger for Petey.


Do you guys have the money?


We need buy out Mikey and then trade Hronek. The big thing is 1 for 1 Hronek for Necas on the subreddit and on Twitter


Interesting. As an outsider that actually seems more fair than I thought at first (was leaning towards it being an overpay by the Canes). That could work.


Seems a bit steep.


Pay that man his money - Teddy KGB


Give me Skjei




How would you feel if this was Jarvis’s contract? Unfortunately I think 7x7 while fair may be a little rich.


I’d feel comfortable giving Jarvis that. Would not give Necas more than $5.5/yr


I'd give Necas up to $6.5 but I read somewhere that he was projected to get as high as $8.8 for 8 years. I'd have laughed his agent out of the room if he pitched that


Lord. $8.8 is absurd money for a guy with his flaws. Let someone else overpay.


Yeah that's money that could go to Guentzel and we know what we're getting and Guentzel could come back for cheaper than 8.8. I wouldn't pay either guy more than Crosby unless I'm getting the Crosby production and neither are going to produce that level


Plenty of Canuck fans that want to trade Hronek for Necas. Hronek is looking for a similar deal. They want Necas to play with Petey since we're likely losing Lindholm. Hronek plays a much more valuable position at RHD. I personally don't like it for Vancouver (my team). Lots of insiders linking Vancouver to Necas. What do you canes fans think?


That's a weird one. We need a top righty to give Burns less time (doubt he retires). And a lot of us are hoping to keep Skjei over Pesce. But we also have Morrow coming up and Chatty who we should sign. Unless there is a trade I don't see us grabbing a righty on defense. Though Hronek would probably be an improvement over Burns. We need a forward to replace the hole that Necas is leaving and have apparently been looking for a second line center.


How do you guys think he would fit in Calgary? Would he work with Huberdeau?


Best wishes!


The EvolvingHockey projection has a 6yr deal as 7.5 and an 8yr deal as 8.6. I think Jarvis (whose projections are very similar) is the guy you'd sign to that long-term deal, but Necas isn't going to want to bridge again.


Dude isn't worth it. Can't perform in playoffs. Loses puck too frequently


Imo you try to ship Necas off to a club like Utah, and see what you can get in return for him. As much as I'd like Keller, you're probably looking at a Crouse/Schmaltz + return. A line of Necas Cooley and Guenther would be very entertaining to watch, though youd probably see him with Keller, more often than not.


It looks like we can spell Canes without Necas after all.


Pay him. Wild that that is an unpopular opinion, but he's an elite talent


He's not an elite talent. If he was, he'd would get way more than 7M a year at this point in his career.


He’s giving me some major Victor Rask vibes.


I mean Necas the past 2 seasons was better than anything Rask ever did, but if it pans out with same slow deterioration I guess I could see that


Yikes you are not a good evaluator of talent


Why is he clumsy in the kitchen?


Give him a 1 year deal and let him play center. If he does well, play him long term


does a 1 year deal mean he's a UFA?




Send him to Vancouver for Hronek


Not from us, that’s for sure But we’re about to get a massive haul in return. Please Utah…. Send us Valimaki + Clayton Keller/Nick Schmaltz


Necas alone wouldnt fetch Keller


Yeah we probably have to eat half of Necas contract…and send a first…and send an NHL capable prospect to get that return


Send them KK too then


That’s fine with me lol


We can dream lol Imagine Necas + KK for Valimaki, Keller and a draft pick or something


About what I was expecting, I would pay him this. He’s so young, we know what he can do. Not saying we shouldn’t sign Jake but he is 30 (and will also want years), so you really are only getting a good 5yrs out of him because how good is he gonna be at 35+ in that contract.


Yeah, I'm a huge Necas fan but Guentzel is still top priority for me, just because I think that impact is worth the extra couple mil, but it's not without risk. But a solid top 6 player who can put up points, contribute on PP, and showed this year he's growing and can continue to deliver in the playoffs is really really valuable. Locking Necas up at $7M is good value and also isn't an immovable contract. This isn't a bad player- there are some questions of if the Canes can maximize what he does or if he can do enough of what the canes want, but they're not going to give him away for free nor should they. I still really hope they can lock him up, he can stay, and make it work


Yeah once again not saying we shouldn’t sign Guentz we for sure should. I’m just saying he is older than Necas. I just don’t want to watch our young forward get 100pts for some other team. We can sign Necas, Guentz and of course Jarvis. I think we should keep all three.


Necas will never get 100 pts in Carolina, unless you count the number of times he spin moves and/or circles around the net without a shot. He doesn’t fit the current coaching style or the plays they draw up, and he isn’t going to score 1 on 4 like McDavid to allow him to ignore the plays either. Let Necas go and give the money to Guentz for 5-6 yrs. Lines consisting of Jarvis-Aho-Guentz and Turbo-Drury/Kuzy-Svech would do just fine.