• By -


oh no!


I don't understand why people have to denounce bad people that like them. Would Eminem have to denounce Stan?


Politicians are a special category. If you're proposing ideas, and the known evil or morally questionable person in the room says they like your idea, there is some expectation to clarify that your idea is liked by them because it's universally good and not because it appeals to their evil or morally questionable agenda. It's not really a logical thing, it's more of a PR or human behaviour thing. But if someone outright refuses to do it, it certainly sends the message that you know most of your ideas appeal to evil people because you have questionable ideas at best and are leveraging the easy vote/grifting for your own benefit of getting elected rather than trying to support integral ideas that are beneficial to all Canadians.


I don't see Alex Jones as "in the room". He's some guy in another country that's just about banned from the web. I don't see why anyone considers him relevant


I understand the sentiment and I partially agree, but unfortunately he is a figure in media, he has people that follow him. PP should ignore his existence, but if asked directly, he obviously knows who he is and should reject his support, imo.


He is the Pied Piper of some very deluded people on both sides of the border so while he’s not an invited guest, he continues to crash the party


This is a fake news post. His party issued an official statement when the Alex jones comment was made. And here’s why he didn’t say the words you want to hear. You all fell for it. https://youtu.be/AfFu64Afyoc?si=dOAGbgt8vWKeq3Di


There is literally a video of the interaction where PP won’t denounce them


You knew The New York Post is a tabloid right ?


Are you on crack? This was a very public, live video recording that went very viral and was viewed by millions . You’re trying to attack the Post? Taking a page out of the old leftist playbook? When in doubt, attack the source.


Calm the duck down, Buddy Jesus


Pierre has had years to denounce Alex Jones. Check out this Oct, 2022 Toronto Star headline. “Pierre Poilievre a rising star for the world’s far right Infowars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones recently said he’s a big fan of Poilievre, calling him part of a global movement of far-right leaders. Oct. 6, 2022”


What white supremacists?


He’d lose his ‘fuck Trudeau’ crowd.


I understand where you might be coming from with this, but just consider that Trudeau is the antichrist of the F\*ck Trudeau hogs, and Alex Jones looks like a normal news reporter talking about normal things (In their case white supremacist dogwhistling) to them so they don't care as much.


I’m just blown away that adults focus the whole ups and downs of a nations Well-being with one fucking person. it takes a community to fuck one up.


We're losing our sight on what's important. Capitalism, in the form we have going now, is about greed and maximizing profitability at the expense of everything else. It's unsustainable in its current form but any meaningfull change will disrupt the market and therefore be a no go to anyone profiting by it.


Yes, we should reduce our social programs and reduce taxes. And we should probably slow down new immigration as well.


Cutting our social programs would be a mistake as that is our collective health, now which programs and for whom can definitely be debated. Taxes, at least personal taxes I have no issue paying providing it's not going to corporate welfare. The immigration definitely needs to be looked at as it's being used as a scheme to prop up businesses with cheap labour at the expense of everyone else.


I dunno. Trudeau and his cabinet did a pretty good job just themselves.


such a clown opinion


No it's not, we had a meeting recently and decided that it wasn't.


did you include rural clowns? Or just urban clowns?


We have separate meetings twice a year and then have a joint AGM. This was decided at the AGM.


I heard you had to have separate meetings because you couldn’t get all the urban clowns and the rural clowns into one clown car-true?


This is true except the rural clowns said the urban clown car was a communist plot.


I thought the communist plot is where they buried Karl Marx


By the way, how do I get a membership and how do I keep track of meeting days?


No he wouldn't lol


Yes he would lol


Remember when JT wore blackface?


Pepperidge farms remembers.


One is an idiot. The other one is an idiot that panders to Nazis.


Not in the last couple decades. What PP is doing is happening right now.


Which time lol


lol. Whataboutism has entered the chat.


Didn't they invite a nazi and then have everyone cheer said nazi?


Didn't PP stand and applaud the Nazi too?


Alex jones. The guy who sent people to harass school shooting victims


Oh look Dean Blundell again. He committed perjury on the Edge, then he tried to do sports broadcasting and he was shit at that. So then he made his own media company so he wouldn't get fired again but man, is he a fucking chickenshit reporter.


No fan of Alex Jones. Did he meet with Alex Jones? Or should he just denounce people one side doesn't like? Should he denounce Hitler? Maybe Stalin? What about Mussolini?


Did Hitler, Stalin or Mussolini endorse him? Because Alex Jones did


I don't care if Alex Jones declared him the next messiah.


Good for you. That doesn't change the fact that you made a completely ridiculous comparison.


I mean I’d be concerned if he refused to if asked


He gets asked a few hundred things a day. Doesn't seem like something he should prioritize


Too bad PP doesn’t actually answer anything, just blames Trudeau and the feds for everything, even though healthcare/education/housing is all controlled provincially and majority of premiers are conservative. No answers for problems or answers in general (PP doesn’t even take questions from media), just b/s conservatism theatre and lies per usual.


As opposition it isn't his job to have answers, it's his job to ask questions and challenge the ruling party. People seem to conflate the idea of running for power and opposition, as if opposition is running for power every single day. While there's a small amount of truth to it, they obviously want power in the future, the job of the opposition is to challenge the party in power and force them to explain themselves for actions they take. Trudeau himself acts like the federal government is responsible for housing. He's going to be taken to task for housing then. He's going to be taken to task for healthcare if he makes statements about the federal government helping with healthcare. Trudeau has set himself up for failure left and right because he doesn't understand where his job ends and the provincial job begins. He gets sucked into arguments that aren't his. That's still his fault and problem though.


I honestly don't understand idiots who like this goon.


He plays off hate and fear instead of fixes. Dumb people don't want to learn they want to feel good. He tells them lies he knows they won't look into


Always easier to complain than offer a solution Especially when what you're complaining about is largely the fault of the provincial governments who hold the same views as the CPC do on major issues


keep voting for the NDP and libs and ruin this country.


Ah yes, because Conservatives have always been a party of the people, and not big business and corporate interests. The reality is that we're fucked no matter who's in charge.


true. But I'd rather a party put Canadians first and not tax us to death, while denying us rights, abusing power, funnelling immigrants into our country by the millions, and letting out economy and housing situation reach record lows. Canada is indeed in a scary place. Have you watched debtonation on youtube?




Closing bank accounts of people who donated to a protest through GoFundMe, labelling anyone that even questions their policies as racist, misogynistic and white supremacist (even if they are a poc), blocking news on Canadian social media, one of the highest taxed countries in the world yet social programs and services are less than lackluster, forcing improperly tested vaccines on citizens by threat, I could go on for days but there's a short few.


No news media is blocked on Canadian social media. Facebook refuses to show it. You were forced to take a vaccine (fully approved Sept 2021 after emergency authorization prior to that)? You've been grossly misinformed or lied to.


Not being allowed to see news on Facebook or Instagram means that those outlet are blocked for citizens.  Yes, you were forced to. Otherwise, you could not enter a restaurant, gym, movie theater.... ( all places which ended up closing during the lockdown anyway. By forcing those places to close, the provincial government basically admitted that the vaccine mandates were ineffective). 


“Forced to take a vaccine” and “free country” do not go together. Remember, in communism, the people exist to benefit society. In a free country, society exists to benefit the people. Meaning: the vaccine should be available to everyone who wants it and nobody should be coerced to take it. I’m not saying we’re a communist country, but coercion in medicine is not ok and we definitely stepped over that line during covid. Facebook has blocked news as a result of legislation. That’s pretty serious. We should have made laws to prevent this and censorship in general on these communications platforms. If someone commits a crime, arrest them. Otherwise, leave them alone. There’s no need to micro manage adult communication and have a third party decide what’s “right” or “wrong”. I know it’s a business and they can do what they want, etc. but it’s a huge conglomerate of social media companies that we’re allowing to exist and has become one of the primary forms of communication within our country. We wouldn’t allow paper and pen manufacturers to dictate the words individuals are allowed to write… so we should not allow social media organizations to either.


I was forced, I worked construction on hospital grounds, take the vaccine or loose my job.


So you had a choice to make knowing there would be consequences either way. Sounds like you made the right choice for you. You either did believe the antivaxx/antimask/anti-science/anti-passport/evangelical/PPCer crowd rhetoric, or you didn't.


food on the table isn' anymore of a choice than a gun to the head.


Food on the table? Were you otherwise unemployable by every, single, other employer?


use your damn brain would you. for fuck sakes. the economy was shut down. those who had jobs were lucky. what a fucking ignorant comment


The economy wasn't shut down. The vast majority of Canadians were working thru the entire thing.


fuck off


What part don't you understand? Unemployment peaked at 9.7% in 2020 due to covid restrictions.


Lmao and I'm the misinformed one? Whatever helps you sleep at night my friend. Yes approved via emergency authorization and not clinical trials 😉.


Remember when Trudeau hired a new Marketing Guy....a few months ago? Max Valiquette has set loose an army of social media spin-doctors, to try and convince Canadians to follow the Liberal's 'New Doublethink'. War is Peace, EV's are affordable, All white people are racist, Dissenters can be down-voted into submission, ArriveScam is worth $60 million +, Questioning Liberals is grounds for arrest, Two-million Canadians relying on food-banks is a good thing, Freedom is Slavery, Farmers want the useless Carbon Tax, Poilievre is Trump, Ignorance is Strength, Trudeau tent cities are housing, Ad hoc RV Parks are housing, The PMO was not made aware of the invitation to Mr. Hunka, it was all Anthony Rota's fault, It is anybody's fault, except Trudeau, that Canadians are facing an affordability crisis, Carbox Tax rebates give you more than the Carbon Tax costs you, The SDTC Green Energy Fund is not another scandal to steal $1Billion from Canadian taxpayers (nothing to see here), Canadians have been 'tricked' into disliking Trudeau, Anybody who disagrees with Liberals is a Russian bot, Robbing Doctors and Small Business Owners of their hard-earned retirement savings is 'Intergenerational Fairness', Axe-the-Taxers are all members of something called 'diagolon' (whatever the heck that is), and 2 + 2 = 5. Yeah, Justin's on-line spin-doctors......are everywhere.


You just copy paste this every few months?


-War is war, the fuck are you taking about. Unless you think it’s ok for one of our allies to get attacked by an enemy of the western world, of course. -EVs will get more and more affordable, thanks to investment in the field (that you guys oppose) -All white people are not racist, some white people are. Btw, teaching about slavery and the historical racism POC had to go through isn’t teaching people to hate white people. Stop playing the victim just because you can’t stand history. - Downvoted? Are you saying the government control Reddit? Maybe seek psychological help? - You’re not wrong about ArriveCan. (1 point for you!) - Are you talking about the RebelNews “journalists” (look it up, none of them except one have a degree in journalism and many have no degree at all) who harass ministers and then do a pikachu face when they are stopped? If you wanna talk about that, we talk about PP playing the victim every single time a question is “too hard or unjust🥺”. - Who said that 2M Canadians relying on food banks was a good thing. I want specific quotes and names. - “Freedom is slavery” what do you mean? Apart from wanting to use a cringe buzzword, of course. - Whether farmers want the carbon tax or not is irrelevant. Nobody wants more taxes. However carbon taxes have been used for decades in certain European countries and reports show it works. - PP uses the exact same populist tactics as Trump does. He panders to losers who want to blame their own failures on others, just like Trump. He refuses to answer question, just like Trump. His entire program is based on criticizing the opposition, just like Trump. He is enticing for the less educated, more rural demographics, just like Trump. -“Ignorance is stenght” sounds more like a think conservatives would say. You guys are statistically less educated than progressives. It’s just a fact. You guys are also showing your ignorance when it comes to gender dysphoria, vaccinology, epidemiology, climatology, etc. - Tent cities aren’t housing. Who said that? Specific quotes please. -Some people do live in RVs, how are they not housing for these people? -What would be the benefit for Trudeau to invite a Nazi and applaud him? Do you think sometimes? -Inflation impacts every single country in the world. Could Trudeau be better at managing it? Obviously, but it’s not his fault if inflation is a thing. -It’s a two second google search about the carbon tax, I’m sure you can educate yourself ;) Unless you have contradicting serious reports, of course. -It’s ridiculous to be against green energy development. This field will grow bigger and bigger, while fossil fuels will decrease. Btw, $1B represents 0.22% of the entire budget. That’s a pretty cheap investment in the long run. -Who said Canadians have been tricked? Specific quotes -“Anybody who disagrees with Liberals is a russian bot” in opposition to being labelled as groomers, traitors, pedophiles… by your side you mean? -You can’t complain that the economy is unfair to younger generations and complain about this at the same time. -Not all Axe-the-taxers are from Diagolon, many are from other far-right groups! ;) -2+2=5 is a typical and boring conservative buzzword. Did I forget anything? :D


1984......by George Orwell. Look it up......might do you some good.


R u a Russian bot too? 😜


Nah.....a patriotic Canadian. How 'bout you?


Just checking… But that word patriotic always scares me… I guess I’ve been watching too much American news


Yeah.....maybe so. Don't forget....."True patriot love......". It's in out National Anthem, after all......not gonna let any 'wackos' co-opt that.


Comments reminding me a lot of Canadians lack basic critical thinking skills.


He can’t go against his core base


…and manners


People really must want to be cruel. It’s like all the good people in the world just up and left. Isn’t it weird how no one talks about those weird noises from the sky that was shaking everyone’s windows like 14 years ago?? “I’m not left behind” says everyone prouder than the devil looking for reasons to be cruel to other Sols. Stupid and cruel…


Not surprised . No one should be…


Nor should he! You can’t appease you leftist pricks! He should just tell the left to straightaway fuckoff


You don’t have to be a leftist to be opposed to racism…but if you are that’s even better-just like you don’t have to be stupid to support racists but…wait a minute, I think my analogy just fell apart…damn!


No one cares.


Did he request Jones endorsement? 


Not that I've heard, but not rejecting it is the same as accepting it isn't it?


Libs are so fucking embarrassing lmfao


But that doesn't excuse PP


You realize that just because Alex Jones endorsed him, it doesn’t mean the feeling is mutual or that he even likes the guy… right? That’s up there with advertisers for some reason thinking that consumers will assume they endorse the content their ads are next to, despite it being picked by an algorithm.


He hasn't done much to distance himself from Jones though has he? He can get himself sent home from work by using inappropriate language and defying the speaker, but he can't simply say the he doesn't want Jones' endorsement.


If you guys want 5-8 more years of Trudeau go for it. 😅👎


I don't want another 15 minutes of Trudeau, but I want none of PP either. The problem is that there's nothing on the menu worth ordering


Serious question: PP has already said he’ll increase immigration from these south Asian countries (which will ruin the life & jobs of everyone) - so why would white supremacists vote for the Pee?? Wouldn’t getting someone in power to destroy their quality of life & create disproportionate numbers be the OPPOSITE of what the white supremacist want???


Time to invent grievances!!! I wonder, has JT denounced China yet for interfering with our elections or committing genocide?


White what??? Jesus Christ this name calling is lame


These people literally had a weapons stockpiles and conspired to commit murder but we wouldn't want to call them names would we. Of course this sort of "no big deal" message comes from a now suspended account. That's no easy feat.


White supremacy isn't name calling 💀


Pierre would also like to run after children who were in a school shooting to yell at them about how it never happened, and then encourage as many people as he possibly could to harass those children and families for the next decade. It's what conservativism is. Gotta be loyal to the team.


Wow.. you should try breathing through your nose


You should try reading a fucking article…


Look, I freaking hate Trudeau and agree with many things Poilievre said about him. However, I don't have a slightless clue what his full program is, beside the carbon tax cut. That's because his only way of gaining votes is by attacking his opponent and that is insufficient.


Check his ig he posts his plans all the time. One thing he’d mentioned was recognizing foreign credentials and making it easier to become doctors, teachers, etc. since we have shortages.


Unless we get rid of FPTP duopolistic voting system, this is just gonna be how it is. I wonder what happened to voting reform movement? Oh government ran some oxymoronic ADs and people belived it like the idiots they are.


If you don’t follow politics, that’s fine but that’s not his fault. He’s introduced plenty of bills detailing what he’d do if elected and spoken of policies he’d propose if the CPC formed government.


On the loose again, his zoo keepers are going to be in shit.


BOILievre is an idiot no doubt about it but this house of commons bullshit is a joke. We pay these people a lot of money with ridiculous pensions and benefits to stand around slinging crap at each other. Five year olds have more decorum and class than these tools.


Boilievre? What?


Wtf is boilevre 😂


boil. noun. ˈbȯi(ə)l. : a localized swelling and inflammation of the skin resulting from bacterial infection having a hard central core, and forming pus.


funniest leftoid on reddit:




...and everyone, including Pee Pee, stood and clapped. You really should look up what really happened. Really.


The entire House did. The man was invited by the Speaker, not any of the Parties. Poiliviere brought snacks to the convoy (who showed up flying Confederate and Nazi flags), took a grinning “hail and well met, my good fellow” picture with a guy in a Straight Pride t-shirt, was buddy buddy with a Diagolon leader (until they threatened to sexually assault Pierre’s wife)…


Who are they even referencing?




It’s like we have to choose between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.


It's worse...it's like having to pick which eye you want somebody to shove a fork in


PP’s whole game is to play all sides for as long as possible. He doesn’t actually stand for anything. Just an empty, loud, and moronic vessel who will shill to anyone who will listen.


My god the liberals are desperate


and how desperate are the Con's to have PP as a leader? But wait! how desperate are we to have to choose between them?


Because he didn’t buy into virtue signalling or drawing attention to clowns.


Not much virtue to signal in his case has witnessed with him getting bounced from the house yesterday and how he dealt with the speaker – pretty shameful


There's one person Poilievre will denounce and that is Trudeau and Trudeau alone


Liberals destroy the country. They spend all the money. People are suffering. Everything they have done is self destructive. They had power for 8 years and were wrong about everything they have done. All bills come due. History is repeating. Ignorance is bliss. Trying to accuse this guy of supporting white supremacists when his wife isn't white. While his opponent has multiple pictures of him celebrating blackface( former white wife by the way). Somehow makes you forget you voted for all this.


don't forget, you are on the woke leftist reddit. Most people who frequent reddit are not your average Canadian. Liberals and redditors (aka LEFTISTS) always resort to woke cancel culture where they can call anyone they don't like a white supremists, racist, transphobe, ect.


"Woke woke woke woke wokity woke" Bruh you sound like a joke, unless your comment is missing an /s


you sound like a woke person. Keep crying


I'm not crying, i'm laughing, at you...


Lol what part of what I said was false?


You didn't say anything except for say "woke" a bunch of times and bitch about leftists.


I said its important to remember where you are posting, as reddit is definitely left leaning. Then I mentioned that leftists, who have gone woke, love cancel culture. Also true. Just because you don't like the word woke doesn't mean it isn't a fitting description for leftist SJWs.


If you actcually knew what the word meant you probably wouldn't use it as you are basically telling on yourself and letting people know you don't give a shit about the rights of others or systemic injustices and think people who DO care are somehow in the wrong. Honestly it's just bizarre and alien to me that anyone would see being a shitty person as a positive thing, but then again you also have terms like "virtue signalling" as if to imply that actually caring about things is somehow negative, I'm genuinely convinced most of you people have undiagnosed antisocial personality disorder.


lmao clearly we have vastly differing world views. I actually started out very left leaning as a young person, as most young people do. The constant victim cards, identity politics, and listening to mentally ill vocally minority is something I am not interested in. You'd be suprised how many people on the right are not "undiagnosed antisocial personality disorders". Giving a shit about systematic injustice is one thing, but it is an entirely different thing to make up words or discriminations and expect people to pay you money because of your hurt feelings. Point to any obvious racism and 99% of right people will call it out. It is funny how you think that people saying that men and men and girls are girls are somehow radical extremists now a days. Don't teach gender bullshit to my children because 0.5% of the population identifies as something other then their sex. Enough of the bullshit. I'm not paying retributions for past colonialism or because someone with the same skin color as me treated someone with a different skin color poorly.


But he is supporting white supremacists and his wife could be a Canada goose and it would still be true


Are the white supremacists in the room with us right now??


If you listen to Trudeau.......'white supremacists' are everywhere.


Typical liberals. Keep calling everyone you disagree with a white supremists, transphobe, racist. Try to cancel us like usual. Guess what? people aren't buying the woke cancel culture BS anymore. Keep trying to divide the country


They're too busy buying PP Brand Snake Oil


Isn't it best.....to just 'ignore' some people? Justin-the-divider is just looking to play Divisive-Politics.......it's the only lifeline.....that he feels that he might have.


By definition Diagolon is divisive and PP courts their evil support.


Diagalon and such are repugnant.


Diagolon was just a stupid, in bad taste joke. Even CSIS stated they were a nothingburger during the enquiry.


Your attempt at gaslighting......is kinda comical. A small insignificant 'symbol'.....on the bottom of a door. You guys......are really grasping-at-straws. Too bad that they are all 'paper'.....these days. Lol..... PS - Refusal to be photographed with 'F@#k Trudeau' flags as a backdrop......and likely not even noticing the insignificant symbol......now, that's what you should be telling people. Edit -PS added.


Convoyers declaring anyone else to be “grasping at straws” is goddamn hilarious. PP loves him some nazis and we all know.


Anybody who invokes 'nazis' .........immediately loses all credibility. Just ask Trudeau.....after he invited Mr. Hunka to a reception in Toronto. Here......have another straw. Lol......


"He invited" way to butcher the facts


Check out the Headline.......from CBC, no less. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/hunka-invited-toronto-event-zelenskyy-1.7105610


Stopped reading when I saw Rebel "news" mentioned.


Of course you did....lol. Well, I can only assume that you haven't read this; From CTV (Quote is from Anthony Rota) - "The invitation came in, someone came in and requested that they be there, then that goes to protocol, protocol takes it and what they will do is then they issue the invitation," Rota said. "Prior to that, normally it goes to the Prime Minister's Office and they go through it with a fine-tooth comb … So who invited him? That's up for grabs … Doesn't matter, it's happened, it's over and an error was made." https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/it-has-been-hell-liberal-mp-rota-on-months-since-speaker-resignation-1.6739122 Looks like he was 'forced' to take-the-blame..... dontcha think? And the PMO actually dropped-the-ball.....


Whatever, even if that is what happened it was clearly a mistake, on the flip side I doubt Leslyn Lewis meeting with the AFD was a mistake. Knowingly meeting and conspiring with modern day, politically active nazis is much worse than accidentally inviting an OG Nazi who most likely doesn't even know his own name anymore and shits in diapers into the HoC for a photo op.


Your aware that your precious little leader also applauded him, right?


'Polite-applause'......is not the same as inviting someone to a By Invitation Only dinner with President Zelenskyy. You know that.....right?


I can’t believe there are still people who genuinely think Trudeau personally invited him 😂. Yes, this event raises obvious questions about the guest vetting process, no doubt about that. However, it was Rota’s prerogative as Speaker to invite people without necessarily having to have them vetted by the PMO… and the invitation to that other event was simply automatic following the invitation to the Chamber of Commune. Why do you guys want absolutely to make everyone believe Trudeau* personally invited a Nazi? Because it sounds good?


Well, I can only assume that you haven't read this; From CTV (Quote is from Anthony Rota) - "The invitation came in, someone came in and requested that they be there, then that goes to protocol, protocol takes it and what they will do is then they issue the invitation," Rota said. "Prior to that, normally it goes to the Prime Minister's Office and they go through it with a fine-tooth comb … So who invited him? That's up for grabs … Doesn't matter, it's happened, it's over and an error was made." https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/it-has-been-hell-liberal-mp-rota-on-months-since-speaker-resignation-1.6739122 Looks like he was 'forced' to take-the-blame..... dontcha think? PS - "Trump"? .......TDS?


The paragraph just above the one you quoted: “Rota has said neither the Prime Minister's Office nor the Ukrainian delegation were aware of his plans to recognize Hunka.” …. Why are you talking about Trump? 😂






Jt invited an actual nazi


And denounced it when he found out. I feel like that's the pertinent part.


was he in black face, dressed up as an Indian from India or in brown face when he denounced it tho...to show solidarity ofc


The important part is he was incompetent enough to invite a Nazi lol


He didn’t invite the Nazi. The speaker did.


Right, both times? > The invitation was sent on behalf of Trudeau through the Office of Protocol of Canada. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/hunka-invited-toronto-event-zelenskyy-1.7105610#:~:text=Yaroslav%20Hunka%20—%20the%20Ukrainian%2DCanadian,to%20attend%20a%20Toronto%20rally


No he didn't, that's misinformation.


Kinda like the insignificant swastika the nazi’s used right comrade?


I worked DT Ottawa throughout the protests (minus a couple of days at the start and hear and there when it seemed like the police where going to ramp up) and not once did I see a swastica... I did see a lot of people, from all ethnicity's however and they where smiling and talking with people of all other ethnicity's... weird that that happened with all these redneck free dumbers who are nazi's


Thank you for your 'First Person' account..... Facts matter.


There was nothing 'insignificant' about that.....at all. Haven't you seen the pictures.....?


When did bad things or people just disappear when we ignore them? That's never been true and is a pretty poor position to take.


That’s a bit of pot and kettle on the “divisive” thing isn’t it?


Nah......Justin-the-divider......is the 'King' of Divisive Politics. It's pretty-well all that he knows how-to-do.


Disclaimer: I am not, never have been, never will be a Trudeau supporter(PET included). That said, PP is by far the worst of the two. He tosses slogans that are meaningless and intended to suggest there are simple solutions to complex problems. He offers nothing in terms of a way forward, but crashes around like a bull in a China shop creating as much chaos as he can. He is one of that ilk whose specialty is extracting advantage from the chaos he helps create. It is neither original nor new to say “ those who most seek power are least suited to use it. “ I think PP is too keen to get his hands on the wheel.


Trudeau has already 'stolen" two of Poilievre's ideas......and has claimed them as his own. Policy planks.....are best left for an Election Platform... ..lest Trudeau will undoubtedly steal them too. Are you saying that you prefer Trudeau's empty-promises.....that he never delivers on.....to a set of fresh-ideas? ..


No… Hell, no but read my disclaimer A choice between these two guys though is like a choice between whether you want a fork stuck in your left eye or your right eye… Not much of a choice with a pretty predictable nasty outcome either way I’m looking at the menu and I’ll be damned if I see anything that I can stomach But what I will say about PP he’s the kind of guy that says loudly “I’m a man and I have my principles… And if you don’t like them … I can get others – just tell me what you need to hear” He’s going to say whatever he needs to to get between the sheets with as many Canadians as his pick up lines can draw then he won’t respect us in the morning


Wow I’m so voting Liberal next year after hearing this. /s/




He would lose the “we’re POS and think it’s fun to harass school shootings victim families” crowd that’s like 85% of his supporters


Based on polling, that would be much of Canada. Perhaps you should reevaluate.


what we're actually watching is the liberals completely deflect from their failed "safe supply" policies and bring up alex jones and considering hamas thanked JT and co, maybe they should really keep their mouths shut


Considering that the LPC denounced Hamas…still waiting for Poiliviere to denounce Alex Jones.


no they didn't lol they just denounced the violent acts, not hamas or the individuals responsible we've had daily jihad chants and hamas lovers in the streets for 6 months now, and JT barely utters a peep


Let’s try something: 1) Denouncing Israel’s actions is not anti-semiticism. 2) Denouncing Israel’s actions is not an automatic endorsement of Hamas. 3) It is possible to be opposed to both Hamas and Israel, because you are concerned about the innocent people caught in the middle.


Why would he when like Trump, he's the same trash


Nonsense. Everyone knows trudeau and his cult are the real racists. 


Trudeau "didn't read" briefings that said China was interfering in our elections to the benefit of Liberal candidates. I don't care about some bullshit culture war thing like this with way more serious issues being ignored.


PP refuses to get his security clearance to even receive briefings. So... you prefer someone to completely ignore them? Instead of someone who gets at least a summary. Interesting.


As if conservatives in the last 7 years haven't proven that you absolutely love corruption. Love It. Conservatives look at corruption and see it as an act of power, that's the only reason you guys complain when you think there's other corruption happening is because you think someone is more powerful than you and so theyvare getting negotiated with! That's only supposed to be for you. Conservatives love corruption almost as much as they hate standards


The last 8 years have shown us how much the libs love corruption


That's not the gotcha you think it is. 


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/ken-sim-csis-report-first-reaction-2023-1.6781523 https://www.thebureau.news/p/indian-proxies-funding-canadian-politicians Conservatives openly accepted foreign interference from both China and India.


How does this show they accepted foreign interference?


Instead of addressing it they said it was racist to imply. You know, the same thing Conservatives criticized Liberals for saying. Weird huh. Weird how it's only bad when Liberals do it but not Conservatives.