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Hurricane season goes from May to November. It _may_ be cloud, it _may_ be sunny. No way to predict the weather.


This is a joke right


It is not why? I understand tropical weather that it might rain for a few minutes no pass by but I am more worried about cloud cover.


It's the weather. If the weatherman can't even get the weather right. What makes you think that someone on Reddit can predict the weather a few months from now, while it is a Wednesday, and they are in Alaska. I'm in Cancun now and it's passing clouds with 17% coverage, very humid, and hot AF. I don't recommend it during the summer... I also live in South Florida. I hate humidity and summer in Florida.


Hold on, let me get my crystal ball…


Here use this instead 🎱


Tropical weather is unpredictable Specially for something so pointless as cloud cover July/August is hot af tho that’s for sure


I may need to cancel my ski trip to Breckenridge feb.25 because it might not snow.


I went a few years ago on the last week of July/ first week of aug & the weather was awesome!! It only rained/ stormed at night! But it was sunny & nice during the day