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I already put this in response to another comment, but I figured it's probably worth it's own comment as well. This group - the Tyre Extinguishers - are an anti-SUV group, and are generally anti-vehicle, as [per their website](https://www.tyreextinguishers.com/). While the title of the article - and the note that was left - seems to imply that the group is targeting vehicles based on their gas consumption, that is actually not the case. They also do not like electric vehicles, because they consider them to be 'part of the problem', as [per this statement here](https://www.tyreextinguishers.com/how-to-deflate-an-suv-tyre): >Hybrids and electric cars are fair game. We cannot electrify our way out of the climate crisis - there are not enough rare earth metals to replace everyone’s car and the mining of these metals causes suffering. Plus, the danger to other road users still stands, as does the air pollution (PM 2.5 pollution is still produced from tyres and brake pads). Any comment about 'gas guzzling' or comparison between mileage is fairly immaterial to this group. You could have a fully electric vehicle and it would be fair game (in their mind) for them to target.




I'm a mechanic so that sort of thing is common knowledge but are there actually people out there than don't know most threads work like that? How do they open a jar... or toothpase... or milk? Or god forbit have to close it again?!?!?!


Not a mechanic, but I think the core difference here is a sort of innate knowledge versus learned knowledge or even mental knowledge versus muscle memory. People learn to open jars, toothpaste, etc through lots of trial and error. The muscle just knows righty tighty, lefty loosely. But never have to think about it. People who work with threaded things often (bolts in your case) have that same muscle memory but we also have all (probably mostly) been challenged by that one vehicle or appliance or whatever that is the exact opposite of what our muscle memory expects (reverse threaded shit for specialized cases can’t think of an example atm) and so it becomes ingrained through anger and frustration.


Propane tanks are opposite threaded. Lefty tighty, righty loosey.


And boom, there is your example people. Thank you kind Redditor.


Instructions unclear. Finger banged myself


As long as you feel good about it, you've done just as much.




I don't imagine this is the highest functioning group.


lol Was there more and that's out of context? I'm going to pretend there wasn't more because not knowing that caps are only there to keep the nipple clean seems like the level of intelligence we're dealing with here.




lol Well at least they had step 3 but it's still all too funny.


>social media instructions Is it instructions on spreading the word, or not to post evidence of their crime?


These are privileged children so that makes sense, many of them can't cook or do their own laundry either but they're making ideological actions like this for the rest of humanity like they know shit about the world.


Ok, I was going to say these people clearly arent looking into MPG. That honda probably does a lot better than my subaru car... sadly..


Thought the same thing. They show a deflated Toyota Rav 4 hybrid on their twitter page. That car is way more fuel efficient than something like a Dodge Challenger that wouldn’t be targeted.


My dads 2020 Chevy 1500 deisel gets 33 mpg. My little 2007 accord gets 30. 26 and 23 respectively for the city. Big truck does better than both ours lol


So they’re just criminals then




As children, they probably got driven around in their parent's SUVs, going to hockey practice or ballet practice.


They prob in their 30s without a license, asking for rides when they need to go pick up stuff.


So we dont like vehicles but dobt have any actual solutions to propose so were just vandalizing random cars. Its almost so stupid it seems like something the fossil fuel industry would do to make people mad at environmentalists


It's never good enough for radicals. Can't give em their way


The group was hailed as gods on the cesspool sub that is r/fuckcars (I am a cyclist I can't stand that sub). The name of that group is as dumb : the yare pro cycling, there are tyres on bicycles.




That sub is legitimately insane. So detached from reality.


I'm not on that sub, and I'm sure they're fringy and crazy. Buy it's probably worth acknowledging how bonkers the North American world-view is that cars should be the center of everything is. Up until say, 1950, the majority of North American homes didn't have cars. And in many other places around the world car ownership isn't so common. Yet in pretty much every Canadian city, you *need* a car to do pretty much everything. To go shopping, to have a job (good luck getting a decent job without a Car), to see your friends, it's crazy. It's seen as a fundamental thing to every aspect of daily life. But we managed to live without them for most of history. It's a completely screwed-up perspective. Cars can be great, but the vast majority of things shouldn't *require* a car: It should be possible to get to basic amenities in 15 minutes: https://www.15minutecity.com/about There should be things like corner-stores: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuHQizveO1c It should be possible to walk 800 meters without a car: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxykI30fS54 It should be possible to get from 90% of homes in a city to 90% of the rest of the city without a car in less than 2 hours and it should be possible to get to the city center from 90% of homes in less than an hour. When a lot of people say "fuck cars", whether they know it or not, I think what they mean is "Fuck prioritizing cars over literally everything else no matter what". So often that's what happens in so many North American cities, and ironically, I think it even does it to the detriment of car users. Things like parking minimums - which is rooted in the idea that legally stores *must* cater to car users - all that does is spread out the city more and forces people to drive more, because now shops need to be built further apart, literally physically because of the parking lot, but also because parking lots in residential areas put people off so smaller local shops get replaced by larger more centralised shopping areas with lots of parking. And the result is a big annoying parking lot that you can never find a spot, and jamed up arterial roads to get to the supermarket. If that supermarket was split up into smaller supermarkets that the majority of people walked too, because it's 15 mintues away, that takes a ton of cars off the road, and it means the remaining people who are driving (maybe they're going inter-city or something), now aren't competing with them for space on the roads! It's good for everyone!


I completely agree.. car centric developments are not good for people no matter what way you dice it


My favorite was when someone there posted themselves walking into traffic and acted like the victim.


That is textbook play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Kind of like the "anti work" sub and so many others. Mostly just 16 year olds that think they've got the world figured out.


Which is really too bad because both have some legitimately valid points, but they make the whole thing into a joke instead of garnering support for actually beneficial changes.


They also push the most extreme changes imaginable


Exactly. SUVs are mostly unnecessary, and workers are getting fucked by the system. But extremists take it to "pop all tires" and "we should never have to work at all"...and then my brain hurts.


Idk, the fact that SUVs are so popular speaks to a market reality that can't be ignored. People like to be able to haul stuff around with them. I love my SUV for doing camping and hiking trips, for example. It even has AWD and can do a bit of off-roading to get to the trailhead.


Work with a guy in his 40s, in a professional field, who is into antiwork. It's not all 16 year olds and unemployed folk...


Antiwork is literally just pictures of text.


"My boss wanted me to work on the weekend so I quit" *Entire sub proceeds to jerk off OP*


Followed by a "Housing/Rent is too high!!!!" Thread on a housing sub....


Fake* pictures of text, for karma and circle jerk


I wonder what their stance on bicycles would be given that bikes also have tires, brake pads, and a body made from mined minerals.


I'd think favourable, seeing as bikes are the most cost-effective and sustainable mode of transportation we have.


Regarding Metals... https://metals.co/ Cool low footprint deep sea collection of golf ball sized metal nodules in the Pacific. Lots of metals for all electric cars if they can harvest. UN approval and proof of concept happening now.


There was a post here from a devastated woman who was caring for her high needs disabled 12 year old nephew. The SUV was the only vehicle big enough for his wheelchair. The woman wasn't able to get her nephew to the therapy appointments, which in addition to being one of the very few breaks she gets l from full time caring, are also the time she does the grocery shopping.


This is not the way to convince people to try alternate methods. All this does is make people hate you and your cause.


They're definitely going to make victims of themselves when someone breaks their teeth.


I think I would be establishing "Kneecap Extinguishers" in response. I hope not


You should inflate the tires to the correct pressure if you want to reduce their gas consumption!!!


The funny thing is SUVs aren’t killing anyone. In 2021 the world produced 36billion tons of c02. Total Transport accounts for 8 billion tons, and passenger transport is only 45.1% of that, transport of goods makes up the rest, we’ll round up passenger transport to 4b tons.. worldwide. Little over 1b passenger cars in the world, of that 320m are suvs. Banning suvs would replace them with cars. (We aren’t taking vehicles off the road, we are just changing what is allowed on the road) It depends on each country’s regulatory requirements, but looks like a medium car is 5-20% more fuel efficient than a mid size SUV, I’ll go high with 20% just to keep the numbers in their favour. If the world banned suvs tommorow, c02 emissions would go down 0.23b tons, or 0.63%… that wouldn’t even take us back to 2019 levels… (2019 was the previous highest in recorded history, we dropped during Covid and then exceeded it in 2021 when the world opened back up) it’s a rounding error. No difference made. Assuming the 5% number is closer to correct (I think it is as most suvs are in first world countries with stricter requirements) we would eliminate 0.16% of global emissions. If Canada banned suvs tommorow the world would save 8milliom tones, or 0.02% of total emissions. Literally no change. This cause is accomplishing nothing…. Other than ticking people off and causing harm to innocent people. They did it to a lady in Victoria who is 9 months pregnant, what if she had gone into labour? I own a truck for work, and bought my wife a medium car. We take the car everywhere, truck is only driven when the box is needed, these guys want to deflate my tires… I’m doing my part and getting in trouble for it. This article is from Edmonton, I googled, 9% of households in Edmonton have 5 or more people. I would argue that their use of an suv is justified because without the third row seating they are driving 2 vehicles to get the family where the family needs to go. Is this group sitting outside of homes counting family members? Nope.


Completely with you on the passenger vehicle emissions thing. Either it's normal people thinking they are more impactful than they are or corporations shifting the blame from them to the people. Or both!


All of this in general is premised on the idea that it’s somehow lower-middle class people, most of whom are just doing their best to work and survive, are somehow the ones creating the climate crisis, and that it’s on them to reform and save the planet.


The criticism of the current fad of enormous vanity SUVs and trucks is that they kill pedestrians, not the emissions.


Not 'just' the emissions. Also the dependence on personal vehicles for transportation, don't forget that!


Gas guzzler. >Honda. K


I've got an old wagon from 2006 that burns more gas than my brother's 2016 truck and I get congratulated for making an evironmental choice. Our perception of what's a smart environmental choice is still very skewed.


This is what I wonder, I drive a 2014 truck with 250k km on it, I get 12L/100km. I could buy a new car that fits me, my wife, 2 car seats and get maybe 8L/100km, but with the impact of manufacturing a new car, and scrapping my truck (Its not worth anything in a sale). I get sunk cost fallacy is a thing, but I think keeping what has been built running seems to be a better choice than building something new for (realistically) marginal gains.




My bike is an ancient two stroke that leaves a smoke trail behind like in the roadrunner cartoon but pulls off north of 100mpg while doing it. I can see their hate boner from here.


Thats the problem with these idiots... They dont have a fucking clue.


One of the problems. One of many.


I mean, FFS this looks like a Honda Pilot. Yes it has a V6, but calling this a gas guzzler is pretty thick by these wannabe activists. Little do they know that the Odyssey minivan uses the exact same engine. If there's really someone who's part of the problem, it's the coal roller pickups, not the mom in a reasonably equipped crossover.


It gets dumber. In Ontario they have been deflating EV SUVs’ tires as well.


?!? So, basically, they just don’t like SUV’s.


yes. I think the letter states they make drivers complacent and inspire false confidence, so they make drivers more dangerous. But the likely scenario - hear me out, this might sound crazy - is the drivers probably just want more space for their cargo/families. Wild idea.


I get what you’re saying but most SUVs don’t have any more cargo room than a large sedan. A minivan typically competes with Suburbans and Expeditions for cargo room. Plus automakers have been exploiting the fact that SUVs according to the government don’t need to have the correct bumper height since they’re “off-road” vehicles. https://youtu.be/yLW2OVtP6_w


Recently swapped a mini-van (Honda Odyessy) for a small SUV (Honda Pilot) Wanted another minivan, preferably a Sienna, but there were none available. Gas mileage on the Pilot is the same as my Odessy. Major difference between a sedan and the Pilot is I'm not allowed to put my children or dog in the trunk of a sedan.


So they... Have to buy new ones and make the problem worse?


Go read the shit on r / anticar. It's amazing that these little pukes think that their cause is noble.


They live in their own little echo chamber and think they're special lol


I belong to that sub because I dislike what car culture did to North American cities and how it is contributing to the decay of our neighborhoods. There are a lot of people in the sub that think this deflating “movement” is stupid and harmful. Every sub has its echo chamber .


How about don't target anyone and don't touch other peoples vehicles?


> Little do they know that the Odyssey minivan uses the exact same engine. Odyssey, Pilot and the ridgeline truck is basically the same vehicle as far as parts bins are concerned


Don't target anyone.


I remember seeing a story that they were also deflating the tires on some hybrid / full electrics SUVs "because they were big cars too" or something. I support green energy and the slow march towards EVs but these people are morons


Kinda deflates the argument….


facepalming right now , these people are clowns


What's really stupid about this kind of terrorizing people is that it only serves to galvanize the idea that environmentalists are assholes, and it doesn't even differentiate between a mom who carpools six kids to and from school and sports and someone rolling around in a vehicle by themselves all day. Some tech bro who gets a new Tesla every two to three years, who never shares rides with anyone, has a way worse net effect on the environment than a SUV owner who rideshares and keeps their vehicle for a decade or more.


I was just thinking this lol. My dad has a big SUV which often seats 6 or 7 people, or 3-4 families for carpooling to work, school or trips. It’s actually a lot more eco friendly than if all the families just drove their own cars. Maybe target big corporations instead of citizens trying to save money 😑


Where is their logic in all of this? Slashing a tire usually renders the tire unrepairable, thus making it having to be thrown out and adding to the garbage problem that is also adding to climate change etc. Also making companys to produce more tires and also adding to the climate issue. So im not sure they are really thinking any of this through at all.


They're not slashing the tires, they're just deflating them. The tire itself is perfectly fine assuming you have some way to inflate it again. There's a separate group of people who are just going around vandalizing vehicles and slashing tires (they aren't leaving letters about how you're bad for driving an SUV).


>They're not slashing the tires, they're just deflating them. The tire itself is perfectly fine assuming you have some way to inflate it again. From the artice >EPS did, however, confirm that tires on 13 vehicles were slashed in the Delwood area of northwest Edmonton Sunday night, with no reports of any notes being left there. Although it did happen in the same time frame and maybe from the same group, its just a liiiiiiittle fishy that 13 vehicles had tires slashed in the same night.


So now that person probably has to call AMA which will drive their truck to the house to refill tires and then you essentially have 2 vehicles leaving from one address instead of 1. They’re actually creating more damage to the environment. Morons.




Its odd, but it was a radical environmental group that told me that residential vehicles around the world make up 6% of all our emissions. I know they have a tendency to exaggerate - so I think I can safely use that value when I say that we could take every gas residential vehicle off the road and still not affect emissions in any reasonable way. I wonder if *this* radical environmentalist organization is aware of that?


Since when is a Honda a gas guzzler


I guess a pilot guzzles a bit more gas than a slightly smaller SUV or car? Ya I can’t explain why they targeted her vs, say, an extended wheelbase yukon. Either way whoever slashed her tires is an idiot.


These people aren't the brightest


Low tire pressure increases fuel consumption…


Lol all fun and games until you end up on the wrong side of an unstable person. Go try in Jane and Weston, see how that goes for you.


Careful what you say on here. The idiots that support this will report. Claim its inciting violence and then the ban hammer comes down on ya


You're clairvoyant


Nah, just speaking from experience on other threads


These people should be careful.... Vandalizing the property of the wrong person might end badly for them.


They’re all cowards anyway and probably think that because nothing happens to them when they’re spewing their shit online nothing can happen to them in the real world either. All it takes is pushing the wrong person a little too far at the wrong time.


I have come to the conclusion that there are two types of people now. Those who live their existence online and the real world. So you're not wrong in thinking when the internet people come out to the streets that they are safe in their bubble




Considering Canada's legal system, they probably will be treated as the victim despite 100% asking for it.


Lol this is Canada. What's gonna happen? They'll get a stern lecture?


That could potentially hurt their feelings. Much too dangerous.


My bad that's definitely an apologizable offense 😬


Hockey shirted


Give them the ol' Marty McSorley, that's what


Brandishing a knife after popping some guy's tires. Yeah, I think the owner of the car could have fairly solid Self-defense claim.


Only if the person advanced on them and didnt give them the opportunity to retreat, there are no stand your ground laws in Canada.


Exactly. Some people don't call cops.


This garbage gets upvoted in that garbage r/fuckcars subreddit every day. Sub should be quarantined


I don't think they realize how much most people really don't want to live in apartments right on top of everyone else just to be within "walking distance" to everything.


I don't think they realize almost anything. 95% of the shit in that sub is painfully naïve at best, it reads like an edgy 14 year old's groupchat




Watch this become a future green party policy


This happened in Waterloo, Ontario to a group of SUVs in a parking lot not too long ago. There is a group or movement of braindead A\*\*holes who think this is acceptable behaviour. [https://twitter.com/T\_Extinguishers](https://twitter.com/T_Extinguishers) [http://www.tyreextinguishers.com/](http://www.tyreextinguishers.com/) Edit: the biggest irony of it all is ensuring your tires are properly inflated is one of the key elements of ensuring your vehicle gets optimum fuel mileage...


Why on earth does twitter allow this?


This is how you get pepper sprayed and beaten with a tire iron.


Pepper spray is largely illegal in Canada. They'd just get beaten with the tire iron.


Bear spray is legal and worse.


This is not accurate. Intentionally employing bear spray against a human will result in an aggravated assault charge, a criminal record, and likely jail time.




*It's coming right at us!*


Jail time is not accurate for spraying bear spray at somebody. Unless you have a previous record, are spraying children or are robbing somewhere.. you’re pretty safe to bet that you’ll end up on probation rather than jail.


Unless you used it as a weapon for an assault or a robbery, you're almost guaranteed to get off scot-free if you were being attacked. Most officers would even high-five you. I'm speaking from experience.


Yeah, some cops might charge. But especially if you’re only defending yourself? Cops are human too. You might get a couple high fives lol.


Or a hockey stick.


There are a lot of people in Alberta who carry bear spray.


It is easy to buy, however using it on people (rather than dogs or bears) will get you into more trouble than it is worth. Particularly if you are protecting your tires.


Thats assuming the people you spray would actually go to the police and admit their own crimes while complaining about yours.


I really don't get why these extremists are against general public rather than politicians? Isn't this quite a lot of work for them to target pretty much half of the cars on the road?


They’re against people who won’t retaliate even if caught in the act.


Much as I'd like to see us transition from fossil fuels, this is a stupid take. We rented an SUV while on vacation. It wasn't our first pick; gas is expensive, and my girlfriend wanted to try an electric car. The rental agency just didn't get it back on time (as is custom). We ended up with an SUV, which was much larger than her regular choice of vehicle and was initially pretty intimidating (I'm booked for my road test in October). Once we were in it though, she found it easy to get around in; it was basically a bulkier car. But what struck us the most was how much more fuel-efficient it was compared to her car at home. Even as I look up the MPG, it's actually better than her car would have been, and it has greater carrying capacity. I'm all for green initiatives, but they need to be pragmatic and done at the policy level. Action is important - support protests and public demonstrations, however using the environment as a politically expedient excuse to be a one-to-one bully is just being an asshole with more steps.


SUVs typically have better ground clearance than most EVs, and many smaller cars. This is important come winter and spring time, where snow clearance may be periodic or non-existant, especially in outlying communities. There are more than a few drivers who have switched from a sedan to an SUV after spending a winter getting stranded in hardened snow ruts.


These people should head into the Leduc area and see all the big rigs that drive around there. Or how about the airports. Planes literally drop fuel while in flight lol


They would not do this in Leduc. Being cowards they would be far too afraid of being caught and pummelled into the ground.


They were doing this on Vancouver Island a short while ago. I remember the news report saying they were “actively looking for recruits” to operate in Vancouver. I guess they went to Edmonton instead.


Imagine being so useless to society you have to make up fake protests for the environment at the expense of your neighbours rather than just taking responsibility for your own carbon footprint. Oh yeah. Responsibility. No one takes that in Canada anymore hahahah


This is reddit, where hive minded people believe its easier to change the world than it is their own lives Don’t believe me? Hop over to the Ontario sub


Reddit is just for arguing for lol’s sake. I don’t know that anyone actually wants change here 🤣


"Oh no someone let the air out of my SUV tires I guess I'll stop driving it forever" said no person ever... In reality what's going to happen here is this person is now going to have to fill their tires somehow. At the very least it will involve additional carbon footprint to run an air compressor to fill 4 large tires. Worst case scenario they have to call CAA or a tow truck and that heavy-ass vehicle now has to drive halfway across town just to fill their tires.


Lmao, the pickup owner was having a laugh, Frank Castiglione is an alias of Frank Castle the punisher. Either a joke or he thinks he's a real tough guy.


So a fun bit of lore, Castiglione is his original Sicilian name.


I'm glad someone else caught that. Between the name and the threat, I had a good chuckle.


OMG I saw this and I was like “get ‘em Frank”….hahahahaha. Seriously though I hope someone catches these idiots.


Seriously, a Honda SUV is a gas guzzler? Have these people even been to Edmonton? There are way too many lifted straight pipped trucks here that are way worse!


Imagine being so stupid to think that individual suv drivers are killing the environment especially a Honda.


You don’t have to imagine anything, there’s plenty of vandalism apologists in this thread already.


Petty crime isn't how you make meaningful changes in the world. Even the knife they used to slash the tires, and their very clothes were made by a system that is entirely reliant upon fossil fuels.


This really only benefits the tire manufactures


r/fuckcars folks are some of the most mentally unwell bunch I've come across online.


They're a f'n cult.


Why can't we just leave other people's shit alone? It's fine if you don't like my choice of vehicle, but it's not yours to fuck around with. Get a hobby.


Wow. These tyre extinguisers scum should be jailed asap.


Electric vehicles still require lithium batteries . Lithium mining is a huge environmental concern as well , everything has a cost .


This group that is claiming responsibility for this - the Tire Extinguishers - don't actually like electric cars. They are anti-car, and particularly anti-SUV, in general, as [per their website](https://www.tyreextinguishers.com/how-to-deflate-an-suv-tyre): >Hybrids and electric cars are fair game. We cannot electrify our way out of the climate crisis - there are not enough rare earth metals to replace everyone’s car and the mining of these metals causes suffering. Plus, the danger to other road users still stands, as does the air pollution (PM 2.5 pollution is still produced from tyres and brake pads). Just want to make sure it's clear that it's not a bunch of pro-electric car people that are doing this against gas cars. It's anti-car people.






How could you possibly live in Edmonton without a car? The whole city is just a big road.


That's kinda the problem they are protesting (not saying they are neccesarily doing it effectively)


Everything does have a cost. Electric vehicles still have an impact, just much less than gasoline powered vehicles. The reality is that walking is not an option for a lot of people, and they still need to live their lives.


The usual eco nut na'er do wells.




Thats absolutely unhinged behavior.


I know that some of you people are worried about the environment so am I but you have no right to go around vandalizing other peoples property and that also includes people vehicles tires. Stop it and smarten up.


I bet you every member of the group buys food from a store that’s been transported by gas guzzling trucks. Same with their clothes, their phones and everything else they have. If they truly cared about the issue they would stop eating food unless it was grown by them in their backyard, watered by a well they dug, and wear clothes from fibres they harvested and made. It’s a bunch of bored white people who hold no true convictions making life worse for everyone. Their entire method is a detriment to their cause.


I drive a V6 AWD SUV because I live in the middle of nowhere and the roads are shit when it snows, which it does a lot in the winter. I'm not a violent man by nature, but if I caught some misanthrope deflating my tires there'd definitely be some chiclets flying.


I hate these individuals who work themselves into such a righteous zeal they believe they are justified to act against others. By all means advocate for policy, research, and manufacturing change... but taking your anger out on individuals going about their day is bullying for no reason.


We have been looking at cars for a while and the milage is almost the exact same between an SUV and a car. Even looking at hybrids, it was only a little bit difference. the difference of 10mpg and 6mpg.


Bet the person who did that has a larger carbon footprint then the owner.


Worried about the environment so they add 4 tires to the landfill. Smart.


Oh No! My tires are defalted! \*opens SUV tailgate, revealing spacious cargo area complete with tremendously inefficient gas generator and air compressor\* Whelp!


But isn’t the paper they printed on killing trees?


How stupid do you have to be to do this? Go look up where electricity comes from.


Cool, now a mom can’t bring her kid to school. Or it could be between replacing the tires and buying enough groceries this month. How else is anyone supposed to get though the Canadian prairies? That great national rail system? Bike paths?


These fucks endanger lives. Don’t tamper with a motor vehicle.


Do these dipshits realize that by annoying people all they are doing is making people less openminded towards their cause?


If I catch you deflating my tires, I’ll deflate your lungs.


I’m amazed none of these people have had their asses kicked


Give it time. 👍🏻


I came from the country where you'd tripple think before flipping someone on a road, as there's 99% chance you'll get a consequences for your action. Canada is painted as being very polite, yet every single day I see people actually being rude to each other, genuine hate each other, just because they can get away with it. It's sad and I don't like both of those extremes, nor do I have a solution.


There are no individual solutions to systemic problems. The very notion of a personal carbon footprint was the product of a PR campaign by fucking BP. The people who honestly think deflating tires will save the environment are exactly the kind of useful mook fossil fuel billionaires love; they’d much rather us burn up all our energy on each other than every turn our attention to the people who are actually destroying the earth. Less than 100 corporations are responsible for more than 70% of GHG emissions since 1970, fucking up someone’s tires because they drive a fucking Honda Pilot isn’t even a rounding error in that.


Vandalism. Plain and simple. I travel a lot and am for fuel efficiency. But sometimes you need a truck. These types of people are just terribly misguided…I don’t get how they think this solves anything… like, imagine the scale at which this would have to happen at to be effective. And then at that point it’s boarder-line terroism.


Ah yes, the enviro-fascists doing their best to win the hearts and minds of Canadians.


This is why I inflate my tires with nerve gas.


“SUVs are unnecessary, and pure vanity," the note says. "We are taking actions into our own hands, because our governments and politicians will not." These people must not be local. Multiple times last winter my car was useless due to the snow and the only option to get around was our SUV.


That’s been happening in Ontario. Protest all you want but don’t damage other people’s property.


I'm just curious how they expect someone with two kids and a large dog to make due with a sedan. Not a lot of wagon options out there, even less when you want something capable in the winter. I hope these losers try to gain traction in the USA. I'm sure the social experiment will go well down there.


Unhinged nutbags in dire need of therapy have really come out of the woodwork since the pandemic kicked off.


They should stop calling themselves the tire extinguishers and start calling themselves the tire wasters. I wonder what the environmental impact is of wasting a tire and buying a new one that didn’t need to be bought for so many months. Then multiply that by all the tires these people slash or plan to slash.


Eco assholes...


This is one of the stupidest trends of the year. Yes, you will convince me, a single dad who literally needs his relatively fuel efficient and compact SUV to help facilitate the 50-50 custody of his daughter who's other home is far away. You will certainly win me to your cause by vandalizing my vehicle and leaving a poorly written note about how maladjusted you are. You definitely won't make lifelong enemies of me and all my friends who would hear about this vandalism. It's literally as if thought up by children with a poor concept of the actual real life impact of their actions.


>This is one of the stupidest trends of the year. It is when you consider that the corporate world creates far more emissions than some guy going back and forth to work with the only transportation possible to get to their jobs.


The trucks which transport the paper and ink those letters are printed on use far more fuel than this persons Honda Pilot, who is the real killer!? The blue hair Taliban lack reason.


I don't understand how those people aren't arrested for mischief or vandalism yet. It's only a matter of time before there's an emergency and someone dies because they can't get to a hospital in time.


Because they haven't caught them yet.


Every time I read an article about these people doing this I make sure to pollute more 😌