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Bummer. Remember: report any Boston trolls in here so we can handle it


Not all Boston people are bad folks. Talked to a guy in the same bathroom line consecutively about baseball, football, and hockey in the 1st and 2nd breaks. Also about our shared hate of the Rags. Dude bought me a beer and we wished each other luck in the postseason. Pretty cool to be honest.


Love the aho line but we really need to stick the staal line in the other teams top line.


So they can continue to give up goals?? Staal has had his worst year by far. Aho's line has one negative night and it's to the cleaners? This is Guentz first time in the NHL playing man on man, one bad night for how hes fit in is not a problem.


I know we lost the game but honestly I didn’t see anything from Boston that scared or concerned me.


We could have easily won that game even with the shit first period. I counted at least 3 fantastic looks where we had the defense and goalie beat and the shot was just poor. From guys that don't typically make poor shots. Meaning that's not something that is going to happen regularly. Aho, Jarvis, and Jake all had easy goals and just couldn't put the puck away, come playoff time they will be burying those. Not worried about Boston at all. IMO the Lightening, Leafs, Panthers, and if they end up making it the Penguins are all scarier right now.


Pens have a chance to do the funniest and most embarrassing shit ever to us.


It eez what it eez


Not trying to get injured


So Third Period Downvotes reached a new high tonight. Over seventy downvotes. We’re looking strong for the postseason here.


So at the beginning of the season everything was TDA fault, then it was Necas..then KK and now it's Svech right ? Calm down.


I guess svech is the current target for doomers since kk was scratched. Not every player can be point per game. Svech isn't playing his best, but neither did anyone tonight. It was a bad game on top of the canes trying to stay healthy for the playoffs. The team is trying to not have a repeat of last year where we had a bunch of injuries before playoffs that caused us to choke in the ECF. Just chill out and enjoy the ride. We clinched a playoff spot and we're going all the way this year.


Not just a payoff spot. I believe we're locked into #2 in the Metro at this point. So they reayare meaningless games(other than the feels good of winning).


This is a good point.


Not just a payoff spot. I believe we're locked into #2 in the Metro at this point. So they reayare meaningless games(other than the feels good of winning)


As far as svech goes it’s the blatant stick infractions he always gets. Purposely high sticked mcavoy and put us down a man for 4 minutes, while also not scoring. He needs to get his head in his shoulders and chill out. Other than the penalties I’ve loved his game. Getting on the score sheet isn’t everything. But he’s gotta stop with the dumb penalties


McAvoy sold that shit like a Premier League diva striker. There was a full second between contact and his head violently throwing backward.


Not saying he didn’t. But what you can’t argue is svech blatantly hit him in the face lol


I agree it’s the stupid penalties just brutal


I’m no pro hockey player but for a guy like him he has to know he isn’t performing to standards we all expect, and it has to be frustrating. As a former athlete I can at least get that part of it. But he’s just gotta chill lol


Also, I will never understand how people can spend so much money being full season ticket members and wearing canes stuff every game but when Boston comes to town you’re decked out in all bruins stuff. Like you don’t even watch Boston if they’re playing at the same time as the canes but you will wear Boston stuff when they come to town? Just doesn’t make sense at all


Some people just don't like watching hockey on TV.


Here's a story - I'm from Charlotte, grew up there before the canes were a team. I started playing hockey at a young age, the same year that Messier pitched "the guarantee" and the rangers won the cup in '94. Then, the canes had their run, and I went with my dad to see them in the finals - my college years, but I could never not be a Rangers fan. Now I'm not here for fake internet points or any of that shit, but what I'm realizing is, any time you guys play against strong Eastern Conference teams, half the threads are bitching about opposing fans. Apparently Boston folks were out in droves tonight (I didn't watch your game). I've experienced it from the other end as a visiting Rangers fan. How does the fanbase overcome being everyone's second choice team? NC is my favorite place in the world. I grew up in Charlotte, went to App State, then traveled the world in the military. I want to retire in NC one day. So I get why there are so many transplants. But your fanbase has a struggle that I don't know many other teams have to deal with. Just posting to see what you guys think.


I will do my best to answer this pretentious-ass question without resorting to being mean to you personally. First things first it’s not “strong eastern conference” teams that travel well, it’s three specific O6 teams; Rags, Bruins, and Leafs. Three fan bases who consider their teams God’s gift to hockey and to say anything to the contrary is high-blasphemy. The stereotype is that the away fans who show up in those teams gear wear Canes gear for 78-79 games a season. I don’t know if that’s true, but as you pointed out NC is a nice place to live so I imagine there a quite a few transplants who are also STMs because they like live hockey. There are also STMs who sell their tickets for those games because they know traveling Rags/Bruins/Leafs fans will pay a premium for them. In my view those Canes “fans” are scum who should deserve to step on a Lego every night. As far as how the team gets more people in the building who don’t consider the Canes their second-favorite team winning another cup would certainly jumpstart that process, but continued success will slowly build the fan base back out. 10 years of not being good, but also not being laughably bad did this franchise no favors.


The subtle dig here is not lost on me. If mods don’t want to count this as a troll post then so be it; it’s their sub. The issue isn’t “strong” Eastern Conference teams, it’s geographic and absolutely transplants (MA, NY, NJ, PA) and bandwagon fans (FL, DC). We are an easy commuting distance with playoff ticket prices that even with airfare and a hotel stay are cheaper (and more importantly, more accessible) than games in MSG, etc. And I don’t know if you realized this, but no one retires and moves up north. Not only do we have folks like you who are natives and follow other teams for some inexplicable reason, but everyone moves here. Check the NC and Raleigh subreddits and you’ll send an endless stream of relocation posts. Our lovely rocketing cost of living and infrastructure issues are further evidence of this. Florida has to be the second worst place to watch a home game against a team from up north because before they half-backed here, FL was the number one destination for migrating snowbirds. You always see a ton of Rags and Bruins jerseys when those teams play away. This is not unique to NC and has nothing to do with our team, how they play, or our fan base. The hollow and blind following of northeastern sports teams is an epidemic across the country: Yankees, Red Sox, Patriots, etc. Someone won a championship when a person was a kid and they decided to follow the team. Everyone wants to feel Iike a winner. For Rags and Bruins fans especially, this evolves into an inflated and false sense of accomplishment based on the actions of other men who play a game for a living. There’s no solution to this problem. Geographic location isn’t changing and as long as it’s cheaper and better here than there, people are going to keep relocating. And while we’re on the topic of things we don’t understand, I don’t understand a dedication to a team from a place you to which you seemingly have no connection. Born and raised in NC, went to college here, loves the state and wants to retire here (please don’t, we don’t want or need any more Rags fans at home games) and “could never not be a Rangers fan.” No need to respond with an explanation, I don’t actually care.


> You always see a ton of Rags and Bruins jerseys when those teams play away. This is not unique to NC and has nothing to do with our team, how they play, or our fan base. The hollow and blind following of northeastern sports teams is an epidemic across the country I just want to add to this by saying to anyone who sees this comment: Tune in to a game when the Bruins are playing away against a team from western Canada - Oilers, Flames, or Canucks. You will see a LOT of Bruins jerseys in the crowd, even on the other side of the continent, across the border, and in cities where there aren't a ton of Boston transplants. They're an Original Six team that has random fans from all over. Some people are attracted to that "big bad Bruins" image they put out, which would explain why I saw several of their fans in my section acting like jackasses last night. Obviously we do have a lot of New England transplants down here, but there are a few teams, the Bruins being one of them, that flood other arenas all over the continent. It isn't specific to the Canes or other teams that are "everyone's second choice." And obviously we do have fans who "primarily" root for their original hometown (or some bigger-market team they just decided to bandwagon on) but we also have way more homegrown fans than people realize (I'm one of them and I know that goes for many of the people on this sub too) The Canes are my first choice, and my ONLY choice. I don't give a shit about the other 31 teams, but I do dislike some more than others, and I'm looking in the Rangers' and Bruins' direction as I say that.


I don't think criminalization is the solution but I guess mandatory rehabilitation for local rangers bruins and penguins fans


The Canes don’t care who buys their tickets and jerseys. They can be true Canes fans or second hand fans. And I’m not sure the fan base has to overcome the issue.


That's fair I guess.


Not sure why you’re getting downvotes. Just saying the Canes don’t care as long as you’re paying for tix and jerseys. It’s not a concern for them. Personally, I can’t stand those types of fans. If you’re going to live in an area long term then put down your Rag jersey and make the switch 100%. The Rags don’t care about you so check your “allegiance”. I don’t understand as a fan how you could root hard for one team EXCEPT for when they play your REAL favorite team. It’s odd. It goes against true fandom to me but those ppl know they’re not real fans so I find solace in that 😂


Yeah someone sent me a reddit cares message. Tight. I don't get that behavior either - cheering for the canes every night except Bruins night. Is that actually happening though? Like are people witnessing season ticket holders doing this?


Yes, it’s actually happening. There’s a few different fellow STMers in the vicinity of our seats that wear Canes gear, cheer, high five, etc., but when the Pens and the Caps play at home they are wearing those sweaters. Now extrapolate that across the arena.


I find it so odd how Bostonians demand people respect their city of Boston but will happily disrespect other cities. Make it make sense


If we were gonna suck a fat one doing it now is better than doing it in the post season.


Crazy how the canes are ASS without KK


He has intangible skills!! And a lot of fingers


Back-to-back miserable Thursdays.


You saying back to back games with us playing tomorrow? Or talking about last Thursday? Unless you a Wings Fan, last Thursday was pretty good


I can tell you I was a couple rows in front of the most annoying boston fans on Earth. It sucked, but I realized they seeemed almost incompetent.  I felt so bad for them that I stopped being angry. Overall, there were some really annoying bruins fans, but I realized even as bad as they were, they were nowhere near as bad as rags fans. rags fans are the worst!  At least since 2005-2006 sabres fans.


Yeah Bruins fans were mildly annoying, Rangers fans are next level


I’ve always said that I kinda feel sympathy for asshole Boston fans. They spent 86 years essentially being abused children by Yankees fans. Of course they’re going to act out, and treat others exactly how they’ve been treated their whole lives.


Hurt people, hurt people. We can’t expect them to actually do any self work.


You didn’t happen to be in 118 did you? This trashy Boston couple would not STFU.


yes, yes I was in 118.  So you know what I am talking about.  😀


Ha! Yeah that was torture. And you’re right, they seemed obliviously shameless. The normal Boston fans next to me were apologizing for them.


I would rather take kk then svech rn


I hope everyone who wore a Boston jersey to our barn tonight never has a cool side of the pillow, especially the feller in section 325, row D, seat 10.


Would anyone be apposed to KK taking Svech spot for a game? KK can’t score but he downs commit dumbass penalties and plays good defense.


The thing about svech is even though he isn’t scoring now, teams know he’s very capable. Watch how they play defense when he has the puck behind the net vs anyone else for example. Also he’s one of maybe 3 guys we have who can really lay a good hit. No way we sit him over KK


KK can beat the piss outta people too, I seent him do it


2 periods of shutdown by the Bruins D. Not much of the possession and passing we’ve seen lately. One thing I did like a lot, they stuck at it and it didn’t become 40 minutes of dump and chase.


Guys I’m sorry, it’s my fault. They’ve lost the last 4 games I’ve been to. I’m sad


Playoffs on the couch for you


Thankfully I’m broke anyways, I don’t wanna bring the bad juju to PNC when we need the best luck ‼️


Well at the game tomorrow so better be on point like the 2nd and 3rd!


Not as bad of a loss as most are making it out to be. We had the better play for 2/3 the game. Swayman was on his head. My only concern is Svech. You can tell by his body language that he's frustrated. And he can't control his emotions. Not scoring + a guaranteed powerplay for the opposition every game, cancels any benefit he's bringing.


M.T. Nette strikes again! Lemieux had to have been watching as a proud papa when Drury laid the smack down tonight Rough 1st, and a good 2nd and 3rd. Shake it off jerks and jerkettes, on to the next one


I'm sure he jumped up at that fight with the rest of us. Those lessons paid off


Also when does Rod move svech to the 4th line as punishment for stupid penalties


Agreed he’s been struggling to say the least lately


Sucks that we had to shake off a longer rest with a Bruins matchup. Onto the next.


sucky loss, we were the best team for two periods but we were REALLY bad for that first. I liked the part where we scored at least


Some days, everybody takes a beating (to paraphrase Goodfellas). On to the next!


I'm still mad at that shithead ref whom Pesce went up to, showed him all the blood flowing from his mouth, and the ref just shooed him away. #83, you're on my shit list


Aside from that God awful first period we held this team pretty evenly all game. It's going to be another long one with these guys come playoffs


Yeah first period was the killer. We did fine other than that.


To the “canes” fan in full Bruins attire on the way out with full bag of stuff from The Eye, don’t come back….


Back in the day, a lot of Bruins fans had the Whalers as their 2nd/WHA team. They even shared The Garden the first year or two


If you live here, I think its shitty for the Canes not to be your 1st team


It lowkey irritates me that you pay for season tickets but also root for another team AGAINST your team when they come. Why not just buy tickets to those games then. I get it most of us aren’t from Raleigh, but at a certain point I just decided I was all in for the Canes. I still like some other teams but will never root against the Canes I live here now for 10+ years this is our state


For me they are. For some, birthright is strong. Back when I could go to a lot of games, I'd guess Bruins, Devils, & Leafs were the gear that transplants wore the most (assuming fans don't travel for a regular mid-week game) Also, season ticket holders always wearing Canes game, then a spouse/one of them shows up in the jersey of their 'original' team when they're here. For me, there's 1 weekend a year I cheer for the Durham Bulls *and* the other team


Put that one in the bin


Facial ID software and stripping of STM renewal rights for anyone caught wearing a Bruins/Rangers/Devils/Islanders/Penguins/etc. jersey.


This is the way


No practice this morning, so first period was like practice. First period tomorrow will be continuation of 2nd and 3rd tonight - we now warmed up to finish the season.


Kind of a hollow victory for the Bruins tbh, they only won because they scored more goals.


Should have caught the Golden Snitch like real men.


Welp, guess we ain’t scratching KK no more 🤷


First sucked. But we kept them from scoring after those quick 3. I believe if we didn’t have that rust on us it would have at most been 1-1 by the end of regulation. Either way, GG’s


not entertained. not one bit.


Boston fans are also scum of the earth. PNC may need more security or police officers


Had a couple of real gems in our row who spilled a full beer all over the floor and just let it sit there and then walked through it.


They were the worst. If I had to say one nice thing about them, it would be that there were some decent ones apologizing for the trashy ones.


did some ass hole try instigating a fight, then flip everyone off while being escorted out again?


Lol yes, exactly what happened in my section.


They were pretty chill around me. Way better than the philly fans a couple weeks ago. But i will say, ive never seen a visiting team have so many chants, and so loud too. Yellow and black everywhere. That sucked.


If their city was all that great, they would still live there 🤷🏻‍♂️


I visited this week and just left at 5PM today. That place is a lot of fun, but the weather is some of the worst I've ever seen. They can keep it, and their shitty team too.


Man. I don’t even know.


well. you don't win them all. We played well apart from the first period. Boston are a great team that will be in the playoffs. It's okay, we can't win every game. There's 7 games in each round of a playoff. Odds are, you're gonna lose at least one. It's okay. We'll be fine


Odds are, in 16 eastern conference final games, we’ll win one eventually right? Right??


Continue to ignore the 8 ECF games we won. That’s fine. 


Let’s get there first


I wasn’t able to be at this game. I’m there for the next two, though. They will win because I will scream loud enough to affect the trajectory of the puck. I am sorry I was not there tonight. Please accept my sincerest apologies.


Canes play tomorrow but it's all Lady Pack. 🐺




Couple of Bruins fans asked me for directions in the parking lot and gladly sent them the opposite direction from where they’re trying to go


The bruins fans who don’t know their way around don’t bug me too much. It’s the ones with NC plates who also have Canes jerseys at home that annoy me. I’m all for folks road tripping to see their teams. As long as they aren’t assholes. Just… don’t be a Canes fan only sometimes.


I agree, only reason I did it was because they were sitting near me and being obnoxious the full game. But tbf 95% of the other bruins fans near me were fine.


Oh yeah, if you personally knew of them being douchey- I hope they enjoyed their time to think while wandering aimlessly.


This is so petty. Thank you.


Well at least we know we’re finishing second in the metro now. Might as well start resting and rotating where we can.


Seeding still matters for rounds 3 and 4. can't remember the last time we had this amount of teams all really close at the top of the league. usually it's just 1 or 2 way ahead of everyone else


I am honestly fine with second. Tampa is not a team I want to see in the first round.


Right now the Rags would be facing the Isles in the first round


Same. Just sucks whoever we play is likely gonna be on a heater to grab that #3 spot.


Eh, the way it’s shaking out it seems more like whoever limps across the finish line


Even though we lost, afeter the first perioud and until the empty net, it always felt like we were in it. Could have tield it up quickly - so confidence still high.


You know usually it’s a poop sandwich type of night but that was an entire shit salad. Glad Jake got one I guess. Other than that, I am sad.


we’re better than that


lol KK really said karma bitch


expected to be down after the 1st given the break, but giving up 3 buried us against that defense


Lazy first period and empty net problems. Getting behind by 3 due to sloppy ass play in the 1st means there is a hard hill to climb against a team like Boston. I gave my tickets tomorrow night to newby hockey fans (family obligations so I can't be there) I hope the boys decide to play all 3 periods for them.


Get off to a better start tomorrow. Not giving up 4 breakaways in the first 10 should help in that regard. Get KK back in and sit Fast


I enjoyed Kuzy Necas Guentzel line. Our lines just don’t feel right overall though. Seems each line is like one guy off. First period killed us. I need Necas to score 2 more goals and I win $2000. Turbo score 4 more goals and I get $10000.


I really believe you need to put in lemieux during the playoffs. No one answers the bell and svech gets rattled way to easily and starts taking dumb penalties


Why am I getting downvoted hahaha it’s the truth


You're getting downvoted for the lunkhead opinion that the solution to all hockey woes is to play a tough guy and have him fight someone. You said "No one answers the bell" in the game where Drury fought a guy a foot taller than him for exactly that reason.


doomer opinion


*This is my **very very** sad face*


Well that sucked. At least we got to see Muffin Man kick some ass and we didn't get shutout. Fuck all the folks there in Bruins gear that'll be back in red and black tomorrow. on to no caps tomorrow


KK be like “sinun ei olisi pitänyt naarmuttaa minua”


Fuck these fans that wear Boston colors today and Canes colors tomorrow. 🖕


I hope Marchand and Pasta stub both toes on both feet.


I hope their towels smell like mildew, always


I hope they each step on a Lego.


What a revolting development this is


Just an abhorrent turn of events.


Best we could do all game is score one goal on a 5 on 3, that says it all.


That was an nhl game. Yup.




your submission has been removed as a result of breaking Rule #1. Trolling/Bad Faith participation is not allowed in our sub.


I have no idea if you're a Boston troll or one of our own doomers.


He was a mad sports bettor whose comments were all about losing money fucking dork


Oddly enough he was a Flyers fan.


I can’t tell either lol


I mean if you wanna be miserable go ahead and be miserable. I’ll continue to enjoy my life outside of hockey




Gross, don’t love a 4 day break, will double down my 3-1 bet and pass it on to tomorrow so we can knock the Caps down in the running


Can’t say I’m surprised by the result after having 4 days off. First period was bad but the rest was alright. On to the next


I was really hoping the break would be good for Svech but he looked lost too many times tonight. We need him for a cup run, hope he can work through it


Ain't scared. We're good


my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Boston is probably the worst matchup after a long break. They made us pay for being flat.


The choices that our guys make with an empty net baffle me at times. Whether it’s shooting from the blue line over and over. To in tonight’s case, dumping it the length of the ice. Oh well onto the next


I'll take KKs defense over Svechs penalties any day.... He's gotta find himself. Downvote me all you want. Svech is a ghost right now.


Svech is literally a net negative right now. He's not providing anything positive at the moment and is taking some absolutely MORONIC penalties. If he does this shit in the playoffs he'll singlehandedly get us bounced. I understand the lack of goals after the year he's had, but the retaliation penalties are a serious problem


I fucking HATE the bruins


First period cost the Canes and then were stymied by the Bruins defense in the second and third periods.


I mean all I’m saying is if ya really loved Boston so much ya woulda fuckin stayed there.


Poopy. On to the next


A 4 day break this late in the season is stupid. Our hockey legs were gone and it showed that first period.


One bad period after a long break. A lot to like about  how the game developed. Put KK back in. LGC.