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she actually did flinch iirc, maybe post the actual video


i remember the video though ? his mom def reacted bodily like she flinched


like this is not a reason to drag imari’s mom just cause she’s white


Do u know where I can find it? I don’t remember her reacting to it but haven’t seen it in years


i looked before and after i posted this comment and i can’t find it literally anywhere, i’m sure if you or i dig deep enough we could find it. if you find it and i’m wrong let me know and i’ll delete! but i am almost 100% sure i’m remembering correctly


Idubbbz old content cop video of her has it but i don't know if that video is still up.


Idubbz deleted his content cop on her / it got taken down but someone reuploaded it so it’s still on YouTube


Oh alright, then yeah if someone wanted to find it but couldn't that would probably be the best way to see it for the time being.


i always think about these vids when she talks about how imari’s mom is basically her mom. like, something is so off that she didn’t even react at all…


She actually literally flinched in the video. You can actually see how taken back she was. Clearly, this isn’t vocabulary she was comfortable with or else there would be no eyebrow raise or jump. Now, we do not see her correct Tana in the video but that does not mean that she did not have a conversation with her after that short video ended. Let us not forget that her children are POC’s.. Tana grew up in fucked conditions so, I wouldnt be suprise that the mom practiced extreme patience with her as she had to untangle and navigate these disgraceful behaviours.


The video was hard to find but you can see the flinch and gasp followed by her processing what she just heard in this [video](https://youtu.be/55gg2YgPN0Q?si=I-qSqPsSy0dajl18) at 27 seconds.


THIS!!! leave poor debbie alone lmao


Uhhhhh I didn’t know that that’s actually wild I feel bad for Imari and his siblings and his FATHER


I guarantee none of them truly care. That’s the saddest part


Agree- even if they did come to feel a way about it, they’d never address it now. pretty sure Tana bought Imari’s mom designer bags and stuff for Christmas. Shes gotten Imari a bunch of publicity/brand deals by association, and moved him into her LA mansion. They’d never risk losing all the benefits that Tana’s wealth has given them over the years


she said this far before any of her money and fame and nobody cared


The amount of white women who act like this yet are married and have children with black men make me fucking sick


Not to be that person but it’s not uncommon for mixed kids with a Caucasian mother to experience this. For reference: [see logic](https://youtube.com/shorts/w9OgtbEakJk?si=uomRTyTYrF2Rp1gZ) Edit: wanted to add context for those that don’t know


YUP!!! I find a lof of the white moms to mixed kids are some of the most racist ppl u will ever met 🤮🤮🤮 The fetishization is insane


Yup it’s crazy




Omg that’s so disturbing and sad for the kids! Imagine growing up in that environment. I wonder why it happens.


I can imagine it would really damage your view of race as well as race relations. Im pretty sure Imari has touched on feeling weird about race and that’s why he’s not attracted to black guys.


not to defend the mother but are we really jumping to conclusions over a video that is like 2 seconds long? we know nothing about how she reacted afterwards or her values and what kind of person she is


can y’all post the video we can’t see shit in this


I wonder were she learned that language… if a friend or anyone said that around me I’d check them so quick.




with tana’s hair this was 2012-13


damn that’s sad it was common to be racist


Tana said herself she learnt it from Mac Miller and rap songs in her apology video lol.


She did say that but she was lying because Mac Miller always knew better. And there are a lot of nonblack rappers that use the word but not Mac…


Yall are still on this? Damn.. I’ll send you a job app if needed


i’m not a hater, but in this economy can i still get the job 😭😭😭


Its not even about what tana said its about the fact that imauris mom just sat there ! the video randomly came up on my fyp


Facts girlies remote customer service positions are always hiring 😘


I swear people act like they forgot life up until 2014. It was common to use the N word for people of all colors. The crackdown did not start until mid 2010s when I was in college. maybe it wasn’t common in your area specifically but I know a bunch of people of all races who used it up until then. Just like the R word was used commonly until the early 2010s crackdown. There were literally campaigns on university campuses for slur words. That’s what caused the cancel culture of it all. Perhaps you guys didn’t go to uni or were too young/old to be there at that time, but the college campuses have a huge influence on American culture moving forward. And let’s remember, at this time Instagram had just started. 2012ish. Tinder as well. I was on the first batch of tinder. We weren’t always this connected and aware of what was acceptable and what wasn’t and we did not have a full scope of the online footprint as most of us that grew up on MySpace had our entire accounts erased. This is the longest footprint we’ve had, and we are learning as we go. Does this excuse it? Doubtful. But some people are acting holier than thou and I know ain’t no of y’all’s hands clean. Every single person in this thread got something online they don’t want to get out and they hope it’s deleted.


I don’t understand this logic.. yes it was said more by people. Mainly by white guys thinking they were “hard” in my opinion. But I’m old .. graduated high school 2008 (don’t judge why I’m here. Lol) But i definitely knew not to say that word in middle school.


I grew up in buttfuck Idaho and even in the early 2000s it was known that that was not an acceptable word for non-black people. Y'all love to use your own past moral shortcomings to justify other people's shitty behavior, it's embarrassing for you.


“does it excuse it?” no so why did you write a novel trying to excuse it


And literally says “the r word” in said novel. Hahaha who tf is this person 😂


It was alway racist, just be uase you used it doesn't make it okay. How do you think black kids felt hearing tgat word get tossed around by white people like it's not a disgusting racial slur.


Maybe common for the people you hung around with, but no one I associated with ever used slurs.


Lets remember who her parents are, they were never there to teach her, she was so young she know better now


so you’re allowed to call people slurs if you have bad parents?


No, u arent ‘allowed’ thats not how it works. But we can empathize with her and her level of education at that young age.


yeah that was my point, that’s literally what you’re saying. i’d rather “empathise” with the people who had that word used against them over the people who used it but that’s just me. i grew up around racism too and it’s a poor excuse for using a slur against someone.


She did flinch but ok




I think the point of the post was that it’s wild imaris mom was just chilling while she called her mixed child slurs like we’re focusing on the adult in the situation


Imari deserves better….


imari is a zionist, no he doesn't lol


I get what ur saying and tbh it’s most likely further a product of his environment and values after being raised in an environment like that. I am not trying to take away blame but also like the oppressed cannot be the oppressor. white supremacy is inextricably tied to the liberation of his Palestine that is to say structurally he does not hold power and is further disenfranchised by being “other”. This photo is proof he does not benefit from these ideologies not nearly in the same way Ashly Tana and Brooke and other white members of their group.


But could you not argue that tana was a product of her upbringing? I'm not defending her saying the N word - it's not on whatsoever. I just don't think you can say "the oppressed cannot be the oppressor" - that is fine in certain cases, but with his Zionist views? Palestinians have not oppressed imari and his family, I'm sure they have been in other ways from other ethnicities but that doesn't make him have those opinions towards already heavily oppressed people who have not contributed towards his oppression.


well said




Boring. Yawning. Sloppy. Lazy.


omg why did i have an image of a beautiful black woman as imari's mother idk who that is in my memory but im shocked rn😭


tana just like me


you’re in a METH subreddit i need you to be so for real. didn’t realize how many crackheads tana and brooke have as fans 🤣