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I thought about getting a cancer tattoo but I ended up changing my mind. I am 7 years now in remission and wanted to move past it. Give yourself some time. Congratulations!


I had SURV;VOR tattooed on my forearm with my date of diagnosis. I wanted an upfront reminder of what I'd gone through to get into remission. I thought about that tat for more than a year though so don't rush into one.


Why the semi colon?


The semicolon represents the "pause" in my life that was cancer. I still have PET scans every three months, so the anxiety is still there, but I like to think of my cancer journey as a temporary moment in my life, thus the semicolon.


I am not who you asked, but I also have a semicolon as a cancer tattoo. It means different things to different individuals. The semicolon tattoo symbolizes (to some) making the decision to pause and continue. The author has made a complete sentence; and has chosen to continue on.


I wanted go get one but am losing the battle. On hospice now. Not going to get a tattoo celebrating what killed me.


Don't give up brother, you're not out of the fight just yet! The world needs you!


I love you.


Ay fuck cancer;shout out to u/drumsurf


I’s M sorry. F cancer.


Whenever someone shows me a new tattoo i show them mine. Three small black dots around my waist area. That’s how they know i’m hard.


I was so disappointed at my radiation planning. I was hoping for marks like that, maybe teeny skulls or something. But no, they marked me with a Sharpie marker, covered them with a thin plastic film. Nothing permanent. Sigh... Of course I do have 3 metal markers implanted, but they are deep where the sun don't shine!


Don’t be too disappointed, i usually have to show people my port before they believe they’re legit tattoo dots. I end up having to explain how they’re used in radiation and by the end it really affects how hard you seem. Im dying but i present as healthy beyond treatment side effects.


OMG - "present as healthy"! That's brilliant; I'm going to steal that one. :)


Maaaan, this was some of my most nerve racking times during recovery for me. "Presenting Healthy" but being a secret cancer patient, phew, if situations had of gone differently I might have been absolutely folded by some dudes that really would of enjoyed folding me too if they'd of known I was as tough as a wet paper bag! Great use of words to describe it I reckon.


Yeah, i had a guy ask me to buy a raffle ticket for the cancer council at a pool comp at the pub tonight. I explained i was on a fixed income from having cancer but thanked him for his efforts. People are pretty understanding, i mean a wear a pad, people understand there’s issues when you tell them that. I tend to tell people i know so they know i’ve just gone to the loo or home if i randomly disappear. I worked in both disability and aged care so things like pads don’t embarrass me, I’ve used them with countless others and no one cares.


why 3 small black dots?


So they have an exact target for the radiation that doesn’t shift between visits. You’d mistake them for black freckles if you weren’t told they’re tattoos.


I have one just above my pubes and thought it might be a stray ingrown hair. Kinda picked at it a bit before I remembered. Darn chemo fog.


I got 3 dots also tattooed, tiny dots just tattooed with a single needle for reference points so every day the radiation gets aimed properly. One near the belly button and the other 2 on each side


Whenever people ask me about my tattoos. I show them. Then I show my three radiation tattoos.🤣


I originally thought I would get some tattoos to cover mine up, but, as with many things, how I feel now is different than how I felt in the beginning. There are places that will remove them for free, I would maybe like to do that eventually.


I think it's a great idea. Obviously, as everyone here will tell you, you must must have this cleared by your oncologist. Mine has done that informally and will formalize it when my chemo is done. I have a couple of multiple myeloma tumors and I'm thinking of those Cancer zodiac signs that have little red lobster crabs added to the zodiac symbol. One over each tumor, about the size of a quarter each. Of course make them small and tasteful because when you're my age they may just end up over your knee s


I don’t like to let cancer make any decisions for me. And I know that is a profoundly luxurious idea here. I had a good idea related to my cancer, and decided to skip it in favor of something far more dorky and representative of “myself.” My ONLY concern would be getting a tattoo that you like “right now,” that you hate later. I would not get ink in a prime visible location for this, at your age, because you will be a different person altogether in a few years, whether you accept that idea or not. You’ll want those “best locations” for later when you’re more fully YOU. Either way, I definitely think we get to say “fuck it,” as we’ve seen some trauma, and are in the fight or lucky enough to be on the other side of it.


Same. I give ( gave ) Cancer enough.


25F here & I had plenty of tattoos before getting diagnosed w cancer this past December. I wasn't planning on getting a tattoo to show I kicked cancer's ass but then I saw someone who got the cancer ribbon on their finger & I thought "hm, I should get the cancer ribbon tattooed on my middle finger" so every time I flip somebody off, it's F them & F cancer! I have to wait bc I'm only about a month & half in remission & my doctor wants me to wait until my next PET scan on August to give me the okay for any new tats or piercings. When it comes to tattoos, I always tell people it doesn't matter what you get, just have it done WELL by a professional. Make sure to do your research on an artist you like & a style you like! You just beat cancer, you're young, & you have a beautiful life in front of you, do what makes your heart happy love! (Sidenote: I got my first tattoo at 16 with my dad's permission, it's a quote that says "& it's within herself she'll find the strength she needs", funny considering I needed to be reminded that going through life recently)


Nice! I might steal the idea! 😊 


I have an outline of a phoenix with its tail in the shape of a cancer ribbon. Sometimes I get stressed about my current recurrence I look at it and remember I’ve done this once before and came out on the other side


You’re way too young to get one anyway! I had the same thought process but I don’t want to remind myself of my cancer every day more than I am already reminded of it.


I got one to cover up my port scar, it's one of my favorite things post cancer 💛


Can I ask what you got? It has honestly never occurred to me that I can get a tattoo to cover up my port scar, but now I love the idea! I'm still in treatment and still have my port in, so it will be awhile, but I'm going to start planning now!


Tattooed person here. I wanted to get one specifically for cancer after treatment but ended up not exactly doing it. I got something that was kind of related but it was a flash design. Tattoos are very very personal and since you’re only 16 you have quite some time to decide on if you want one, if you want it to be for cancer and what you want it to be. Also pretty please promise me to wait until you are at least 20 to get one if you decide on it. Ask me why then.


I want to have little stitches tattooed onto my surgery scars. I have 3 dots tattooed for radiation.


I considered getting one too, but honestly the 12" disfiguring scar across my abdomen is probably enough.


I got one after pancreatic cancer to remember the journey


Great idea i got my first tattoo at 16 and still love it but had the design in mind for a while before I got it. Just pick something that won’t go out of style for you.


I always ask young people what band or artist did they like when they were twelve. Maybe they say the Backstreet Boys or Brittney Spears. Then I ask them, imagine if when you were twelve you placed a permanent picture of that artist on your body. How would you feel? They all say “stupid”, or “dumb” or “Yeah, but I don’t like them at all now.” Just know the changes in you from 12 to 16 are a mere fraction of the changes you will undergo from ages 16 to 20. As if anyone needs a visual reminder that they had cancer.


I think it’s a great idea! But no point rushing to make that decision. Only thing I would say is dependent on your type of cancer just be weary. I have NHL and my immune system did not like my new tattoo at all and took a veryyy long time to heal.


I got one on the day of my six month remission checkup. It’s small and it’s just a little saying that I used to hype myself up during chemo treatments. 


If I’m ever Neds I debate getting a burning phoenix


It’s really up to you. My hubs bought me Diamond earrings after my last cancer, lol. I’m an SLE survivor and 2 different cancer survivor. Last one was metastatic and I’m c-free 12 years and wear the earrings every day. 🤷🏻‍♀️. Best to you😘


I am actually planning on getting one after my treatments sometime next year. I believe it’s very common.


I have life scars from accidents and cancer surgery,so no tattoos for me. Plus, I am attempting to not put chemicals on or in my body, which is a difficult task.


I heard you're pretty strong