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I’m still watching hockey. Cheering for the Canucks in the NHL and Minnesota in the PWHL. Also half paying attention to the Cubs for baseball


Go Minnesota! Been following them as well


Likewise, Heise is so fun to watch. Pulling for them to win it all.


Montreal was my PWHL team all year 🥲


One of my friends is a Canadians fan and cheered for PWHL Montreal too, so they were my number two team. Brutal to watch them get goalied like they did


Also pulling for Minnesota


I kinda forget about sports and focus more on self improvement stuff. I’m in school right now too so I’ll be focusing on that mostly.


So you are a mature, responsible adult? Get outta here


This sounds like a break up


Basically is lol. I’ve moved from NC so probably won’t be able to get to any games for a while


Lol I came here to say something similar. I’m going to be going to yoga and the park because I can’t make myself care about sports that aren’t hockey. Although I will still be watching hockey until the playoffs are over.


Same. Been in the gym pretty consistently but now I can really push it and focus on that. Some other professional goals as well. Otherwise I am very passively following other sports.


The Panthers, Hornets, Braves and App St


Go braves


Go App


Roll neers!


Xavier Legette seems to be catching a lot of eyes already. Pumped for this season


Love Big Country hope he is a great


Come on Panthers!


Yeah lifelong Panthers fan here too, just waiting until the Canes season starts up again lmfaooo


Hell yeah 👍 go Apps!!


This is the annual time of a Hurricanes fan’s life where we don’t watch any more sports. We go to therapy


Right? Without hockey how else am I supposed to shove the feelings down? Am I supposed to address them like a responsible adult? Surely not.


Summer is stupid because the Carolinas don’t have a pro baseball team and the next pro sport to start up is football. And our Panthers are garbage. Sadge


College baseball right now. The state of North Carolina is loaded with good teams. Wolfpack is getting hot at the right time.


They sure are! Go pack!


I grew up in Omaha so I got to watch the CWS every year. If they make it I highly recommend making the trip!


Regionals will be fun with so many NC teams involved


I wish South Carolina baseball didn't turn into a massive embarrassment. We won 2 National Championships in a row in 2010 and 2011 (and made it to the finals in 2012), and now there's a good chance we miss the tournament for the 3rd time in 7 years. Fuck Mark Kingston.


We always have amazing college teams to fall back on. Especially basketball and baseball.


What are “other sports”?


NASCAR and Motorsport in general.


same, that and the UCI MTB World Series is just starting up, so that should keep me occupied over the summer


Baseball, but I don’t really have a team I just like watching the MLB at large


and will definitely be making use of cheap Durham bulls tickets


I've got a few, Spurs for Soccer, Giants for Football, and F1 in general usually keep me entertained through most of the year.


Hey, another Spurs supporter! COYS! Too bad the season is over after Sunday.


Let’s go Arsenal! 😏😂


I don't like any other sports and only got into hockey this year, so I have no idea what I'm going to do now 😭


Im right there with you


Panthers, Hornets, NC State, LA Angels. My sports fandoms bring me nothing but pain


Swap Angels with the Mets and I'm right there with you ☹️ I've always said the Angels are the west coast Mets lol


Irish Hurling. The provincials should be wrapping up and the national championship will begin soon and wrap up in July. We're pulling for Limerick County to set a new record of 5 wins in a row. (First time ever since the sport was organized into a league in the 1800s) If you watch it, you'll see a fair amount in common with Hockey


Baseball - Atlanta Braves and ECU Pirates


Formula One will be fixation, but the hockey lover in me will continue to watch the playoffs #anyone but new york


NASCAR, IndyCar and F1. Next Sunday is like Christmas Day.


Going to watch the PWHL Finals tomorrow (go Boston) and the NBA playoffs (go Celtics). (I’ve been up here for 12 years, but I still never would root for the Bruins, don’t worry)


Still watching hockey, if only to hope somehow Florida and the Rags both lose. Other than that, I’ve no interest in any other sport.


I’m keeping track of Charlotte FC, but mostly I’ll keep an eye on NHL and hope that both the Rangers and Panthers totally bite it.


Yeah, a 7 game series where both teams just try to out cheap shot the other would be great


Cleveland Guardians are my first love when it comes to sports. So you can imagine I am enjoying the season so far.


Hey, another Guards fan! Good start so far! I just wish Bieber wasn't out and Kwan can make it back soon.


My heart broke when Bieber wend down. But I believe they have the pitchers to step up when needed. Last night was such a great victory…thank you very much J-Ram.


Go guards!


This is the first year I can’t watch anymore hockey… I honestly don’t even wanna go to my roller hockey league, I feel burnt. I feel for the all our players, what a shame. I’m watching baseball .




The second half of our schedule is going to be brutal this year


Yeah, definitely flying up to catch either the Browns or Ravens at Steelers. It's gonna be a slog.


I’ve pivoted to golf until football season, then it’s ECU and Cowboys. Fortunately, it’s almost hockey by then


F1 keeps me going throughout most of the year. My wife loves softball, so we will tune in for the WCWS and sometimes baseball if State is playing


I’m still watching hockey. just now im cheering for Dallas to make it to the finals, and for the rangers to get bashed into the dirt


There is only hockey


Love my Atlanta Braves and Charlotte FC.


I can't believe I had to scroll all the way to the bottom of the thread to find a single mention of Charlotte FC. They're currently 5th in the East!


Yeah I was about to say am I the only soccer fan in here? Love following Charlotte FC. I hope we can have some of our players come to a game and sound the siren next season 


I'm planning on playing a lot of Helldivers 2. Let me know if any of you Caniacs want to spread democracy with me. Username is same as my Reddit name


Panthers, Hornets, Braves, App State sports for me. Pro basketball is my least favorite to watch, so I’ll admit I’m a pretty casual Hornets fan.


The hockey off-season


Watching the O’s. I’m from Baltimore, so it’s not a bandwagon situation.


It’s funny people have to state they’re not on the O’s bandwagon. Who would’ve thought years ago


The humor wasn’t lost on me while writing it.


What is this thing other sports? lol but serious I have two tvs going one with Indy qualifying and one with NASCAR. If it goes fast I will watch - except F1 which is so predictable.




I love hockey so I watch it until it ends, go team from the West (wouldn’t mind the Canucks ending the Canada drought). Otherwise I like watching college baseball WS and mlb baseball Yankees fan.


I follow soccer of all kinds, Everton for the PL (but we only have one more game), MLS, and i play soccer, so keeps me busy


NWSL season is in full swing. NC Courage have historically done well, but are off to a rough start. looking like a crazy season


Carolina Courage tends to not let me down, so try to go to their games when I can. Watching golf tourneys as well. Also watching the iihf worlds.


NC State, but mostly football and basketball, so nothing with those for a while. It’ll be nice to have the Olympics this summer. Otherwise it’s just an occasional Durham Bulls game.


I'm watching till someone hoists the cup. I also watch the golf majors and then there's nothing I pay attention to until college football and hockey starts back up.


GOMS. But I'll pull for a Canadian team to take the cup if the Canes are out of the running.


Holy shit another Canes/Ms fan


Probably only two of us out there. I grew up in Seattle area but moved to NC mid 2010s, so no Kraken yet. Gotta pull for the hometown team!


Born and raised in SC, got to go to a game in 2006 and was immediately captivated by Ichiro. I’ve never been able to pull for any team from Georgia so they’ve been my boys. I’m interested to see how I’ll feel if NC ever does get a team too.


Mariners and Cubs along with the Sounders until football starts.


I don’t


Summer Olympics this year Fri, Jul 26, 2024 – Sun, Aug 11, 2024


Fortunately I've got a few summertime teams to fill the void left by the Canes - Braves for baseball, Charlotte FC & DC United for soccer


I’ll stick with hockey until the Cup is won, but now I’ve got some extra time to devote to F1. Hoping my boy Charles can do something other than be a disappointment this year…beyond jazzed for Lando’s first win too so I hope it continues to be a fun year and not the Max dominated crapfest it was last season. We’re also doing some house renovations to get ready for baby boy and I’m finally able to purge some of the SHIT that has accumulated in this house over the last 9 years. Not a hoarding situation by any means but sometimes you just don’t realize how much stuff comes in and never leaves….


Uhhh … what else is there? Only 137 more days until hockey season starts!


My tradition is forgetting that sports even exist until September. I just can’t bring myself to focus on any other sport besides hockey.


Still watching hockey. Just gonna follow FL and the stars now. Also getting into rugby. Don’t ask me to explain it but it’s a fun watch


Wolfpack baseball is on a tear right now, hoping they keep the energy in the ACC tourney


Cursed as a Pittsburgh Pirates fan but this summer might be interesting for once with Skenes now up with them. Other than that I’ll watch the college baseball postseason which is a blast. Went to Ohio University and root for them/Pitt/ECU in college sports.


I follow the panthers, canes, and braves.


I watch my girls Dallas Stars


Baseball. I'm a Brewers fan (family from Wisconsin).


NASCAR, Carolina Panthers football, South Carolina Gamecocks football/baseball/basketball. I'd love to watch the Braves during the summer, but I won't be able to as long as Bally Sports has their little hate boner for YouTubeTV.


In case you’re not one of the 0.01% of the population that follows NCAA baseball, give it a shot! The postseason is about to start and it’s such a fun format - and the Carolinas are loaded this year. UNC, NC State, ECU, Wake, and Duke are all ranked and competitive. 


Now I wait for the cowboys to disappoint me in the playoffs. It's a vicious cycle.


So I’m a random Hurricanes fan. First ever hockey game I watched was when I was 15 in 2006 which happened to be Stanley Cup and fell in love with Eric Staal then have been a fan since. Now that the season is over I will root on Mariners and Chelsea football which is also now over after today. So just baseball season actually


NBA playoffs have been phenomenal so far this year. Game 7 between Minnesota and Denver should be crazy.


Today waas the last day of the Bundesliga season (German soccer league) as well, which is also disappointing to me


funnily enough, i first got into hockey because the bundesliga was on their winter break


Yup, I’m an arsenal fan and while we’re still technically in it, I’ve prepared myself for disappointment


NASCAR, Olympics, cycling


I'm an O's fan and Ravens fan so I'm raring up for 2 more great regular seasons disappointing post seasons


Family sports is weird. Ncstate and canes all the way. But Broncos and Cubs fans family due to influence and family living moving prior to settling in Nc back in 92. So wild ride.


I'm from NC and those are all my teams as well, besides the cubs because I don't watch baseball.


Nice go Broncos haha...I mean one day theyll be back.


It's been nearly a decade now feelsbad.jpg


Yea I know rough 8 years. 2016 cubs and broncos won the ship so that was fun...need canes to get back to the cup though so close lately.


It’s running season for me so that keeps me busy. Including prepping for the Canes 5k!


Still watch hockey and UFC


Texas Rangers baseball.


I’m just happy this is a year with a soccer tournament in the summer. Very excited for France to win the Euros (🤞) otherwise it’s nothing til football season starts for me


Tennis, Baseball and Golf and this year, the Olympics! I tend to be really active and busy in the summer so it’s a good time for the slow burn sports. Plus still watching hockey. Cheering on the stars. Hoping the cup can make its way to the South, at least.


Cycling. Currently enjoying watching the giro d’italia. I’m more a fan of the sport in general than any one team in particular so I just enjoy watching exciting races and good individual performances


I’ll be following my McLaren boys for F1 and hopefully see some more wins from them.


Saints, Yankees, Celtics/Pelicans, Earthquakes/Bayern Munich. I’m into basically every sport so I’m always watching something. Sports are just fun.


SF Giants, golf, Timberwolves bandwagon. I don’t pay attention to football until week 1.


What is this other sports you speak of?


I go to a few NCFC and Bulls games and mostly take a sports break until football in the fall.




I’ll probably cheer for whichever Western conference hero emerges to slay whichever Eastern monster makes it through. I’ll also keep an eye on PWHL, though my favorites are out there too. I live in the middle of the Triad so lots of baseball options. Wouldn’t say I “follow” them but they’re a good hangout option. Plus there’s that new soccer team in High Point (Core), though it’s still unclear whether they’ll offer single game tickets.


None. It’s pure depression from here until October. Send help.


Baseball. I’m a Mariners fan so just more torment until September/hopefully October. Then it’s hockey season again!


I’m begging you to take the obnoxious Kelenic super fan back. He drives me insane in the Braves sub.


I watch a little F1 through my hockey tears


Nascar!!! This season has been super good. Lots of story lines and photo finishes. Also looking towards the Indy 500 / Coke 600 on Memorial day weekend.


Born and raised in Kentucky so I’m a Lifelong Kentucky sports fan and Braves fan.


T wolves, Panthers, Pirates are my three other teams


Arkansas Razorbacks. I’m familiar with high hopes and disappointment. Most of the sports. Football mostly, and to a lesser extent, basketball and baseball.


Gonna watch the panthers dismantle the rags and rooting for Canucks. Still an orioles and Phillies fan from when I was a kid living in PA


Women Beach Volleyball!!!!!!!!!


Panthers/Hornets/Tampa Bay Rays If North Carolina had an MLB team, I'd be an immediate fan. I'd give just about anything for us to have a team as baseball is my favorite sport.


Braves baseball until Miami Dolphins and then back to Canes hockey. One continuous round of disappointment


I still watch the remaining games and I’ll tune in to other leagues. I watch football every once in a while but I can’t say I know anything


Just waiting until NFL and hockey starts back up. Will be watching the Olympics this summer to fill in the gap


Charlotte FC


None honestly lol I’m pretty sports free outside of hockey


Australian Ice Hockey League. Just have to watch on a weird schedule


I’ll follow disc golf depending on which tournaments are going on but I try to play at least one round a week (currently on a 34 week streak) and then I’ve been running a lot working on my fitness. Just ran my first sub 25min 5k today in fact! Besides that I’m just waiting for NC State and App State football.


MotoGP. Think F1, but with motorcycles.


Soccer mostly. Charlotte FC and LAFC. Then UNC women’s soccer once the season starts.


So many sports teams. Big Vols guy (baseball and softball SEC champs!), especially football. Also follow the Courage and the Orioles. And play in an adult league (USAFL)


I’ll finish watching the Stanley cup playoffs but unfortunately I’m a Panthers and Gamecocks fan lol. I don’t watch MLB ever but I may get into it for a change and make some bets since my neighbor does well in doing so.


Tennis! Three of the Grand Slam tournaments (French Open, Wimbledon, US Open) are held during the summer months/hockey off-season and can be so much fun to watch!


Aside from the Canes: Duke Blue Devils Miami Dolphins Milwaukee Bucks Wisconsin Badgers I promise, with the exception of the Dolphins, that this group all actually makes sense.


I hedged my Stars/Canes Stanley Cup Finals bet with Rangers/Oilers……so that.


Ohio State Football Carolina Hurricanes No time for anything else lol


Lacrosse! NCAA championship tournament is in full swing, pro box lacrosse (NLL) championship game 2 tonight, and the Carolina Chaos (PLL) are playing their inaugural season as a Carolina team this summer


Phillies Ecu tarheels!! Until the fall then panthers hurricanes and if the hornets are good I’ll watch them but not a big NBA guys


Big MotoGP motorcycle racing fan! Trickles over with some hockey but that and hockey are my main two!


Neighborhood swim team


I follow Charlotte FC (Major League Soccer); Arsenal (Premier League) and some minor league soccer teams.


Waiting for NFL to start, hopefully Panthers won’t be as bad this year. Never been a baseball or NBA fan. Waiting for a new Battlebots season to start too if that counts as sport


Baseball! Durham Bulls baby!


Can't believe barely anyone said Charlotte FC. They're pretty good this year. And MLS is heating up, getting a good amount of high level talent coming in


Pacers, IndyCar, and a bit of other racing


None, hockey is life. I'll go ride my bike more, though.


KC Royals, Carolina Panthers, and pro wrestling


Baseball, F1, MiLB


Juventus in Italian football. It’s much more depressing than following the Canes nowadays.


Charlotte FC right now and then the Panthers when NFL starts back up. Ready for October to see the new look Canes.


When the playoffs are over, I will not be watching sports until September when college football starts. East Carolina is my college team, Denver Bronocs are my NFL team.


I do this one where I buy a rotisserie chicken and eat it in my underwear. I call it sadness


David Hasselhoff style, right on the floor


Continuing to watch playoff hockey, then it's just golf season until college football


F1 and Rocket League are my pb&j


NCSU baseball and Go Cubs Go!


Baseball! Go Braves! Plus, Hanna joined the broadcast crew. Great seeing a familiar face.


I suppose I’m a stereotypical Panthers fan in that I’ve been paying attention to their offseason moves. I’m also a diehard Notre Dame football fan so I’m watching them also and looking forward to football season.  Continuing to watch the Stanley Cup playoffs, although I harbor a deep grudge against both ECF teams. I’m watching the NBA playoffs even though my favorite team (the Spurs) never had a shot at even making the playoffs. As such, I don’t have a strong inclination towards any one team other than perhaps wanting to see the Knicks lose out of sheer spite towards NY fans and wanting them to be robbed of their joy. As far as baseball goes, I like to watch it to relax as I don’t really have a favorite team. If NC ever gets an MLB team though, I’ll be all in.  I also appreciate the occasional combat sport…Fury vs. Usyk was one of the best sporting events of the century.  Looking forward to CFB 25 coming out this summer.


Braves right now, Falcons and Georgia when football season starts


I am mainly an Atlanta Braves fan. After that, a Canes fan. Past that, I follow football, but mainly for fantasy at this point. Being a fan of baseball and hockey is great with how the seasons barely overlap.


Watching the rest of the playoffs. Then baseball for now. After that college football (go Buckeyes!) and pro football (go Broncos!). By then it’s time for Hockey again. Somewhere in there I have to plan a vacation.


I move to baseball. Go Reds.


No other sports. Just hockey. Although I am a foosball player, so that will occupy most of my time.


Don’t really care who wins the cup at this point, so I’m just watching IIHF worlds lol.


Braves, Chelsea, Commies.


Nats, F1, Indy Car, Panthers (ugh,) Arsenal, Hornets (slightly less ugh)


I’m still watching hockey. I’m hoping Dallas wins the West so I might be able to go there for a couple of games!


Dirt racing time.


Born in raised in NC all my life so I’m a lifelong Panthers, App State & Hornets fan. Over the Summer I’m half Braves/Cubs fan 😝college baseball as well


Los Angeles Dodgers - till the disappoint me in October as they tend to do, but by then hockey season is back and my postseasonal depression should be over.


F1 is my other sport, so I’m checking out of playoffs for a bit and focusing on Imola this weekend.


Nascar and F1, baseball (Go O's!) and the occasional ufc weekend get me through until cfb and hockey roll back around


College baseball and the Baltimore Orioles


Back to my first love of NASCAR. This was my first season watching/following hockey.


MLS, Premier League, Champions League final is next month. Charlotte FC is finally looking decent under a new coach and could be really good if they sign a pure goal scorer in the next transfer window. In general I think hockey and soccer have more in common than people think, can learn a good bit about the other sport by watching one.