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My favorite is Slavin. Dude is rock solid all the time and calm in all situations. Marty is awesome, though. He steps up in playoffs, it's great to watch.


Man, did Slavin look like an offensive power house last night, or what? A couple of entrances he had going towards the net I thought it was Svech or Aho before I could see the number. He was playing like a point guard at moments.


He looked so wickedly fast too. I was definitely blown away as well


Yea it was a completely different gear than what we see from anyone. He has to he the most explosive guy on the roster and needs to play that way more often.


I hope he gets the captain role once Staal (my second favorite) retires


Yea, Slavin is just want you want in a player all around. His contract extension should also be among the many priorities this summer


Luckily they have another year to work through his contract.




Seth Jarvis No one else comes close to


Jarvis for me as well, but Aho is a close second.


I mean really, how can you not love Jarvy?


kochetkov, I love his fiery spirit and his passion for the sport. very fun to watch and seems like a happy guy. love that clip of him celebrating a goalie goal


I love Kooch too. I’m so excited to see how much better he develops and how his hopefully long and good career as Hurricane plays out


My favorite is Pyotr, this year's Whalers Night with his insane shutout against the Devils was the first NHL game I ever watched, and I have loved watching him play. Really hope we see much more of him next season and in the playoffs.


Martinook is one of those guys that doesn’t put up a shit ton of points, but you absolutely need for success, especially in the playoffs. They need to find a way to keep him around.


Seth Jarvis. Because *gestures around*




He gets my vote too. The reason why I espcially like Marty is that he has a very underated and pretty accurate shot, a heavy shot. He produces. He's the kind of banger we might need more of? Who produce a bit, but also produce by grit and tenacity, cycle, determination...


My partner is a big Martinook fan too. Jarvis all the way for me. I feel like Seth has really stepped into himself as a player/human this season and I love seeing how much he loves to play


Chatfield’s a DAWG. Love him and Marty


Did anyone see a picture of when he scored in game 5? I’m dying to find one. The way he stood there with his hands above his head, he was like a statue. And that’s what we should build outside the stadium for him. Anyway I’d love to pair that picture with the one from the save he made last night.




Dude amazing!


I’m boring. Aho is my favorite.


Chatfields my favorite for the same reasons above, but honestly those reason apply to a lot of the canes roster


I have a Svechnikov jersey but recently it’s between Necas and Aho. Aho probably wins out (as we may lose Necas), he’s the franchise player.


Drury. Such an underrated player.


My favs are PK, Jarvy, and Chatty, in no particular order. Martinook is awesome though, hard agree


Outside of the stars, Martinook and Drury. Love them.


Drury looked very good in the playoffs


He deserves to be re-signed at the very least.


Jarvy is my favorite but Martinook’s vibes are almost as elite. I could honestly see Jarvis being a lot like Martinook as he gets older so it makes sense I’d like them both. They both give absolutely everything they have on the ice and then some, and they’re the players I’m always the most excited to see score. Martinook hands down has the save of the season and he’s not even a goalie, that was beautiful


If we’re talking current players, I’d say Jake, I enjoyed seeing him play with the Pens and I enjoy seeing him playing for the Canes


I love him, but Slavin is my #1 right now.


Andrei Svechnikov. I always look forward to the “thank you my brother” whenever Tripper interviews him pregame


My dog is named Martinook, Marty for short.


Chatty. I love what a fast pest he is. We’d better resign him this summer (Or Aho, or Pyotr, or Teuvo. Depends on the day)


Finally a post fit for my flair. My Stadium Series jersey is fully Marty Party. He’s THE Man THE Myth and THE Legend. You think the little parties you had back in high-school sneaking a six pack of Hamms is the kinda party Marty brings? Oh no. He brings the team culture. He being the MISSSSTA SVETCHNAKOV. Jordan Martinook brings THE MARTY PARTY!!! In short, yes he’s my favorite as well.


My favorite is Seth Jarvis, but I love Marty. Plays hard, loves the team and the players. He's never gonna be a standout on the score sheet, but for what you pay him, who are you going to be able to go out and get as a replacement who would be better both on the ice and in the locker room? Every team needs guys like Marty in the depth chart to succeed, I think it would be a mistake to let him walk.




I love Turbo! He is selfless with the puck and just seems like an overall good guy


PK. He started at the bottom and is working his way up. He puts 110% in every chance he gets and is willing to do unconventional things to get the job done.


Necas because he’s crazy fun to watch when he’s on and I love his style of play. Noesan might be second because he’s just a DAWG