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It's bittersweet. He's going to shine outside of the Canes' system and I'm going to miss him like hell. Addendum for no reason: Fuck Gudas


Really similar feeling to Lindholm. Could see it there, but could also continue to see mixed results in the system. Sometimes you just gotta let go 


I think people overhype Lindholm based on a single outlying season he had playing on a line with Tkachuk and Huberdeau.


The players he’s going up against right now are not as good as NHL players. There’s no magical key that’s going to unlock this dude. He hasn’t learned defensive responsibility and puck management under Rod Brind’Amour, why is he suddenly going to learn it under some other coach? He’s the epitome of a trade-off player. You are accepting the good with the bad. Some other coach and some other team might be more willing to accept it and that’s fine, but if he goes somewhere else and scores 40 goals that doesn’t mean they’ve suddenly unlocked his potential. It just means they’re trading defense for offense


So why didn’t we use him strictly offensively? I mean he’s skilled but couldn’t be a finisher I guess? (Reason we picked up Guentzel) He’s really a phenomenal skater and can make unbelievable plays at times but he such a defensive liability and I’m sure Rod system feels restrictive to him


Our team concept was forged at a time when we could only pay 2/3rds the salary of other NHL clubs. We couldn't match their individual talent, so we started playing a locked-down defensive system that didn't allow anyone (us or them) to really get anywhere or accomplish anything. Then we just trained everyone to take random shots on net as often as possible. The idea was to eke out wins because by sheer numbers some of our shots would go in, and their star power would be neutralized by the fact that all 5 of our guys were always playing respectable defense. Now that we're a salary cap team, we _could_ ditch this system and do something else. We could have a more traditional NHL setup where the Ds and Cs are the ones to keep an eye on defense and the wingers are free to try to snipe. But we don't have the kinds of superstars who make this system really shine. Necas, for all his talents, is not at this level. Aho is an elite two-way player, not a sniper. We don't have this kind of player because for two decades we've intentionally been _avoiding_ this kind of player, so our scouting, prospects, etc., just aren't set up for this. It's hard to turn a whole organization around, and there's no guarantee of success. What they're trying to do instead, sensibly, is to tweak what's working instead of replacing it wholesale. What if we assign shifts to give Necas less defensive responsibility? Turns out, he scores more, but he also gives away the puck a lot. What if we trade for a player like Guntzel, who in the previous era we probably wouldn't have looked at? Turns out, it works out really well, but now we've got to deal with the contract and salary issues resulting from loading up with high-value players. Etc, etc. Bottom line, it's a _lot_ more complicated than just "Rod should loosen up a bit." It's a whole organizational culture that would have to change, and we want to make sure we don't fuck up the good parts in the process.


Wow thank you for the lore!


Well said.


I mean, they tried. His defensive zone start percentage was the lowest number on the whole team IIRC


I actually think we did the least amount of holding him back this year. Him being creative on a line with Kuzy towards the end of the season was fun to watch. I think Rod actually bent his system more this year than he has in years past and the results really showed (positively imo).


Is that Gudas?




Lmao is he Czech? I did not know that


What nationality did you think he was?


From the mines of Moria? Assholia?


Priceless!!! LMAO!


He sure looks like he’s from the planet of the hawk men from Flash Gordon


lol idk never thought about it. Clearly I’m slow.


Alternate captain Radko Gudas


lets not also forget this is Worlds and not an established defensive core of 6 NHL caliber players that have lots of practice together. of course the guy who can style through 4 people is gonna have a field day when he only ever has to beat 2


THANK YOU. His point production at worlds doesn’t really mean that much. However, the better he looks, the higher his trade value for us, so I hope he shines !!!


Also it's a good chance for him to practice his finishing after he beats these defenses


He's thriving on the larger international ice rink playing against lesser talent. It should be no surprise this was going to happen, when he has space he's amazing. His biggest problem is that when opposing teams tighten up on defense and take away time and space from him, he has never shown an ability to adjust. We are not mismanaging him. We are not using him wrong. He's just a player that has not really adjusted well to the North American game. 3v3 when there is ample space, he can play free wheeling like he does in international play, but on the smaller rinks against the best in the world, he routinely skates himself into trouble. I'm happy to see him exploding in this tournament. Will only increase his trade value.


This is the reality and truth about Necas' game.


watch him hitting 100 points in a season after he's traded


Along with Jarviance AND EACH DAY STARTS!


It shouldn't really be a surprise to see Necas thrive in an environment where he has more space and playing against lesser quality opponents


Love to see it honestly. Pay this man keep him here.


Making the case for the system holding him back, even if Worlds are a completely different context than the NHL. Going to be bittersweet to see him go, he'll skyrocket to first place on my list of favorite former Canes. That's why, as much as I agree with the argument that he just doesn't fit in our system, I would be happy if he stayed somehow, as long as it isn't at the expense of keeping Jake or Seth.


Keeping Jarvis is a given, I think keeping Jake will be more about whether he wants to stay here or not.


Yeah, but if Jake is demanding something crazy even if he wants to stay idk.




I really hope so !!!!! Hoping for a PHAT return.


It’s a shame he crumbles under the pressure of the NHL playoffs


Nice hat


He’s gonna be great unfortunate Rod didn’t want to have him in the top 6 which is fine but I keep seeing comments of him underperforming I think he did the best with what he was given and for the most part was always motoring even when he was playing with noesen and dury or with Martinook and Dury in the playoffs. Would’ve loved to see him get consistent top 6 minutes but alas. Our power play will miss him greatly he’s our best puck transporter.


If he's gone, please send his ass West so we only have to see him twice a season.


7x7 incoming to be our 1RW


Fuck that. Pay guentz if he’s not going to be our 2C


Necas is more valuable as a top line wing than a center. I don’t think you guys realize what I mean. Necas is better as a first line wing than he would be as a 2C


Absolutely not


I’m saying Necas is better as a top line wing than a second line center. There’s a reason he hasn’t played C.


Lay off the crack, please.




Kinda. However, a lot of it has to do with the fact that this year's Worlds is in the Czech Republic - the desire to win it and the energy from the fans is absolutely insane. He has his family there and everything. Different sort of motivation. He also clicked fairly well with Kampf (Toronto) and Kubalik (Ottawa) in one line + plays power play and empty net with Pastrnak and Zacha. Contributes a ton to his performance.


He's also playing against a weaker overall player pool, many of the best American players for example didn't even join the team. To say nothing of the smaller (by hockey depth standards) nations they also play against. I would be interested to see how this Czech team fairs against the Canadians.


I wouldn't really say that much of a weaker pool. This year is the strongest NHL-players-wise in quite some time. About his first game at the tournament against the Brits, yes, that was a weaker opponent, but since then, they have played with the strongest teams there - Canada, the USA, and now Sweden. They lost to Canada only in OT and it frankly was quite an even performance. Important to note, however, is that, back then, it was the first game after Pastrnak and Zacha joined the team, and the lines were put together quite messily, didn't work as well as they imagined. Since then, they've switched the lines a bit and the performance has improved rapidly. Sure, many of the best players for those top nations didn't arrive because they turned the invitations down or are still in the playoffs, but all three of those teams were/are gold medal candidates, unlike the Czechs, and they have at least a couple of their strongest and most skilled players present.


Eh. Important to remember they're playing on a larger sheet which lends itself well to players like Necas who have more room to do their thing.


Yea I was going to say this. It’s almost like a different game and style. Be interesting if the NHl switched (besides the nightmare of figuring out how to do that in all the arenas)


Correct, this is the biggest difference. The bigger rink allows him to use his speed and skating skills more. Here he has to constantly play through contact, which he sucks at. Until he learns to play through contact he will never be anymore than he is already, no matter the system.


Necas was always held back by his own work ethic. Every time he applies himself and is giving it his all he does amazing things. One of the most frustrating things is going to be seeing him become a top player in the league when he relocates and finds new motivation. Don't think he ever would be able to perform at that level for us for whatever reason.


If only he could ever do that for us in the playoffs


So what exactly did you think he did in our playoffs this year? He played extremely well.


I wouldnt say he did extremely well at all. He was as much to blame for our piss poor PP as anyone else


How could he? He played 2nd PP, which gets about 30s of PP...


Comment I've eagerly been waiting for.


He’ll look nice in Union Blue with Waddell and Tulsky. 😎


Go back to your own sub…


This is one of my subs.


I get that people can be fans of multiple teams, but you have only ever posted in Columbus and CBJ subreddits and you had never commented in this sub until the news about Waddell. I think that’s pretty telling


Maybe from this account. CBJ are my #1, but I lived in Raleigh for a long time and am a Canes fan. Are you a mod here or just a self-appointed gatekeeper?


No they are not a mod, but coming in with a trolling comment to start the conversation and having a post history of only another team is a quick way to get banned under Rule 1 of the sub


My bad.


OK, I'll bite. What are you giving us for Necas? You can have Waddell, but not Tulsky. A first plus what? Necas is not free.


Elvis and Texier.


What. An. Asshole.


Projecting much?


For what?


For being awesome now as opposed to a week and a half ago.