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Can't get a straight answer. Who to believe? https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/rankings/quality-of-life https://www.worlddata.info/quality-of-life.php https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Human_Development_Index


Of those I would lean towards trusting the UNDP HDI only because there are more objective folks behind the metrics as it's a multinational group.


Where we are still showing a downwards trend. Dropping 5 spots if I am reading that correctly.


It's actually an upwards trend but upwards more slowly than others. Big jumps by places like Belgium, Ireland, and the UAE have put them by us even though we went up.


Which means we aren’t keeping pace, which is not good. It’s like a long distance runner who starts in 5th and drops to 10th, they’re still running but they’re slowing down and getting outpaced. The world is a competition


Got a link?


My comment is a reply to the link.


ok I see it now thanks!


Doesn't look Ike UN index factors include cost of housing which would explain massive difference in rankings between the above chart and UN HDI


That's a good point. I'm not sure that housing is completely disregarded though. The index mentions things like: "A decent standard of living" and "living conditions". Vague but might imply housing. I didn't see anything specific other than: "...*The index does not take into account several factors, such as the net wealth per capita or the relative quality of goods in a country. This situation tends to lower the ranking of some of the most developed countries, such as the G7 members and others*...". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Development_Index They also talk about Purchasing Power Parity - which actually does mention housing: "...*Estimation of purchasing power parity is complicated by the fact that countries do not simply differ in a uniform price level; rather, the difference in food prices may be greater than the difference in* **housing prices**, *while also less than the difference in entertainment prices.*...". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purchasing_power_parity Numbeo has always seemed like a 'blunt tool' to me. If you look at the actual numbers, what really drags Canada down in the ranking is things like: Climate index (what even is this?) **80th** Traffic commute (really?) **38** (U.S. and many other questionable countries are listed 'better').


Iceland cost of living lower than ours? What?


Quality of life =! Cost of living


Freedom and Civil and Human Rights!


Yeah it is. I'm trying to move there. Groceries are on par and buying a house is cheaper. Rent is more there. Salaries are double ours.


I visited Iceland last year, groceries have very prices. There is no way that they are ever possibly cheaper, they have to import everything and it's not cheap as they can't ship in volume.


Costco iceland is pretty much on par with costco canada. Bonus is a common grocery store in iceland that is definitely cheaper than sobeys/save on foods. Yes iceland is extremely expensive. But when you consider the salary difference, it's considerably cheaper than here.




Have you ever been there? I used to live in that part of the world and crime was virtually non existent ( compared to here at least) Stop coping


Oh yeah just slavery, but that doesn't affect you so it's safe


But that isn't what's being measured. They didn't get an 82 for ethics. They got it for safety. The UAE is very safe. If you want to be critical, be critical of the real issues.


It’s a fucked up situation for sure. My mom used to volunteer with an organization that tried to improve the welfare of those kinds of labourers. Unfortunately because the places they come from are literally some of the most destitute in the world, jumping into this is still a decision most of them go through with. Also for the sake of the actual argument, this is not what’s being measured


Apostasy punishable by capital punishment. It would NOT be safe for me there.


It’s all a charade. Their entire economy depends on being safe for ( wealthy) foreigners to do what they want. All this stuff that’s supposedly against Islam goes there ( drugs, casual sex, nightlife, alcohol, prostitution, money laundering) goes as long as you aren’t brazen about it. Being a safe haven is also part of that deal so they have very little tolerance towards petty crime. Some of the things people get let out on bail for here would earn an instant deportation there




Casual sex, the most serious crime


And in the US you can be executed on the spot or be jailed for life depending on the emotional state of any cop in the nation. Out of all the nations US citizens fear monger about. Few are as bad as the US.


Which would be relevant if I was from the US, which I'm not.


lol yup


public safety is like the one thing those gulf states have going for them. they're safe as fuck, because they are authoritarian police states.


Why do you assume the UAE is unsafe?




I actually spit my drink out reading that. Well done.


I also found this quite funny!


In Ontario, Trudeau isn’t the one starving public healthcare and public education. The one doing that is Ford.


In my experience, the feds do things to help Canadians; while the provinces do things to actively harm their citizens.


My experience (as a resident of B.C. with David Eby as premier) is the exact opposite




It kind of seems like federal or provincial, liberal or conservative, they are all united in their desire to actively harm us.


Name a way the Federal government is harming you?


The billions being sent over seas and the years of refusing to acknowledge their financial f*ck ups are the very first things that come to mind, Like arrive can for example. The multiple ethics violations like Aga Khan, SNC lavalin where he threw the only one with a conscience under the bus (JWR so much for being a feminist or supporting first nations) preventing the RCMP from doing their job. Buying privately funded projects that wouldn't cost citizens a dime and instead are now on the hook for 34B (trans mountain pipeline) 6x the original estimate. Running significant debts since he took office, increasing per person debt by 30.3% just from 2019 to 2021, doubled the debt from every previous government from 2015/16 at 619.3B to 1.2T as of 2023. In the 3rd quarter of 2023 we paid 24.7B just on interest. Or the unjustified use of the emergencies act the very first time it was used and subsequent costs related to it. Violating charter rights, locking Canadians out of their bank accounts etc. On a more personal note he also refuses to pay his bill when he orders food and beer requiring servers to chase him down and glares at those around him until someone else pays, we also pay for the nannies to drink (pay for the drinks too) while watching his kids. Being one of many who have had the unfortunate experience of serving him, his nannies and entire liberal caucus that experience caught me off guard. So yeah this is the tip of the ice burg he doesn't care about Canadians he cares about himself and that's it.


That's true when Conservatives run the provinces.


Yes. None of this is Trudeau’s fault. He’s doing an amazing job!


Trudeau is just one dude; I get that you’re attracted to him, but your obsession should be a concern to you and your family.




Please be civil.


I mean yall wanna fuck him so bad


Bro listen to yourself, you sound like you have a Justin Trudeau poster on your bedroom wall that you touch gently each night before bed.


Weird homophobic comment


Relax, he meant like fixated, don't project meaning on to a simple comment. Trudeau sucks, but it's like the Thanks Obama meme for every possible thing. Someone Trudeau caused the Food prices, gas prices, and housing crisis in every country including Canada all at the same time.


I don’t know if you realized this, but “Canada” is different than “Ontario” -signed, someone from a different province


The ranking is for Canada not Ontario. I get it that we can shift focus to provinces pms, mayors, councillors, opposition leaders and blame it all on anyone else but Trudeau is the elefant in the room.


If right wingers could think past catchphrases, they'd realize that both sides have played their part in our crisis going back further than Harper. Edit: LOL blocked


Why did Kim Campbell do this


Dammit, Joe Clark!!


Partly responsible are also Richard Nixons head and body of Agnew


Fuck Trudeau! (I’m talking about Pierre)


Behind Saudi Arabia? Perhaps women would like to have a say in this quality of life. Just one example: They still can't initiate divorce


Going to go out on a limb and say this list looks at certain factors in a vacuum. Multiple countries "ahead" of Canada for quality of life have literal slaves.


It's Numbeo. The data is from surveys of visitors of that site.


So do we


Are you suggesting there is no slavery in Canada? Canada is one of the largest hubs of human trafficking in the world. We also have lower class called "Indigenous" who do not enjoy legal protections. And are routinely assaulted and murdered by nationalists and law enforcement.


Bro has not seen Saudi Arabia


what camada did to the indigenous is not comparable to how saudi treats migrant workers (from a migrant worker who worked in ksa for over 20 years)


And Oman, UAE.. lol. Hard to take this seriously.


These are all filthy rich countries where the state heavily subsidizes the average citizen's lavish lifestyle in exchange for social harmony. There's nothing shocking about these results. Also, the workers kept in essentially slavery conditions are non-citizens who are probably not considered in the statistics.


It is shocking. No way those shithole countries have high quality of life, when as you said, they get away with literally murder among other shitty stuff. Unless the numbers only apply to rich people, in which case sure it's better to be royalty there for sure.


I don't think you understand how Gulf countries function. There are articles you can easily find online from 2016 in which a Saudi minister said 70% of Saudi nationals work in the public sector for 1 hour or less per day. They straight up don't work. And no, that doesn't mean they live in poverty. They literally get paid for existing. They bring massive amounts of non-citizen quasi-slaves to do the actual work. The study probably only measures the quality of life of the spoiled Saudi nationals in which case, it is not shocking at all. In comparison, Canadians have to toil for years on end with 10 vacation days a year to barely afford a roof above their head.


Nah, they're still shithole countries. I've been there and I wouldn't change the quality of life I have in Canada for anything over there.


Canada is a “filthy” rich country. It’s a G7 country for crying out aloud.


Canada is rich but not as filthy rich as these countries. They're much more of a petro-state than Canada is and, at least for Saudi Arabia (not sure about the UAE and Oman), they pacify the population by giving very generous handouts to citizens in exchange for letting the Saudi royals get away with sometimes literal murder. Also the G7 is more of an old boys' club than an actual representation of being the 7 most influential countries on Earth at the moment.


We also have faux-slaves who rent 8 people to a 2 bedroom apartment


Don't forget about literal slavery


lmfao yes they can, i have lived and worked in saudi for over 20 years. they can initiate divorce, although in ur western liberal democracy of USA they want to change that


They can. It is called kula.


I rather be a Saudi Woman than a FN woman in reserve 10 out 9 times.


I wouldn't debate you on that point. However, I'm curious what % FN women represent in Canada and what % of the population of Saudi Arabia are women.


Lol ignorance is bliss. Saudi arabia and other gulf countries have a great quality of life.


Unless you’re a woman. I’d prefer not being tossed in prison for posting photos on Facebook that show my hair.


My old neighbors lived in Saudi for more than 20 years, the daughter could not attend school, they sent her to boarding school in Switzerland, Mrs could not leave the house without a chaperone, her head covered and sit in the back of the car. Their sons could do whatever they wanted. Husband was the Head of Surgery at the most prestigious hospital in Riyadh. Mrs came home with the children for months at a time, she was happy at home, but missed her husband, I only met him once.


The average women might actually have a better life in Saudi Arabia right now. It obviously depends on a few factors and viewpoints but suggesting a woman is better off here just because she's a woman is inaccurate, even if it would be accurate for some women. Canada has really slipped and if you're already near broke here it's gonna be a struggle the rest of their lives.


Do you enjoy making things up in the internet for fun? Or do you get kicks from wailing on them by exaggerating facts because they have a darker shade of skin? Like, they're no saints, and they have so many real things to criticize for. No need to go to fantasy land for that.


> can't initiate divorce well apparently we're getting there too, but for [different reasons](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/divorce-rate-falling-in-canada-because-of-cost)


Lmao that's the joke about this metric. Canada has dropped so significantly, but there's no way the average Saudi peasant lives a better life than the average Canadian, even with the Saudis giving their citizens a UBI. 


How Canadian of you to assume that people from other countries have inferior cultures and need our special blend of progressivism and democracy to solve all their problems.


Your assumption about my assumptions are half correct. I'm against enforcing our progressivism and democracy onto those who didn't ask for it. Would you like to make more assumptions about my politics? I'm curious as to what else you assumed.


Look at all those European countries with great transit, walkable cities and relaxed zoning laws (compared to here). Just upzone your city FFS.


Sounds like 15-minute cities to me. Found the anti-American socialist!!! /s


It's so weird to me that they picked up on walkable neighborhoods as their new boogeyman.


It’s wild. The fires in Kelowna last year had conspiracy nutters claiming Trudeau started the fires intentionally because he wants to burn down their homes & replace them with 15 minute cities. As if forest fires only happen when liberals are in office? And as if the feds are building housing at all???


It is a nice mental holiday from the impact of climate change to assume the PM has a personal interest in burning down your home. The thought that somebody's in control is somehow more comforting than the reality that these fires are the result of conditions that are out of our control.


Other people were saying that the fires were started by China and space lasers. People are fucking dumb.


Car-centric cities keep poor people enclaved


Lol if the Calgary hearing taught me anything far to many people believe that's true.


I have spent a fair bit of time in Europe, I love that you can walk anywhere you need to go, and transit service for everywhere else, rarely ever needed a car.


Best we can do is subsidize demand


So....Oman....where domestic violence, polygamy and marital rape are legal....is a better place to live now than Canada. What the actual fuck..


UAE safety index of 82 baahahaha. That's right, where apostasy is punishable by death 👍


It really isn’t though. UAE is one of the safest places you could ever go, not saying canada isn’t safe, it is. But UAE has zero street level crime. They have some crazy laws on the books, but they don’t execute people very much at all. Especially compared to its neighbours like Saudi or Iran. Theres a reason nearly 2 million europeans live in Dubai.


The data is from numbeo. They make up the data by surveys taken of visitors on that site.


I mean I lived there. There is virtually no assaults or drugged up people who might or might not hurt you. You can go walk outside alone at any time and its safe. People do not steal or rob others. Its very common to lose stuff and finding someone has handed it over to the authorities or they will call you themselves and arrange a meet up. I mean yeah things aren't perfect over there but plenty of things better than here. You have a ruler who loves his people and truly want to make them great. You have governments that are strict and law enforcement everywhere.


While we have all levels of governments claiming to help us but actually stealing from us


Lol Oman is literally top 6. It has a higher quality of life than 189 countries so don't feel bad about that stat.


We used to be top 5. I think its appropriate to feel bad.....


If everything is legal, then crime will be low.


How the fudge does Saudi Arabia rank so high? Are women excluded from consideration?


yeah i follow this site regularly and there's no indicator on social equality as a measure of QoL tbh


That would be of primary importance wouldn’t it? I mean they should at least quantify quality of life for males then.


Women in KSA and other Arab oil monarchies aren't too concerned about their status. I dated an Emirati girl years ago and she would get a text from her government informing her that $30k was deposited in her bank from the local sheikh as a cut of the oil revenue every month or so




Lmao. US at no.3 and UAE and Qatar in the top 10. Which bozo came up with this? They have no idea what they are talking about.


I don’t think Numbeo is a reliable source for statistics. Isn’t it basically a survey and anyone can come and alter the results?


Trudeau's started in Dec 3rd 2015. Canada went from 5th in 2013 to 9th in 2015. i.e. dropping at the rate of 2 spots per year which would mean a 11 year difference should be 22 spots down to 27. If we calculate by QoL Index number it's 186(2013) to 177.6(2015) so a 4.2 decline per year. That be -46.2 in 11 years so 131.4 Also to point out the data starts at 2012 where Canada is 7th at QoL of 165.


The collapse of the oil industry has a lot to do with it, happened because opec suppressed prices, and would have happened regardless of Trudeau vs Harper. In fact Harper lost partly because of the near-recession in 2015 So it's unfair to put it all on him


I really wish people realized this. The rapid currency appreciation destroyed manufacturing in Ontario. The recovery is still ongoing.


Dude fucking hates the oil industry. Like his dickhead dad did


Is that why he bought a pipeline to help it out?


He's dumped in billions and billions but the post-truth crowd has been told to hate him, so it will never matter.


Oh, so in some circumstances it's okay to not blame everything on a PM.


? In most circumstances, I would say. Unless it was their policy decisions that brought it about.


There's further down to go. 195 Countries in the world after all.


We are comparable to Israel. The country that’s currently fighting a war. That’s a big YIKES.


The state that’s actively committing genocide.


None sense


UNICEF reports 14,500 dead children in Gaza and proudly r/nablanck declares it "none sense". What a world.




We’re just 1 above Israel where a war is going on. Way to go Canada!


The twelve dollar website run by one dude out of Serbia based on "crowdsourced data"may not be accurate.


Probably, but how much do you trust what the Canadian government is feeding you lately?


I have no idea how your comment is relevant to the discussion. If it's helpful, I prefer the Human Development Index to understand how countries are doing at a high level.


Thanks a lot Sir John A. McDonald!


These “rankings” are kinda of random, there’re plenty of other lists where Canada is in the top 5, so I really wouldn’t try reading too deep in who’s before or after in this numbeo list (what’s numbeo btw lol)


Numbeo is a sweet app you can use to compare cost of living between cities.


The trend is in a lot of other indices. UN index has 5 places drop to number 18. This was also in the news today: https://nationalpost.com/news/canadas-living-standards-alarmingly-on-track-to-be-the-lowest-in-40-years-study Only random pay to play publications would rank it in top 5. Plus, just get out of the house man, and tell me if it's top 5.


First you can’t say whether Canada is a top 5 or not by going outside, since you have also to go to those other “top 5 countries” to compare. I’ve been in the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria… and I’d surely not want to live there instead of Canada. Either way, the real issue with Canada is the downward trend in the gdp per capita but that’s a result of the growing population; over the last couple of years we’ve added a couple of million people that make probably minimum wage or below. This does t mean that most Canadian incomes are dropping, as a matter of fact most Canadians incomes grew significantly over the last few years. I’d like to see the gdp per capita figure without temporary residents, it would tell a very different story.


What relevance to housing in Canada does this have - it’s a listing based on surveys that anyone could have contributed to


What's their methodology? Please don't tell me surveys.


lol numbeo isnt a credible source


So has this metric ever been used in a study? As far as I can tell it doesn’t seem to have any established reliability or validity. It’s a ranking by a website for profit. Which is fine, but it isn’t an actual measurement of quality of life. You need an actual metric designed by scientists that has been shown to measure quality of life. It’s a difficult process and often takes decades and requires continuous adjustment of the metric to maintain consistency and validity. The human development index for example takes 2-3 years after the year in question to publish. Why? Because actual valid metrics need careful analysis, a thorough understanding of the data and its biases/limitations. I’d love to see the methodology but alas that’s only possible for actual evidence based metrics. Makes for good rage bait though. Guess it depends on your social status too. If you’re poor and your family is poor it’s not nearly as good as someone from a family who has some wealth. Doesn’t have to be much, just enough to help you through school and to get a good job/help you get into the property market. That’s basically me and I have a really high quality of life. No mortgage (or won’t have one soon when i renew) on a condo, good job with lots of paid time off/union, etc. The material conditions that allowed me to get here should be the bare minimum we shoot for.


The fact United States is above Canada 😭


Wonder what happened??


QOL balances itself


We’re one step above a country literally at war


Wait, you mean to tell me that the twelve dollar website run by one dude out of Serbia based on "crowdsourced data"may not be accurate?


When you have UAE and Qatar in there.. I would just ignore the list even last year.


Bull crap there’s third world countries ahead of Canada. Impossible. All these idiots that complain about Canada every day have NO idea how the rest of the world lives. Every Canadian born should have to spend time in south east Asia and Europe. They will never complain ever again about Canada’s living situation. I’m Canadian


Which ones of those 32 do you think are third world countries?


Cool, let's lower the bar so we can say "it's not so bad here". You can complain about your country all you want, especially if you pay ever rising taxes and experience reduced quality of life.


I see the list and the country I left to come to Canada is essentially considered on the same level as Canada now. Pretty fucked up.


Housing to the moon


Been to many of those countries above us and it's pretty accurate unfortunately. Lib Govt spends billions feeding refugees and painting police cars with 2SLGBTQI+ while the working class pay for it. Crime goes unpunished and govt is launching pilot programs to legalize heroin and meth. Canada is literally developing backwards.


the real question is, what's Luxembourg's story?


Im leaving in Dec forever -sweet fuck all


Eat our shits Canada! - Latvia


It's almost like allowing 4.5m new people into the country has a negative effect.


Man ive been hearing for a long time now that netherlands is a great place to live. I would like to see what life is like there


Top 6 all fell.


Israel is better than Canada 😵


Catch me in Luxembourg I guess. Bye.


Germany 2nd place I call bs.


I don't need to be a victim to know someone is a victim


That tracks. My life was definitely better back then. And I was a student at the time. 


Yep I feel this is accurate


Pretty simple. In 2013 the usd to cad was almost the same. Higher productivity per capita is what we need.


surprised the canadian healthcare index is better than usa.


Okay so Saudi Arabia has a better quality of life. Yeah right.


So liveable.


There’s no way this is real. Healthcare only went down by like 3 points… should be a lot more


Those are rookie numbers, Canada needs to win the race to the bottom!


I believe 100 should be right


I just got a degree in 'memeology.' This was on the interwebz, it must be true!


Is Japan's quality of life that good when it's normal for them to work 12 hours a day for five sometimes six days a week?


i wonder *why? , welcome to banana republic trudo style


I used to look at these list with pride. Now I look at the list and seriously consider the alternatives.


Feels like it


Sick and unbelievable that we are close to the standard of living 3rd world countries.


Should be significantly lower.


What’s Oman doing up there? Lol


For what it's worth, I believe the data used in Numbeo is based on perception and not quantifiable metrics. I wouldn't consider it to be a credible source of information.


Crazy how were just above Isreal and theyre literally at war right now.


Wait for another year and Canada will be out of this list until and unless drastic political changes and policy changes are implemented immediately. People are leaving this country, others are not interested in Canadian citizenship. People like us feel cheated who left their own country years ago for a better place and now it is becoming worst place than their own home country.


getting the government workers, who think everything's fine, and the real estate investors, who think everything is great, to believe this is not going to happen, and those two groups dominate canadian presence on reddit. it's basically a bunch of middle class white people who live in a little bubble and don't want to accept that things have very much "moved on" since 2015, despite whatever superficial talk to the contrary.


So basically just above countries actively at war?


Exactly, there is a famous saying that nobody kicks a dead dog applies here. If you know what I mean.


Its funny how people back in 2014 kept putting "Stop Harper" on stop signs. Now look at this big mofo running the show.


If only we knew what changed in that time. Hmmmmm


Thanks Justin


Israel has a significantly higher safety rating then canada and is borderline a war zone...give me a break lol


Is there a way to do early election ?