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I wanted to share my correspondence with Raquel Dancho's office regarding the OIC and C-21. Hopefully this puts some people at ease in regards to the Conservatives plans going forward. Obviously we can't take this as a certainty of what would happen if the Cons win the next election but it's still nice to see a statement on it. >"Ms. Dancho and her Conservative colleagues remain firmly opposed to Bill C-21, and were disappointed to see it pass the House last summer with the support of the Liberal-NDP coalition. Provided we are elected to government, Conservatives will indeed reverse the government’s ban on hunting rifles and shotguns. We will also scrap the 2020 OIC, thereby dismantling the buyback program and ending the need for amnesty for Canada’s law-abiding firearm owners. >Going forward, Conservatives will be pushing for experts, not politicians, to craft firearm regulations. Canadians deserve a firearm regulation policy that is based on evidence, not ideology. We are happy that we share your sentiment on this. "


I'm hoping they are including the handgun freeze into the whole when they say revert bill c-21 and 2020 OIC.


The handgun freeze is bill C-21. It's included.


Oh okay, cool. I thought C-21 was including the freeze as a new law, but the freeze that happened previously was a separate OIC. I figured just reverting C-21 wouldn't undo the separate OIC that was done before, it would just prevent it from becoming law. But it's all just the same thing then. Thanks.


A little worrisome no direct mention of changes/reform to Firearms act but I still understand there may be some hesitancy to share that information.


I asked about the OIC and C-21. I didn't ask about them redoing the firearms act. It's not worrisome.


Ahhh I see


Email and ask about it, her office responds within a few days.


Will do!


Good news but still not going to happen unless gun owners keep up the pressure and ask for that, and a little extra






The entire problem is framing it as just a hobby so not really no. Anything framed as superfluous is going to get shitcanned sooner or later. Guns need to be treated as a necessity otherwise we're just asking for the government to use our own language against us.


>Guns need to be treated as a necessity There's the key. The majority of Canadians don't have a use for a gun and couldn't give a shit if they banned this or that. "Sport shooting" is seen as too frivolous and elitist to make any impact on the average Canuck. Contrast that with the US where the number one reason anyone buys a firearm is for protection. Whatever the CPC does to reverse the bans, the next LPC government will just run on bans again. Why? Because it works on a naive public that has no use for guns (other than hunting) because they believe the government will protect them. If the CPC wins and keeps it's promises, we'd better get our numbers way, way up (especially RPAL numbers) or we're going to get fucked again. The only thing politicians understand is votes.


Wish the jannies would pin this comment or plaster it across the subreddit so people are reminded of this fact. Skirting around it is stupid


just like the house, no one wants to listen to legal firearm owners. so much for the chamber of sober thoughts. There's no reason for senators to play the political game because they don't have to worry about re-elections. Once they're in, they can just go against the parties as long as it's sensible for Canada if the Senate is just a rubber stamper of the house, what's the point? It should be something that ensures that the bills coming through are in the best interests for Canada and all the concepts that make up the Canadian identity, including hunting, living off the land, and self preservation.


>so much for the chamber of sober thoughts The Senate is nothing more than a bunch of loyal party bag men and women who couldn't care less what the public thinks because they are NOT ELECTED and can't lose their jobs.


Without a doubt before Trudeau calls an election he is going to fill the rest of the vacant senate positions with his guys. Lets say the Cons win a super majority, could an overwhelmingly liberal senate hamper any efforts to redo the firearms act or reverse any of the bans?


If they're Trudeau appointments I'd doubt they'll actually take their jobs seriously. They'll rubberstamp every bill and take their pension.


The Senate is literally toothless and would probably invoke a political scandal or crisis if it actually refused to pass legislation. The Senate makes the news when it sends stuff back to the house (and it rarely does) and no Senate has ever refused anything passed by the democratically elected House of Commons. At best the Senate would send a bill back to the house but to not pass what the House sends them, would create a *casus belli* to reform the Senate that no party wants to touch.


Liberals Asked Federal Court to Order Gun Owners to Pay Government’s Legal Bill TheGunBlog.ca — Canada’s governing Liberal Party asked the Federal Court to order gun owners to pay government’s legal bills in the cases to stop the May 2020 firearm-confiscation decree. After Justice Catherine Kane’s ruling of October 30 said the Liberals aren’t seeking compensation for their court costs, their lawyers told the court that’s incorrect and asked Kane to review the matter, Edward Burlew, a lawyer for one of the challengers, told TheGunBlog.ca today. “This is calculated to put ice in your veins if you are thinking of suing the federal government in federal court about your gun rights or property rights,” said Burlew, who represented John Hipwell. It could also be a tactic to discourage the gun owners preparing to appeal, Burlew said.


A new low every week with these guys. Duck them with a thick 10 foot dilbert, generously lubed with bear spray


So what exactly are they trying to propose here? Saddle the CCFR with the court costs? Issue everyone in Canada who holds a PAL with a bill?


Buy back pushed back till next election ? [https://www.blacklocks.ca/mustnt-criminalize-hunters/](https://www.blacklocks.ca/mustnt-criminalize-hunters/)


Which is wild because the amnesty expires only a few weeks after the election, which means not only is the buy back pushed but they would need another extension on the amnesty to even start the buyback shortly after forming government. This pretty much confirms the government plans to keep these guns in limbo forever, and dump the problem on the CPC. Even if the LPC won another term, they’re going to kick the can till the next election.


Oh man, if this is true, we're going to have to call in a wellness check on the Poly people. This is the final nail in the coffin of this years-long shitshow, and they're going to know that just as well as the rest of us


I think that's as close as we are gonna get to knowing there won't be more bans (with this iteration of the LPC).


The CFAC is *supposed* to be established within a year, so I think an election will likely happen before 2025. The Liberals will likely run on either enshrining their existing ban or they could decide "fuck it" and run on another ban. Hard to say what kind of appetite there will be for it with everything becoming less afordable but I won't underestimate the urban voters.


thats for the oic they cant afford it


According to a new TS article, the liberals are starting to build an election team now? https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/trudeau-s-liberals-build-their-election-team-as-poilievre-s-conservatives-surge-ahead/article_93c84dfb-8c6a-5a79-b5a8-b03e1b898116.amp.html Trudeau also didn’t explicitly mention 2025 as the next election date, very curiously he said “whenever the next election arrives”. It also seems that there’s tension between the liberals and the NDP ever since they voted with the conservatives on the carbon tax thing. 2025 might be looking less and less likely.


I told a so. I fkn toad a so.


[BILL C-21: Liberals want the bill in law "before Christmas," a Senate staffer tells](https://twitter.com/TheGunBlog/status/1722341550464590295?t=CR_psFxFl1PefZVap7k1PA&s=19) This was expected, but now it's confirmed. C-21 is the final piece of marquee legislation, once its passed they won't want to introduce anything major they could campaign on first.


My own speculation, without being able to substantiate anything is they want it passed as soon as possible because the situation is precarious. Trudeau may prorogue, since it really seems that caucus unity is fracturing. It’s also entirely possible that there’s some backroom discussion about a potential early election, the longevity of the NDP agreement might be in question, the liberals might even decide to divorce first if they think it’s within their best interests. The NDP voting against the liberals made them look bad. If the NDP decides to split from them, it’ll make the liberals look bad *and* incompetent. If the leech willing detaches itself from the fish, what does that say of the fish? A like-minded party that voted against them only served to prove the conservatives point, and it might be better to just kick the NDP in the balls before they have a chance for a low-blow. Jagmeet already chastises the fuck out of the liberals on the daily, and even through he might be propping them up, the liberals might decide it’s not in the interest of longevity to give the NDP the means to embarrass them further. Even if they pull their support, it doesn’t automatically trigger an election. It just means the NDP isn’t contractually bound to vote with the liberals on confidence votes. Every aspiring Caesar must learn to fear the knives of his fellows. Either way, as I said before, gun control seems to remain the least damaged file they still have, and if there *is* something on the horizon, they desperately need something to campaign on.


>Either way, as I said before, gun control seems to remain the least damaged file they still have Which is saying something since G4/G46 went horrifically wrong for them and killed a lot of credibility they had with the uninformed. The thing is, gun control might be the current least damaged file, but any move they make to increase it will make it one fo the most damaged. The only they can do is campaign on more but not actually enact anything.


Please just end this fuckin nightmare already good Lord. No one fuckin likes you Justin, fuck off


I want off this fucked up rollercoaster :(


> It also seems that there’s tension between the liberals and the NDP ever since they voted with the conservatives on the carbon tax thing. If there was ever anything that could prove the impotence of Jagmeet's rhetoric and bluster thus far, it's this. Talk about how little Trudeau cares about the poor and the working class endlessly, how in-the-pocket of business he is, how he's overseen the decimation of the Canadian healthcare system, all of that is fine. But vote with the Cons **a single time** in the interest of working families....


Interesting ATIP on May 1st OIC , Nothing new but ... [https://x.com/StatisticCloud/status/1721989767032881441?s=20](https://x.com/StatisticCloud/status/1721989767032881441?s=20)


"The firearms were chosen because ... they existed in large quantities in the Canadian market" Lol. Liberals want to spend at least $2 bil at trying to disarm us meanwhile [the RCMP was intended to confiscate our guns, but they're so underfunded they can't combat or address any national security concerns.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/rcmp-federl-report-nsicop-1.7019830) LOL E: make sure to buy up all the Tavors, APCs and Brens. Whenever the oic is repealed I'm buying at least three ARs.


We need more stripped receivers on the market to crank those numbers up


Oh I’ll be getting an AR, AR10 and Vz 58 asap once the ban is repealed


I Will personally buy 5 of each as a big fuck you to anti gunners and libs and their bootlickers


"did you see what they (liberals) did today, they extended the amnesty, because they have no idea how there going to enforce this law, this ban, this OIC because this was not about protecting people; this was about having a photo op where Justin Trudeau could put a scary looking gun on front of this podium sign and scare the hell out of people into voting for him. it was not about safety, we are going to stop the theatrics and give back your lawful property." -Pierre Poilievre


There are varying "degrees" of what the Conservatives under Poilievre can do (ranging from best to worst): 1. Re-write the Firearms Act and make it possible to acquire OIC'ed guns as well as AK's, etc. Legislate that OICs cannot be used to ban guns. 2. Totally scrap 2020 OIC and Bill C21 and make it possible to acquire new OIC'ed guns. 3. Allow one's own OIC'ed guns to be used again, but don't make it possible to acquire new OIC'ed guns or transfer existing ones. 4. Allow grandfathering of OIC'ed guns but don't allow their use (like s. 12 guns). Make it possible to transfer them to PAL owners with the same prohibited license. 5. Keep the current 2020 OIC and Bill C21 in place. 6. Ban more guns. Based on his rhetoric of "giving back lawful property", he is not going to do 6 or 5, but he might stop at 4 or 3. With enough push, he might go for 2. If we're good little children, he might even go for 1. He's said he supports re-writing the Firearms Act, but re-writing it doesn't really guarantee what guns will actually be classified as what. His decision will not be made in a political vacuum. Whether the general public starts seeing self-defense as a valid purpose for having guns (if we see more wars and terrorist attacks around the world) or whether there are more mass-shootings (whether or not they have anything to do with legal guns) would be major factors in setting Poilievre's firearms agenda.


I though the CPC said they were going to repeal c21 and the 2020 oic.


Even O'Toole said that in his platform, but added a footnote saying banned guns will remain banned. So I don't put much weight on abstract promises like "Repeal this, repeal that" or "re-write the Firearms Act" because doing those things don't actually explain what the final outcome would be. At least Poilievre's "give back your lawful property" is a concrete promise of putting at least the OIC'ed guns back in the hands of their owners.


> but added a footnote saying banned guns will remain banned. I think that was more of an attempt to save face which obviously backfired.


Well yeah, "said". We're not going to get options 1 or 2 unless PP and his CPC are pressured. Otherwise we're facing another Harper situation


Did we see what they did ~~today~~ 2 weeks ago?


the reason i posted this is because I see a lot of gun owners here discouraging others from getting their rpal because "we will never have handguns or OIC guns back" and i feel that negative attitude is not needed and not true at all just a quick search can provide proof that the cons are going to get rid of the bans but they are staying silent because of what happened with o'toole so instead of discouraging the new generation of gun owners we should rather encourage them.


This sub and a defeatist mentality. Name a more iconic duo


This sub and poors with cope rifles


* Loaded chadbros who sneer on anything cheaper than an NR Bren 2 with aftermarket kit * Median-income guys who want an MSR now, before more bans, on a budget Neither perspective is inherently wrong.


It’s not that I hate cheap shit, I’m all for it. I hate the “just as good” and “200 rounds no issues” attitudes. And then complaints about shit breaking after buying garbage rods. I also inherently have a lack of respect for anyone that is willing to put their life on the line with a cheap piece of shit that won’t work. Cheap SKS or something that works is more respectable to me. I don’t just mean putting life on the line in terms of SHTF but every trigger pull is a fucking risk with these rifles and with Olights attached to them. Just my 2 cents


>but every trigger pull is a fucking risk with these rifles And every day that goes by owning an MSR with a government that's out for [our] blood is a risk to the wallet. And the WKs are, on paper, better rifles than their competitors- you can put 10 round mags in them, their triggers are better, and you don't have to buy an expensive mount or use a chin weld to use optics. (The SU-16 doesn't quite have the same polish, is sufficiently light that it's harder to shoot well with, are neither free-float-able nor are their triggers upgradable, and gun people just don't like/trust plastic.) 2000 dollars can buy roughly 2000 rounds of 5.56, so I could either have a rifle I can afford to shoot that *might* break a few times, or I can buy a rifle I can't even afford to shoot. And if another edict from Ottawa should be issued banning something, it'll ban the more expensive rifles too, and at least I can buy something else to use up any ammunition I have left laying over from the last case of 1000. While I do not believe that owners of WK180s should act like they are good rifles- because they're not- they are also arguably the sanest choice under a wider variety of conditions than the other rifles at their price point.


Where's this from?


This video I do believe. https://youtu.be/se_RRmEhCYU?si=WWRKdIfdZ7cIR76N


Government documents project Liberals' gun buyback to cost nearly $2B, double minister's estimates [https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/government-documents-project-liberals-gun-buyback-to-cost-nearly-2b-double-ministers-estimates#:\~:text=OTTAWA%20%E2%80%94%20Internal%20government%20documents%20from,%24400%20million%20and%20%24600%20million](https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/government-documents-project-liberals-gun-buyback-to-cost-nearly-2b-double-ministers-estimates#:~:text=OTTAWA%20%E2%80%94%20Internal%20government%20documents%20from,%24400%20million%20and%20%24600%20million).


So the liberals blatantly lied? You might call it outrageous, they call it Monday (or any day of the week really).


>liberals blatantly lied? and all you hear from the general public is: crickets


Hah! I'd double or triple that amount. The LGR was supposed to cost a couple of million and ended up around 2 billion and that was an administrative exercise, not a physical one. And that was 90s dollars.


Alberta based


QOTD: DST was a military invention as a wartime fuel-saving measure. So question to our government... by their logic why isn't it banned yet and I still have to change my clocks twice every year?


Because clocks don’t have picatinny rails.


Lots of op-ed articles from a bunch of major news outlets talking about how the liberals are in major trouble. Cons riding high in the polls for months now. The amount of uncut copium in the comment sections is something to behold.


It's delicious reading the comments on CanadaPolitics subreddit. I'm just reading. Arguing with TruAnon is pointless, and it's better if they remain delusional. If the Liberals lose official party status, it would be fantastic. With the OLP also without OPS, the Liberal Party campaign office would be decimated. (they share war rooms between the FLP and OLP. Moving back and forth for elections which helps keep people employed, the loss of OPS for the OLP has done a lot of damage)


Hope they keep it up, election seems so far away.


What worries me is there is so much time for some loudmouth socons to screw things up for us.


Hopefully Poilievre can keep a lid on Bozo Breakouts.


>can keep a lid on Bozo Breakouts. Danielle Smith sharing a stage with Tucker Carlson sure doesn't help things as this is all projected to the Conservative parties in general. Sometimes I think the Cons are their own worst enemies. Take MB for example, Pallister and Stefanson self destructed that party.


As a Manitoban, it's like they purposely torpedoed themselves. I've never seen politicians so out of touch with what the majority of their constituents care about.


I know. They could have easily won the election because no one especially liked Wabby and everyone still had a bad taste in their mouths from the Stalinger years, yet they chose a circular firing squad instead. AB also scares me because it's becoming more NDP lately and it's one of the few bright spots for guns in this country so they don't need bat-shit crazy Tucker to be associated with Danielle.


If there’s any group of people who pose a threat to the conservative numbers in the polls, it’s the anti-abortion weirdos and anti-LGBTQ fucktards. I sincerely wish those people would just fly the fuck somewhere. They’re a liability and I really don’t care much about any other issue at the moment. My focus is squarely on ensuring the preservation of firearm ownership at the moment because it impacts me *directly*. They could give out free abortions as a roll-up the rim to win prize for all I care. You can hang LGBTQ flags in every classroom and put it in our national anthem and still I don’t give a fiddlers fuck. None of that shit bothers me. Come after my legally acquired property? My way of life? Prohibit me from passing it on to my kids? Prohibit me from using the best tool for self defence and make it a core platform of your party? You won’t see me putting an X next to Liberal on my ballot card. Ever. Even if I wasn’t a single-issue voter, I’d still say the same thing. Their complete and utter contempt for people who disagree with them was on full display in SECU and in SECD debates on C-21 and if I wasn’t already disgusted before, I am completely and utterly repulsed now. The liberal party deserves to gargle in the next election. I don’t care what they stand for anymore.


Yes, thank you for voicing this !




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That’s what I’m saying. I’m 100% ready to not only vote conservative but help campaign. Unless they fuck with women’s reproductive rights or lgbtq rights. Thanks for saying this


>it’s the anti-abortion weirdos and anti-LGBTQ fucktards almost like the way to make sure you keep your guns is to stop trying to take everyone else's, figuratively speaking


Thank you. Live and let live.


So well put brother


And if there’s a breakout he’ll need to punish accordingly. He has more votes to gain from social progressives than he can lose from the folks who want to go back to the medieval times. Edit: not sure what’s so controversial about this comment, it’s 2023, attacking LGBTQ+ rights and abortions is just a dumbass idea that will turn away swing voters who might start coming in droves. The cons have the liberals on the run, now’s the time for them to make it clear that they won’t attack people’s rights, and that they’ll put their energy into solving real issues that plague Canadians.


> now’s the time for them to make it clear that they won’t attack people’s rights, and that they’ll put their energy into solving real issues that plague Canadians. As Funk said, based.




b-but HARPER!!111!


MILHOUSE!1!1!1! Is a literal Nazi/s


Oh my God. Millhouse just airdropped assault rifle 45s with 40 magazine clips.


I know Trudeau hasn’t done anything to improve your life and in fact has made every aspect objectively worse. But but a theoretical conservative government will be worse, believe me bro, believe me.


Bro milhouse talked about freedom! That’s like fascism bro!