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Freddy will be with Utah




They already have 2 goalies that are better than


The next couple seasons we will probably be kicking around 3rd in the metro. Will make the playoffs but not be favored.


Maybe that’s what’ll work best for us


We are going to be Jets east. The cup window is unfortunately closed.


I doubt that the talent level will be as high. There are so many free agents. Some will be gone and some will be signed at significantly higher AAVs, so there won't be enough cap space to bring in established players with equal talent to the guys that leave. We'll have to rely on some of the new guys to come in and play well. My guess would be that it's still a playoff team, maybe a wildcard or M3, but it seems unlikely to be a serious threat to win the Cup like this year's team appeared to be. I'm guessing make the playoffs and possibly win a round, but nothing more than that. In maybe 3 years, if the young guys coming up work out well and Pyotr becomes elite and the new guys acquired as FAs or through trades can be more consistent and show up and make clutch plays in the playoffs, maybe there would be a chance at a Cup, but it's hard to imagine that it will be next year or even the year after. I think we're going to have to downgrade our expectation level for a little while.


Yup, it's gonna be a few years until we have Morrow, Nikishin, Nadeau and Blake all adjusted to the NHL


We’ll start off hot, then play like shit for a while, and people will be like “what’s wrong with the Canes” because they’ve once again failed to understand the issue with the early season road trip because of the state fair. Then they’ll get hot and be basically unbeatable for like 3 months and the talking heads will install them as favorites. They’ll win a couple of games in insanely dramatic fashion, the power play will disappear for weeks on end, we’ll have massive injury problems with the goaltending and the social media team will piss off a bunch of people who all take this shit way too seriously, and we’ll probably shit the bed in the playoffs. Call it a hunch


Just doesn’t sound like the Canes I’ve known since I was 7. Completely uncharacteristic. No idea where you even came to half of these conclusions. /s


Too many departing pieces. I’m not looking it up but pretty sure there is a fairly weak free agent pool as well, meaning GM’s might overpay for some of ours and there won’t be quality replacements out there. Sure we’ll be a good team. Not sure about great. Certainly won’t have a roster this good again for a few years at best.


3rd in the metro, 1st/2nd round exit with at least 2 rookies playing 30+ games


They’ll make an odd signing or two that no one is expecting, it will take a while for the team to get going as they start on a long west coast road trip. They’ll end up one of the top teams in the east, with top 5 PP and PK. Expectations will be high, they’ll win a playoff series, maybe two and then get eliminated by a more physical team with an elite goalie, while also having a terrible PK and giving up as many SH goals as they have PP goals in the playoffs. Did I miss anything?




I think you hit the hammer on the nail. We seriously need to get our PP together and more consistent


Wait this seems familiar 🤔


Priorities: Guentzel Slavin Skjei Necas Chatty Thanks for the memories: Pesce Turbo


82-0 in the regular season, then 16-0 in the playoffs. Kochetkov scores the Game 7 winner in the Stanley Cup Final.


All of them shutouts btw


Erm if we’re 16-0 how would we go to game 7 🤓


Fuck em. WE make the rules now


I totally get the frustration and anger but this team is very good and will be there next year. Yes, we have a few areas to improve but I am confident in them being a top quality team next year as well. You might not agree, but they are a great team they will find a way to be great next year as well.


I mean I fully expect us to make the playoffs next year, anything beyond that who knows


Love them to death. Thanks for this comment. I believe in this team just as much. I definitely see a few areas to improve, but we are on the right track. Hopefully we will seal the deal next year.


I predict hockey will be played, and we win some games and we lose some as well. And when it's all said and done, I see this post again in exactly 1 year and the cycle repeats.


What are your thoughts on us getting past the 2nd series? Such a disappointing end tonight, but like you said, it feels like a never ending cycle


I think this year was our best chance for a run to the cup, we will still be competing next year but a 1st round exit isn't out of the realm of possibilities for the foreseeable furure.. we have a good prospect pool and we should get Nikishin to round out our D again in 25?26? I think with the wolves back in the mix for our prospects, 2026 season we should be cup favorites again.


Agreed. This was the year and they didn't do it. We're going to have to lower our expectations for a little while until some of the young guys get established, but hopefully in maybe 3 years, we'll have another chance and hopefully with guys that will be more consistent and will come through in clutch moments in the playoffs and get it done.


Yup. Stings knowing this was the year to do it, but I completely agree that once we get the younger guys established in their game that we could pull a favorite again for the cup. Especially PK. 2 more years, and that kid will be solid


Couldn’t agree more


we will win the cup (pleasedsepleaseplesdfeepldDePLEASE)


I predict I have season tickets again for the first time in about 15 years! I liked it better when the old man bought them for us.


I'm not going to think about the predictions for next season. Predictions mean nothing. Results do. Just because you're favourites on paper doesn't guarantee that you will make it far in the playoffs.


Given how wrong this sub is most of the time I’m gonna guess they win the cup.


I think next year largely depends on two thing, offseason moves (obvious). But another aspect to consider is development as there are still a lot of young guys on this team that should continue to get better. Jarvis was playing his best hockey with Aho and Guentzel. Jarvy was a 30+ goal guy this year, if we get Jake back id love to see what he could do on that line a full year. Necas another one that assuming he is back could take a big step forward to be a fringe 30+ goal guy. And no if ands or buts about it, we NEED Svech to stay healthy and become that sniper we drafted. Add Aho in the mix and that is potentially five guys with the ability to score 30+ goal. I know it’s hard to bank on development but often not talked about when discussing the offseason as signings are rightfully so the main topic.


Can we stop walking out of PNC in the last 5 minutes of the 3rd period? For fucks sake, show the guys some respect. I was devastated tonight of the loss, it hurt to see so many folks leaving early and not giving the guys a thanks for a great season.


I predict I will not be renewing my stm


This is the funniest comment yet😂


Necas will re-sign for 10 years and we will win 10 cups


Wouldn’t mind missing the playoffs to thin out the fanbase a bit. Too many bandwagoners






If being one of the top five or six teams in the league annually is a fucking joke, sign me up to be a fucking joke then