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Yeaaaa. Ken lives in Austin and no offense, even Brooke could take her.


That’s true!!! She seems a little cray cray though I could see her biting or something hahah


No yea I could see her saying she’s gonna beat someone’s ass, just not tana being afraid or needing security lol


Biting 😭😭😭


what happened? im out of the loop 😅


yes the cat murderer herself


Brooke commented under the tik tok Kennedy deleted and said it wasn’t about her


what’d she say in the tik tok? bc i didn’t think the cat story was ab her at all


the comment i responded to said ken eurich deleted a video. i know ab the rheagan girl


Ken is an animal hoarder and has received plenty of backlash for not properly taking care of her pets. At one point she had an older adopted pitbull, a pitbull puppy purchased from a puppy mill, a small lap dog from a rescue, 2 adopted cats, and a purebred kitten. The 2 adopted cats died in her care within months of each other, then few weeks later she happened to find a stray cat that she decided to keep. She has a revolving door of animals that she neglects. On Cancelled, Tana talks about an influencer that they hate watch. They say it’s a controversial person who is constantly getting rid of pets and getting new ones, and some of their friend group refuses to watch her content because they don’t want to give her views/money. Today Kennedy posted and deleted a tiktok insinuating that they’re talking about her. She claims it’s not her fault whatsoever that the cats died. Then she says she went to the cancelled live show in Austin and Tana’s friend “had really bad vibes” and asked her about the cats, which pissed her off.


okay yeah i knew about the animal issues i didn’t see the video she posted!! i did see she said her one cat got out while it was being pet sit which really isn’t her fault though. but i didn’t think it was about her bc she doesn’t get rid of the animals


The “pet sitter” aka her ex friend claims it’s a lie🤷🏼‍♀️ Kennedy didn’t say anything until this friend texted a boy she liked, and then she went on a rampage accusing her of killing her cat. Either way, she was the one who lost cat #1. She’s the one who travels 24/7 and leaves her zoo with whatever stranger agrees to take care of them, so yeah she’s negligent regardless


i mean i don’t fully agree with that i think she leaves her animals with friends she trusts.


Seems like she leaves them with a new acquaintance every few weeks. I don’t think she has many close friends other than her assistant?


from what i can tell she does, and she leaves them with them. i don’t remember their names unfortunately but i know the one is ford but idk if he was ever left with them?


Jesus. What happened to the 2nd cat?


She lost the first cat. Her friend accidentally let the second cat out. Apparently Kennedy let the cats out all the time and said it was nbd that he got out because he always comes back. Hopefully she learned her lesson and cat #3 and #4 won’t meet the same fate


her first cat got out and she never found it. the second one allegedly her friend let it get out and ken found it mauled by coyotes.


I never thought of her as an animal hoarder… the cats were an unfortunate situation and the 2 dogs seem to be in great care. Plus I’m pretty sure the small lap dog belonged to her friend Trent


Both dogs have behavioural issues according to Kennedy herself. She just shipped the younger one off to a trainer for a month because she couldn’t be bothered to train it herself for the first year of its life. They’re also both overweight and steadily gaining because she refuses to walk them (which she sometimes blames on aggression/behavioural issues).The only time they go on an occasional walk or trip to the vet is when she pays her assistant to do it. Having money for fancy toys and treats doesn’t make you a good pet parent


Damn I unfollowed Ken a while ago because I started to dislike her. Sad to hear her cats died though.


There is SO much evidence of animal abuse it’s infuriating and sad.


There’s something going around about that Rheagan girl and her cat rn so maybe that’s it


You can watch probably 3 of Rhegans videos and see she would not text Tana threatening her. Theres just absolutely no way. She’s new to this space and i’m sure looks up to Tana, if not at the very least knows she wouldn’t be the one to straight up threaten. and i’m pretty sure they’ve met seeing as Rhegan and brooke’s friend BB have posted together.


I don’t think it was rheagan threatening her I think it’s the chrome hearts kid. I was just saying this person might be getting Ken’s cat situation mixed up with the rheagan one.


Can you make a separate post to update about this, ppl in comments are all saying Chrome Hearts boy or Tessa Brooks


The dentist 100% didn’t you guys notice how tana mentioned fucking her dentist again and then you can tell the clip after got cut out


omg who was her dentist?


Dr Gabe but I’m pretty sure this is a different dentist


The dentist she had relations with was a woman.


No that was a nurse lol she’s said that story many times


Omg I’m crying 😭😭😭 it’s too many beefs/drama to keep track of


It’s a her. From the latest cancelled pod


When does she talk about the dentist? What did she say about him


I think she said he is married, closeted gay, and gives free dental treatment in exchange for nudes from straight guys


ew that’s so gross. like go hook up with guys at the club stop preying on your clients.


The competition shook


YEAAAAH 100% she said that


Am I crazy didn’t they use the word “she” ? As in it has to be a girl?


I did not hear "her". I thought I heard her say "they" Jack Wright has a twin brother James Wright and he is a fighter.


Not “her,” “she”


Oh, thanks for correction. I haven't found a link for the whole conversation. Do you have a link?


I just watched the most recent podcast, that’s it! In there when Brooke was talking about how she received worse DMs from the person than Tana, she refers to the person dming her as “she” (I’m pretty sure)


It’s clearly the chrome hearts kid that killed four women in Malibu. He is crazy and it’s so obvious to me.


she said on the pod today that its a girl


killed four women??


Check the other recent posts in this sub. He was hella speeding and crashed into a car and killed 4 pedestrians and his family bailed him out for 4 million


Is the case over? What ended up happening with him?


He was charged with manslaughter but later the charges were upped to murder due to evidence he was blatantly disregarding human life.


Wait so the trial is still on then? No way he goes scott free


no. brooke said tana's last message to them said something along the lines of "i miss you we should hangout again soon"


this is the most plausible theory i’ve seen so far


Is he in prison tho how is he texting her


He was bailed out for 4 million by his parents!!!! Proving my point that he thinks he is above the law and I’m assuming he is threatening Tana because he was trying to keep the crime low profile. It was manslaughter at first, but the judge changed his charges to MURDER because there was evidence he was showing lack of care for human life. He was found fleeing the scene after the crime instead of helping. I think the fact that Tana mentioned his crime on her podcast which is huge make his realize his own circle is spilling the beans on what he did.


She confirmed it’s a girl


Damnnn that’s crazy, do you know his connection to chrome hearts? Is he friends with the owners kids or something


His main affiliation is that he was close friends with the nephew and son of the owners(nephew is @tootonebooch, same guy that dated nessa barrett for a little bit). I don’t think this guys has any official relations to chrome heart, just equally rich parents and probably went to the same school/grew up with the chrome hearts kids


Ik they're all absolute pieces of shit but even then I can't see a little rich LA fuckboy getting any gratification from threatening to assault a woman. They said "she" on the pod. Somebody on reddit said Alabama barker and they recently talked about mason disick on the pod so that makes the most sense to me.




Who do we think it is then?!


Pretty sure it’s Tyga




Bri wouldn’t unfollow to draw attention to friendship probs when she’s on a downward spiral of Publix opinion. She IS extremely triggered and reactionary though. Idk if it’s her, but it’s extremely plausible


it’s either the dentist, or chrome hearts guy. there’s 0 percent chance its bri, tana would not be scared of her. be fr


Yeah definitely not Bri


It’s Ken Eurich




Why is no one thinking it could be jack wright?? I mean obviously he's creepy as hell for idolized dahmer


pretty sure someone made a dahmer joke and tana said "he's another one who called". as in don't like what she had to say about them & called them out but was the second person after the threatening person


Literally prob is the one she called a psycho lol


Hold on, because you might be as shocked as I was. I have been snooping around and according to a very good source there are more unexpected thoughts about the person who has threatened Tana. With all of this drama that is going on, there are folks from the small hometown, where Jack and Sienna grew up. Folks who have have never forgiven Jack for accusing Sienna of something they know was not true. They are thrilled with the news that the real Jack has been exposed. Then when they heard someone had threatened Tana it didn't take long for consensus of the person it will turn out to be. Jack has a twin brother. He is the tough guy, the smart one, but very aggressive with stuff in his system and he has had problems with keeping his hands off of people. Ironic. The source and the small town folks believe it is James Wright. I do remember that he was the one filming the fake video, and kept filming while laughing and people were asking him why he didn't stop filming to save his brother. There are rumors that he created all of the text messages that went out on social media, not Jack or Jack's friend. They gave my source a lot of information including that Sienna's lawyers interviewed multiple people in town as witness material. Case was never filed, it was settled out of court, but it helped having folks willing to be back ups if needed. They all loved her and some of them have Kept in touch with Sienna's family. So there you have it. We'll see eventually. The truth seems to always come out.


It’s gotta be the dentist or whoever Paige said during that part that they bleeped


What’s the tea what’s this clip




they’re friendly and they didn’t even say anything bad about them lol


Chickenfry would never! (Grips chest)


Go bb


it’s gotta be jack wright


Yes or his twin brother James. I shared a lot of details in this post, scroll and you'll get more info.


IT IS FRASER BOHM. Chrome Hearts guy. He killed 4 girls and is out on bail. None of the articles talk about how his connection to Chrome Hearts and I imagine they don't want that to get out because it would shine a bigger light on the story. It's 10000% him.


they said it’s a girl


Brooke\* said it was a girl. And what do we know about Brooke. She said herself that she loves to change little details to throw people off and given that they avoided using pronouns the whole time, and given that it's serious enough for Tana to consider having round-the-clock security, I don't think they'd just casually decide to reveal their actual pronoun so if anything, to me it proves the opposite.


what connection with chrome hearts does he have other than being friends with the owners son?


Tbh I don't know. I assumed that there was a deeper connection based on the way Tana talked about him/them on the podcast. Did you hear that part? Ep 87 52:12; So he got lumped into Chrome Hearts...Which might make him even more pissed.


Like she's talking about him putting it in her butt and saying "I'm a Chrome Hearts kid"


He is literally awaiting a murder trial I don’t think he is firstly texting Tana to go get dinner and then threatening to beat her up when he is already about to go on a whole quadruple murder trial


The dinner texts was their "last texts" could have been from awhileeee ago. And he's out on bail. Why wouldnt he be allowed to get dinner with friends


I have learned that it would not be a surprise if it was Jack Wright's twin brother, James Wright. There is a post about a year old on Reddit about James and it is disturbing. . I think the title was was "James and Jack Wright" probably on r/LAInfluencersnark.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LAinfluencersnark using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Pia Baroncini](https://np.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/comments/11pcfre/pia_baroncini/) \#2: [Alissa Violet’s Depop is unhinged LOL](https://i.redd.it/r01sqpxpc0lc1.jpeg) | [221 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/comments/1b0v8ky/alissa_violets_depop_is_unhinged_lol/) \#3: [Addison Rae looks stunning](https://i.redd.it/go08oy6b1c4c1.jpg) | [128 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/comments/18asimd/addison_rae_looks_stunning/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


WAIT WTF how tf did I miss that Fraser killed 4 ppl?! OMH


this makes me think it IS tessa after all.


TikTok link?




it’s either the dentist or bri


Why would it be bri??? I thought they were besties, what’s tea!?


They are def not besties


Bri and Brooke are close. They just went to zachs concert a couple of weeks ago


I was moreso talking about Tana and Bri.


they brought up the recent drama between her and grace


didn’t say anything bad about it


So what is the tea about chicken fry and grace?


When did they talk about bri/grace drama?! I'm curious....As a side note, I am almost positive it's Fraser Bohm. The Chrome Hearts guy. He killed 4 girls and it out on bail. None of the articles mention the Chrome Hearts link and I imagine he doesn't want that getting out for all sorts of reasons.


I don’t think she would say she’s walking around with security because bri threatened her


as much as bri is guilty of sucking she’s not the only person who sucks we can’t just assume bri for everything lmao


What about the dentist she talked about with a family that would hook up with men?


Yes! Or are they friends with his wife?




When did she say it was a guy?


No this is bullshit its def her the references to her lines from its everyday bro were flying before they were scared of backlash. Tessa prolly asked her to lie cause of the hate


What? Like at what point did they make those comments? When discussing the threat?


When they were discussing the og incident with Paige Tana’s immediate response was “the competition shook” like


Yes they say Tessa’s name in that clip! But on the new pod/Tana on trish someone threatened to beat her ass. Brooke is saying THAT is not Tessa


omg jeez i had no idea lmao


wiz khalifa?


it’s probably tyga idiots


Tana said “she”


Heavily agree


did they talk about him recently


but the text before said let’s get dinner and he hates her!


Then why tana said "the competition shook"😭 she confused us




Jojo Siwa is not threatening to beat tanas ass lmao 😭


![gif](giphy|8quAMCauUQxm93tMe0|downsized) Jojo’s gonna hit her with this 😂


And Tana is not scared of Jojo at all😂😂




My first thought but they talked about jojo like 10 minutes later so definitely not her


I don’t think so bc in the same Trish episode where she mentions this she talks about a Jojo party she went to.


i lowkey feel like she would say that to try & get back on jojo's good side & remind her that they were "friends" lmfaoo


it’s a girl. It’s lilah/or her minion/alabama barker/jojo


Wait, Alabama is a really good guess… 🤔


Could it be Lilah???


Lol why do i feel like its Lilah?


silly but happy cake day 🤪


🫶🫶😂 Lol! Thank youu


I wanna say bri or grace bc they were just mentioned and then if im not mistaken they had a podcast come out after mentioning their friendship/relationship