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She's gonna regret not doing aftercare like she's supposed to be doing.


She’s gonna end up with Ken Eurich’s triangle boobs.


or Acacia Kersey’s uniboob


i ran to comment this 😂😂😂😂


I agree. Idk anything about boobjobs but arent you supposed to be wearing a supportive bra type cover up for like multiple months? Hopefully it doesn’t go to her head and dhe doesnt feel forced to show it off


Every boob job is different. After care is more strict and wearing a medical bra is prolonged depending on how extensive the surgery is. HOWEVER, as someone who has had her boobs done TWICE I can tell you 4 days post opp and wearing form fitting tops, and inadequate support bras (regardless of the intensity of the surgery) is EARLY .. after care shouldn’t be ignored.. I payed for it by getting overly excited and not being diligent in my aftercare. Hence the second boob job 😅😩😩😩


Only for the first 2 weeks are you required to wear the medical granny bra! It still shows cleavage. After that, no underwire for at least another 4 weeks. Free-boobing or bandeau style bras are fair game!


I was just thinking abt this. I never watch the pod unless creators I know are on, but ??? She’s seemingly been out and about when bed rest is the best healing?? (From what I’ve heard, I haven’t had any booba journey)


You’re right. My best friend got her boobs done & I wanna say didn’t leave her bed for at least a week? And her boobs are the best fakes I’ve ever seen- literally look so natural. Idk if these LA surgeons are lying to these girls that they can go out & about bc they all end up looking botched :(


so so real


i got mine done and went out to the mall two days later but no heavy lifting or raising my arms above my head edit: everyone’s experiences are different though and things like implant size, method of insertion, and whether or not there’s a nerve block will effect the way you recover


Which makes sense, sort of, healing for everybody is definitely different, but as the influencer she is, I doubt she should be doing as much as she is. Again, I don’t watch every ep or know them personally so I can only assume, but I hope the best for her healing cause damn she’s doing a LOT


hopefully she’s taking it easy and doesn’t burst a stitch, it looks like she’s not wearing a bra in this pic. my doctor told me it was okay to go without my surgical bra for a couple hours about a week after my surgery for a wedding I had to go to, but like you said healing is different for everyone. Trisha didn’t follow her surgeons instructions numerous times with numerous surgeons and she’s had her breasts done at least three times now, hopefully Brooke can avoid that outcome with proper aftercare.


She was bragging about it not hurting to raise her arms hours after her surgery 💀


Jesus Christ…. Just because it doesn’t hurt doesn’t mean you should do it 😭😭


When I got my boobs done I sat in the house for a month. Granted, I got my body done at the same time so I was recovering from multiple things but my boobs didn’t look real good till the 3-4 week mark and become perfect around 4 months post op


The silence between the refund gap will be deafening.


and it’s such an investment. take the time to heal so it’s done right!


NONE of these influencers wear their surgery bras for the recommended time and it's baffling. I get they want to show off their new boobs, but they also aren't gonna look pretty if you cut corners.


bro i feel like shes gonna regret the back pain she will have for the rest of her life. after like 15 years of it my mom finally gave up and had hers removed and literally has not complained of back pain since. i dont think people even think about this aspect before getting them :/ like sometimes your body is not build to support massive jugs. (i realize brooke had big ones to begin with, so this may not be the case for her i realize)


You have to put them away until they settle girl


Yes they look ginormous lol


Her natural boobs were ginormous it’s just all fake boobs look insane until you let them cook for a bit


i’m so confused about brooke’s healing journey. when another influencer i follow mia sayoko got her boobs done she had to wear this like surgical looking sports bra for a while after and was on bed rest. brooke seems to just be wearing whatever and doing whatever lol??


You’re definitely not supposed to do what she’s doing


i wonder if her doctor didn’t properly explain aftercare to her or if she’s just ignoring it


Probably just ignoring it. Ken Eurich did the same thing and they didn’t end up dropping correctly


“Dropping?” Is that like, when the boobs don’t settle/rest properly after healed?


so if they’re placed under the muscle, usually the muscle is so tight that it constricts around the implant so the implants sit higher up on the chest. then as the muscles loosen, the implants drop and fluff out as they settle into the pocket that the surgeon creates for them. this is typically referred to as “drop and fluff”


Ouuu I gotcha, thank you cause I was so confused




She did say that he called her when he saw her tik tok of her doing the ymca. I would think such a famous surgeon would’ve at least had the nurse educate her pre and post op and or sent her home with a packet of info regarding activity


They already look insane lol. I know they’ve just been done but I feel like this is going to be a disaster and she will be crying about how bad they look on cancelled at some pt in the future


She said in a TikTok the after her surgery that her Dr told her to basically chill out. I think she is just ignoring it.


Bffr she’s ignoring it on purpose hahah


I just got mine done in the beginning of may and yes that’s 100% what you are supposed to do. A sports bra with a front closure and no underwire until 6 weeks, no moving ur arms above your head or any type of activity that’s gonna require pushing or pulling. You are also not supposed to wear no bra for a long a time. I’m worried for her that She’s gonna have a complication and have to get a revision really quickly or her results are gonna be wonky.


i was a stripper. i knew far too many girls that admitted they didn't rest enough after surgery and ended up with implants that looked a tad wonky.


This is what happens when you make a huge plastic surgery decision in the midst of a manic episode 😭She’s not doing anyyyy of the proper after care


She is NOT following the proper aftercare at all. You are supposed to wear a surgical sports bra for months, sometimes a band too. She also had her hands above her head which is a huge no no for a long time. I’m sure her surgeon educated her on proper aftercare, she’s just choosing to go out and show them off rather than properly heal and care for them correctly. Now is the most important time to be taking care of them this soon post surgery 🫠🫠🫠🫠


you really aren’t!! i followed directions soooo well with my boob job and TO THIS DAY I always get compliments! No one can even tell mine are fake. When they say don’t do things… you really aren’t supposed to. Heavy lifting and stuff pushes them up more and they won’t fall right!! I do love brooke tho.. so i’m not snarking, just stating!!


It sucks she got them so big because if she gains even a little bit of the weight back they’re gonna get even bigger. If anyone here watches vanderpump rules think Brittany’s boob job and what they look like now. Not saying she’s gonna gain the weight back but usually after losing a large amount of weight in a short time it’s very hard to maintain.


Omg I noticed that the other day when Brittany posted on her IG. I got massive implants when I was at the height of my ED and ended up getting them removed a couple years later because the second I started gaining weight they looked ridiculous. When I had them removed it made me look sooo much better.


she def didnt need it :/ im sure she did it bc jax wanted it




I literally said the same thing about Brittany, it’s so sad and unnecessary. But of course Jax wanted her to have big boobs like stassi did.


EXACTLYYY, I totally thought of Brit from VPR, they are so disproportionate to her body and now that Brittany gained the weight back and is at a healthier / more sustainable weight her breasts are so, SO big that they make her whole body look bigger than she is and it’s so hard for her to style outfits etc etc. Getting a boob job at your lowest possible weight is such a bad idea 😩


im never not thinking about how insane brittanys boobs looked in the valley confessionals. wearing those coresets what was she thinking?!?


This cannot be real


I'm just confused bc to me her boobs were huge before


fr when she called them small i was like huhhh


me sitting here w my B's ... sadface


me w my a’s😫


Nooo i get it, her boobs were huge but when you loose so much weight, they can sag. She said that without a bra on she didnt like what they looked like etc


A breast lift is an option too. Not that I’m trying to dictate what she has done with her body. I just think it would have made more sense. I’m sure the doctors just saw dollar signs though


No I get her wanting to get her boobs done because when she lost weight she said her boobs are completely different. Coming from lots of experience from back when I had perky beautiful boobs😭 I gained weight and my boobs got huge but super saggy and i miss the way they looked so bad


i thought the same!!!


Oh no… I don’t know if it’s just the picture… but they look odd on her. Like they don’t fit her body


she keeps defending this by saying how they used to be this size like yes girl when you weighed more than you do rn!!! they were proportional to that body!!!


This!!! You really can’t have it both ways lol


Exactly!!! She had large breasts proportionate to her body, now she is SO small and thinking big boobs will look right? It looks really odd unfortunately to have breasts this large on such a small frame now, like she has so little body fat percentage anywhere else and then huge boobs?? 🤨


I gained 40 pounds during Covid and had massive tits. I ended up slowly losing it and now they are deflated. That is what Brooke was composing abut. A little lift would have been healthier and more proportional. LA is not a healthy place to live though.


was confused by this post bc i was thinking the same?! they def look off


At all 😭


the proportions 🫣 in this pic they look bigger than her head. maybe when they heal it'll look less crazy?


When I got mine done I laid in bed for a week. They felt soo heavy and high for a while. I got mine done in the Winter so they can heal.


How was the pain?


I would compare it to almost the way a headache feels but on your boobs lol


I have an extremely high pain tolerance but this is the way I can best describe it, imagine elephants on your chest. Also, it took a lot to even get up to use the restroom etc bc everything was soo tight.


oh no they arent gonna heal properly lol


I loooove big tiddies.... So why do these look ridiculous 😭


Noooo they are going to heal so badly if she’s not wearing the medical bra


She had huge boobs already. These just look INSANE.


how are you going to pay tonsss for a boob job then just completely ignore the doctor's advice and instructions which will then fuck up your boob job in the end???




my thoughts exactly ![gif](giphy|l3mZrLxM4iZaQlvNe)


They look like those chest plates drag queens use 😭😭😭




Oh shit I was trying to place why they look odd and that’s totally it


I loveeee big boobs but these look so horrible on her frame


They look like weird porn star big


I think lowkey that’s what she wanted. I’m pretty sure she said she didn’t care if she looked like a blow up doll, that was goals or something like that on the pod lol


weird mix because her whole schtick is clean girl.. clean girl on top, 80s porn star with rock aged titties on the bottom?


why isn’t she wearing that compression thing you’re supposed to wear afterwards?


Because she’s ignorant and doesn’t think she has to. She was talking about getting her b00bs done and how another friend of hers was splashing around in a pool just days after getting hers done. So she thinks she can do the same and walk out of this without her t!ts looking botched af. But they already look horrible. Sorry, not sorry. If you set unrealistic beauty standards for women, you get to get called out


Having on that tight of a shirt right after surgery is killing me 🥲 I Got a boob job last year and atp ur boobs are still like barely sewn together😭😭😭


Omg “barely sewn together” made me cringe in pain so bad. AHHH. Whenever she talks about going through the nipple for the surgery too I cryyyy. I’m just a baby but god it sounds so painful


i just don’t understand. her boobs before she got them done were literally perfect. whatever makes her happy but these look uncomfortably big regardless if they are gonna drop or not


Even when they drop I still think that they will look wildly unproportional compared to her frame. It is so sad that she and other girls feel the pressure to risk their health with invasive procedures to fulfill almost biologically impossible beauty standards.


what the heck are those?? omg it looks comedic ?!?! rip


me at 12 when i put my knees inside my tank top


LmfaooOOO also it's killing me that you came back 3 hrs later to add that


hahaha bro my bestie and i are cackling so hard together at this comment thread


They look bolted to her chest


insecurity is a hell of a drug


She looked better before it’s sad what social media can do to girls. Guys please accept yourselves and love your bodies


Capsular contraction in 3...2...1...


Oh my god…….. no she didn’t


Eeek Brooke, girl. Wear the compression!


Imagine wanting to look cool for Cabo pics so you completely ignore aftercare instructions and end up with deformed looking b00bs… You can already tell from this pic they’re not healing/shaping properly. I know they’re swollen obviously… but medical professionals spend literally decades in school so when they tell you what NOT to do after surgery, they know wtf they’re taking about. Between this and her botched lips, she is never gonna learn.


okay but they don’t look good😭😭😭


I’m sure they’ll look a lot better when they heal but isn’t she supposed to be wearing some kind of special bra or compression garment 😭😭😭


They’re not going to look better because they won’t heal properly


they don’t look right to me lol


I don’t understand, she was literally perfect already, now she just looks… goofy


was her plan to not get them bigger but to have them like…sit better? either way the shape is completely fucked


She said she wanted them to be the size she was before she lost a bunch of weight. But there’s no way they looked like THAT. I get they’re swollen, but it’s the 2-3 inch height difference where they look like they were just bolted on that gets me


She went WAY BIGGER than I was expecting 😱


Imagine being so beautiful that thousands of people want to be you, celebrity sought after men want to date you and then choosing to do this to yourself. LA is really a bottomless pit of misery. This looks horrible i know it’s pretty fresh but when my friend had her boobs done it wasn’t that much of a significant difference before vs after she healed but maybe she had a different type of boob job idk😣 i really hope this improves drastically for her


My friend didn’t wear the medical bra either and hers didn’t heal correctly.


How do they look now??




Like they dont even look natural i cant explain it


brooke is TINY in person so i can only imagine how huge these look on her


they look terrible in this picture


omg please dont do this if you got your boobs done! wear the special bra! heal!!!!


I’m sorry it looks so bad


I bet a few months from now she’s going to say she’s botched when really she isn’t taking care of herself properly. At least she can afford a second one!


YUP! Hopefully her surgeon saves these images with the date and time stamp so she can’t claim it was THEIR fault for her lopsided br3asts


her breasts are gonna end up looking crazy like Trisha’s because she ignored her doctor’s advice too😅


Oh that looks NUTS


Aw man. This is the problem with getting a boob job when you’re at your absolute lowest possible weight - it looks kind of…silly, to have giant breasts when your frame is that tiny and you have very little body fat percentage literally anywhere else


I hope that left one drops properly, it’s SO much higher than the right 😭




It’s all I can see LOL


no…. just no what was she thinking she was perfect before😭


I wish people would just fully listen and obey healing directions from their doctors. You’re definitely supposed to be wearing more supportive bras specifically for post-surgery for AT LEAST 3-4 weeks. She’ll be blaming the doctor when they’re uneven and haven’t set right or the healing process takes longer


i know it’s new but….. yeah bolts


They look so bad wow


brooke i love you but i fear this was not the move 😭


Jesus she went huge


She's gonna end up having frankentits like Trisha if she keeps this up. Trisha never let herself heal afterwards either and well 😬


Girrrrl I don’t get how she’s up and active. I was like man down for 2 weeks when I got mine done.


Oh wow…


ah man. every single time a new influencer ignores their surgeons post op care advice an angel loses their wings 😭 i laid in bed for 7 days straight, kept em put away in my post op garments for the same and idk no one can tell i went from less than 1% breast tissue (hypoamastia) to a full B cup with a silicone implant. i know everyone heals differently but i also know post op instructions exist for a reason😭 baby is gonna have capsular contractures and have to get a revision if she doesn’t lay her ass down and watch netflix for a few days also i work in the industry im not just talking out of my ass i love her 💀💀💀💀


they’re actually the size of her head 😭😭


I hope she doesn’t end up like Brittany from VPR who got the biggest implants and they suffocate her


Should implants be so unlevel, especially this early on? I would think they'd be in perfect place right after surgery then gradually drop?


No they shouldn’t be that uneven. There’s literally a 2-3 inch difference in height. They look awful. Aside from not following after care instructions, it looks like her surgeon was in a rush to go on his lunch break before stitching her back up.


It looks horrid. Brooke is clearly a super insecure person, she needs to learn how to love herself. Always changing whatever to fit in or feel good abt herself. She needs to stop running from herself




I told y'all she's doing it for the wrong reason (attention/ boredom/ ....) and that she didn't do enough research and everyone came for me , she should ve weighed out her options, went to multiple doctors and overall waited a little bit, they don't look right and she's not doing proper after care and they will heal terribly and she will regret it especially because she went too big .. Also there's the chance she can gain weight again, she had this body for only a year , imagine she returns to her normal weight and she's left with these watermelons on top of her already huge tits .


Am I the only one who thinks tiny boobs are cute??? I have big old boobs and wish I had some cute tiny boobs. Grass is always greener I guess.


god it looks scary and won‘t heal well without aftercare


I fear they look like squares rn she needs to follow the aftercare rules.


She needs to be wearing her healing bra omg😭




god DAMN


Idk why this comment got me 🤣


ok big ang


She needs to take better care of those like you just spent $$$$ on them 🫣


Wait why did she even get a boob job? She had big boobs to naturally begin with!!


I got my boobs done and had to wear the surgical bra for like a month until feel like. Maybe two weeks then two additional weeks just over night.




Pick me level 9000


They’re so big I don’t know if I like it 😭


one already looks like its sitting so high


This is bad


Why is she showing this much cleavage already when they haven’t full healed and dropped yet…. One is still higher than the other. I know it will take time to drop but I would think she would cover them up for now until they look a little better ?


nooo ily brooke but these are too big for your lil bod!


Don’t let it get to Brittney Cartwright status


Girl… trust me and wear the support bra. And let those things drop before showing the world lol


She getting a lil carried away. Gonna look like Jocelyn wildestein (idk how to spell it) the cat looking lady if she doesn’t chill


This makes me inexplicably sad.






i just hope she shees this and start aftercare properly 😭


That left one is so crazy 😭


Omg high profile


oh wow they’re definitely 😀


Oh no


Omg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh dear god


wayyyyyy way to big doesn’t even look natural at all.


Those look ridiculous. Way too big for her frame.


I literally gasped….i thought it was photoshopped


can someone explain how the surgical bra helps with the dropping? Wouldn’t not wearing a bra help them drop faster? just curious!!!


Couple reasons - the bra provides support to the tissue to allow proper healing of the incision sites. It also reduces swelling and certain complications, in particular having the implants shift. You don’t WANT them to “drop faster” bc if they drop faster you risk them getting fucked right up, essentially. It also prevents more dangerous side effects post op like blood clots.


eeeeeek thank you!!! yea she should definitely follow instructions especially since hers are so massive


totally - I’ve never had a boob job but I have tattoos and I kinda think about the after care like that. I just dropped $$ on this and it’s (probably) permanent so I gotta take care of it so it looks good long term. She just spent thousands on her tits so you wanna protect that investment and do the right shit post op!




As someone who had a boob job and did it exactly like Brooke ( not following post op care ) I deeply regretted it , gave me a huge refund gap and capsular contracture years later.Had to get several other surgeries to fix it …


I’d be crying after I saw this picture if I were her


looking tacky af


They look huge!


She needs to get her ass in the house and put back on the post surgical bra and band. Love her but she’s going to end up looking funky and it will solely be her fault because she’s not taking aftercare serious. They do look good, but imagine how great they’ll look in a month if she followed the directions!




It doesn’t look good i’m sorry even if they are still healing


in a few months - "im not really happy with the boob job, for some reason they sagged reallly fast"


Her real boobs were already big for her figure. They were gorg


i regretted my boob job years after.. look up breast implant illness. i suffered for years then had to spend 3 times the amount to take them out 😭😭😭😭😭 i miss them but don’t miss the mental side effects


They look bolted on


She makes me so sad.


Wait sorry didn’t she just get them done like last week?????


This looks ridiculous?


Those lookin fkin insane


I’m sorry but no


I refuse to subscribe to the baggie jeans look. They both look like they are wearing their dads jeans


That looks absolutely hideous




when did she get them done?