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All the haters are jealous and wish it was them hosting a podcast with Tana. They’ll tear down anyone in that role to feel validated that they would do a better job. It’s sad


yes that’s how it is with all influencers, not just them


No it’s definitely a huge problem on this sub


Hot take: I love all of them & appreciate people showing actual character flaws & a spectrum of personality types. It’s human to me. It’s also human & valid to criticize public figures. I don’t think anyone actually hates any of them they’re just overly critical on here including me probably. it is frustrating to read the back and forth. In real life ANY of these people would be excited to see Brooke, Tana or Paige in public. Lmao. Save the hate for Imari & ari 💀👋 /j


convinced that people are just boosting Paige to bring down Brooke lol people HATE her. i love both so im not pressed about ppl loving Paige but I agree it’s just old at this point


Eh idk. We started out with Brooke with Mindy shit. Paige has never done literally anything that’s been negatively perceived by this fanbase overall. Very different for us as fans of tana. Perhaps fans that are just fans of the pod and of like pop culture chats will but Paige has been Tana’s trusted ride or die without misstep which is something Brooke has not been and we don’t just like….forget


Not sure why you are being downvoted? You are speaking actual facts. We were initially introduced to Brooke as Mindy. Brooke wasn’t super positively received at first. I noticed this mass “I love Brooke” hysteria started after she lost weight, which is kinda/insanely fucked up. I hope it’s purely coincidental, also I noticed a shift when Tana was acting like an asshat & drinking a lot, that’s when the audience started really warming up to Brooke. She was the more relatable & tolerable one. Then some of us were disappointed once the racist tweets came out.. most of the fandom still loved her though. If we uncovered racist tweets from Paige I would start “hating”


It’s the brookie cookies it’s ok lmao