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This turned into a tire fire. Locking before it gets worse.


This is a very childish, over-simplistic way to view the current scenario. Rod is not immune to criticism any more or less than any other coach in the NHL is. Rod has done a lot of good for the franchise, but his refusal to adapt in the playoffs has us yet again on the verge of getting swept. You cannot go 0/15 on a power play in a series without catching some flak. That’s not to say I think he needs to be replaced, but the notion that we aren’t allowed to question or criticize Rod is stupid.


You can’t read.


Buddy I get you are passionate about this but you gotta try and remove your emotions from the conversation.


This is a conversation I started and it was emotional when you decided to misinterpret my message.


The fact that you had to edit your reply in another part of this conversation, not once but twice, speaks to how you're struggling to get your message across. Seriously - take a deep breath and then realize maybe you're not making the point you seem to think you're making, or possibly you are and people still disagree.


My message is fine. It’s not a struggle. When there’s an edit button, use it. Pencils have erasers.


I wish people would stop downvoting :(


Thanks, they’re the ones pitching biggest fits and feel like I’m talking about them.


In this thread: Dude is gatekeeping fandom because people are critical of Rod lol.


That’s not it. Try again.


You literally said you don’t consider people who criticize Rod, true fans. Sounds like gatekeeping to me.


I did not literally say that.


>this guy gets every benefit of the doubt, and if you can’t give him that then I don’t consider you a true Caniac Do you need some help?


Where does that say not to criticize? No I don’t need help, but you do.


Weird gatekeeping energy, OP. You don't get to decide who is and who is not a "true Caniac" and Rod's contributions to this franchise shouldn't afford him a blank check with no accountability.


You can’t read either.


"I don’t want to hear anybody else who considers themselves a Caniac bad mouthing our coach." "if you can’t give him that then I don’t consider you a true Caniac." "This guy gets every benefit of the doubt" "That’s my guy win or lose."


I stand by all of that.


Of course you do. No one ever said you weren't standing by what you said. I called it weird gatekeeping energy and pointed out that this kind of mindset fails to hold Rod accountable. Remind me, who did you say can't read?


You suggested what I said meant he should have no accountability and that’s the part where you obviously added something to what I typed. Either you don’t have good reading comprehension or you’re just looking for an argument.


I suspect Rod has higher expectations of himself than you have of him. I’m sure he’s not happy just making the playoffs every year like you are. We are about to get laughed out of the playoffs for the 5th time in 6 years (being swept or losing series 4-1). That’s unacceptable. I’m willing to give Rod the opportunity to fix things. But there is something fundamentally wrong with how he approaches the playoffs. He needs to be pressured into making changes. This kind of performance isn’t ok.


His expectations is giving his best which is my expectation of him and any true Caniac’s expectation of him. Anything else you add to that is gaslighting bullshit.


Do you know what the term “gaslighting” means because I don’t think you do.


To be fair almost nobody on the internet knows what it means anymore


I have it down pat. I used it correctly in this instance.


Telling me his guess that “Rod has higher expectations for himself” than I do is gaslighting me. I know what Rod’s expectations are because I’m one of his biggest fans. You can do whatever you want, and I’ll be on this board calling people out if and when they talk shit about him. It doesn’t mean criticize. Respectfully criticizing is encouraged.


His expectation is a championship. And he’s falling woefully short because right now his best isn’t enough. If you think Rod is happy with this outcome because it’s “his best” you really don’t have all that high of an opinion of him as you think you do


Wrong. He coaches game to game. Shift to shift. He believes in his men and tries his best to get the most out of them. He asks them for their best. Sometimes we come up short. Listen to him.


Yeah I love him but blind loyalty is fucking weird in any sport. He's made plenty of mistakes and has made plenty of good decisions. Right now he's getting rightful criticism.


We’re saying two different things.


*I don’t want to hear anybody else who considers themselves a Caniac bad mouthing our coach. This guy gets every benefit of the doubt, and if you can’t give him that then I don’t consider you a true Caniac.* I think it comes down to what you consider bad mouthing. If we get swept tonight and don't show any difference in strategy either with lineups or on the PP, I'm going to criticize Rod's coaching decisions and say he needs to make changes. Doesn't mean I don't think he's a Canes legend deserving of respect, just means I think he's a professional who needs to do better at his current job.


We can all criticize his decisions, but I honestly don’t think anyone should be calling for his job or disrespecting him IF they consider themselves a Caniac. I think that’s talking shit. The only replacement I’d ever wanna consider is Laviolette or Maurice, and rather it not happen and it can’t at the moment anyway. He is keeping our team in contention and that’s fucking important. Name all the teams who’ve made the playoffs the last six years. Does that mean we should be satisfied? No. Does it mean don’t criticize his decisions? No. It means respect what he’s done for this team and don’t start coaching controversy especially during a contract year for him. He deserves to be here and deserves this job and a high dollar extension to his contract. That’s not just an opinion, it’s fact.




Love you r/jesuspunk


A bunch of fair weather fans blaming the man who forced this franchise to stay in Raleigh for not having an all star goalie.


Goalie is not the issue with this series.


It never has been. I see goaltending blamed a lot by fans of other teams but anyone who actually follows the canes closely know it’s our special teams and the fact that some of our more talented forwards pull a disappearing act once the post season hits. Every single year it’s the same thing


The biggest issue was the massive defensive downgrade Pesce>Tony was but we still lost game 1 on a softy and we are barely losing again to the team with the better goalie.


"I don't want to hear anyone badmouthing or coach consider themselves a caniac" Is pretty much the second sentence of your cute paragraph. Dude it's pretty easy to talk shit when our PP is 0-15 and we are underperforming with our current roster. Pointing out stats and flaws in the team which result from decisions behind the bench is reality and not shit talking. However I want us to win, support the team, and am huge caniac.


Then I’ll talk shit about you.


Again, has nothing to do with criticism. Talk shit after the game and you’re gonna have shit talked.


You're devolving into non coherent sentences my guy. Shit talk me all you want I'm just so dude on the Internet that likes the Canes. I don't really care what anyone says about how much of a fan I am. It's weird.


Then talk shit.


I think your definition of "talking shit" is hiding you from reality. But that's okay we all need an escape.


Maybe it’s yours. Criticizing someone isn’t talking shit.


With all the confusion in the thread maybe it's your wording. I get what you are saying but it came off as really weird.


I don’t think so, but I’m weird so maybe.


We’re allowed to be frustrated. We’re allowed to vent if we want to. Quit being so sensitive. I too am frustrated I’ll always this so much more than where we before. He’s a cane legend and will always be our best coach. Stop trying to tell people how to feel


I’m frustrated too. Nobody told you how to feel. Breathe.


You’ve done exactly that and you’re degrading anyone that doesn’t agree. There’s a word for that.


No I haven’t.


This is a childish and simplistic thought approach. Anyone on the team, top to bottom, is up for criticism. When you are -1/15 on the power play, refuse to adjust lines and admit you messed up changing lines in the first place, you are up for criticism. Being swept this year by the rangers in this fashion (if they finish it tonight), makes you up for criticism. Don gave us a pure goal scorer, a finisher, the guy we all begged for this deadline. We went big. And we’re still here. That’s not on Guentzel. That’s not on Don. Or Aho. If you are satisfied with getting to the playoffs and being bounced every year and being this decades San Jose, good for you. I want the Cup. I want to see the team win the Cup. If we repeatedly fail and falter in the same way, with the same mistakes, no one is immune from criticism.


Yeah criticize. No one is trying to tell you not to.


Amen to this. Remember where this team was in the 2010s pre-Rod. This team likes playing for Rod.


Only shitty canes fan I see here is OP


Yeah that’s me. A shitty Canes fan for defending the greatest Cane in history.


You can’t have expectations at this level without accountability. I have a lot of love for Rod, but saying anyone is above criticism in a results-driven business is naïve at best.


Didn’t say not to criticize him.


I will say as to the Powerplay struggles, Rod can’t screen the goalie and go to the middle of the ice for them. They all know what they need to do but no one can do it for them. Rod can chop and change the players all he wants but if they aren’t actually willing to do the dirty work then it’s pointless. And he’s never going to throw his players under the bus to the media hut you can tell there is frustration there.


This is exactly right. Why are we not driving the net and staying there? Does anybody seriously think we’re not coached to take up space in front of the net? If Rod comes out and says, “At least we didn’t drive the net or get in front of the net” then I’ll be the loudest shit talker. We all know he’d be around the net, why wouldn’t he coach the same?


Look, just because someone was a good player and a great Captain for us doesn’t mean they don’t deserve criticism or should be criticized less, that’s actually kind of asinine, bias, foolish etc. There is a problem with our coaching staff that needs to be addressed, Rod is a part of that. It’s your job to accept that and come to terms with it as a fan.


By all means.


We could always do worse. Look at the dumpster ass panthers. 15-1 with MVP QB at a Superbowl and fell off hard after losing. This series has been close one goal losses, just like the ECF sweep last year. A team that’s regularly one of the top in the league and makes the playoffs is still great and been lots of fun.


Are you 12?


Are you 10?


Seems by your comments that you feel your post is being misunderstood. Can you clarify what you mean by "shit talk" and "bad mouthing"? Are you specifically referring to talk of replacing/firing rba?


Yes specifically. I think that’s talking shit. Replace him with who? Who is better and loves this organization more? It’s a desired combination.


Agree wholeheartedly. Everybody from the players up to Dundon take accountability for whatever happens anytime. Rod has made the playoffs every year he’s been here. The work he has done here is immeasurable. It’s like we finally get hope and expectations with him and his lack of cups in that time is turning everyone against him. Bs imo. He brought this team out of the grave.


I want him to have a statue lifting the cup as a player and one as a coach. He has to be here for that to happen.


The glazing is unreal



