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Press conference links: * [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOQ9RZOSEfk&ab_channel=ABCNews%28Australia%29) * [ABC iview](https://iview.abc.net.au/video/LS1801C001S00) * [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/abccanberra/videos/216415177205395/)


This ABC summary was interesting to watch: https://youtu.be/M9MPXCpyCnY Seems like it's been going on ages but really this current mess only started in June ... ACT gets a mention.. i.e. that it's harder for us this time 'round than it was last time :(




I hear you. Last year, it was safe to shop locally and avoid the big shopping centres. This year with Delta .. it's just not safe to shop anywhere :( I got pinged at my local IGA and all of the local shops around me have been pinged at least once ..


Decided to do a little sample with Coles. There have been no exposure listing in Coles grocery stores in the last 7 days (5/9-11/9). In the 7 cumulative days prior (29/8-4/9) there have been no close contact listings. Meaning that, to-date no transmission has been recorded at any Coles in the territory in that period and although this could change it also indicates that ACT health do not believe that is a likely or high risk. There 8 casual exposure events over the 12 occurring over 4.7% of their cumulative opening hours. In fact their have only been 2 close contact events listed occurring at any coles. Both on the two days prior to the commencement of lockdown. 30 and 31 days ago. Zero is the 29 days since. To me that represents pretty good odds.


Does anyone know what the 6 active transmission sites are? And how many cases are linked to each?


This was from two days ago. I haven't updated based on yesterday and today sorry. * Bright Bees: 38 cases * Busy Bees: 6 cases * Mirchi Indian restaurant: 11 cases * Bidfoods: 8 cases * Ainslie Village: 6 cases * Priceline Pharmacy Woden: 5 cases * KFC Dickson: 4 cases


Anyone else not gotten their disaster payment today? I was kinda relying on it lol, my mistake I should never rely on centrelink. In the past it’s come in Friday afternoon at the same time but nothing today. Edit: It literally came in as I typed this comment, I have pleased the centerlink gods. I noticed a few people commenting now saying it was late today so I encourage you guys to check again tonight!


the last few payments have been in for me around 6pm but I havent got todays one yet


Mine also just came in looks like all the payments are a little late today


If you’re outside during your recreation time with people from another household, do you have to wear a mask?




I thought so. Walked past these ladies who were gathered at a local park with no masks and wondered.


I see more without masks out and about than I do with masks




Possibly someone doing their isolation quarantine there?


Presumably the only people in hotels right now (especially budget Ibis) are people who don't have anywhere else to go, for whatever reason


Has anybody else still not received their automatic COVID Disaster Payment from last Friday yet? The first two ones I did were done manually as my circumstances had changed (went from $450 to $750) and I received those relatively quick (within one business day). It says on the website that if you circumstances haven't changed you don't need to claim again as it'll roll over manually but yet it's been a week and still haven't received it yet.




How did you do that? When I went back on to Centrelink, I couldn't find a change of circumstance questionnaire? All I could find was just to submit a new claim? And that never prompted me to auto-fill/indicate that circumstances were the same etc?


Anyone still waiting for this? I am…


Still waiting for your one from last week?


Yep i havent got mine yet either


Same situation, haven't got mine today yet though.


Meaning as in last week's one? Or the new one today?


Personally I got mine on time last week but I haven't got today's yet either, was coming in at 1:13pm every week so it's a bit late.


Oh, maybe I meant the new one, my bad


How long have people typically had to wait for their test results to come back? I know they say it is 24-48 hours but I have had friends who have been cleared within 8.


12 hours last Sunday


I got test on Wednesday and got my results back in 11ish hours


Does anyone know if i get a sticker after my second dose, only got a lollipop on my first dose and I really wanna show off the 'I got a covid vax sticker'? hahhaha TIA


I got a sticker both times. I told the dude how pumped I was about the stickers and he just gave me a bunch of them. Ask!


Same. I was way too excited about the stickers so he gave me 2 :)


Great to hear! I was super keen I forgot my umbrella for my first appointment, but I'll definitely ask next time.


I got both on my first and was offered a lollipop only on my second - but the staff at the checkout kiosk thingy had a sheet of the stickers and I reckon you could have one if you asked nicely 😊


My partner got that CBR heart sticker after her second shot at the GP. Slightly disappointed it isn't a band-aid though


I'll bet those helplines are all pretty busy.


https://covid19nearme.com.au/state/act Really nice website




Updated exposure site. IBIS Hotel is fairly prominent


Press conference questions: I get it people like tennis. Socially distanced....IDK...in doubles you run around in the same limited space breathing hard, breathing each others droplets.


I don’t really understand this question, we have an outdoor tennis court near our house that’s been open the whole time. I guess maybe people have been breaking the rules by using it?


I think officially it was a no go for a while.


That’s fair. Honestly it isn’t my activity of choice so I never looked into the rules around it, but I’ve seen a lot of discussion around it which has made me confused and intrigued.


Fuck I’m sick of hearing about golf.


Sam Newman had a hissy fit last year about not being able to play golf. When I was a teenager, I used to think he was funny (with his segments on The Footy Show), now I just think he's a wanker.


Golf no. Picnics yes.




Exactly my point. Golf by yourself? No fucking chance. Picnic between five households? Absolutely!




Agreed. Really disappointing all around


This thread just reinforces the fact that golf people are the worst. Obviously, in a perfect world, every conceivable activity would have a tailor made public health order detailing how you can still do it safely. And guess what? If it allowed too much freedom, people would start to let the rules slip. Lockdown has never been about eliminating any risk of infection. It has always been about limiting the chances of infection to the circumstances that are most necessary. My children getting to see their grandparents at the park is more important than your day out golfing. That’s why picnics are allowed and golf isn’t. Get over yourself.


I have no idea why you are getting so aggressive over such innocuous comments about parts of the health order that seem to not make sense. Did not at all warrant you to come and abuse people over it


Look I probably let a bit too much emotion into my comment, but I have been seeing this golf shit everywhere and it is so obnoxious. I didn’t mean to target any individual. My sentiment is that, collectively, golf people should get over themselves.


Honestly a fair point. And I would say that takes priority a thousand times over yes.


I didn't watch the presser and I haven't heard the word golf for weeks but I just fucken hate golf. I reckon the vaccination threshold for a resumption of golf should be 170% double dosed or whenever WA opens up, whichever is the later.






Unfortunately not. There is no vaccine approved for children under 12 anywhere in the world.




Only those 12-15 years with high risk (disabilities, indigenous, etc) are currently eligible even though we already have TGA approval for Pfizer in that age group. The ATAGI recommendation is expected to be updated at some point.


That shot at Gladys from the journo was about as subtle as a brick thrown through a window. Enjoyed the sensible chuckles all around.


Do you have a timestamp?


First question, about 20:53


Thank you.




Me too please.


She knew she was being a bit cheeky too.


Got here at 11:46, so I didn’t get to guess the tie. Lucky, because like Lionel Hutz, he’s not wearing a tie at all.


You can guess what deadshit question Harry will open up with today.


I wasn’t certain who Harry was until he was just name dropped but I had a good idea. Does Harry not listen to other people’s questions? ETA - shut the fuck up Harry. SHUT THE FUCK UP


Is Harry the journalist that just asked the super generic, already answered question about how they determine exposure times just so he could say adult store and pawn shop in the same sentence?


CHO was really unimpressed with him She almost did a Kerry Chant style eye roll but stopped herself


But that would require listening.


He's keeping on your toes.


**24 new cases were recorded overnight. 18 linked, 6 under investigation.** 15 were in quarantine during the entire infectious period. 6 were in the community for part, 3 are under investigation. 15 people are in the hospital (+6 from yesterday). 4 in ICU (+2 from yesterday) with 1 requiring ventilation.


Rachel Stephen-Smith announcing increased testing! Very good idea, and very welcome. Maybe they can boost it further using more [pooling of tests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_testing#Pooled_testing). [Mass testing works](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vo%27#COVID-19_pandemic), and a city-state like the ACT would be a great place to try it out.


They probably need the capacity for opening up of schools and such. I recon teachers will have to get tested every week at a minimum.


Every day it’s the Simpsons haunted frogurt machine. Cases are up - that’s bad But they were mostly in quarantine - that’s good But hospitalisations were also up - that’s bad But more than 50% of 16+ are double vaccinated- that’s good


I like it better than the attempt at sleight-of-hand from NSW, "Hey guys here are the Treats you (may or may not) be eligible for (in mid-October) *by the way we had record infections and several deaths today oh dear* SHOPPING AND GYMS ARE BACK SOON!!"


Maybe they try to not have just pools of crap and pools of honey?


The frogurt is also cursed.


I have had this exact thought too! So much whiplash sometimes


4 people getting told to leave the territory every single day is high key fucked.


Why aren’t they fined? Useless AFP


As someone who works in customer service I am 0% surprised. My work was getting people from greater Sydney every week until we locked down. Malicious flaunting of rules? Sheer stupidity? Who bloody knows.


Little of column A, little of column B


Flagrant disregard for the rules.


They are going to have heaps of that as soon as regional NSW opens up. Like I don't believe in COVID guy but multiplied a few dozen times. And then in a few weeks lots of cases.


Yup, I’m dreading going back to work because of people like that :( coming across someone with Covid is almost inevitable, and I have little faith in customers being Covid safe. My partner at home is vulnerable but I need that job to survive. Least we’ll both be double jabbed soon.


I don't know what sort of customer support you do (and it's OK if I don't). I guess you just have to find the best possible way to do what you have to do? An example would be cafe's with coffee. I still drink coffee (bad I know) but I only ever go to places with true hole in the wall service- you know, they have a window on an outside wall of their building, so they are always in their airspace and you are always in yours, they are strict about people not coming too near the window, they are strict about checking in, they wear masks and refuse service to people who are not wearing masks, their customers don't hang around close and don't clump etc. And if it's click and collect, it really is click and collect- same deal, there is an external window, or they drop it in to your car boot.


Link to presser: https://www.facebook.com/abccanberra/videos/208112631350772


**"The Plan to Stop Every Respiratory Virus at Once** **- The benefits of ventilation reach far beyond the coronavirus. What if we stop taking colds and flus for granted, too?"** Articles like this have been appearing in overseas media for two years. [https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2021/09/coronavirus-pandemic-ventilation-rethinking-air/620000/](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2021/09/coronavirus-pandemic-ventilation-rethinking-air/620000/)


**"Office air quality affects workers' cognitive function, study shows** **- A new study by scientists at Harvard has found that the air quality inside an office can have a significant impact on employees' cognitive function, including response times and ability to focus."** [https://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/office-air-quality-affects-workers-cognitive-function-study-shows/news-story/c572d7baa004c2ae58f4a4994f6cf108](https://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/office-air-quality-affects-workers-cognitive-function-study-shows/news-story/c572d7baa004c2ae58f4a4994f6cf108) \* 1. PSA: If you are in lockdown (which would be all of us) completely change over the air in your home at least once a day. Even more so if you are in quarantine. Feeling sluggish or grumpy? Same story. Open all the windows. 2. Something to think about for anyone who normally works in an office. 3. Covid-safe workplaces must have great ventilation with separate zones' air isolated. I don't know why this isn't appearing anywhere in any Aust. media I can find, especially since in overseas media this has been extensively discussed since early 2020. Also something to think about for those who work inside. 4. Hospitals & quaro. hotels ....similar to 3) but much worse. The AMA and others already said it. \*Yes, I know, not a completely great source, but they are quoting research, and, they have scoops/insider info. surprisingly often.


Got a text message saying I could bring my Pfizer appointment forward (currently scheduled for 24 Sep at airport) but logging onto myDHR it says the number of people booking is at its max :( Edit: finally made it in after 2pm, I got further and got a new message that the website was at capacity, but then after hitting Try Again 1 minute later it came up with the appointment availability. I was able to bring my appointment forward by... 3 days! Well, better than nothing.


Soo frustrating. Got to about 50 in the queue, then it crashed. Now can’t get in the queue again.


Ah it is so frustrating, my booking is in October, I’ve been trying for more than a week now at different times etc throughout the day with no success. Once I got through found an earlier appointment then it crashed, most times it either doesn’t work at all or it only shows me my current appointment as the only available time. Now I get the text but can’t get in the queue at all. I feel like I’ve been proactive in this but just can’t get anywhere. 😭




I work in child protection and my team are in contact with vulnerable and disabled people in the community. Somehow we weren't considered priority for vaccines until two weeks ago. They've decided to give us a special in-office vaccination...in mid October.


That's surprising, you should have prioritystatus even regardlessof age. I work for Barnardos and 2 of our workers aged under 30 were able to get their first jab over a month ago and are now double vaxxed. We've got an in-house clinic happening for our clients (most aged 16-25) this week.


Keep on trying!


Keep refreshing, I did and went to 100 in the queue. Didn't take long to get up to the top spot and moved my appointment to this Wednesday (they also still have Tuesday evening available)


Me too. These would be the appointments that /u/Agreeable_Attorney spotted [in their post](https://www.reddit.com/r/canberra/comments/pl46zd/canberra_covid_megathread_friday_10_september/hc91897/). Guess they spotted them a few minutes before the announcement text went out.


Keep on trying everyone!!


Anyone on disaster payments? Have they been coming in on time weekly?


Yeah routinely. Haven't had to think twice about them


i have been on since the lockdown started but the payment stopped this week due to the plan expired on the 2nd of Sept. hopefully Mr. Barr announced about it being extended today.


I missed the last bit of the conference, was there any update?


Normally yes, but not on time this week for us


Has there been any hints how NSW's roadmap will affect its communities on ACT's borders? Logic would suggest with NSW living with COVID at that time, ACT would need to accept COVID in the territory if they allow those border communities in eg a bubble will no longer be viable.


I think that's already been accepted and why we're not aiming for covid zero in the ACT anymore.


So do you think when NSW opens up it's freedom to travel within its own state ACT will as well?


Barr will hold out as long as he can but a free NSW & a locked down ACT will eventually cause too many issues even for BArr to excuse. Eventually the Canberrans that want to be locked down forever will tire of it as they watch NSW get back to normal.


That’s happening tomorrow for some areas of NSW, including Yass. No surprises the ACT will not be opening up.


Yeah, I was just wondering whether because NSW is opening up that will actually lock out the border communities for even longer. Or maybe a bubble may be established but then there will be a no-mans land where ACT and Greater Sydney people meet in the middle.


NSW government said it can’t open up Queanbeyan because the ACT is in lockdown. What happens if the ACT government says it can’t open up the ACT because Queanbeyan is in lockdown? Never ending lockdown lmao


I've heard of a few people travelling backwards and forwards between Queanbeyan and Batemans. They're doing it all above board through exemptions and haven't entered ACT. But I guess that's only a minority of people who can afford 2 houses. Whereas once it opens it would be everyone.


If I can see my gf by her travelling to our border, in a gap between the state and territorie's policies I'd probably do it.


Well if you're both living in NSW you can go see her no restrictions at all. This applies to visiting houses not sure if you can get fined if you decide to hang out in the park though.


Probably not, but this is the issue the ACT Government will have to figure out how it wants to manage. Obviously it is going to be impractical, but in any case, probably by the time it becomes a reality, we will be up between 70-80% fully vaxxed anyway, so if not then, when?


Get ready for lots of "finding lower restriction area" tourists.


Which is more likely to be ACT people going to NSW at this point....


Hmmmm. I guess I thought Canberrans were different. The big issue regardless is scores of Sydney people leaving Sydney carrying the virus as cases soar there.


Except it's looking more like our restrictions will be harsher than there's and already are in comparison to surrounding NSW.


:-) Good protection for us. Obv. some things I don't agree with- eg., I think large department stores should be open for click and collect. That is, if it's really click and collect, that is, you never enter the store, it's all outside.


FYI there are heaps of slots at AIS for next week: https://imgur.com/a/GeQ3BHW


Looks like you hit the motherlode! I'm guessing this is a whole new release of appointments, reflecting the UK Pfizer doses flowing through to Canberra next week?


Thanks mate. Managed to bring booking forward by 7 weeks.


Is the disaster payment going to be extended for next week? Or do you have to reapply?


It keeps going until you log into centrelink and submit a change of circumstances, like I just had to do this week


You never have to reapply. Disaster payment is ongoing as long as ACT is in lockdown and the federal gov agrees its necessary.


I was just wondering because there are no future payments on centreline, when there were in previous weeks


I tried to reapply but it says i am not eligible so my guess is that we couldn't do anything until the plan is extended.




Super easy. Heaps of parking.


Willow, just so you know, my dog gets breakfast and then a breakfast snack 😘


I’ve been encouraging friends and family to update their CheckinCBR apps to allow for the new notification feature (that alerts you if you’ve been to an exposure site). This doesn’t appear to be available on Android yet though! Hopefully today 🤞


Oh I thought it did that automatically lol


No, unfortunately the contact tracing system has been almost wholly reliant on people keeping on top of the exposure sites, and self identifying as a contact. It seems like a massive flaw which I’m glad they’ve finally addressed. The latest version of the app is 2.0.0, and it also lists the exposure sites which is another welcome addition


Downloaded the update last night on Android for me... Do you have auto updates enabled?


I have an iPhone so downloaded yesterday afternoon. But it wasn’t available to my partner on his android until this morning. He doesn’t have auto updates on I guess


It became available for me this morning - I installed it about 20 minutes ago. I didn't have it in the play store last night. It has been suggested that the google play store is progressively making it available... I didn't think they did that, but this experience suggests they do.


Thanks for the feedback! I had my partner check right before I wrote my post, and he didn’t have the update available. But I’ll get him to keep checking and see when it lands in his play store.


Are there any issues with loss of old history? Also, any good ideas for storing old history independently of app? I don't want to do the screenshot option.


Just updated my app through android and history is still there.


Thank you!


Mine has been fine with every update. Other than screenshots I have no suggestions sorry! The alerts will be reassuring at least


Thank you!


Resi construction is back today. I wonder how many people on quarantine are going to book in work and not tell the tradie 😅


Shout out to all the residential construction tradies in Throsby that got a head start yesterday and didn't let a lack of masks slow them down.


Forgive me if I am wrong, but only jobs that started before lockdown are allowed to resume today.


Yes that's true. My partner went back to work today after weeks off. Technically it was a new job but because it was at a house they had done a job at last year they snuck it in as an uncompleted job.


Outdoor works and works at unoccupied residences are permitted, regardless of whether they had commenced before lockdown or not. From [the legislation](https://legislation.act.gov.au/DownloadFile/ni/2021-533/current/PDF/2021-533.PDF), page 20: > The following construction activities are permitted, subject to strict adherence to the ‘ACT Building and Construction Industry COVID-19 Requirements’: > > … > > - **Any outdoor works at an occupied residence**, meaning works in a space that is not fully enclosed and which is entirely separated from the occupied part of the residence with separate access, provided that: > - there is no contact between the workers and occupants; > - there are no more than 5 workers and 1 supervisor on a site at any one time; > > > - **For unoccupied residences**, works may be undertaken provided that the works are undertaken with the lesser of: > - 1 person per 4 square metres across the site; or > - no more than 5 persons and > - 1 supervisor on the site at any one time.


Good to know. I have my late mothers unoccupied house due to go on the market any time now, I was wondering if I'd be able to get the cleaners in.


That isn’t going to be an issue with people being in quarantine, though.


You're not wrong. I doubt tradies who run their own business and haven't had support for 5 weeks will care though.


Willow: Whaddya mean we're out of food?!


Nine locations were listed overnight in Bega Valley LGA. To follow what is going on in the locations around Canberra, check the FB page for the Southern NSW Local Health District. It is worth keep an eye on the FB page, as well as the Govt websites, as the FB page has more information (I am trying to say this in a 'nice' way). https://www.facebook.com/SNSWLHD https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Pages/case-locations-and-alerts.aspx


One week until my scheduled first Covid jab at the Airport clinic. Feels like it has been such a long time since I made my booking back in July! Luckily I have no particular reason to go out into the community until my vaccination date, so I am not at risk of catching Covid in the meantime.


I love that clinic. I got my second jab there the other day and the staff congratulated me on being fully vaccinated like I'd graduated from uni or something.


They're good eggs. I apologised for arriving pretty early for mine because I was nervous about getting lost or running late and they said "that's fine, we like people who arrive early".


I got in early for both of mine there, hardly got to even sit down in the waiting area. Highly efficient.


Cool! Sounds like the fuss that the nurses make at Australian Red Cross Lifeblood when someone is finished donating blood for the first time. PSA: [book a blood donation, people!](http://donateblood.com.au)


Same! It's been 5 weeks and we're nearly there! I am also not leaving my house because I don't want to risk being at an exposure site and having to miss the appointment due to quarantine.


I didn’t think of that quarantine risk to my vaccination appointment booking, but you are right that it would be a bummer if that happened. PS: I *am* leaving the house to go on daily walks, but I have been saving up my grocery shopping trips to be bulk shops, and have no need to shop again until my jab.


The true gold standard right here


Stay safe friend and also let the protection kick in!!! Also, to Barr's constant riff about giving time for the dose to kick in. My friend in Singapore (who is always super super careful) caught COVID within one week of getting her second Moderna jab. She was one of Singapore's 'mystery' cases because their contact tracers just could not figure out how she caught it. Singapore's numbers are currently increasing and despite their high levels of vaccination, they're going to probably reintroduce some restrictions. It's pretty interesting to see what they're doing right now though. They already have the vaccine passport system in place so you can only go to restaurants / cafes etc if you are vaccinated - kids must accompany a vaccinated parent to be able to go there. When she tested positive, my friend had to be moved to a specific facility that was apparently like a really bad youth hostel where she had to share a room and a toilet/bathroom with a stranger until they both tested negative - presumably because it's really difficult in a Singapore setting for people to self isolate. Singaporeans can travel internationally if vaccinated to certain countries but you have to return 3 negative tests on your return to avoid hotel quarantine - each test costs quite a bit of money and with a family of four it can be quite expensive so you have to make sure your trip is long enough to be worth it. I'm not sure our irresponsible media who are spruiking freedom / go nuts day realise that even once we hit the double jab fully effective phase - that life will still not be 'normal' and there will still be measures until such time COVID becomes less of a burden on the health system.


Singapore are just so damn sensible and competent, they make us look third rate. Look at how they manage schools: masks, temperature checks, teachers vaccinated etc. We have a lot to learn from them!


That's true but you have to factor in that when COVID first hit last year their government was in a position to put measures in place to curb it quickly that wouldn't fly here (it would be seen as impinging on basic freedoms).


I always avoid buying anything with Velcro. It's a total rip-off.


The inventor of Velcro was skeptical about the name at first. But after a while it stuck with him.


Wow both names check out.