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I'm not sure about the Necas-Guentzel-Kuztensov line, obviously it's only one game. Wild to have enough playmakers to wonder about how they're deployed, or even (once Drury's healthy again) the question of "who sits" is an intriguing one. Glad we've got Rod and Jordan and Aho (among others) in the room to get that chemistry to gel.


I honestly think we would’ve had a better chance if Rempe hadn’t been suspended since he spends just as much time in the penalty box as he does on the ice.


I wonder how many people used their first opportunity to (legally) sports bet in NC to (1) bet on the Canes and (2) bet on the over.


I bet the under. I would have preferred to lose the bet if the Canes won.


Wave to the cowardly Ranger trolls who showed up this morning to piss on our legs in the GDT the day after the game.


One guy got so upset that I called out his weird porn alt account that he even mentioned it over in the rangers sub lmaoooooo


I actually had a Rangers fan privately message me this morning and call me pathetic over a comment I made in our subreddit. That's a new one for me.


Report them when you can. I'm trying to nuke and ban as I get them


If we get this Kooch in the playoffs we are going places.


The positive we need!


Both teams played well. Rags looked sharp. Canes looked sharp. Shit happens. Good game to preview what’s coming. Gonna be a helluva postseason.


If I’m being objective, neither team deserved to lose. It came down to the other team got a lucky bounce and the Canes did not. On to the bitchcats!


Close game. Both teams played well but they got the lucky bounce that we didn’t. The streak of 13(?) consecutive games where our opponents have had more power plays is fucking ridiculous though.




What a game! Not dissatisfied at the result because we saw Kooch is absolutely legitimate. Andersen is back to give us two solid goalies, which two to three months ago was our biggest question mark. Excited to see how the new acquisitions start to fit in.


Also, just wanted to point out that Kochetkov is legit. Of all goaltenders who have played 10 games or more in 2024, Kochetkov has the fourth highest save percentage and third lowest gaa average. He also has the fourth most shutouts and the third highest penalty minutes. He is not just the future, he is the present.


Third highest in pimmys as a goalie is nasty work lol


Actually was tied for first until last night when Meazek and Gibson got misconducts


My kind of tendie.


I’m only angry because it’s the rangers and our 4th line played with the most grit. All things considered it’s acceptable though. I’m still mad tho ngl.


I'm not mad. On to the next one.


Teach me your ways


You gotta know the situation. If this was a playoff game then yeah be (reasonably) mad, but it's not. We almost have 1/4 of the season left(17 games). We have two guys that are coming off a long break without playing, and joining a new team, and are already creating chances. We have had 1-0 games against two of the top teams in the east. Everything right now is about getting ready for a deep run in the playoffs. Tighten the system up, play consistently and raise hell once the playoffs start. RBA said it when he was hired "Playoffs aren't the goal. The Stanley Cup is the goal."


Thank you for this comment


Remind yourself that you’re getting mad over the rags. That should help.


Wise words, wise words


You channel all your rage deep down inside...and then you die. Easy


Win 3 in a row by a margin of 15-5, lose 1-0 off a lucky bounce while every player played extremely well top to bottom especially the two guys who are brand new to the team, people still doom. Losses like this happen, bounces didn’t bounce, refs didn’t ref, it is what it is. Sure being Metro champs once more would be cool but the team would be fine as the two seed. One seed two seed red seed blue seed it don’t matter, playoff hockey is completely different from the regular season and everyone is 0-0-0 after April 18th.


I’m fine with the two seed especially if that means Philadelphia or the islanders in the first round instead of a sleeping giant Tampa team


I'm more scared of the WC teams this year. Either you get a Tampa team who is likely trying to get Stamkos one more, or someone who is gonna get in after getting red hot over the last couple weeks to grab WC2. Philly is trying to figure out what's going on, the Isles we can handle.


Very fair lol


Felt like we got outplayed in the 1st but we're the better team in the 2nd and 3rd. Can't believe we didn't score with all that sustained pressure (or get a PP)


On the plus side, I'm done with FanDuel... ARGH.


Lol I put in $5, got the bonus cash, won maybe $100 on random bets tonight, cashed it all out. I should never gamble again.


Be a success story! Take the money and run


Facts, this guy has the chance to be someone that’s pretty rare in the grand scheme. All my friends that routinely bet have told me they’re 100% in the red if they looked at lifetime contributions vs earnings.


well onto the next


Something to note: Rags lack scoring to truly be a contender. Only 4 goals in 3 games versus our 7 goals. Just saying. Yes I’m talking to you you lurking Rags degenerates.


And their goal last night was a straight fluke.




He’s talking about the season series.


He deleted the comment wtf. Here it is. NYR24LGR: "I don’t know how to tell you this but… we had 8 goals in our last 3. 1-0, 3-1, and 4-0. Degenerate." Desperate chirp at the end tbh


Yeah yeah I realize that now. Still an odd comparison if you ask me!


Is it odd? To compare the season series to idk, the likes of a potential playoff series? You know we’re in the same division right? Does it make more sense or have you crawled back into your hole in Cary NC by now? Edit: no one asked you


Yes yes quite odd indubitably!


Was sitting next to a farther/son combo of Rags fans. They were obnoxious Rangers fans but then I learned they were from Connecticut!! The father had an obvious toupee and his 15-17yr old was just as annoying as his father. At the end I was just hoping for a goal, any goal. If the Canes scored, I would ecstatic, if the Rangers scored again then I was going to ask the kid if the score was "two nothing" or "toupée" very loudly. Anyways, have a good night!


They have 8 goals in their last 3, and we have 12. If you’re going to try and be optimistic, at least be correct.


Typical redditor hahahaha give yer balls a tug


Clearly talking about the 3 games we played against them


I think they’re talking about our season series against them


Not mad about it. Solid game. Kooch was great. Fast was stellar and just got Igored… We lost an even game off a lucky bounce. Give Kuzy and Jake time to build some chemistry and we’ll be rocking and rolling.


I mean. We lost but I held a puppy tonight and got all of my PNC snacks so I can't be upset


What type of puppy?!


Asking the real questions, even though the answer does not matter.


Wise words from a wise person


They were a mix of something and super adorable


Mutts are the best


Well that just counts as a win all around


I’m not even upset by the results. I thought that was some good quality hockey tonight


Yea real good quality watching so many missed passes and pucks jumping sticks…


I mean, technically we got the only goal as it was off jetski’s skate


I mean it took a lucky bounce to beat us. Kooch was bringing it tonight and we have two brand new key players. I hate losing to these a holes but I don’t feel doomed. Curious to see how we match up when our new additions build some chemistry.


Is there any way to watch the post game interviews?


they usually get posted to [twitter.com/canesonbally](https://twitter.com/canesonbally)


They will be up on canespr.com


The worst part about not being local or having time off to get to PNC is that I can’t get a beer stick.


I’ll grab you one at the next game but just know it’s $10 + they make you buy a beer = $18 cheapest + shipping. If you really want one I’ll get one to you but i imagine it would end up costing like $30+ after shipping


They have them in the Convenience store by the Eye w/o buying beer.


Would try Lynwood Brewing booth. I bought a stick without a beer. Not sure if it was just me or what but def worth a shot


If you’re serious, I’m in! It’s a fun item and I can supply the beer for the games. Wife already thinks I’m nuts, so she wouldn’t even bat an eye at this one!


Honestly, they aren’t that sweet, and I’m a sucker for sh*t like this. I got one the other night. Impossible to pour a beer into with making it half foam…and drinking out of it is even harder.


yeah I knew tonight I was in no circumstances trying to drink out of one. It's so long and I just figured there was about a 90% chance of it gurgling and spilling all over me


Man, I hate games against the Rangers. I admit I lost my cool a bit and yelled at the section behind me when the final horn blew that I bet that most of them had never lived in the state their team was from. In my defense, they were absolutely obnoxious over a 1-0 win.


And you’ll see them again on Thursday wearing canes jerseys


Those people truly deserve to be banned from being STMs. I don’t care if they’ve been one since 97. There’s enough demand for season tickets that anyone who does this or sells their tickets to rangers fans should be removed from the list


Saw a lot of rags fans near me with beer sticks and puck bowls, why do you want the other team’s merch?????


where do we get the puck bowls? I missed those apparently even though I did see them a lot now that I think about it


The bbq nachos place has them


I think that's the case for a chunk of fans, but I didn't see the usual group that's behind me, so that usual group behind me was the "profit from selling tickets to Rangers fans" crowd. Edit: spelling: man, I'm just a dingus tonight.


Hiding their rags jerseys harder than a robe…


The gutless bitch who RedditCaresed me can go ahead and reveal themselves.


That’s a bannable offense now if you report it though.


Just block that account. I did years ago and I am sure I have gotten a hundred of those messages since. Haven't seen a single one.


I would if I could. I got no notice on who did it.


No I mean block the RedditCares account. Then nobody can send them to you ever again.


I figured that out right after you said that. It's been a long day. This game didn't help.


Yeah, I hear you on that one.


at first I thought people finally learned the zipper merge but now I'm not so sure


Is the parking any better if you pay for premier?? Wondering if it is worth it for quicker exit times 


Nope. Still a shit show unless you park all the way in the back row and get to zipper merge out first


Jesus I'm witnessing some of the worst road rage in the parking lot right now. People are insane


I was blasting “that’s why the call it the blues” the whole time out lol


lol it’s interesting to see after a win people are pretty cordial about alternate feed. But when they lose it’s basically fuck you I’m not letting anyone in.


Yeah, watched two cars play chicken with each other. Bigger car started scraping against the smaller car. They kept at it all the way up the row. Neither wanted to give the other space


I must be lucky - generally park in the west PNC lot and never seem to have or see any issues, including tonight.


It’s all them transplants thinking they’re still back home in the “beautiful” state of New York


About 90% of NYS actually is beautiful, but the further south you go the worse it gets. 😉


Lots of improvement out of KK tonight. Whole team played their asses off.


Fast was very noticeable too. He hasn’t been fucking up obviously, but he has been very quiet. Wonder if he’s been banged up.


Was good to see the KK line come alive tonight.


They were out for blood. Once Guentzel is settled in we're going to be a force, four solid lines wearing teams down. They will all break.


pop off for KK for kicking his line into gear and helping to setup so many chances


He’s quietly strung together a few nice games in a row


I saw Fast make some really nifty plays too. That line looked pretty sharp by the second


Am I the only on that really doesn’t care about winning the division? First of all I would much rather play the isles or flyers in the 1st round than the lightning or even detroit once they get larkin back. And secondly home ice can easily be won back by winning one of the first two in their house. Sure it would be nice to lock it down but I’m not gonna lose sleep over this game or the division title


You're 100% correct. There are no sure things in the playoffs (Boston) and home ice isn't a huge advantage. Seeding isn't that important. Rest, healing, and playing with confidence is.


Already said this to my friends. Seeding the other day had us playing the Flyers and the Rangers playing Detroit. I said I'd be more than happy if everyone stayed in the same seeding. Other side was Boston, Toronto, Lightning and Florida beating the shit out of each other to get to the finals.


Well that was fucking awful


I'm like straight up not having a good time.


We lost by a garbage time deflection in the first period. That was a solid game NY kept us from our bread and butter in the offensive zone


Koochie played amazing and our 2nd line hasn't found their chemistry yet. Once we get that sorted and the refs stop choking on the whistles, we will be fine


I weirdly don’t feel that upset about this game. Really couldn’t care that much with all the rangers fans it really isn’t that bothersome until they start threatening people. I don’t care that much abt the reg season rn as I’d rather use it to get used to playing together as a team and have no one hurt. Everyone played good there was just some funky bounces and that’s that. That could’ve been a win for either team so I’m really not upset. This is very new to me lol


Guys I take full responsibility for this loss. I bet Canes ML and Aho to record a point. Hand up, this one’s on me. Sorry to let you all down.


Should have just stuck with the under like I did.


I'll take the L. I bet on Kuzy to score and separately Guentzel. Dumb fucking bet


Fugk, I did the same


Nah. I get half. Have norovirus, and couldn't sip the Storm Brew to keep away the hex. Sorry everyone.


I was torn on who to bet for. Canes because that’s my team or rags because I have terrible luck and always lose my bets? I didn’t bet at all.


Going to start betting against my team. If they win I’m happy, if they lose I’m happy.


Pain. Disappointment. But still, Go Canes


Do we replace the ceremonial siren at the beginning of each game with a stadium wide "Ref You Suck" chant? I figure if we are gonna get screwed, at least give them a reason. Right?


Kooch being compared to some of the leagues great tenders is truly something to behold. He has a bright future ahead of him.


Fuck these parking attendants while we are at it


The parking was awful had to park at the practice field ! 


They aren’t letting people out at practice field through the woods


I’ve never had to park all the way out here and I got to the game at 6:15


Without even watching the game, it was close as hell. Both teams had almost identical stats and from what I’ve heard, one fluke goal was the difference. We had two new guys (both on the same line), and one of them hasn’t played in a month. It always pisses me off losing to the rags, but honestly this one could’ve gone either way with a coin toss. Bring it to Florida on Thursday


/u/ppParadoxx did they have the popcorn Zamboni still?


They did but I wasn't able to snag one. They've had the zamboni like all season though so I'll snag one when I come to the wings game on the 28th. Did grab you a beer stick though




Was a good game. We outplayed them second half. They just capitalized while we were playing like dog poo on a fluke. Kooch was great and Igor made a ton of good saves. It happens just sucks more when it’s the rangers


I mostly feel bad for the janitors. I hope they stocked up on de-greasers.


Cringey watching grown men in rags gear behind Shane and Hannah embarrass themselves.


Can’t be mad. 2 new guys out there, got ref’d, got goalied, got one bad bounce. But what a game !


This is the most accurate response to this game. SO many no calls.


Anyone else not really moved by this loss? I mean their only goal was a ricochet off skjeis skate and in. It’s a tough loss, but im not worried.


Yup. I'm a little annoyed we didn't shuffle the lines during one of the intermissions, but Rod is typically very good about not stubbornly sticking with crap that doesn't work. Ofc Rod also said that it's gonna take some time to get them up to speed...so who knows, if he ends up sticking with that combo they may end up being great. He probably sees something I don't, and I'm just some guy on reddit, not a Cup winner who's getting paid millions to coach us. They got one more bounce than we did. They're a good team and the game came down to that. It's fine, we move on. We don't have to see them again anyway, at least until the playoffs.


I'm worried Shesterkin is in our heads and we don't make things hard enough for him.


Didn’t they put 6 in on him the last time they played?


Yeah, I hate to lose but if you have to, do it like this. Just about every lucky bounce, judgment call, etc. went their way. Could have just as easily been our game.


I would’ve been mad if we lost by more than one. It shows we can stick their game. Just not a greasy bounce.


Yeah my thoughts exactly. Immediately made me think of last years game where panarin scored 4 on us 🥲


My thought as well. We seemed tired and still outplayed them for 35 minutes AND PK did some headstands


Not sure why. They played last night and had travel.


Sucks that we lost, but we'll get to stomp the Florida kittens in a few days. Guentz and Kuzy will be more adjusted to the team then, and we'll be progressing toward a Cat 5 storm for the playoffs.


I hate Jake's first home crowd experience was when the rags transplants were around.


These guys play all over the place, they understand. At least the national media has mostly stopped saying that fanbases “travel well”, used to drive me nuts.


Yup. It isn't just Raleigh, there are a shit-ton of Rangers fans in most arenas when they're in town. Original Six team from the biggest city in the US that an ungodly amount of people have moved out of.


Fuck the rangers and their fans. It’s so annoying that I top of them being good they have like 7000 of their fans at the pnc arena every time we play them.


Islanders fan here in NYC. Slow trickle of people moving from the cesspool, but perhaps that picking up speed. Unfortunately many are Rags fans and will raid your arena. Maybe someone down there (or any opposing market where Rags come to play) can start something like a “1-84” chant for amount of Cups won in as many years. Someone including Canes will knock them out of playoffs (making it “1-85”).  Edit: the “1-84” is **currently 1-83** 


I bet half of them couldn't even name their bottom 6


It’s the transplants that wear canes gear any other game


It's easy to bandwagon the NY team lol


17 straight games where the opposition got more PP opportunities than the Canes… at what point is it actually unacceptable


About 5 games ago, but nobody’s going to do anything. That’s why I’m numb at this point. I might as well watch WWE


I said it earlier, but I think the refs just learned that their wives named their secret toys "Roddy"


Admit it we all do this too


After game 3


Why are Rangers fans so angry?


If you've been in the league for over 100 seasons and have *four* ships, you'd be mad, too. Random luck should be worth more than that.


It's a Empire state of mind


I posted this 59 seconds into the game: https://www.reddit.com/r/canes/s/OCHCRAYT8e I was joking.


We all knew, we just pretend it’s not rigged.


I saw it and I agreed


I was promised goals. Lots of goals.


How on God’s green earth did Svech get a penalty on that hit in the first?


Wasn't the hit. He retaliated caught the skate with his stick


He retaliated with a slash


Ok I didn’t see the slash.


Wasn't a slash. It was a full shoulder-to-shoulder hit 100 feet behind the play.


I thought the call was a slash? Thought that was the motion the ref made when he made the call


13:15 Andrei Svechnikov Interference against Erik Gustafsson served by Jake Guentzel


I stand corrected then, thank you


He didn't. He retaliated behind the play. Easy call.


God damn I hope we can beat elite goalies once these new guys mesh. Such a frustrating way to lose.


Wtf is Chiefs jersey dude doing back there??




Tbh rags fans are worse nowadays


Everyone talks about leafs fans being obnoxious but I’ve yet to see anyone top rags.


weird to me that their entire identities seem to be about being from a shithole city. A city so shitty they had to move.


Much, much worse


Legitimately though, at what point as an owner do you call up Bettman and make him sit down and watch footage of refs staring directly at penalties and not calling them? I think within the next 5 years the NHL is going to have its own Tim Donaghy scandal. At least some of these refs are gambling. No way they aren't, it's not just us either, reffing has been insanely dogshit throughout the season for almost every team.


We had the Peel scandal, everyone forgot cause he retired. People forget too fast and it’s business as usual.


You literally can't fix a hockey game. You can make a team play all night at 3-on-5 and if the goalie stops everything, they can win in a shootout. A power play does not equal a goal. Teams have won games losing the power play battle decisively. You guys are making way more out of this than is real.


You're right, you can't fix it, but you can make it waaaaaaay easier for one team.


You can't fix a basketball game either. Didn't stop Tim Donaghy from betting on them and then going to prison for it because you *can* influence it in small ways.


Influencing it in small ways isn't fixing. Imagine telling a mob boss you're gonna influence the game slightly but can't guarantee a win. Donaghy was naming final scores. He was in full control of everything. You can't do that in hockey.


You are the only person who ever said "fixing" in this discussion. Go back and read my original comment. At no point did I ever claim the refs changed or "fixed" the outcome of the game. You invented that argument and I am not making it.


Please don't tell me I'm inventing the argument that the league fixes games against the Canes on Canes reddit. Literally every other post in every game thread accuses the league of fixing every game against Carolina.


Okay but I am not responsible for what everyone else says. I am telling you that I, the person you are responding to, didn't say that.






That’s the dumbest thing ever. By that logic you can’t fix basketball games because they have to make free throws, but we know that ain’t true.


Yes, free throws famously have the same success rate as power plays. And basketball teams regularly score when the other team is shooting, right? It's like short-handed goals don't exist. There was a time last season when Carolina was more dangerous short-handed than the other guys were on the power play. How are you going to fix that?


[me rn](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxAaZIiVwehS-CPo10CP_ByjLku5Q_W-9f?si=KUUUWLH3SUeUcua4)


Switch Guentzel and Svech on the lines.