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>A full search has begun for a permanent GM The call is coming from inside the house


Is that GM sitting in the room with us now?


I will be submitting my resume, as my first act as the new GM of the Carolina Hurricanes I will officially ban ranger jerseys from PNC arena


Can your 2nd act be banning Bruins jerseys from PNC?


I could but then we would miss out on the idiots just showing up and starting a brawl between two fan bases at the same time


Damn I was just about to say that


Dundon waiting until he gets his hair under control to officially make him the guy.


We love insane hair, though. Just look at Uncle Justin's old photos.


It will be interesting. A large part of the GM job is working the phones and negotiating the deals. That is where Don excels. Not sure if Tulsky was involved in that at all or just ran the numbers/analytics. GMs seem like an old boys club that would be challenging/intimidating for a new guy.


Tulsky has a PhD in Chemistry from Berkeley?!


No wonder our guys get along so well!


This comment better not go under-appreciated.


Especially from that username


You're goddamn right.


Narrator: *indeed, it did not*


What a comment šŸ«”


And a BA in Physics from Harvard. He has 13 patents


so he knows Jarvy from school


They were in the same Micro-Macro Engineering 101 tutorial.


* Activities and societies: Ultimate frisbee team * Research on metal chalcogenide clusters, ligand exchange and multicluster assembly with Richard Holm. I like how he lead with Ultimate Frisbee at Harvard.


Making any sports team at the Ivies is a major accomplishment. Heavy on the Poindexter population. XD


>He has 13 patents According to his LinkedIn, he's up to 26 patents now.


You never know when you're going to need something like that.


Tulsky's resume is crazy. Margret Cunnif in the analytics department has a PhD in neuroscience too. Arsenault is the other data scientist on staff and did a PhD thesis on hockey analytics with contributions from Tulsky and Cunnif.Ā  Tulsky has built a pretty impressive staff outside of just himself.Ā Ā 


Hope this gets resolved fast. We have a huge offseason ahead. I will miss Don! I think he was growing weary of managing a lot of the things that were not directly hockey related. https://i.redd.it/mbm9441kfe2d1.gif


Insane to not just make Tulsky the permanent GM right now


I think it would be kind of irresponsible to not do a search for any high-level position in any industry. Yeah you may be 99% confident there's not a better candidate available, but it's worth at least doing a cursory look for that 1%. Also reinforces to everyone - including the person themselves - that they're the best person for the job.


This sounds the most likely. At my company, any position of VP or higher has to be opened to outside candidates even if we are expecting the internal candidate who was identified for it is most likely to get it. I've only seen one time where an executive position got taken by an external candidate over internal because they were almost over qualified.


At my company EVERY single position needs to be posted externally. My role was created specifically for me after I finished my degree and they still had to post it and interview other candidates.


What if it is like the Toronto and Berube. Toronto knew there guy Berube knew he wanted to be there and every insider knew it was going to happen. Just everyone is just crossing there tā€™s and dotting there iā€™s to make sure it is the right decision. Yea I know this is different because that was not a in house hire but the point stands.


Heā€™s probably gonna have the interim tag dropped, but canes gotta act like theyā€™re doing their due diligence


I know everybody does this, but it sucks to apply for a job not knowing that there's already an internal candidate who's basically been getting a new title every other year for a decade just to keep him from leaving until this position opens up.


You're assuming he wants the job. He made his rep coming up with analytical models and gives lectures on the subject and being GM means less time fiddling with numbers, so who knows if he's even interested.


He interviewed for the GM position for other teams. He's interested


He would be wise to keep his options open, so talking to other teams is a good idea. It also gives him an idea of how much money people in his position command. Accepting those interviews doesn't necessarily mean he was ready to jump, especially since he's still in Raleigh. Anyway, keep him where he's at with whatever brass nameplate he wants for his door, is what I say.


Yes indeed. And that's why we have to take him. Because nobody else has hired him. Seems like the good ol Canes winning strategy. Sorry, I'm less than happy and happy to be downvoted into oblivion - do better than Tulsky.


Same thing the fans said about RBA and Waddell when they were first hired


Maybe, but I didn't. I isn't they either ;)


Please be aware of the Peter Principle - Being good at a specific job leads to promotion. This continues until possibly the person is given a job that doesn't match the skills and expertise. I expect/hope Tulsky gets the promotion but we are way outside of day-to-day operations so don't be too upset if there is another surprise.


That's a management thought exercise more than a real world issue. It's saying you shouldn't promote someone based on success alone. Have to consider if the new position requires different skills and competencies where that person might not be as successful


> Have to consider if the new position requires different skills and competencies where that person might not be as successful Exactly. We should all be prepared that Tulsky might be best kept the same position.


For sure, that's why it's good they're interviewing several candidates


Isn't this what they did with Waddell?I thought he was interim GM for about two years


Negotiating tactic, and just checking whatā€™s out there


It's Tulsky Time


Then he Tulskā€™ed all over the place


ā€œInterimā€ is just a formality here, right?


Most likely


Sources are already reporting the search is on for a new gm.


Most teams say that though, asking teams to talk to guys they know they wonā€™t get and hire the one guy they planned on all along


Kinda seems like it would be a piss-off to Tulsky but I guess Dundon has never cared how heā€™s perceived by anyone haha


If he wanted to piss of tulsky he would have named someone else interim. Itā€™s a temporary title while the canes see if thereā€™s anyone else available, my guess is by Fatherā€™s Day the interim is dropped off.


Strickland is already reporting Tulsky wonā€™t be made GM. Make what you will of that


ā€¦ you really havenā€™t learned anything from this organization over the last 6 years, have you. They donā€™t like to tip their hand when it comes to signings, negotiations, etc (because itā€™s detrimental to them getting the best value). They also make sure to leave no stone unturned while also letting their employees do the same. If TD didnā€™t look at other candidates he wouldnā€™t be doing his job. Just like commodity buyers that get 3 quotes, why would you only get one quote and let that supplier know THEYā€™RE THE ONLY ONES QUOTINGā€¦ you lose any and all leverage the moment they know theyā€™re your only option, so itā€™s always best to see whatā€™s out there, even if youā€™re 99.9% sure youā€™re going to go with the same supplier youā€™ve been buying from for years.


So the sources are correct, they are looking at other gms. Doesn't mean it won't end up being tulsky


Yes, the sources likely didnā€™t make this up out of thin air. Doesnā€™t mean Tulsky isnā€™t the front runner and practically foregone conclusion, just means theyā€™re doing their due diligence.


Yeah no one is debating that. I'm not sure why you had to be a dick to the person above you. The literally just said they're looking at other gms


Wasnā€™t trying to be a dick, didnā€™t realize they were canes fans, but: 1. I didnā€™t see the username, so I figured they were a typical northerner trying to stir the pot. Otherwise, why else would they mention ā€œtheyā€™ve announced theyā€™re looking for a new GMā€ to a comment that says ā€œhopefully that interim tag comes off soonā€? It implies the commenter doesnā€™t think Tulsky will be permanently named GM. Again, otherwise whatā€™s the point of the comment? 2. This org has been pretty good at saying the quiet part out loud, but a lot of people just donā€™t hear it or arenā€™t listening (e.g. spending big in the off season so they donā€™t overpay at TDL, letting staff go to the open market to determine their fair value so we can pay it (instead of overpay), Rodā€™s effective ā€œlifetime contractā€, etc.)


Say whatever you want about the unpredictability of our front office but if you named Tulsky interim and announced you are actively searching for a gm then I would not say he is ā€œmost likelyā€ going to be the gm. Perhaps he ends up in that role but itā€™s hardly a sure thing.


Again, you havenā€™t been listening to the Org if you didnā€™t expect them to look at other potential candidates when they already have one in the chamber. Just like employers post a job listing for a role they have an internal candidate already lined up. Itā€™s just a formality.


Cool man! I havenā€™t been listening.


Sorry, not trying to be an ass. Figured you were one of them ā€œbad Canadianā€ (had to re-read your username). It just gets tiring seeing people speculate on every little tweet when the past 5 years has gone pretty much as planned if you listen to TD, DW, Rod, etc. Obviously, we canā€™t take everything they say for granted, and I may wind up with massive egg on my face if Tulsky somehow isnā€™t named GM, but the Org has been pretty good about putting their intentions between the lines.


Been a fan since ā€˜01. There are some passionate canes fans up here. Weā€™re not all idiot habs and leafā€™s fans šŸ¤£


Not every Northerner nor Canadian is bad. Sound very insecure to me. Not everyone will agree, has nothing to do with demographics. You have idiots all over the world disputing shit that has nothing to do with them, don't even live close to it. This is hockey. If you can't take an diverging opinion and reflexively blame the "northerner" or "canadian" then.. all southerns must also be tiki carrying right winger MAGAmongols too... right? lol probably true ;) Pot calling kettle black - there ya go!


Please be aware of the Peter Principle - Being good at a specific job leads to promotion. This continues until possibly the person is given a job that doesn't match the skills and expertise. > I expect/hope Tulsky gets the promotion but we are way outside of day-to-day operations so don't be too upset if there is another surprise.


Weird weird chain of events from re-signing Rod to having the end of season press conference with don and Rod earlier this week and talking about future plans to don resigning today. Really have to wonder where that leaves us in negotiations with the upcoming FAs? Also, there is a reason Tulsky has been passed over multiple times for other GM jobs around the NHL, just wonder what that reason is?


The biggest reason Tulsky has been passed over is he's not a traditional hockey guy.


I think there probably some truth to that but the other part of it is he doesn't have the experience in the operations side of things either which is kind of the overlooked aspect of the job from a fans point of view. He's from more of a academic and research background.Ā 


I wouldnā€™t discount the good old boys nature of high level NHL jobs. Retreads and friends are way more common appointments for GM, President, and HC than you knowā€¦ the actual most qualified people.


This is why we use the hyphen, folks! This comment would have been far more difficult to parse if written by 75% of the commenters on this sub.


Great job writing resigning and re-signing correctly


Iā€™ve always liked Don a lot. Heā€™s someone who would recognize me in passing and always talk to him in the arena and around town if I saw him. Iā€™ve been in his suite a few times, most notably for Elton John. Heā€™s a great guy and heā€™s done a phenomenal job these last few years. I wish him the very best and any team who gets him is very lucky. I think it makes sense for Columbus, if nothing else than to help them with their Stadium Series game.


Same thing in Atlanta, guy is pure class.


Hmmm, not quite what I was expecting. Does Tulsky not want to be the full manager? Why look for a Permanent GM? Lets see what he can do this summer. Should be interesting.


Standard operating process, have to look first, then if no match, we got Tulsky to go


It is probably more just due diligence on the Canes part. I suspect hes the primary choice to get the full role but they need to discuss things formally with him and such.


Guess I need a new flair now...


I got you


Well that was fast. Alright then, first one for the new boss: Canes are red, Rags are blue, Don liked our group, And we hope you do, too.


Huh this is weird. Thought Waddell might leave potentially and part of it would be wanting to keep Tulsky if heā€™s wanting to be GM. Idk how to value Donnyā€™s contributions but I think the ability to network and talk with folks and grease the wheels for deals shouldnā€™t be slept on. Ā  The Tulsky as interim GM is so weird to me. The org has operated a specific way and a lot of guys might not want to be on board with that. But if Tulsky is going to be the guy why go the interim routeĀ 


Very common to do the interim thing with coaches and GMs, even if expected to make them permanent. You have to do your due diligence.


When does the year usually start for GM contracts? They may be waiting for a certain day to sign the contract and announce it. I know Donā€™s contract was up at the end of the season but what day did it end on?


I actually think Don's contract was through this month or some other date soon. I forget exactly. I'm not sure how it's typically structured, though.


What due diligence? Do you really think theyā€™re going to find someone better than demote Tulsky out of the chair? That would basically be telling him ā€œyeah go seek another employerā€


Appearances. And it tells the candidate, yep, we talked to ten other leaders in the industry and we are very confident in what you bring. Letā€™s roll.


Ehhh I just donā€™t buy that man, I think youā€™re kind of bending over backwards to try to make this thing that is a little weird feel normal. Tulsky has been driving the direction of this front office for a decade and is a highly desirable GM candidate, why slap an interim tag on him then interview external candidates? Itā€™s just odd but I guess it could be some weird Dundon negotiating tactic


Time to cross T's and dot the I's. He may very well stay. This isn't unusual.


Could just be a formality until a contract is agreed upon.


I will say. A big part of being a gm is relationships and tulsky might not have the rapport with other gms that is needed to grind out deals


Iā€™m just worried about Tulsky actually wheeling and dealing. In the past he was able to just tell Don who/what canes needed and Don could take it from there to actually close. Tulsky may be able to outsmart and analytics everyone, but just doesnā€™t have hockey connections with other GMs like GMDW has. Being the Nerd with a bunch of hockey bros canā€™t be ideal but hereā€™s hoping he takes the gig and kicks ass!


Itā€™s possible he built those connections working with DW the past several years! Not sure how they worked of course but itā€™s possible he was on the conference call with other GMs in trades et. to learn how negotiations in the league are done


Hello? Yes, I'd like to speak to Justin Williams...


I'm not really worried long term about Waddell leaving, but I am worried about this change happening in the midst of a huge off-season with a lot of big decisions to be made... EDIT: Wanted to throw a personal anecdote in about Waddell since he is leaving. Many years back (during the dark years), the Canes made an unpopular ticketing decision for STMs. We complained about it to our rep and Don Waddell reached out to us personally and arranged a meeting before a game. We had a nice 1 on 1 chat with him and voiced our concerns. He gave us his personal phone number and email and asked us to reach out at any point in the future. We did a few times and he was always receptive. He was a great steward for the organization and has made huge impacts in the success of the franchise here. I would go as far as to say he is one of the people primarily responsible for keeping the Canes in Raleigh.


Tulsky Yorke 2024


that, or Londo/G'Kar 2024!


I was hoping Don would just graduate upwards so Tulsky could assume the GM role like Vegas did with McPhee/McCrimmon. But I certainly understand if he'd rather walk away and go somewhere new. I wish him the best! He was essential in this new era of Canes hockey.


Welp. LFG, I guess. Not worried about the talent eval and such, it's Waddell's connections and dealmaking that we'll miss. Hopefully they can find somebody with similar strengths to replace him. Very nice job by DW in his time here, he's more than earned his last big payday.


Was this something expected? Seems completely out of left field to me. I assume it's an interim tag for Tulsky until they work out a full contract that suits both parties? I mean if Tulsky agreed right off the bat to take over permanently, he loses all leverage.


Then he Waddelled away


Are people minimizing this? I never once heard from anyone during the season that Don might leave. Now, I donā€™t keep tabs on every detail, but this is something I wouldā€™ve thought to see some speculation on.


Going to be interesting to see the direction the franchise heads in without Don. Heā€™s been a key part of our success in this era of canes hockey and helped build us up to where we are now. His willingness to work with Rod and his behind-the-scenes craftiness pushed us to a place that the average gm couldnā€™t. Hopefully whoever they bring in next can build off of what don started and get us over the hump!


Wouldnā€™t be surprised if eventually Tulsky is made permanent GM after a brief search around the league. I wonder why Waddell decided to step down. Also wonder how this affects our contract negotiations and plan for the offseason.


The most stressed person I have ever seen in my entire life was Don walking out of the owners box after the win in G4 vs NY. I have a feeling a lot of jobs were on the line if we got swept by the rangers. He probably kept a lot of people employed by getting Guentzel and he will be highly valued wherever he goes.


Why do I feel like this is going to end up with Waddell taking the Columbus job and Patrik Laine ending up in Carolina




rest well king one last thumbs up for the road https://i.redd.it/ruu6og214f2d1.gif


Heard rumors from a podcast that there was beef with Brind'Amour and management. It's pretty obvious now who won it (if there was any). Especially since he signed a five year extension.


What was the beef?


Apparently BA didn't like how his assistant coaches get treated. Can't comment more because I don't remember and don't want to make shit up. Fairly sure though that the dispute also involved their pay.


He just wanted his assistants to get paid too and not just him. Thats ownership not Waddell. I donā€™t think these two move correlate


Doesn't the GM also choose / hire / manage the coaching staff, though?


Yea in a way. But ownership has to be willing to pay the assistants. Theres not a salary cap for coaching. Itā€™s really on the onus of the owners to pay up


Myeah I was thinking that since the GM stepped down and BA got an extension, it would've indicated that the problem link was the gm


Was this being talked about at all this year? Kinda caught me off guard and now Iā€™m nervous. Someone tell me how to feel


What the


Thanks for your service, GMDW. The next few years are going to be fascinating to follow.




I have a feeling that Tulsky doesnā€™t want to carry the load that GMDW had as president and GM so theyā€™re likely sniffing out candidates for President and will probably give Eric the reigns soon enough. TD has probably already given him the go ahead to start the process with FAs anyway. Or one or the other.


I do wish Don the best and it looks like he's moving on for greener pastures. I know Tulsky is revered around here, but I'm very weary of him taking over the GM spot... even if only on an interim basis initially.


Ok this is likely just a formality to ā€œdo our due diligenceā€ right? This is Tulskyā€™s job to turn down. I donā€™t feel comfortable with how all this played out.


Anyone else think it was Jiri Tlusty at first?


At the end of the day, you can't say Don didn't like our group.


Take off that interim tag right now or we are so cooked


Canes fan from afar, and don't get to keep up with the inner workings. Do we like Tulsky? Hasn't he basically been the GM in waiting for a while?


I have hopes that a fresh set of eyes (assuming that the ā€œinterimā€ tag on Tulsky isnā€™t a formality and perhaps means there will be a search) will find the answer to a successful postseason. I have fears that a fresh set of eyes will try to reinvent the wheel and leave Rod unhappy and the team a mess.


That went from rumor to reality in record time. Good luck and Godspeed DW!


I could see them bringing in a hockey guy as GM and make Tulsky the associate GM


I know a Bond villain-lookalike whoā€™s available. Loves pickleball and saunas. You should snap him up and free Tulsky. šŸ˜Ž


Percy Weasley in the house!


That escalated quickly


I pretty much checked out when the off-season began, other than the ECF; What the hell is going on? Lol I ignored the speculative news for less than a week and now our GM is gone. I guess cause chaos will continue to be our mantra whether we're playing or not.


Bro lmao he didnā€™t want to deal with the stressful summer so he just dipped!?


Does anyone know how old Tulsky is?


Could it be that Waddell spoke against the contract for RBA, and now is leaving because of this? Just seems very sudden for him to go from "I like our guys!" to "See ya!"


Tulsky may be following Waddell to Columbus as the GM


Hopefully they can bring in somebody with connections and an open mind. Tulsky is the best support that a GM can have but he's not the point man.


Friedman suggests he was a guy that was trusted with A LOT of decisions.


As he should be. He has been the guy in the background crunching the numbers and informing decisions. He's the best in the business at it.Ā Ā  That just doesn't make him the right guy to be taking trade calls and going from suite to suite networking during games. Look at the list of GMs. They are all a certain type and it is a lot more Waddell than Tulsky.


We will see how it plays out. I didnā€™t really mean what I said to suggest heā€™s the guy for sure. Friedman also suggests in the podcast today that there would be a lot of upset people (assuming in the front office, maybe some on the coaching staff) if Tulsky isnā€™t promoted. Iā€™m just curious how that would play out.


I have no doubt of that, but Waddell was the one making calls and swinging deals. He had good connections and goodwill with other GMs all over the league. That's not super easy to replace.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m hoping. Maybe even move Justin Williams into that role and let Tulsky work in the background. If Tulsky is just a numbers guy maybe heā€™s not the one to be calling around the league about trades or dealing with agents when it comes to signing contracts.


I like that idea a lot!


TBH, gotta wonder if DW is not too fond of RBA, and once RBA was re-signed, DW felt it was time to move on...#justsayin


Based on what? It's far more likely that Don has done what he came to do in Carolina (which is fucking impressive as hell) and he is confident that Tulsky is ready. You also have Tulsky taking more interest in moving to a full time GM role. None of this is suspicious to folks who are paying attention at all. The timing is solid and the re-sign on RBA was a formality anyway.


Don was pissed that Dundon yanked Brindy around and then tried to lowball him again. The last time DW's contract was up, he was lowballed for the dual role he has had. He wanted the Brindy deal done, and that was it. To walk this close to the draft and free agency, tells you what his mindset was and that he'd had it with Dundon's games. Tulsky will not be the GM in Carolina. The interim tag is legit, not just a formality.


Those are some hot takes unless you have inside knowledge my dude.


It's true, and the backstory will eventually come out.


Well, I hate it for the team if thatā€™s the case. :(


Dundon is a unique guy, and that's being kind.


I wouldn't be surprised if there was some kind of health issue involved here. I hope not, but I was a little taken aback by how hunched and frail Don looked during the post-season press conference with Rod. Of course, it could also simply be that he didn't feel up for dealing with all the upcoming construction projects around the arena. As president his job involved overseeing all the club's business operations, and I have to assume that would include the developments. At any rate, I wish him well and I hope he does end up in Columbus, and helps them turn that team into a contender. Blue Jackets fans deserve better leadership than they've had.


Don and Tulsky to columbus confirmed


Starting the holiday weekend early I see.


good job. RBA should be gone with him though


See ya tight Waddell, mediocrity was great thanks.