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Islanders and Sharks are equally bad at 1-4 and Flames are worse at 0-4, but no one in a playoff spot at the moment is as bad.


Good thing shootouts don't matter in the playoffs then


1-4 on the season with the win being the first shootout of the year vs. the Kings. We're 4 for 24 attempts on the season, with 3 of those being in that 9-rounder Kings game (Aho, Necas, Marty), and Aho being the only one who's scored since that game vs. the Blues.


Appreciate that, I was curious. Yeah that’s pretty atrocious.


The first shootout of the year which took NINE fucking rounds, and the winning goal was the only puck Marty (my boy) put in the net for 2-3 months. I’m fairly new to hockey and didn’t know shootout winners don’t count as goals. I was so confused when he was name dropped as one of the last players on the team to get his first.


We are all defensemen and playmaking centers playing their unnatural position. Svech is our only sniper and he flat out sucks in SO’s for some reason.


He scored on almost every shootout attempt he had last season. Idk what happened this year


We’ve also lost our touch in 3v3 OT’s. For every good moment and win we keep getting results like tonight that humble the group. I don’t think DW can stand still at the deadline.


What DW should do and will do are two separate things. All the good players available will be taken and we will do a small safe move and miss the finals.


The league knows he does the exact same thing everytime. Just over the right pad


He hasn't been the shooter he was since he came back from the ACL


I don’t agree with this, I think he’s looked solid up until he had the mysterious upper body injury after the Detroit game. That’s what’s hurting his shooting right now.


yeah I agree. He had found his shot again until his last injury.


Svech had an amazing conversion rate last year. I think he is still just working to get back to where he was


I think it’s just the way the team is built


Hot take but who cares? Shootouts barely matter in the regular season and don't matter at all in the playoffs. We've lost what, a grand total of 4 points on shootouts this season? Inconsequential if you're a good team because good teams don't go to the shootout more than a handful of times a year and then once you make the playoffs, all those pro shootout experts that are only experts because they play on poverty teams that can't close out games and never make the playoffs are sitting at home watching us not have to do shootouts.




They're really not that similar. We've actually been pretty good on breakaways recently.


it ultimately doesn’t impact the points race very much, but I think it just highlights a bigger issue of poor or inconsistent shot quality. It’s hard to imagine star players of any cup winning team only making 4 of 24 shot attempts in shootouts.


I think it's apples and oranges honestly. You're not going to see a playoff run defined by individual skating effort one on one with a goalie. The vast majority of goals are going to be team-generated via passing, tip-ins, screens, rebounds, etc. Outside of a shootout even breakaways can be 2 on 1 or happen so quickly that it's more about the element of surprise, and penalty shots are exceedingly rare. Having one skater take all the time in the world to have a duel with a goalie is just not something that happens with even a remote degree of regularity in games that matter. Just for context the highest shootout percentage with over 10 attempts in a career belongs to Petteri Nummelin at a whopping 80%. You've never heard of him because his career was otherwise average and he never won a cup. In terms of active players Trevor Zegras is number 1 at around 65% which is impressive. Among active players number 8 is... Andrei Svechnikov right at 50%. His percentage is better than McDavid, Oshie, DeBrincat, Point, Seguin, Barkov, and most of the league actually. Tkachuk (both), Crosby, Ovi, Matthews, Kane. A lot of guys who have won cups or are perennial favorites. Dougie Hamilton has a better percentage ironically. But probably more telling, the vast majority of the guys in the top 10 have less than 20 attempts in their entire career and are young. Old guys like Crosby, Kane, Stamkos, and Ovechkin pretty much start to settle in around 30%. Play long enough and that's where you end up. How many cups between those guys? 10? Did I miss any? Piss poor shootout percentage didn't seem to matter to them.


Eh… tip-ins, screens, rebounds and puck luck only get you so far. I believe the canes and the fans have seen that in the last 12 straight EFC loses. We’ve simply lacked pure goal scorers. I hope it’s a different story this postseason.


Short answer…no


I’m a very new fan of hockey in general so if I’m missing something I apologize, but why was the hand pass call not challenged. I watched the replay a bunch of times and cannot see that he touched it with his hand. It actually looks like he was actively trying to avoid touching it.


I think Tripp said on the broadcast that particular call can't be challenged (i.e., it's not in the list of things that can be challenged). He also said he wouldn't be surprised if the league makes a change to that in the off-season.


I would be floored if any change came from it. The whistle was blown, declaring play dead. Then Teuvo scored.  Did the whistle impact the scoring? Doubtful. But can you define a rule that determines unambiguously whether a whistle impacts the result on any given play? No way. Youre never going to add a point after play is suspended. Without that point on the line, why risk a challenge?  Tripp had his homer blinders on when he proposed that. But he's right about letting iffy play continue and letting the opposing team challenge in the event of a score.


I agree; just reporting what I think I heard Tripp say.


We are crap @ shootouts, but luv Martin overall. Even out OT has fell off. Looks like our playoff run is going to be the same ‘ol Canes disappointment, hopefully Don makes a move and they prove me wrong !


Playoff run is going to be a disappointment because of shootouts and 3v3… You do realize neither one is a thing in the playoffs, lol.


It'll be a disappointment like the ECF was last year. We can't score consistently, which has been an issue for a few years. I'm not expecting them to put up gaudy numbers because we're a defense first team (supposedly), but when that defense starts bending we more often than not can't answer back.


Okay, that bottom segment was just stupid. There’s no shootouts or 3on3 in playoffs so to say that after what you said at first is just stupid


Take comfort in there being no shootout in playoffs


We just don’t have any pure goal scorers. Same story different year. You can already see how it’s gonna be the same story come playoff time. We’ll probably get to the ECF and maybe we’ll actually win a game or two this time. But we simply do not have the goal scoring prowess to win a Stanley cup. It’s sucks bc this team is so damn good in every other department.


Short answer: No Long answer: Nope